I Shut the Door - Harry Style...

By Harrys_Gravy_Taster

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Leaving it all behind seemed like the best thing for young Tash when he life is just seems way too out of con... More

Leaving it all behind - Chapter 1
Decisions, Decisions - Chapter 2
Stuck here with you - Chapter 3
It's a good thing, right? - Chapter 4
Don't feel guilty - Chapter 5
Check on me - Chapter 6
Don't leave me - Chapter 7
No such thing as empathy - Chapter 8
You really think I care - Chapter 9
Too much? - Chapter 10
Time goes by fast - Chapter 11
Goodbye and Hello - Chapter 12
With you - Chapter 13
Unexpected attention - Chapter 14
Changing Places - Chapter 15
You have me - Chapter 16
Everything was so good - Chapter 17
Progress - Chapter 18
Chemistry - Chapter 19
Nice to meet you - Chapter 20
Best time of the year - Chapter 21
Slow - Chapter 22
Resolutions - Chapter 23
Bye, bye lover - Chapter 24
New home - Chapter 25
There's a first day for everything - Chapter 26
New opportunities - Chapter 27
A big day - Chapter 28
Finally - Chapter 29
They're here - Chapter 30
Making up for the time we had lost - Chapter 32
Fairness - Chapter 33
You were the best thing in my life but now you're the worst - Chapter 34
I hope they never see me - Chapter 35
New Girl - Chapter 36
Finding out - Chapter 37
Starting to feel like home - Chapter 38
A home? I don't have a home - Chapter 39

Sing along with me - Chapter 31

1.5K 10 4
By Harrys_Gravy_Taster

Harry’s P.O.V

I woke up this morning and unwrapped my arms from Tash’s body and got up, I didn’t want to wake her she deserved more sleep. I walked into the common room to find Zayn on his phone looking pretty upset. I sat down next to him and put my arm around his shoulder.

“What’s up man you look a bit down.” I asked him.

“Look I love Perri, we get each other but I don’t think things are working out anymore, I don’t think she loves me as much as I love her, she doesn’t want to commit to our relationship anymore, look.” Zayn said holding up his phone to me. I looked at the text.

Perri: Maybe we should take a break, things are too complicated for both of us at the moment and it might just be for the best.

“What do I say to her? I don’t want to take a break so obviously the feelings between us aren’t the same for each other. I don’t know whether to break it off or ask if we can keep it going.” Zayn explained.

“Man I don’t know, I think go on the break and just see how things pan out, tell her to keep it on the down low though because management will want you to break up because of all the publicity.” I explained.

I really didn’t know Zayn and Perri were having trouble, they are so good for each other, they are both so relaxed and they act the same too. I just don’t understand how two people who are very suited for each other could go on a break; I guess every relationship has one of these moments. It kind of reminds me of the Danielle and Liam situation, it was so out of the blue and unexpected. It’s just so weird to me.

“I guess that’s probably the best way to deal with it all. I’ll do what she wants any way, I just don’t want her to leave me, she is a good one.” Zayn sighed.

“Don’t let Perri go then, tell her how much she means to you and how much it would kill you if she wasn’t around.” I said “Remind her of all the good times and all the bad times and how you got over them, tell her that you can both get through this.”

“Do you think it would work?” Zayn asked with a little sniff at the end of his sentence.

“I think it will, she needs to realise that you guys are a pretty accurate match and that’s a little rare to find someone like that.”

“I thought Perri had already realised that.” Zayn sighed.

“If she had realised that already she wouldn’t want to go on a break she would’ve made an effort to make it work not just give up.” I explained. “Text her.”

Zayn: Perri, don’t just give up on everything. Don’t just say ‘Let’s go on a break’ because we’re a little busy or it’s a bit complicated because we need to make an effort to make things work between us. I think we have something special, we think the same and stuff and that’s pretty rare according to some people, not everyone can finish my sentences like you can so I can’t risk losing you.

Perri: We need to talk in person, that’s the best way to work this out I think.

Zayn: When I get back to London we will talk. I would like that a lot.

“See there is always a solution!” I smiled.

“Thanks Harry, things might just work out.” Zayn replied looking down at his phone.

“I hope they do man.” I reassured him.

I got up and patted him on his shoulder and walked back into my room. I looked at Tash’s eyes open a tad as she yawned.

“Morning Sweetie.”

“Morning Styles.” Tash moaned as she rolled over onto the other side of the bed.

“Want to come to the rehearsals for tonight’s concert?” I asked as crawled onto the bed and started to kiss her up her neck to try and wake her up.

“That sounds like fun!” Tash yawned as turned over and melted her lips onto mine.

I sat down on the bed and she sat up too. I leaned in and I kissed her really passionately on the lips, I missed her kisses and it was good to have them back. Tash moved her hands onto my stomach and up onto my shoulders and pulled away from the kiss.

“Have you been going to the gym?!” Tash giggled.

“Just a bit.” I replied with a cheeky smile.

“You have gotten musclier!” She said as she fangirled over my body.

“Well you have gotten hotter!” I winked at her and she just blushed.

“Have I?” Tash asked “In what way?”

“Your hair is hot, your body has just gotten hotter and your mammary has gotten bigger than last time.”

“Well that’s one great example of attention to detail!” I laughed.

“Let’s just say they’re not easy to forget!” Harry winked.

“Can we take a picture and put it on twitter? Just to keep the fans updated!”

“Wow you’re addicted already!” I laughed.

“Well, I have to do what management says and that means interacting and updating the fans!” Tash explained. “If I were a fan I would love me for doing this!”

“So the fans love you for updating them?” I asked.

“Yes, it means more pictures on Tumblr, more stuff to talk about and they see that I was a fan just like them and that they have a chance too.” Tash said.

“Alright 1 photo then.” I sighed.

Tash grabbed her phone and she took a photo of us just sitting there on the bed, me shirtless just in my sweatpants and she was in her singlet top and her little pyjama shorts.

Tash’s Twitter: Early mornings with @Harry_Styles, glad to wake up next to him again <3  

I replied to her tweet.

My Twitter: @OfficialSmith I am even gladder to wake up to you, love you Sweetie xx

She looked at the tweet I sent her and her face came closer to mine. I put my hand on the back of her neck and pulled her lips onto mine.

Louis’ P.O.V

I woke up on this beautiful morning in Melbourne and opened my phone and got into twitter. Ever since our last meeting with management we have been told to interact with our fans more or they’ll do it for us. I looked at the tweets they were sending us.

Twitter feed: ‘@LouisTomlinson follow me please! I am not a peasant!’

‘@LouisTomlinson can’t wait for the concert tonight!’

‘@LouisTomlinson and @Harry_Styles I so ship Larry! Hurry up and come out!’

I tweeted a few of the fans and followed a whole chunk of them but there was just too many Larry tweets, I was sick of them. I was fine with people saying Larry is cute as a bromance but when they always assume that we’re in a relationship it really gets on my nerves, both Harry and I have girlfriends and they need to respect that.

My Twitter: I love all the fans that support me and Harry’s friendship but I am sick of the Larry tweets so please stop sending them and respect the fact that we are straight and have girlfriends.

That was ought to stop it.

Harry’s P.O.V

I walked into the common room and stood there and watched Tash take some tablets in the kitchen. I walked over to her and put my arms around her waist and rested my head on her shoulder.

“What tablets are they?” I asked.

“Nothing you need to worry about.” She smiled and put them back into the little bag she had with her, the one that holds all her ‘girlie products’.

“What are they?” I asked as I took the little bag out of her hands.

I unwrapped my arms from the position they were in and opened the bag. I took out the small box of pills. She was on the contraceptive pill.

“Well you know now.” Tash said as she stormed off into the bedroom.

I walked into the bedroom and saw Tash just sitting there on her phone.

“I thought you would be angry at me.” She sighed as she put down her phone.

“Why would I be mad?” I asked.

“Because I didn’t tell you, my Mum got pissed and so did my Dad; I just thought you would be pissed too.”

“I’m not mad, you could’ve told me and I would’ve been fine with it, you can tell me anything just know that.”

“Thanks.” Tash smiled.

“So what is the exact reason you are on it?” I asked.

“I started it a month before you came so I could stop my period; it was due now and also just to be extra safe.”

“That sounds reasonable.” I said sitting down next to her on the bed. “Wait, so how did you get it without your parents’ permission?”

“Bernie.” She said.

“But he’s a man, he doesn’t need contraceptive pills!” I queried.

“No you dumbass! He took me to get them, he thought it would be good for me and I thought the same.” Tash laughed.

We got changed, Tash into her dark blue high waisted shorts and her black hurly jumper, she had a cropped white singlet top underneath. I got changed into my black jeans and a white t-shirt. I cleaned up out room while Tash just sat on the bed and watched. She was weird like that but I liked that about her. I had finally packed up her bag and had finished making the room look nice and clean, I liked everything to be tidy, and that was a bit of a bad habit of mine.

Paul: Harry get the other boys together we are leaving in 5 minutes.

Me: We will meet you by the elevator.

“We are leaving in a few minutes!” I said as we both walked out into the common room to find all the boys having a tea and a bit of a chat.

“Morning guys.” Louis smiled at us taking a sip of his tea.

“Morning.” Tash smiled at all the boys.

“Hey we need to leave in about 3 minutes to meet Paul at the lift!” I said trying to hurry the boys.

“Come on lads we need to leave!” Liam said grabbing Louis, Niall and Zayn’s tea’s and putting them back onto the kitchen bench. Tash grabbed her bag which had a change of clothes in them for when the concert actually started. We walked out of the hotel room and over to the lift to where Paul was standing.

“Follow me!” Paul said leading us to the fire exit.

We walked in and there were 2 doors one that had the exit and one with the word VIP on it. Paul swiped the card to the VIP door and we walked right in to find a big shiny red van, it actually looked quite nice.

We all got into the van and I sat in the middle right next to Tash while on the other side Louis and behind us was Liam and Zayn and Niall was in the front of the van.

“Paul, could we get a something to eat, we have only had a tea this morning!” Zayn complained.

“Yeah, I am pretty starving!” Liam agreed.

“There will be food at the rehearsal don’t complain!” Paul said looking in the review mirror making sure he didn’t hit any screaming fans.

Tash’s P.O.V

We sat in the car and I remembered I needed to text Finn about tonight, where he needed to meet me and what time.

Me: Hey Finn! Meet me at 5:00 pm in the car park!

Finn: Sounds great! OMG I am freaking out!

Me: Just act chill! They are going to love you!

Finn: I really hope they do!

Harry’s P.O.V

I watched Tash as she texted her friend Finn, he is going with to sit with Tash in the box during the concert. I was really excited for her to see us perform our new album.

“So which song is your favourite again?” I asked Tash.

“Um it’s still between Truly, Madly, Deeply or Magic, oh wait I really like little things too!” She replied with the biggest smile on her face.

“Yeah they’re good aren’t they!” Louis said.

“Which ones are your favourite?” Tash asked.

“Probably Little things or Over again.” I replied.

“I like Heart attack personally, it’s fun to sing!” Niall said.

“She’s not afraid is good, I like that one.” Zayn answered.

“Still the one!” Louis yelled.

“Oh yes that one is my favourite too!” Liam said.

“They’re all awesome!” Tash smiled.

We arrived at the concert location and got out the van, we were escorted through to our dressing room where we were greeted by a few ladies who wanted us to sign some posters and some CDs which we didn’t hesitate to do. One of the ladies bought in all of our breakfast and it looked delicious. It was a huge tray of bacon and eggs with cooked tomatoes and mushrooms and toast and there was also some fruit there too. We all took the bacon and eggs accept Tash who feasted out on the fruit that was there.

“Liam! How’s Kate?” Tash asked Liam.

“Yeah she is getting out of hospital in 2 weeks which is good, I might see if I can go to Sweden for the break so I can see her.” Liam replied.

“That’s good that she is getting out soon.” Tash said.

“Yeah it’s good that she is finally getting better.” Liam answered.

Tash don’t ask Zayn, just don’t ask him!

“So Zayn how’s Perri?” Tash asked. Oh shit.

“Alright, just having a little trouble at the moment but we’ll sort it out.” Zayn replied as his face dropped a little.

Great now he is in a sad mood. The whole room went a little silent. Niall just put his arm around Zayn and patted his back.

“You’ll be fine, I bet everything will turn out good!” Niall said. Everyone nodded and agreed with Niall.

We finished our breakfast and we were guided to a room where we were meant to rehears.

We went through each song while Tash sat with Lux and watched us. She was good with little kids and really got along with her. Tash was singing along to the songs with Lux and making her laugh. It was pretty cute I must admit. It was time to rehears little things and we sat down on the edge of the stage and started to sing it. It sounded amazing in the empty theatre! Tash had Lux on her lap and they were swaying from side to side, it was very cute. It came up to my solo and I wanted to make this about her so I looked right into her eyes and sang my solo and it really meant something. I could see her little smile shine through every time I sang a lyric; she knew that every word was about her and that how I wanted it to be. As soon as the song finished Tash and Lux clapped and cheered for us which was really awesome.

“That was amazing boys!” Tash smiled and clapped with Lux on her lap.

“YAY!” Lux yelled in her cute little happy voice.

Tash got up and carried Lux over to the stage and put her on the stage and she ran over to Louis who other than me is her favourite. I helped Tash up onto the stage and we shared a kiss.

“That one was for you.” I said in between little kisses.

“It meant a lot, thank you.” She replied.

“See look who is being meaningful now!” I laughed. She giggled back too.

“Hey Haz what’s the time? I left my phone in the change room.” Tash said. I looked down at my phone.

“About 12:30pm, lunch is in a few minutes.” I smiled.

“I’m not really-“ I cut her off.

“You’re eating.” I interrupted her; she just sighed and pouted at me. “You have to; I don’t want you getting any thinner.”

“Fine.” Tash whispered as I pulled her in for a hug. Hugging her just felt right, you know? They are so strong and nice. I like them a lot. Tash ran over to Lux and picked her up, she took her into the change room as we finished our rehearsals.

Tash’s P.O.V

I took Lux back into the change room and put her in the portable cot. Lou told me to do it was for her lunchtime sleep. I tucked her in and said goodnight, grabbed my phone and walked out of the change room.

I had a message from Ryan.

Ryan: Hey could you could you tell everyone that I only like you as a friend and tht nothing is happening? Lara is spreading rumours again.

Me: Sure I’ll put it on Facebook :)

I logged onto Facebook on my phone.

My Status: Loving it when your best friends ex makes shit up about him and me being together! It’s so funny! Maybe next time come up with something better, this one has been used so many times before!

Lara’s reply: Why don’t you just tag me in it, maybe people might not get the hint!

My reply: Sure! Lara Eckert

The status got about 100 likes and my reply got 50 likes. I am glad people enjoyed my post. I walked out back onto the stage and the boys were still singing.

Harry’s P.O.V

We finished our last song and Tash walked out onto the stage.

“Why don’t you sing something?” Niall asked passing her the guitar. “I didn’t teach you ‘Oath’ for nothing!”

“I don’t know.” Tash said.

“Oh come on, I bet you’re amazing!” I reassured her.

“I’m not that good though.” She sighed.

“Just one song that’s all we’re asking for!” Liam begged.

“Fine, but you can’t give me shit if I’m bad!” Tash said.

Niall passed Tash his guitar and went over the chords again with her. He got a microphone on a stand for her and we all sat in the audience.

She started to strum the first few chords and started to sing. It was so good, I really didn’t expect her to be that good, she did so well and it sounded amazing. I really couldn’t believe I didn’t know how good her voice was. When the song ended we all stood up and cheered for her and she was blushing like crazy. We all went back on stage.

“You should really consider going on X-factor, you would get through for sure!” Zayn said.

“Yeah there is no way you wouldn’t!” Liam reassured her.

“Thanks that’s very kind of you but I don’t know if I should though.” Tash said.

“Why don’t we just wait until you think you’re ready?” I asked.

“Yeah that’s a good idea.” Tash replied and smiled up at me.

We went back stage and we were escorted to a different room where lunch was ready and set out on a huge table. There was gourmet pizzas, gourmet mini burgers, begets and normal sandwiches. YUM!

We ate lunch and we had to start getting our makeup done and get our clothes together, just like any other normal concert and Tash needed to get her makeup done and get changed as everyone knew she was going to be confronted by the media.

Tash sat down on the makeup chair in front of the mirror while Lou did her hair and makeup. We sat and waited until she was finished and Tash did look amazing, nice and simple natural makeup with her hair nicely straightened. She got changed into her long sleeve white dress with orange flowers on it and she looked really nice.

“Bye boys! I need to go and get Finn! See you guys after the concert!” Tash said, going round giving each of us a kiss on the forehead but me a nice kiss on the lips. What a girl.

Tash’s P.O.V

I walked outside the building with two guards. The exit was blocked by fences with screaming fans behind them. I was quite shocked by the amount of people who knew who I was. I could see Finn and I pointed at him so the guards knew who to grab. The got Finn and got him to where I was, behind the gate.

“Tash!” Finn said as he hugged me.

“Hey Finn!” I smiled. “Ready for a good night?”

“I have been excited for weeks!” Finn said basically jumping up and down.

We walked inside to the box entrances and were greeted by a man who guided us to our box. We walked in and there was a mini bar and a couch and everything. We tried opening the door to the seats out the front of the box but it was locked until sound check. We both sat down on the couch and decided to have a bit of a chat.

“So you never told me, did you hook up with that guy Ky?” I asked.

“Yeah, after you left the party he could see that I was upset and he came over to comfort me and yeah.” Finn smirked.

“Oh Finn that is so cute!” I smiled.

“Thanks babe so you and Harry?” Finn asked.

“Yes we have and it was great but he was very careful because of my injuries.” I explained.

“Oh how sweet of him! So considerate!” Finn awed.

A lady walked in and unlocked the door so we could get out and sit in the box seats. We went out and sat in them and we could see all the fans in sound check and some of them spotted us and waved too. It was really cool. I looked up at the stage and the boys walked out.

“Hello to our Beautiful fans!” Liam smiled as he walked out to the front of the stage.

“How are we all today?” Zayn asked. Everyone just cheered.

“I take that as you are all good!” Harry laughed.

“Before we start we would like to say a massive thankyou to everyone here today!” Louis thanked them.

“Yes without you all we wouldn’t be here today!” Niall explained and the crowd cheered even more.

They sang through a nearly their whole album accept the limited addition songs and the target album songs. After the boys went and met all the fans in the sound check and gave them photos and signed their albums. After they met the fans they walked up to the our box and they all met Finn.

“Niall you are my inspiration! I love you so much!” Finn said to Niall.

“I love you to man!” Niall said taking hold of Finns hand and putting both hands on his.

I bent down and Harry went on his tippy toes and we had a quick kiss before they had to leave. Every fan awed when Harry and I kissed each other and after we pulled away from the kiss Harry turned his head around and looked at the fans and then looked at me with a beautiful grin which showed his dimples and his beautiful white teeth off perfectly.

“I love you.” Harry laughed.

“I love you too.” I giggled as he walked away from the box and back on the stage.

“It was lovely to meet you all but we have to get ready!” Niall said as he blew kisses to everyone.

“Louis needs to get his pedicure done!” Harry giggled.

“Shut up! Harry needs to get his facial!” Louis laughed.

“Bye we love you all!” Liam smiled.

“See you all soon! Enjoy!” Zayn said as they all ran off the stage.

I looked at Finn and he was just gob smacked.

“And you’ll be seeing him after the concert too! Maybe shirtless!” I laughed.

“Tash, he touched my hand and he said he loved me.” Finn said.

“Oh Babe I am so happy for you!” I said to Finn and hugged him.

We sat down and had a bit of a chat and a few fans came up to us. One was about 12 with long curly blonde hair and the other looked about 14 and had medium length dark brown straight hair.

“Oh my goodness Tash! We love your clothes and your new hair it looks amazing!” The girl with the brown hair said.

“Thank you so much girls! You are both looking amazing as well!” I smiled.

“We are such huge fans! Could we grab a photo and an autograph?” The little blonde one said.

“Sure girls!” I said as I signed their picture of me and Harry and took a picture with them both. A lot more girls came up and asked for photos and I accepted and even a few girls asked for Finn’s photo because he is really good looking.

Everyone else entered the audience ready for the concert, the before act came on and then the concert started. Each song, Finn and I sang along to each lyric it was so much fun. We danced and jumped around and had a great time. It was close to the end of the concert and the chords for Truly, Madly, Deeply came on and I got really excited.

“Now there is a girl in the crowd and she is very special to me, her name is Tash and this is for her.” Harry said into the microphone.

The sang the song and with every lyric Harry sang he looked over at me and it felt perfect, it was like when he sang little things today, it was perfect. 

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