By hiraethsr

123K 4.7K 563

❝ a mermaid belongs to the sea. she cannot stay on land without the guarantee of her death. ❞ ❝ yes, but her... More

.call of the sea
.act one
i. verity of the sea
ii. a scroll of a quest
iii. a decision to make
iv. journey to rivendell
v. imladris
vi. son of arathorn
vii. a peculiar bunch
viii. a new friend
ix. secrets of the elves
x. frodo awakens
xi. arguing knuckleheads
xii. damsel in distress
xiii. fellowship of the ring
xiv. lasting goodbyes
xv. and so it begins
.act two
xvi. secrets revealed
xvii. tales of the sea
xviii. jealousy is a fickle thing
xix. bane of my existence
xx. mines of moria
xxi. they are coming
xxii. the first battle
xxiii. fall of one
xxiv. bonding experiences
xxv. lothlórien
xxvi. lady of light
xxvii. river of sorrow
xxviii. departure from the elves
xxix. dangerous rendezvous
xxx. grief, we meet again
.act three
xxxi. blue
xxxii. a new hope
xxxiii. responsibility of the crown
xxxiv. that fateful day
xxxv. determind souls
xxxvi. enemy's words
xxxvii. a trace of hope
xxxviii. garden of butterflies
xxxix. riders of rohan
xl. water spirits
xli. mysteries of the earth
xlii. the dead returns
xliii. ghost counsel
xliv. mother knows best
xlv. what happens now?
.act four
xlvi. start of it all
xlvii. guard buffoons
xlviii. the first clue
xlix. death's door
l. prince of edoras
li. shadow of blood
lii. desperate lies
liii. royal blood
liv. roman
lv. unveiled
lvi. blood and water
lvii. peace in the chaos
lviii. calm before the storm
lix. slaughter of innocence
lx. final day
lxi. the odds
lxii. pin-drop
lxiii. one final spark
lxiv. rain in the fires
lxv. to the death
lxvi. battle of helm's deep
lxvii. victory...or not?
.act five
lxix. from death to life
lxx. the awakening
lxxi. recovery from hell
lxxii. half of the peculiar
lxxiii. glorious defeat
lxxiv. victorious rejoice
lxxv. happiness at last
lxxvi. hail !
lxxvii. the darkness seeps in
lxxviii. temporary farewells
lxxix. mated souls
lxxx. bonds with a princess
lxxxi. the other side
lxxxii. rightful heir to the throne
.act six
lxxxiii. little girls
lxxxiv. what the future holds
lxxxv. lost time
lxxxvi. a cry for help
lxxxvii. start of the end
lxxxviii. death is a friend
lxxxix. just before the end
xc. endless thoughts
xci. father dearest
xcii. the night before
xciii. on the eve
xciv. outside looking in
xcv. boromir's return
xcvi. end of an era
.author's note

lxviii. end of the beginning

402 15 2
By hiraethsr

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❝ 𝒆𝒏𝒅 𝒐𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒃𝒆𝒈𝒊𝒏𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈 ❞

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As an elf, he was blessed — and simultaneously cursed — with the never-ending ability to live a longer life than the average man, about a century more than the others. He had been in this world of Dwarves and Orcs and Dragons for a prolonged time, living through the rise and fall of empires, and the discoveries of the great and the evil. He had seen wars and been through abhorrent battles of bloodshed and death between the good and the bad. He had seen armies that could terrify the bravest people in Middle Earth and felt the heat of dragon fire on his back. He had befriended Kings and Wizards, powerful beings with the skill to do anything. He had discovered something that half of the world didn't...something everyone thought was purely myth. He had felt the exhilarating feeling of love...for friends and family.

He had experienced everything anyone would want to experience in their life; the unconditional love of family, the thrill of fighting against evil, the adrenaline of saving an entire Kingdom, and much more.

However, nothing could compare to what he felt at that moment.

And nothing ever could. Because when he heard those words leave Aragorn's mouth, he felt like his entire world had been cracked into two and the darkness is seeping right through the gap, replacing the light and happiness of the mermaid princess he was so fond of. At that moment, his prolonged life of accomplishments and success was nothing to him if it meant that Vera would not be there by his side. Yes, he had seen wars and the impossible before his eyes and felt everything he thought he would need but after a long life of thinking and dreaming, he realized one thing that others didn't notice about him; he had never felt the power of having someone love him and love them back in a way that is different than the rest.

And none of that mattered the moment he found Vera. The one person in his life that made him feel more alive than he ever felt in his entire life. And if settling down to a mere King with no freedom — a concept he hated with all his might and avoided as much as he could — meant that he would still be hers and she would be at his side, he would do it without a moment's hesitation. Because he would do anything to be would her.

Yes, everything he felt in his entire life faded into nothing in comparison to what he felt right now. Every emotion, every sensation, every memory paled to nothing when compared to what he was going through after the Battle of Helm's Deep.

With his head in his hands and his mind consumed with images, Legolas sat on the bench by the Healing Halls in complete silence, letting his mind override his senses for the time being as he ignored the stinging on his arms from the minor bruises on him. Someone had previously been ordered to tend him while he waited for news of her recovery but they have surrendered completely after he continued to ignore them and dismiss the pain in his right bicep. He could barely bring himself to care about himself, he certainly couldn't care less about others...at least, not in that moment. Ordinarily, he would be well-mannered and polite when someone is to talk to him — after all, it is elven customs — but he surely couldn't care about them now as his thoughts entirely clung onto Vera Adelaide, who is on the brink of death as we speak.

The sight before him is, to say the least, absolutely cataclysmic. The wide corridor by the courtyard of Helm's Deep is crowded in every inch with people, either alive or seriously injured. Legolas knows this because those who have died during the battle or have succumbed to their wounds have been led from the infirmary to the lower grounds, where it is less destroyed and a more decent place to respect their memory. He had seen Britta the War Hero been carried to the same grounds just a few moments before, followed by a despairing Edgar and a grieved Edmund. The stench of dried blood and death lingered in the air around Legolas, making his stomach churn in distress over what could possibly happen inside the Healing Halls.

He lifted his head to stare at the wooden doors leading towards the infirmary before placing it back into his hands to hide his welling eyes.

The only sounds being heard resonating through the crowded corridors is the bustling of the busy Healers inside the large Hall, as well as the occasional shouts when a body is failing to cooperate. The women and children have been let out of the caves by the end of the battle but they were not met with the same victory as before...no, they were met with a sight that caused more gloom and misery than ever. However, their presence is appreciated as the helpful healing hands of a woman have managed to heal half of those inside the healing rooms but it didn't do anything to ease Legolas' worry. The prince had been informed beforehand by Grimmund that Aldwin is inside those Halls, along with a handful of people, and are attempting to revive Vera from her horrid state. Currently, they are just waiting for the report of her well-being but nothing has come out of that room as of yet.

Grimmund is seated next to Legolas, his own head hung down in worry over his cousin. He had, after all, been the one that found her body beside Britta's amidst the horrors of battle. They both are clad in scars and bruises that are yet to heal and be tended to but neither of them has allowed anyone to treat them. No, all their worries are pointed at Vera and her recovery.

Although Legolas and Grimmund are stubbornly sat on their benches with distraught expressions, refusing to move or speak to anyone other than the voices in their head, the rest of the people around them throw themselves into work. Shortly after the battle, Aragorn had been preoccupied with his greeting with Gandalf the White as well as the provisions of the women and children, accepting the help from Thèoden and his men as they scour over the bodies and pick out those who are dead and those who are gravely injured. Elfswith has been greatly injured and is still clinging onto his life, and is said to be lying beside Vera in the infirmary as a number of healers work on recovering them by order of the King of Rohan. Corin and Neptune have been forced to help in the finding of bodies but occasionally visit from time-to-time to check on their Queen and family.

Meanwhile, Edgar is somewhere off to grieve his father — where? Legolas isn't sure nor does he entirely care at the moment — and the children are either recovering or attempting to bring more spirits into the dull stronghold. Èmiliya had even visited Legolas and Grimmund in the hopes that they would play with her but was whisked away by her aunt by the time a smile and a chuckle elicited from Legolas and Grimmund. The prince could clearly imagine how Vera would be reacting to his distraught state and the mere thought of her laugh brought another smile onto his face. Legolas' eyes focused on the far corner as his gaze lands on a dead child with his mother sobbing over him, accompanied by an even younger boy as he stares blankly at his late brother. His heart twists and he forces himself to look away.

Mercilessly, his attention is captured by something else as the Healer Halls' door swings open soundly. His head snaps up instantly after the slightest creak is heard from the opening, moving so fast that his neck nearly snapped and broke. By the mercy of the Valar, however, his neck remains intact as his wide eyes meet Aldwin's tired form. Grimmund immediately stands from his seated position to assist his father onto the bench he was previously been sitting on, noting the worried stretch lines on his face. Legolas moves from his own place, granting the man a little more space so he can rest peacefully after the long hours of battle and healing. Aldwin thankfully accepted the seat, sighing as he sat down and placed his head in his hands out of exhaustion.

He had been intent on healing his niece after the horrible circumstances presented in front of him but the exhaustion is wearing him down and tearing him apart...the evidence is seen in his eyes and in his visage. Despite this, he is determined to help his niece and heal his father...especially after everything he has lost.

Grimmund decided to break the silence. "Father...are they okay?" he asks cautiously, his voice gentle as he attempts to broach the subject without the outburst of either man. Though, it turned to be a grumble as he reluctantly took a tender tone.

Aldwin couldn't bring himself to answer immediately, obviously distraught at what they have faced inside that room but he knew he would have to answer, especially under the impatient stares of the elven prince and his son. They had a right to know, after all, she meant something to them both. Forcing his head out of his hands, he sighs once more before explaining in a soft voice as to not break the fragile silence of the corridor, "Your grandfather is still unconscious...we are afraid that he may be slipping into a prolonged, comatose state considering his wounds and the condition of his wellbeing. He is...weaker than the others but I suppose the mermaid tear has done him well for it may be his only saving grace, at the moment. All we can do is pray." Grimmund sighed in relief to the response but Aldwin is more concentrated on Legolas, who waits for the report on Vera herself. Grimmund seems to notice and sends his father a small nod.

Aldwin hesitates but begins nonetheless, "Vera, on the other hand, is more...well, let us just say that she is already in a comatose state. While her grandfather is responding to our movements in the smallest ways, Vera is completely unconscious and there is no sign of her recovery. We have done everything we can to heal her wounds and mend the bones in her body after taking an impact from the wall explosion but the pain is still prominently there. We have deciphered where her bruises may originate from and it may not be pleasant to hear." Aldwin pauses as he eyes Legolas, who is shuffling in discomfort before continuing, "she has a large wound on her side, closer to one of her important organs, that is flooding blood at an alarming rate. There is another bruise on her shoulder that is halfway pierced into her skin and another scar on her thigh that weakened her entire leg. Of course, there are other cuts along her skin but are rather minor compared to the others."

Grimmund and Legolas both grimaced at the information given to them by the older man as he struggles to formulate words in his explanation. Aldwin had seen the horrors of Vera's skin and the entire tear of her side, having even drenched his own hands with her blood after cleaning her major wound, which isn't something he would like to relive. The dullness in her hair and the paleness of her skin, to say the least, terrified him. It was like seeing his brother die all over again, only it was more fearing than the last time. However, he forces himself to continue, "one of her ribs are broken and we are attempting to heal it but it is harder as her skin is healing itself, courtesy of her mermaid abilities, but it is causing more trouble than usefulness. Her left ankle is twisted strangely in a way that is alerting but that is currently being tended to. Other than that, Vera is somewhat in a more peaceful state than she was when she was in battle. Judging by the way she continued fighting, her wounds are much more worst than it should be if she simply surrendered but there is a cost for everything, I suppose."

Legolas swore under his breath as an anger engulfed him at her stubbornness. Moving his gaze onto something else as to not unleash his annoyance towards the comatose mermaid, he clenches his jaw and closes his fists in an attempt of keeping himself completely composed in front of the others. Why did she have to be so determined...so reckless? She could have gotten herself killed if she didn't surrender and yet she still continues to fight! Honestly, Legolas has never met someone who is so headstrong and stubborn to the brink of utterly idiotic! The prince sighs after a while, managing to gather himself as best he can before facing the others, who have been staring at him carefully. Then, through gritted teeth, the elven prince asks, "when can I — we — see her?"

Aldwin shrugs. "I would say that visitation is allowed when we are sure she is stable and as well as she can be but until then, you will have to wait for a longer time...I am sorry, Prince Legolas but Vera cannot be faced with another visitor. She is able to hear the voices around her and her condition is fragile...she is on the brink of death and if something were to cause her distress then she may be lost forever. I am afraid that you have to wait for a while, and when you can see her, I suggest that you both remain soft and gentle in your approach. You may tell the others who wish to see her...I am aware that Vera is rather popular among the people of Rohan. And keep the bad news away from her...she is still delicate. Her recovery will take some time, I believe, and it is best that we remain as vigilant and understanding of what she is going through. The trauma will reach her soon enough," explains Aldwin informatively before pursing his lips in contemplation.

"I would like to ask, though, considering that you are both the ones who found her and brought her to the Healing Halls...what exactly happened?" Aldwin questions, "it may be able to help us in speeding her recovery process if we know where to go from the beginning. I understand that her feä is gentle after the sufferage of war and perhaps some insight would help in that."

Legolas sighs, reluctantly meeting eyes with Grimmund as they both nod in understanding.


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Grimmund felt distraught. Although they have won that battle and accomplished success with an outcome of their endurance, they have lost so many and it has cost them everything. Men — from children to the elderly — litter the ground individually as they either scour the area for more bodies or remain on the ground, injured or dead. His father is somewhere searching with him while his grandfather is in the Healing Halls. Edgar and the younger boys are inside Helm's Deep itself while Corin and Neptune scour the area with them. He is assured to know that Aragorn, Thèoden, Gimli, and Gandalf are speaking somewhere about the provisions. The only people missing are Britta, Vera, and Legolas, who is probably inside the crowd of people as well. He was rather reluctant to search the ground in fear that he would find someone he knew or someone he cared about amongst the soldiers. He had, after all, grown up in Rohan and the majority of the people who could either be dead or be gravely injured.

From what he had been through already, he knew that the major part of their armies have died and fallen in battle and he was completely fearful of what he would soon face.

But absolutely nothing can prepare him for the sight before him.

He stops in his steps. His heart thunders in his chest hauntingly. His eyes begin to wallow in unshed tears as his gaze lands on the horrible presentation before him. He could feel himself shaking in denial and grief as a scream threatens to rumble from his throat in his anguish. Despairingly, Grimmund rushes to the two people lying on the ground, their faces all too familiar and their forms all the eerier. The image engraves itself onto his mind permanently; Britta's lifeless eyes staring back at him, his chest bloody with multiple stab wounds implanted onto his skin and his armor, and Vera's peaceful visage — as if she was simply sleeping — but Grimmund knew better. He caught sight of the blood pouring out of Vera and the paleness of her skin, meaning that she was either dead or is nearly there. He did not want to talk about Britta as the truth touches his mind daringly.

A scream echoes through the plains, bouncing off the mountain highlands, and resonating through the stronghold in unison. Anyone who knew Grimmund would know that scream of pure, horrifying terror and sorrow but those who didn't, knew what the scream meant either way. The Ranger and heir to the Reunited Kingdom's throne immediately rushed to the scene of the crime, stopping abruptly in his steps as he widens his eyes and swallows a lump. While Grimmund cradles Britta to his chest, he merely holds Vera's hands and attempts to nestle Vera as well. Tears are streaming down his cheeks as he forces himself to remain composed but Grimmund is utterly destroyed.

Meeting eyes with Aragorn, who appears to be in shock, Grimmund practically growls out, "get Legolas. Now."

And without any hesitation, Aragorn leaves to find the elven prince, hoping that Vera would last in time.

Legolas could feel the rush of victory flooding through him as he smirks at himself, proud that he had survived through another battle and is able to live another day. He had been through many wars and smaller battles before and nothing can compare to what he has experienced in that moment. He sent a silent prayer to the Valar, thankful to have the fortunate chance of seeing the light of day once more. However, his smile quickly washes away as his eyes adjust to his surroundings. Presently located on the outskirts of the outer walls and by the plains of Rohan that Helm's Deep overlooks, Legolas finds himself in the center of dead bodies. Though he survived through the battle, he would be faced with the guilt of survival right after. He did not quite like the feeling that comes after a fight but could only send a prayer in their passing before moving on from the haunting images.

His keen eyes focus on the things around him, letting his body slacken as he does so. Legolas could see the gnarled faces of the Uruk-hai staring back at him without a hint of spirit and light behind their eyes, indicating that they are dead and will never come back. Their darkness has returned to their master and what is left is nothing but mangled, empty corpses. Legolas grimaces after catching sight of a smaller, more humane body lying on the ground, his eyes identical to the Uruk-hai as they stare upwards towards the sky in their final death. The boy is younger than the others, about the age of mid-teens, and far more youthful than the majority of the men who fought. Someone who had their whole life ahead of them, taken by death, and forced to remain in his state at the home of his forefathers. The grief hit Legolas too quickly as he is reminded of his younger brothers.

Choosing to separate from the bodies in order to calm himself, Legolas departs from the plains and settles into Helm's Deep, attempting to search for Vera or his friends. He needed to know that they are alive and well, considering everything.

As he arrives in the lower grounds where they have previously been fighting. His eyes land on Gimli, who nonchalantly sits on a dead Uruk, and he immediately smirks before stalking towards the dwarf with his killing count in his mind. Halting in front of Gimli, he adjusts his bow and begins stroking it affectionately. "Final count...fourty-two," Legolas says, his voice proud.

Gimli nods in mock admiration, considering his words. "Forty-two? That's not bad for a pointy-eared Elvish princeling. I, myself, am sitting pretty on forty-three," Gimli states, his voice boisterously proud.

Legolas' expression drops quicker than lightening. In a sudden movement, he grabs his bow and fires an arrow straight at the twitching body of the Uruk below Gimli. The arrow makes a sound that resonates as it hits with a thud, surprising Gimli as he nearly drops his pipe in his shock. Legolas smirks once more, his competitiveness getting in the way as he proudly looks at Gimli. "Forty-three."

Gimli glowers at the elf. "He was already dead!"

"He was twitching," Legolas defends innocently.

"He was twitching," Gimli fires back as he motions to his axe, "because he's got my axe embedded in his nervous system!" The Uruk twitches in response.

Before Legolas could reply, a scream interrupts them both, and suddenly, their attention is focused on something else. Panic rises in his chest, along with confusion, before their Ranger friend rushes into the lower area with words that haunt Legolas to this day.

"It's Vera...there's something wrong."

However, Aragorn barely had time to complete his sentence as Legolas is running off the moment the word 'Vera' left his mouth. His heart beats in his chest loudly, ringing in his ears as he desperately ran towards the lower grounds, feeling his bond with her dwindle and lead him to the correct place. His spirit is slowly despairing at the loss of bond between them, making it hard for him to breathe but it fuels his desire to reach her even more. He ignores the aching on his legs, having spent most of his energy during the battle but the thought of Vera being hurt didn't stop him and could never stop him. No, Vera would always be his priority and she would always come before him because he knew she would feel the same way.

By the time he reaches the spot, he is softly breathing in his exhaustion as his eyes settle on the sight before him. He felt his heart stop, his breathing halt, and his spirit tear itself in half as the image engraves itself onto his mind and haunts him non-stop. He felt so much emotion...so much that it overwhelmed him; fear that Vera is not breathing and she will be lost from him forever, stolen and taken by those above him. Grief that he may never see her again or experience the fire in his soul whenever she would be in his mere presence. Rage that they would dare take her from him and leave him in this state for eternity until he fades out of his sorrow. The intensity of these emotions hit him with a larger impact than he had known but all he could focus on was getting Vera to the Healing Halls.

So, he scoops her into his arms and marches towards the stronghold, his heart beating harshly in his chest. He ignored the looks thrown at him by the other people of Rohan. He ignored Aragorn and Èowyn's strangled sounds at the sight of Vera so pale. He ignored the worried shouting emitting from Corin and Neptune as they force their way through the crowds to reach their sister. He ignores Thèoden's shocked visage and Èmiliya's sobs. He ignores everything around him but nothing can save him from the demons in his own mind, repeating the scene of his beloved at the edge of death...

And he feared that nothing ever could.

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Legolas remains in his previous position; his head in his hands and his body crouched as he forces the images out of his mind that continues to torment him repeatedly. The sickly pale skin engraved on her as her eyes close, never knowing if it will ever open and if he will ever see the brown, hazel orbs of hers that made his heart skip a beat. The dull aura that surrounded her like death and life battled for her soul, choosing who would get to bring her back or take her. Her body felt limp — lifeless — in his arms when he brought her in and he prayed to those above that he would never have to experience those feelings again as they continue to terrorize him. He felt his soul rip itself apart over and over again as their bond slowly diminishes into nothing. They have never officially bonded in a physical manner that elves normally do but their bond is stronger than anyone else's...he just didn't know that.

However, there is no way in hell that Legolas is letting Vera slip through his fingers...not after searching for his other half for the long time in which he lived.

Because he would never leave her side, in death and in life.

He would move heaven and earth to keep Vera by his side and the moment that she is out of his reach is the same moment that hell freezes over.

That he was sure of.

author's note;
hihi welcome to act five of the book! thank you to everyone who has voted, added to their reading lists, commented, and read my book i really do appreciate it 🥺 don't be a silent reader and do share some of your thoughts because i'm interested to know them and thank you for 2k reads i really do appreciate it 🥺 ahahaha i love y'all ❤️

special shoutout to: -Deadpooled-  ❤️❤️

i hope y'all enjoy the rest of the book ahahah

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