You're My Major - Jasper Hale...

By xxmelissakxx

50.3K 990 501

Third in You're My Monster Saga Summary: Alexia Swan's life has been turned upside when Bella goes to Italy t... More

Story Details
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6/Finale

Chapter 1

7.7K 138 69
By xxmelissakxx

You know when you go through a bad time and keep thinking it can't get any worse than this? Well, this is not one of those times. Ever since Bella and Edward came home from Italy, everything's gotten worse. Jacob has been ignoring Bella so she has been freaking out. Edward is always over all the time these days. Of course without my dad knowing.

We have the Volturi over our heads, just waiting for Bella and I to turn. The only good part was that I got to see Jasper every day. Bella got ungrounded a few days ago. Dad said the only reason she is ungrounded is that she's finally been following the rules. His only rule now is that she has to use her freedom to see her friends...Like Jacob.

Edward hasn't been letting her though. She was going to see him that same day but he stopped her. Jasper knows I will still go to the reservation with or without his consent. He knows I don't give a shit about his consent on that matter. My other best friends live there and I will see them. The pack knows about The Volturi wanting to change me.

They are upset about it but there is nothing they can do. Jasper met Sam, Paul, and Jared at the treaty line with me one day to talk about it. He told him how Bella didn't inform us about the deal with The Volturi. No one in the family wants to change me but if I'm not changed soon, the Volturi will kill me.

That is the only reason the pack will let me be changed without hurting the Cullens. I am the only change to the treaty. Sam wasn't going to change it for Bella since she wants to be a vampire and planned on it before the Volturi talked to her. Even though the pack and council said it was okay, I'm still waiting till the very last second before I get changed.

My head snaps up from my thoughts as Kevin and Alice run into the house. Jasper and Emmett put down the controllers they were using and stand up.

"Everyone! Living room! Now!" Alice says, quickly before pacing around.

Esme, Carlisle, and Rosalie run into the room. Jasper puts his hand out for me to take. I gently put my hand in his and when I'm fully standing, he wraps an arm around my waist.

"What's going on, Alice?" Carlisle asks, softly.

"At school today, I had a vision. Victoria is coming this weekend!" Alice says, stopping in her steps.

"This weekend?" I ask.

She nods.

"Bella and Edward are going to go to Phoenix to see your mother while you are going down to the reservation." Alice explains her plan.

"Why don't Ally and Bella go to Phoenix?" Jasper speaks up.

"Bella will be set on Edward going so that he can meet their mother again." Alice informs him.

Jasper rolls his eyes.

"Would you like me to inform Sam?" I look over at Carlisle.

"That would be best." He nods once.

I walk out of the room as I pull my cell phone out of my pocket. I find Sam's contact and giggle at his photo. I had just gotten my new phone and I was hanging out with the pack at the Uley/Young house. Jared was going around taking photos of everyone before we went to the movies. It was the best photo I could find of Sam.

It just so happened to have Paul in it as well.

I press call and put the phone to my ear, waiting patiently for him to answer.

"Sam speaking." I hear his deep voice say.

"Sam, it's Ally." I say.

"Oh, hey!" He says, in a softer voice.

"We have a problem." I sigh.


"Alice had a vision and Victoria's gonna show up this weekend." I inform him.

"The red-head? We'll be waiting." He says before telling the guys.

"Bella is going to Arizona with Edward while I'm coming the reservation." I finish telling him.

"You're always welcome here, Sunshine. He's...he's not going to turn her yet, is he?" He says, hesitantly.

"No. She doesn't even know the real reason she's going." I shake my head, even if he can't see.

"Thank you for informing me, Ally. I will see you this weekend."

"Can...Can you have Emily make those brownies again?" I ask, sweetly.

He laughs before asking Emily. I don't hear her answer.

"She said if you bring the chocolate chips, she'll make them." He says, still chuckling.

"Deal! Bye, Sam!" I quickly say, hanging up.

I walk into the living room and nod toward Carlisle.

"The pack knows about her now and will keep her off their land." Carlisle informs the family.

"Hopefully she runs to Canada." Emmett mumbles and sits down.

I shake my head and look at my watch.

"I have to get to the station. Bella, Dad, and I are going out for dinner tonight." I look at Jasper.

He picked me up this morning since my car wouldn't start. He has a suspicion Edward did it so Bella wouldn't try and take my car to the reservation. Jasper walks me out to his car and we take the drive to the station. We don't talk much throughout the ride but it's a comfortable silence. It always is when I'm around Jasper. Just being near him makes me happy and content.

We pull into the parking lot to see Edward's car is already there. I roll my eyes.

"He's just trying to be a kiss ass." I mumble causing Jasper to chuckle quietly.

He walks me up to the door just as my father, Bella, and Edward walk out the front door of the sheriff's station. I glance up at Jasper, an unspoken question between us. He nods at me, letting me know that I'm not the only one sensing the tension between his brother and my dad and sister. Feeling his hand gently squeeze mine in a reassuring manner, I let out a soft breath and smile a little bit.

"Don't worry, darlin'. It'll all be ok." He murmurs just low enough so I'm the only one that can hear him.

I nod. "I love you, Jazz. It'd just be better if your brother wasn't such a dick."

He snorts with laughter and nods. "Tell me 'bout it, sweetheart."

I giggle, feeling better already. We walk closer to my dad, Bella, and Edward, and not even for a second does Jasper let go of my hand. Dad looks between my boyfriend and I, a little bit of confusion in his eyes.

"It is still just you, Bells, and I?" He asks, his eyes meeting mine.

I give him a soft smile and nod while Jasper speaks up.

"No, sir. I'm just dropping her off. I wouldn't want to intrude tonight. I'll see y'all later." He says, his voice soft.

Dad smiles and nods, offering him a silent thanks. I know dad was looking forward to dinner with just Bella and I tonight. Although, Jasper and I both know that dad would let Jazz tag along if he really wanted to. But, with Edward standing right there, it's just easier to turn down the unspoken offer.

We all say our goodbyes. Dad shakes Jasper's hand with a knowing look in his eyes and a smile, but just gives Edward a silent stare and firm handshake. Bella hugs Edward, no doubt trying to get him to come up with an excuse to get her outta the dinner, but he doesn't. Jasper and I share a tight hug and a loving but semi-quick kiss. Bella doesn't acknowledge Jasper, and I think it's because she's still mad about him sneaking away to see me while she had to go without Edward when they all moved away. The only thing I offer Edward in terms of goodbye is a raised brow, and my arms crossed over my chest.

You don't have to be a vampire to know that I'm untrusting of Edward, and my body language is more than enough evidence of that. He looks away from me before turning to walk back to his car, only pausing when he's a few feet away and turning to look back at Bella.

"Oh...Bella? My parents wanted to remind you about the...airline ticket you got for your birthday." He says.

Bella just stares at him, suspiciously, but Edward, being smart for once, plays it off and acts clueless. Dad jerks his head, looking between the two of them, clearly confused.

"What airline ticket?" He asks.

Bella shrugs. "A round trip ticket to see Mom in Florida."

"Wow...that was generous." He blinks a few times, shock taking over his confused expression.

Edward nods. "And, it expires soon. They say you might wanna use it this weekend."

"Well, I can't just drop everything and go!" Bella rolls her eyes.

"It might be your last chance to see her before you graduate." Edward says, somewhat softly.

Sure enough, that hits home with Bella and I can see her thinking it over. Despite Edward being pushy on the matter a moment ago, he said exactly what was needed to get Bella to think about agreeing to go: mentioning it would be her last time seeing her. Dad raises a brow and looks between them once more.

"Well," He starts, looking at Bella. "It might not be a bad idea. Get out of the town for a couple of days. Get some distance."

Bella nods. "Yeah. I wouldn't mind seeing Mom...As long as you use the companion ticket."

She looks at Edward, giving him a look. Before he can reply, though, Dad cuts in.

"Wait. Just two tickets? Super! That makes me really happy! You can take Ally-Cat with you. I want you girls both to go."

"NO!" Bella cuts in at the same time I speak.

"That's ok, Dad. I can go without seeing mom. I'd rather just stay with you and Jasper, here in Forks."

Dad sighs. "I want you girls both to go."

"No! Edward will go with me. Not Ally. That's that. I want mom and Edward to hang out. I need at least one of my parents to like my family." Bella says. "So, Edward's going. Besides, I don't want to be stuck on a plane with Ally for hours. Not right now."

I raise a brow and hold onto Jasper's hand tighter since he took it right after Bella mentioned the companion ticket. I know my sister's mad at me, but that was just low. Even for her. Dad holds his hands up in surrender. Edward barely manages to hide a smirk, but I still spot it and the moment I glare at him, he loses it completely. It's his fault we're even in this situation to begin with.

"If Edward doesn't go, then I won't either." Bella stands her ground. "So, either he goes with me, or I'm staying here."


Third Person POV

That weekend Ally goes to Sam's house while Edward goes with Bella to Florida. Charlie tries for two days to change Bella's mind since it's her birthday gift but it falls on deaf ears. It's now Saturday night and the Cullens are waiting in the woods in the spot where Alice saw Victoria in her vision. The wolves are on the other side of the forest looking for her scent.

Sam and Carlisle agreed to work together but they have to stay on their own part of the land. Sam was not risking the treaty over this. Alice stands near Kevin while the rest of the Cullens, except Edward of course, are spread out. Jasper stands near Emmett. His head is clear but he's still worried about Ally. He's not sure who's watching the house but he's praying she's going to be okay.

"You sure this is where you saw her?" Kevin asks, glancing at Alice.

"She's almost here." Alice says, staring into the distance.

They wait for a few minutes, hoping Alice is right. Alice spins around, looking toward Emmett and Jasper.

"On your left."

Without any hesitation, Emmett and Jasper run as fast as they can to their left. Rosalie is close behind them. Kevin and Carlisle go wide, looking to cut off the red-head. Esme and Alice are in the back just in case she stops. Jasper and Emmett run behind Victoria as she runs through the trees. She grabs a vine and swings onto the reservation's land.

Carlisle quickly stops his steps.

"Wait!" He calls out causing everyone to stop. "She's in their territory!"

Not even a second later, the wolves' howls are heard.

"She'll get away." Rosalie says.

"No she won't." Jasper says, running down the edge of the treaty line.

Victoria jumps from tree to tree, realizing that this is the line that neither will cross. She jumped into a tree onto the Cullen's side before jumping down to the ground. She runs with Emmett close behind her. He grabs her shoulder and hair before she flings him sideways using her momentum to her advantage. Emmett flies through the air and hits a tree close by.

He growls and chases after her again. He glares and jumps over the treaty line just as Victoria does.

"Emmett! No!" Esme yells, watching him.

Paul, in wolf form of course, does not like this. He jumps and crashes into Emmett causing both of them to lose sight of Victoria. The pack and Cullens both stop in their tracks as Emmett lands into the water separating the treaty. Emmett immediately stands up and growls toward Paul. 

Paul growls and snaps toward him. Victoria watches the exchange before smirking and running into the distance.

Sam quickly phases back in a bush and puts on his shorts and runs over.

"What the hell is going on?" He asks, not seeing the exchange, too focused on the red-head.

"Emmett was trying to catch her when he jumped over the treaty line." Carlisle sighs. "I am very sorry, Sam."

"Paul. Go!" Sam commands.

Paul growls and Sam points toward his house. Paul glares at Emmett before running. Sam glances at Jasper before looking at Carlisle.

"You're lucky that Ally loves one of you or there would be a war between us for his little stunt. Stay on your side of the line." Sam glares.

"Of course." Carlisle nods.

Sam turns around and walks away with the rest of the pack.

"Emmett, what were you thinking?" Kevin snaps slightly.

"I was thinking that bitch is trying to kill my best friend." Emmett glares. "I don't care about a treaty while my best friend is being hunted."

He jumps out of the water and walks toward their house. The Cullens sigh before one of them speaks up.

"I was about to do the same damn thing." Jasper glances at his family before following Emmett.

Back at the Uley/Young house, Ally is sitting with Emily playing a small card game, waiting for the pack to come back.

"Do you have a two..." Ally is cut off by the back door slamming open.

"Don't slam my door!" Emily turns toward the door.

Paul stomps in and paces around.

"Paul?" I say, trying to get his attention.

"Tell your lee...Cullens to stay the hell off the reservation!" He growls slightly.

"If you're going to speak to me, you will speak to me calmly." Ally leans back in her seat.

Paul takes a few breaths before he slowly calms down.

"What happened?" Ally asks, softly.

"One of the Cullens jumped over the line to catch the red-head. I had to stop him. He knows not to cross." Paul growls softly.

Ally crosses her arms and sighs.

"He probably thought he had the chance to grab her." She says.

"I don't care. Stay off Quileute lands." He shakes his head.


It's now Monday morning and Ally goes with Jacob to see Bella at school. She had a sleepover with Emily since Em wanted to start planning her wedding, even with everything going on. She thought it would be a good way to keep this off their minds. Ally stands next to the motorcycle that Jake's sitting on, waiting for Bella who pulls in a few seconds later.

Bella quickly gets out of the Volvo and runs toward Jacob but Edward stops her.

"Jake!" Bella says excitedly, stopping in her tracks.

"Ally and Charlie said you left town." Jacob says, standing straight.

"Yeah. To visit my mom, why?" Bella raises an eyebrow.

"Just checking to see if you're still human." He shrugs.

"Told you." Ally rolls her eyes.

Jacob starts thinking about what happened between Paul and Emmett which causes Edward to become distressed.

"I'm coming here to warn you." Jacob watches Edward. "If your kind comes on our land again without permission..."

"Wait, what?" Bella watches the boys.

"You didn't tell her?" Jacob growls very slightly.

"Just leave it alone, Jacob." Edward says.

"Tell me what?" Bella crosses her arms.

"Emmett and Paul had a misunderstanding, there's nothing to worry about." Edward shrugs.

"What do you mean without permission?" Bella looks at Jacob.

"Empath has been on the reservation to talk to the council." Jacob shrugs before looking at Edward. "Did you lie to get her out of town, too?"

"You should leave. Now." Edward steps forward.

Ally glances around the parking lot, seeing everyone watching them. Kevin and Alice are watching from a distance, making sure a fight doesn't break out.

"She has the right to know just like Ally did. They're the ones that the red-head wants." Jacob snaps.

"Victoria?" Bella's eyes widen. "Alice's vision."

"I was trying to protect you." Edward looks at her.

"Ally knew! Why couldn't I?" Bella snaps.

Ally rolls her eyes.

"Because I was there when Alice told them about the vision. You also didn't want me to go with you to Florida." She says.

"We're going to talk about this, but..." Bella turns to Jacob. "You. Why haven't you called me back?"

"I had nothing to say." He watches her.

"Well, I have tons." She says, walking toward him.

"Hold on." Edward grabs her arm. "Bella."

"Edward, you have to trust me." She practically begs.

"I do trust you. It's him..." He glances at Jacob. "I don't trust."

They stare at each other for a moment before he lets her go. Bella walks with Jacob to his bike and they both climb on. Jacob grins as he starts the bike. Bella takes the helmet Jake keeps on the bike and puts it on.

"Lose the grin, Jacob. We're just going for a ride." Bella says, holding onto him.

"Hang on tight." He smirks before speeding off.

"What about me?" Ally calls out after him.

Jacob ignores her and keeps riding away. Edward shakes his head before walking into the school. Ally looks toward Kevin and Alice who wave her over. She jogs toward them slightly.

"You can borrow my car." Kevin holds out his keys. "We'll catch a ride with Edward."

"Are you sure? I don't..." She starts.

"Go." Alice smiles widely.

Ally smiles before hugging them both. She takes the keys and quickly gets into Kevin's car. She wants to go to the reservation to smack some sense into Jacob but she drives toward the Cullen's house...with a smile on her face.

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