Unseen Red Fate (On Hold)


572 29 9

When Two people who have different way of life... Prince and normal person.. Will it be? In a magical place w... More

Club members and details
Chapter I - Koyamira part 1
Chapter I - Koyamira part 2
Chapter 2 : Welcome to Sabisū Club!
Chapter 3 : Fired up!
Chapter 4 : New member?
Chapter 5 : Begining of Fate
Chapter 6 - Kyoma's curse
Special Chapter 1 - RomeoXJuliet
Chapter 7 - The mysterious,full of surprises


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In the world of Kyoukawa, people are granted each talents and magics. They used it based from their position. Royal family, guards, escorts, knights, and servants of the kingdom are the highest place, serving and the community are in the middle place, then here only few are poor and these are the unemployed people due to violation in rules of the country. Here, everyone has different curse that can only be removed when they have the true love's marriage.These curses also may temporarily removed when they kissed the one they love.
Kamawarū Koyamira(the protagonist) is a female who is almost a perfectionist like intelligent, multi-skilled, beautiful, and many others.Her curse is to be a boy but really, she is a girl.Her skills are very suited to the highest place and granted to be the "Royal Guard of the Gate"(A/n: you will know this at the story.). She is the only one Otalene in her family together with her sister.The fact that she should only be schooling in the middle class (Kotagaraku school), she has given a chance to study in high class Otagaraku School (class 1-A) due to her skills.She made a club together with new friends to make people happy (mainly girls) and to learn something new.Her goal is to make people happy and protect the one who is important to her despite being male to protect her country being the royal guard of the gate.
Suoruhi Mitukushi: is a male who is sadist(also tsundere)and prince of the Kyoukawa. Of course he is enrolled to Otagaraku(1-A) and Otalene. His curse is to be a vampire at night and vanishes to be a vampire when the sun is present. His mother made him a necklaces to help him temporarily stop his curse but only for a short time.He is somewhat a narcissist secretly and he is handsome,smart and a loner. He deeply cares his best friend and his family especially to her mother.He really hates Koyamira(his rival)and always set a fight and bullied her. He is really mean to the people he meets but then changes as the story goes by.
Find out more about them, their magics, and meet the other characters at the next chapter and also their appearance...

A/N: this is my really first story that I made so expect for wrong grammars or spellings(sorry...(U^U)for that.. And to add, the auto correction really hates me....). And also I am not good for creating prologues that it's why, kinda uhmm whatever so.... But
I will do my best (o.<)!

And also I know the first part of this story is somewhat not interesting(just the beginning)but please read it until the end and also please vote,share or comment anything. :-)

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