
By littlegrey02

12.5K 448 419

Based off my first story taken, but way more better. More

Part one - Hopeless
Part two - Derek
Part 4 - who and where?
Part 5 - Boston Police
Part 6 - Sweet and Salty
Part 7 - Jane
Part 8 - So close
Part 9 - Despair
Part 10 - Broken
Part 11 - Dreams
Part 12 - Home sweet home
Part 13 - Awake at night
Part 14 - Therapy sessions
Part - 16 The unexpected
Part 17 - The Unexpected part 2
Part 19 - Lost
Part 20 - Stuck in the past
Part 21 - Three days
Part 22 - Mia
Part 23 - A seceret
Part 25 - Out of the dark
Part 26 - What?
Part 27 - Twenty hours later
Part 28 - Four days later
Part 29 - Just a dream
Part 30 - A faze
Part 31 -
Part 32 - The End

Part 3 - Child of darkness

723 14 8
By littlegrey02

Loud footsteps were heard over their heads, waking both of them up with a jolt. The footsteps got closer and closer making the two girls get worried when they heard the door of the basement open. And the footsteps started to walk down the stairs, followed by another set of footsteps. Their breaths hitched when they saw a tall man wearing all black clothing appear at the bottom of the stairs, followed by a little girl with pink bows in her hair and a long pink dress. The man gently grabbed the little girl's hand and knelt down at her level.

"These two girls are going to be the ones who save your mommy," He said as a smile grew on his face, he pointed at both Meredith and Lexie. Meredith looked at Lexie with a worried look on her face, while Lexie continued to stare at the man in front of them.

"How do you even know that we have the capability of saving her mother, for all you know we could be homeless people who were dumpster diving," Lexie told him, her eyes traveling between him and the little girl.

"I know that you both are surgical residents and your names are Meredith and Lexie Grey." the man told them, his smile was still shown on his face. "Your husband is Derek Shepherd am I wrong?" He asked, pointing his finger at Meredith.

"Yes," She muttered looking at the floor. She missed him so much, it was hard to hear his name without wanting to break down and cry. 

The little girl looked at the two girls in front of her with a look of curiosity on her face. She looked between Lexie and Meredith, her eyes wide and puffy. She looked happy but she looked sad at the same time. She was an eleven year old girl who just wanted her mom back.

"W-why are they in chains Jack?" The little girl asked.

"Because they wouldn't have come if I asked." He told her as he looked her in her eyes. "We need them to help your mother."

"Ho-how do you know if they wouldn't have helped you?"

"Because Aninie, Meredith's husband over here already said no to us already."

"They are no help to us if they are chained up!" Annie pouted, pointing her finger at the two very silent girls in front of them.

"Look, we would be-" Meredith spoke, but was interrupted. 

"Hush, let me talk to my niece." Jack growled.

"See, she's trying to help." Annie whined.

"Why don't you go to your room." He told her placing both hands on his hips.

"You're not my dad you can't-"

"But I am your uncle and I have to take care of you because your dad is away fighting for our country and your mom has cancer." Jack told her, his voice was calm and collected.

Annie sighed, looking between Lexie and Meredith before looking at her uncle and leaving to go run up the stairs. When he heard the door slam shut he turned to face them, his hands now in his pockets. He sighed, running his hand through his short blond hair. He looked at the two girls, his face now neutral.

"Look, my sister is sick." He sighed looking between the two girls in front of him. "The only way i'm going to let you two go is if you save her," He told them, his arms were now firmly crossed over his chest.

"We are only residents, we can't do the work of an attending." Meredith spoke softly, trying her best to stay calm.

"Oh I believe you can!" Jack told her, stepping toward her with a mischievous grin spread across his lips. "I know your husband,"

"Yea, and?" she asked, her eyebrows smashed together in confusion.

"He let my wife die, but you." He paused, whispering the last two words "You were the one who seemed to not want to give up on her," He was now kneeled down at her level, looking her in the eye.

She remembered Jack, his wife was a patient of Derek's. She had Alzhimers. Well, that's what she thought. Because the trial was shut down she was unable to get the placebo that could possibly help her live longer.  Meredith looked at him with terror in her eyes. It was her fault his wife had died, not Derek's. She messed with the trial to save Addel. She swallowed nervously as she looked at Jack, his eyes burning into her skin.

"I-I. It was my fault she died, not his." Meredith stammered. "I got the trial to shut down so your wife was unable to get the drug she needed,"

"You better fix my sister then." Jack growled, his eyes wide with anger, he punched the ground as he stood up. His eyes welling with tears and his fists curled up in balls. "You better do it fast because i'm going to make your life a living hell while you are here." He spat, making Meredith flinch as he threatened to lunge toward her.

Jack turned around and started to stomp up the stairs, not looking behind him as he disappeared into the darkness of the staircase. As soon as Meredith heard the door slam shut she let out a gasp of air, she grabbed her chest trying to catch her breath. This was the first time she's ever been this scared in a while. As she continued to try and slow her breathing, she felt a gentle grasp of her shoulder. She looked over to see Lexie, who had tears growing in her eyes. She was scared too. Meredith could feel hot tears streaming down her cheeks, she couldn't stop the fast breaths that were coming in and out of her lungs. She was having a panic attack. She felt Lexie's hand move up and down her shoulder, trying to help her calm down in some way.

"Hey, you are Meredith Grey. Child of Darkness, you will make it through this alright?" Lexie whispered "Besides, I am that should be breaking down and becoming a mess, not you." She added.

Meredith let out a soft chuckle, she was the child of darkness and she was able to conquer anything that came at her. Meredith Grey breaking down in a crisis? That wasn't her at all. But she was still scared, she was scared for Lexie's safety as well as her own. She knew that she would get through it, but she didn't know if she'd make it out alive. Lexie made her realize, was that she needs to be strong for her little sister and go down fighting. That way Lexie would make it out alive.

At the hospital:

Word really does spread like wildfire at Seattle Grace Mercy death, I mean West. By the time Alex and Cristina told Bailey about Meredith and Lexie, there was a swarm of people surrounding them. Asking questions and trying to find answers. The small General surgeon became annoyed by the audience that had been formed in just seconds.

"I know we are all worried, but we all have a job to do. Save lives!" She yelled, making the crowd leave in a scramble. She let out a huff of air looking between the two anxious residents in front of her.

"So." Cristina mumbled, twiddling her thumbs. Her eyes glued to the floor.

"They will be found either way." Bailey spoke softly, placing a hand on her shoulder.

"I really hope so." Alex said, letting out a sad sigh.

"Guys." They heard an exasperated voice say behind them, they all turned to see no other than Derek Shepherd, holding his phone in his hand, with tears streaming down his cheeks.

"Derek." Cristina sighed, looking at him. He looked so depressed.

"Shepherd, you shouldn't be up here." Bailey spoke softly

"He-He called me." He mumbled

"Who?" Alex asked confused

"The-Their kidnapper." He spoke trying to catch his breath, holding up his phone and pointing at it with his other hand.

All three rushed over to him, their eyes glued to his phone. Alex was the one to take the phone from him. He looked at the phone, only to see "Unknown number" in his recent calls. Alex sighed, showing the other two the phone. Making them put their heads in their hands.

"This is no help." Alex sighed

"Wh-what did he Say to you Derek?" Cristina asked anxiously.

"He told me that he had them in his basement and wasn't going to let them go until Meredith and Lexie helped his sister. I-I guess his wife was a patient of mine, she died in my hands or something. He told me Meredith was going to pay." Derek rambled, the three tried to understand what he was saying. "He knows about the trial, but his wife was never on my trial, his wife had a tumor that was inoperable. He's making her think that it is her fault his wife died."

"Uh." Alex sighed, once Derek stopped talking. He looked between Cristina and Bailey. He had a slightly confused look. Cristina elbowed him because of his rudeness.

"Okay,Okay." Cristina sighed, tried to comprehend what he said. "Did he say his name?" She asked

"No. And the worst part is, I turned down so many tumor cases. How are we supposed to figure out who he is?"

"He can always look through the files." Bailey said "Did you turn down his sister too?"

"Yes," He sighed, running a hand through his hair, a hot stream of tears streaming down his cheeks.

"Look, lets go and try and narrow this down. Alright?" Cristina told him, she placed a hand on his shoulder, trying to give him some comfort.

"Okay," He muttered

"Lets go," She told him as the four of them began to walk down to the library to look for his past patients' charts.

She had a hand on his back the whole way down stairs, trying to comfort him the best she could. She never did that to anyone, well maybe Meredith. But that's it. This was Meredith's husband, she needed to try and keep him sane while they tried to find both Meredith and Lexie. But she knew that it would be hard being that it was Meredith that was missing, as well as her little sister. Derek and Lexie were so close, she is a sister to him

When they got to the library they started digging into every patient Derek's files they could find, until they found a patient similar to the kidnapper. Cristina had found a patient who had a husband whose name was Jackson Nickleson, his wife died of an inoperable brain tumor. He also had a sister, who was diagnosed with a tumor in her brain and her liver. She also had inoperable tumors and was still alive. She was one of the patients who he turned down.

"Would if it's these two?" Cristina asked him cautiously.

Derek gently took the chart from her hands and looked at it. Meredith was on her case, on both of the females cases. He let out a soft sigh, handing the chart back to her. He nodded, rubbing his eyes with his palms. Alex and Bailey calmly looked at the two exchange glances back and forth. This had to be him, they all thought.

"Okay, we need to go to the police right?"

"How?" Cristina asked "We can get in so much trouble doing this."

"We-we'd be violating HIPPA laws by doing that, we'd be disclosing the patients information. So much information." Bailey muttered

"I can tell them, I can say I looked back on old case studies because I got the call." Derek cut in. Hope was written across his face, he looked between the three surgeons staring at him.

"What if this guy is setting you up? He knows you would be sad about this whole situation. Look, Derek, he could sue you for telling the police about his sisters and wife's medical issues." Cristina told him, watching as his face dropped to the same sad look he had on earlier.

"Crap." Alex sighed "There has to be a better way,"  

"Right now there isn't" Cristina sighed, as they all looked at Derek, who had an expressionless look on his face. He let out an exhale, looking around the room when he saw the three doctors glancing over at him.

Derek got up slowly, glancing back at the three surgeons. He ran a hand through his hair, shaking his head slowly. He let the tears fall from his eyes. He regretted being so mean to Meredith the day before she was kidnapped, now she was paying for something she didn't even do. Yes she messed with the trial, but Jacks wife never had Alzheimer's, so how could it be her fault? It wasn't, because Derek said he didn't want to operate on his wife's tumor. She was sent home and soon passed.

"Derek." Cristina sighed

"I'm not okay." He told them, as he began to walk away.

"Are you okay to be driving home though?" Bailey asked

"No, i'm going to go to an oncall room." He muttered, then disappeared into the dark hallway.

The three all sat there in silence, until Alex came up with an idea. But it was an idea that could ruin his whole career. The two women cringed at the fact of him even doing that, but after all he still felt guilty for her losing Zola and the trial ending. It was still a stupid idea.

"No." Bailey barked "This man is trying to set us up and you know it!"

"We have the evidence right here!" He argued

"You are throwing your whole career away!" Bailey barked back

"But it's to save Meredith and Lexie." Cristina cut in, her voice calm. It stopped the two from continuing to argue. She glanced between the two infront of her "I miss them so much already. I agree with evil spawn."

"Let's form a group of people tomorrow." Alex told her, as he turned around in his chair to look at her.

"I'm not letting you two throw your career away." Bailey spoke firmly,

"This is for Meredith and Lexie!" Alex shouted, standing up in his chair.

"Alex, you are tired. We all are, let's just talk about this tomorrow, alright?" Cristina spoke before Bailey was able to blow up in flames. Her face was already scrunched up with anger.

"Fine." he sighed "Call me first thing in the morning," He told her and then after that took off toward the door in anger. He too disappeared into the darkness of the hospital hallway.

"Yang." Bailey scolded looking at her resident.

"This is for Meredith and Lexie." She sighed, getting up from her chair. "I need my person back safely.

Cristina left Bailey in the library, her shoes hitting the tiles in the quiet library. The library was empty, the only person in it was Bailey. She let the door close behind her as she walked into the dark hallway. Cristina loves her career, but she'd risk it for only one person. Meredith. She had to do it, even if this man would sue her and Alex and of course any other doctor who wants to help. 

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