Chapter I - Koyamira part 1

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Hi my name is Kamawaru Koyamira. Because of my curse being a boy, I made a nickname Kamawaru Kyoma. Well now, Class 1-A, I didn't expect being have a chance to study here at Otagaraku.
At Kotagaraku back in 1st middle school year .......
"Kyoma-Kun, the palace ordered you to study at Otagaraku school due to your outstanding skills and performances together with your little sister Hinata. And to add, when you get there, you need to serve the palace and keep maintain your grades to remain you in that school understand new scholar student of Otagaraku?" The principal of Otagaraku said." Yes, I understood, thank you for giving me a big opportunity ." I said. "Well... Good luck!😄"the principal said." Thank you" I said in a shy tone...
At my classroom....
"Kyoma-chan, Is that true you will be transferred to Otagaraku?" One of my classmate said."uhuh, but it's too bad for me"I said." Why Kyoma Kun?" ,my classmate said,Is it a big opportunity to you right? You are really good hehehe"." Well... It's because I can't able to see all of you everyday..."I said."KYAAAA!!!! Kyoma-Kun thank you for worrying us! We'll continue supporting you and cheer you at your new school!" My classmates said. "I'm honored, thank you!" I said." When it comes to you Kyo-chan we'll do anything for you right classmates?!"Siera:my first friend said."Aye!" The class said.";-)" I replied.
-----walking going home------
"Hey nee-chan(translation:big sister), are we going tomorrow their already?" Hinata said."uhuh, all we have to do is do our best right?"I said. "Of course, I will do my best being a preschooler... Thank you nee-chan!" Hinata said with a big smile on her face.
~~~at home~~~
"We're home!"Hinata and I said. " Oh?! Welcome back 😋" Shizuko said, our big brother. " where did mom and dad go?" Hinata said." They said that they are in a trip that they won in the market for 1 week so they ask me to take care of you two." Shizuko said then winks his one eye."eeeeeeeeh?" Hinata said shockingly. "Oh I see...." I said. " By the way you two...(pats our head) you did a good work and I'm sure Mama and Papa will be happy for you two as well as me teehee.." Shizuko said. " happy about what?" We said.. " hahaha of course, you two will be an Otalene starting tomorrow right? And to add, you are new scholars of the biggest and beautiful school, the Otagaraku right?" Shizuko said with happy face." Oh we see, the school reported already it to you.... Thank you Shizuko nii~chan😄!(translation: big brother)" we said then headed to our rooms.
-----at my room------
(Sigh.....) this is surely a tiring day.... Tomorrow...sigh.. Face a new challenge. And to add this is very unexpected for me, tomorrow already?
Are they going to treat me nicely or will bully me? Otagaraku... School for richest people.... Are they curiously knowing who I am, a girl.
Tsk, I am a boy right now and never be going a girl. I already live as being a boy. I already forget I'm actually a girl... I'm not interest on going back to myself, I will never find my true love anyway...
Oh I forgot !.... I should distant myself from them... Of course because there are walls behind me and them right? They are rich and I am in middle... (Sigh again...)....
(Arf!, arf!)my dog said..
" oh sorry I forgot to bring you bed Tou(name of the dog) ....."
---several seconds---
"Here Tou and let's sleep for this tiring day..." I said.(arf arf!) my dog reply.
~~~~~~next day at Otagaraku School~~~~~~
Wooahh... It's very big! No doubt for the Otalenes school!.... Oh....By the way I need to go to their principal's office.......
(To be continued)
Kun- is used to address for males
Chan- is used to address for the younger ones to you(I think?)
*Shizuko appears to be a girl but he is a boy, well...., his curse is just like the reverse version of his little sister Koyamira..(a/n: how poor...😢)
*Hinata's curse is to be overacting and fast changing her mood... And also her height is fixed.

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