Novalyn Faye Swan

By Courtneylynn177

96.1K 1.7K 160

Isabella isn't the only Swan sister. She has a little sister that is 6 months younger than her (Charlie cheat... More

Accidents and soulmate meeting
The Greenhouse
Port Angeles
Bella 'Meets' the Cullens
Baseball and Nomads
Bella is ok
Bella's birthday and Pregnant Nova!
Zombie Bella for Months!
Dealing with Cullens being Back!
Graduation/newborn army
The Battle part 1
The Battle Part 2
Wedding prep
Wedding Day!!
Renesmee Carlie Cullen
Oh Shit!
Back in forks
Volturi Battle

Werewolves Exist?!?

3.5K 73 4
By Courtneylynn177

Bella continued to do dangerous things and hang out with Jacob. She thought she could see Edward if she is stupid. I still talk to Alice and Charlie regularly and this is what I named the babies. My little boy is Raiden James Cullen-Swan and my little girls are Jasmine Elizabeth Cullen-Swan and Summer Paige Cullen-Swan. (The names on the walls are their first and middle names.)




I spent a lot of time going to school, decorating the kids rooms, and going to check ups. It's been awhile and I sent Alice a picture of the nurseries.

Jacob has been ignoring Bella, so today I had a knock on the door so I answered and saw Bella she said "you want to hike with me?" I said "sure give me a minute to change." I changed into this.

I went downstairs and Bella said "woah you got big" I said "gee thanks Bell I never noticed" she held her hands up and walked outside. We hiked a good 3 hours until we got to a dead meadow because it's winter. She fell to her knees and then we heard it "Bella, Nova I didn't know you were human. I just came to see the Cullens." I zoned out while they talked. It wasn't until I heard footsteps behind me that I looked up and saw five huge wolves descending on us. I backed up and wrapped my hands around my stomach protectively.

They chased Laurent down and Bella grabbed my hand and we ran back to her truck. We drove to her house and ran inside once inside Bella started talking but I was too busy chugging water to listen. He said "stay here both of you" with that we went to her room to sleep.

In the morning she woke me up and said "get dressed" so I got dressed in this.

I got in her truck and she handed me a bowl of fruit. She drove to Jakes house and I had finished my breakfast. She got out and knocked on the door I slowly followed her, my sister is really crazy right now.

Billy opened the door and said "he is not in" she barged passed him and into Jakes room. I said "Billy I'm sorry about her" I heard a wolf whistle and Bella ran to the back so I chased after her. By the time I got to her she slapped a dude across the face and he started shaking.

One guy said "Bella get back" and nudged Embry Jake's friend to grab me. He pulled me back behind the one that talks and the one Bella slapped turned into a giant ass wolf. I groaned and said "here we go again" I walked to her truck and sat in, Bella, Embry and another named Jared followed me.

They drove us to another house and got out so I followed but Bella said "shouldn't we check on Jacob?" I said "Bella stop finding and pissing off supernatural bullshit got it. All you do is pull me into this shit and news flash I'm gonna be a mother so I don't have time to clean up your damn messes. Now I am gonna go inside and there better be food inside this house or I'm gonna be pissed." I opened the door to some random persons house and smelled amazing muffins. I said "hey I'm Novalyn Swan do you have any spare muffins for a pregnant lady?" This lady ushered me to a chair and gave me a plate of muffins. So I started eating them and omg they were so damn good. She said "I'm Emily Sam's fiancé. The boys walked in and Embry tried to grab my muffins so I slapped his hand and Emily said "who is this?" Jared said "Bella swan who else, and she isn't sharing" Emily said "those are hers your guy's is coming"

They kept talking and Emily put a bowl of muffins on the table. After a little bit Jake and the other man walked in he two tried to take my muffins so I slapped his hand then Sam came in and the guy said "Emily she won't share" Emily said "the plate is hers everyone else can share the bowl."

Sam said "excuse Paul, Nova he is a freak" I giggled Bella looked at me and said "Faye are you still mad at me?" I glared at her and said "what do you think? Come hike with me and we almost get eaten. Then you slap a random ass dude and we almost get torn apart. Yes Bella I am still mad at you I have three unborn children to look out for and all you want to do is get us killed by pissing off creatures that technically shouldn't exist. No offence guys" I stormed out and walked home. I went inside and had a shower then laid down.

Bella kept hanging with Jake and the wolves. Alice told me not to let the wolves know the babies are part Vamp. I made sure I had clothes up to 12 months, every size of diapers, tons of wipes, a three seater stroller, tons of binkys, bottles, and three car seats.

A couple of weeks later I was laying in bed sleeping when my phone rang.

Nova: hello?
???: Nova hey I'm coming to town
Nova: Alice? Why? Is he coming? Is he ok? What's going on Alice?
Alice: Nova he is fine, no he is not coming, I had a vision and Bella jumped off a cliff
Nova: of course she did I hope she brought Jake with her.

I heard "Nova!" And I was hugged so I hugged Alice back and she said "why do you not care that she killed her self?" I said "Alice she most likely didn't kill herself the wolves cliff jump recreationally it's supposed to be fun. If you don't believe me go to the house she will be there or will be there soon trust me." She nodded and left. I went back to sleep.

What I haven't realized was when I sent Alice to see Bella she was gonna take her to Italy to save Edward's dumb ass. Three days is what it took for Bella and Alice to text me they are ok. I lock the doors at night so that's what I did and then I went to bed.

I woke up to Bella shaking me awake and said "come downstairs" I sighed and came down in my Jammies.

My half asleep ass got downstairs and Bella handed me a hot chocolate. I finally looked up and then glared at Alice and Bella for zero warning. Alice said "if we warned you, you would have left" I groaned "what happened to I'm never coming back, I love you but it's better just to leave you pregnant and alone!" Rose said "Nova no one but Alice and maybe Edward knew you were pregnant" I said "oh that's not true I told the father and he still left. I'm too tired for this shit what are we doing it's early and I wanna sleep so why was I woken up? Or can kicking me out not wait until morning?" Carlisle said "Novalyn no one is kicking you out, Bella begin" I groaned and glared at her she held her hands up and said "first off I want to apologize for almost getting you killed twice in two days that was not my plan. Now you all know what I want and I know what I'm asking for so I propose a vote. Alice?" She hugged Bella and said "absolutely I already think of you as my sister" "Jasper?" He said "yes it would be great to not want to kill you all the time" "Emmett?" He hugged her and spun around and said "hell yeah" "Faye?" I sighed and said "you know what? Yeah that's a great idea maybe then you'll stop trying to get me killed and I can have these babies in peace" "Carlisle?" He looked at me and said "babies as in more than one? Bella yes I already think of you as my daughter and Edward you have chosen to not live without her and I will not lose my son." Edward groaned and i said "Carlisle to answer your question yes babies as in 3 annoying babies who never sleep and love to kick. Now may I go back to sleep or is there another vote or hell maybe another almost death tonight?" Bella said "go" and she moved. So I went back to bed locking my door.

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