Beauty And The Vampire: It Al...

By aflowerwithwords

2.7M 112K 8.4K

A dark mysterious vampire fantasy novel * Everyone has heard of the tale of the Beauty and Beast. About a fat... More

23 complete
Story till now part I


4.1K 133 29
By aflowerwithwords

Warren lead Izabelle inside the workshop. All the way through she was enamoured by the beautiful iron pieces that lined the walls. Beautiful  swords, spears, shields and other weapons of all sizes were on one side. Materials of all colours and sizes lined the wall across. Some things were sparkling, some a little weathered, but all held to them a finess that was hard to come by. It seemed like pieces of different centuries and countries were collected and made in that room.

The person they were looking for was supposed to be in the inner court of the workshop and within a minute they were there. It was a big workshop for one person tugged away in a village not many have heard of. But for the travelling blacksmith this seems to be perfect.

Izabelle hadn't really imagined what the famed blacksmith would look like. She had however assumed that the man would be old due to his reputation. Especially after seeing the state of his house out front she just thought he may be a man well past the age of fifty. To have an desciple too you would need to be an old leaned man, right? However to her surprise a man who looked in his late twenties stood in front of her and introduced himself as the blacksmith she had sought for.

It was at that very moment things started to go wrong.

Just as Izabelle started to introduce herself, the horses outside neighed out loud. A loud noise of metal being thrown around disturbed the peaceful scenery in the village tucked away near the forest. Loud barking noises had Warren turning in a hurry.

"I'll be back in a minute," He stated before quickly rushing out. Izabelle nodded and turned towards the famed blacksmith.

"Sir Kareem, my name is Izabelle Edwards. My Lord and I were sent here by the good witch Eliana. She hoped you would have a way for us to enter Virania." A scream could be heard outside just as Izabelle was finishing her words. Her back straightened and her sense of danger shot up. She turned to look outside. She would have rushed out if not for the fact she was at someone's place as a guest and she required his help.

"I do indeed have a way for you to get there. However it seems like the safety barrier of this property have been shot up. Why would I help someone who brings trouble to my doors?"

Izabelle had no answer. She had for some reason expected the blacksmith to ask for nothing. The way Eliana had mentioned him she had instead wondered what was owed by him to be indebted to her.

"It would seems like we need to leave just as soon as we've arrived. Is there something you would need in return for this help?" The voices outside seem to have turned agitated. The prince ran into the room, in one hand he held a sword that dripped with blood.

"Izabelle we need to leave!" The prince stated grabbing her hand. She shot a look towards their host who continued speaking.

"Because Eliana had helped me, I will not make it difficult for you. You just have to deliver a message for me once you reach Virania. It's quite the simple task you see."

"Alright, we will do so." She said without thinking too much.

Just as she said that things floated in the air and lined up in front of her to hold. She freed herself from the prince's hold and collected them in a hurry.

There was what seemed like a letter, a traveler's permit, a short dagger and small case.

"Send the letter to the address written on top along with the case. The dagger is for your safety, consider it a special gift from me. My barrier will hold the people out for atleast another quater of an hour but you should leave without wasting a minute. I'll have Warren take you to the boats on the other end. That should keep people off your tail for a while."

Nodding, Izabelle gathered herself.  She found it strange how the workshop of a smith could be equipped with magical barrier but she dared not pry. There seemed to be story between Eliana and sir Kareem that would be saved for another day.

"Thank you for all your help Sir. Then we'll be leaving," Izabelle bowed politely. The prince also followed suit.

A sudden gust of wind startled Izabelle once she turned to leave but she paid it no mind and ran out to find Warren.

"Hmm.. quite interesting," the mysterious owner of the workshop mumbled to himself.


This arc is rushed, I'll be changing things when I re edit it sometimes. Chapter 40-42 will be edited to form a better story flow.

I got my self in a corner with this one. Another 1-2 chapter and I'll consider book 1 as finished. I have decided to split the story of the beast it into 2 books. I just needed to get this chapter out so that I can go forward. But it gets exciting from here on.

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