Adorably Two-Faced (yandere r...

By ScottyBeelieve

9.1K 369 50

*A re-written version of this story is up, Adorably Two-Faced (yandere various). More

chapter two - rock-chan
chapter three - bun bun lunch
chapter four - train confession
chapter five - lifeline invaded
chapter six - herbal tea
It's Finally Here!

chapter one - kitty onigiri

1.5K 72 17
By ScottyBeelieve

Kimi stood in front of the large mirror hanging on the inside of her open closet door, taking in every inch of her own reflection. It was her first time really seeing herself in Komorebi High's female uniform, seeing how her application into the school was a little later than everyone would have preferred. Then almost immediately after receiving the clothing her family had to get it tailored to comfortably fit the girl's petite form. Just getting the said uniform back late yesterday evening, the day before her first year of high school would begin.

Komorebi's female uniform consisted of a plain, yet flowy, carob brown skirt and a matching button-up blazer. The blazer's collar was slightly triangle shaped with two pale peach lines running close to the edge. Leading to a bow of the same color. Two more stripes laid at the bottom of the uniforms sleeve, matching the collar. Along with a pair of knee high back socks. The girl had also received a pair of black ankle socks and pantyhose. Most likely to be used for the summer and winter seasons.

Along with this, a white fluffy cardigan laid across the girls bed. Another piece of the uniform, though this one was optional. Most people most likely wouldn't be wearing a cardigan this time of year and Ishikawa really wanted to blend in as much as possible.. But it would be a lie if she said she didn't want to wear it really really badly.

The girl got cold easily...

What would be worse, sitting all school day shivering in her seat, teeth chattering. Or just wearing the cardigan. With that though alone she had successfully talked herself into walking over to the tossed aside item. Picking it up and quickly throwing it on over her blazer before gently placing her uniform collar and bow on the outside of the open piece of clothing. Then speed-walking back towards the mirror.

Eyes returning to her reflection, the girl couldn't help but sigh at the sight of herself. Komorebi's uniform was extremely cute...

Kimi looked extremely cute.

Almost like a doll, or anime figurine.

Kimi couldn't help but feel like she was fighting an already losing battle...

Having such a cute uniform would usually make any girl feel joyful, but to Ishikawa cuteness was nothing but a curse. Something to keep hidden away, just like the scar that embedded itself under the space of her dark bangs.

Light cyan eyes moved down to her feet, staring down at her bunny house slippers for a moment with soft eyes. Lightly lifting her foot off the ground before stepping it back down on the cool wood of her bedroom floor. A small smile forming on the girl's face as she watched the adorable pink ears of the slippers bounce up and down at the movement. The sight successfully calming all of the tiny girl's fears an insecurities that where bubbling up, even it was just for a moment. Only in the safety of her own home, like this, could the girl truly feel safe enjoying all the cute things in her life.

Is this how she would have to live the rest of her life? Hiding the things she liked and her true self behind closed doors. And for what? Just so people wouldn't hate her.

So people wouldn't hurt her..

Kimi quickie shook off the thought, it wasn't important right now. The girl didn't need to go and upset herself before her first day of school even begun. She'd just have to cross that shitty shitty bridge when it showed itself. Right now, what was important was getting breakfast before the girl had to head to the train station.

Closing her closet door, the petite girl quietly walked out from her bedroom and towards the kitchen. The smell of her mom's cooking already filling the area. The said woman was currently setting down different side dishes, along with what looked like some kinda soup.

"Morning, mama!" The short girl cheerfully greeted.

As soon as the woman heard the sound of her daughter's voice, she spun around with a bright smile and shimmering green eyes. The woman brought her hands to wipe them off on the apron tied around her waist. Gently pushing a stray lock of blond hair from her own face, walking closer, before gently grabbing the girl by her shoulders and taking in her appearance. 

"Oh my, Kimi! You look so cu...te..." half way through the word, the woman's bright expression slowly fell.

Large crocodile tears began to form, before falling down her cheeks like a waterfall. A pathetic wale left her, as she brought her sweat dropping daughter into a bone crushing hug.

"Waaaa My Baby!" the woman cried, shaking the girl back and forth in her hold. "Mommy's so sowwy! Mommy didn't mean it!" The woman took a deep breath before speaking softly, "Mama thinks you look really a... aw... awfu- WAAAAH I CAN'T DO IT!!"

Her mother had always had quite the dramatic, cutesy personality...

The girl had to admit, she took a lot after mother... Well maybe not quite the dramatics, Kimi was pretty sure if she did get her mothers dramatic personality she would have gotten her ass beat way before middle school.. 

Instead the girl was a healthy middle of her dramatic mother and monotone father. But definitely the love of all things cute came from her mama. The woman loved cute things just at much, if not even more than her. And had a cutesy appearance and personality to match, something her daughter matched to a T. Though past all of that, Kimi's mother was still an extremely respectable and kind hearted woman. Even if she came off a bit air-headed at times.

Her mother was also the one person in the world that truly understood the dark haired girl more than anyone else. Which was why the woman was so hell bent on following the young girl's wish to keep her love of cute things stored away this year. And feeling so awful when she messed up.

She understood what her daughter was going through, seeing how she went through quite a similar situation. She still had the marks from cigarette burns all over her torso to prove it. Yet still, after that the woman continued to be herself, unapologetically. Though the girl couldn't say she was strong enough to do the same, Kimi just wasn't...

That brave.

Even before she was attacked, Kimi knew what people said about her mother. Labeled as a fake. An attention seeker. An overgrown child. Meaning all the awful thing people said and thought about her would never change if she continued on the way she has been. But...

Was it really so awful to enjoy cute things?

Well, perhaps it wasn't just that in itself... Maybe it was just the extent of love they had for said things. The Ishikawa family was practically engraved in cute, stamped with cute, and then tied together with a cute bow.

The young girls mother continued to blabber out apology after apology, along with what seemed to be just complete incoherent nonsense. It was way too early for all of this, Kimi would end up being completely exhausted before she even got to school if things kept going at this rate. Though the amount of love the young girl held for her mother made it difficult to be too annoyed with the dramatic woman's antics. 

The girl couldn't help but giggle instead. "It's fine, mama."

Kimi's mother immediately pulled away from nuzzling her cheek into her daughters, looking at the girl's face with intense watery eyes. "really... you promise?"

The smiling girl nodded, reaching into her blazer pocket to grab a small handkerchief that had a cute daisy embroidery on the corner. Bringing it up to gently wipe away her mother's tears before stuffing it back into its original hiding place. Though the gesture just ended with the woman sniffling more, going off on a tangent on what a sweet and adorable person her baby was all while pushing the girls' plush cheeks together. Causing the dark haired girl to resemble a slightly annoyed fish.

While it was difficult to be annoyed with the woman... 

it wasn't impossible.

"Honey, are you bothering poor Kimi again?" a calm voice spoke from behind the girl as her mother quickly and tightly wrapped her arms around the girl in a protective manner, peaking over her daughters shoulder to lightly glare at the man speaking. A strangled gasp of pain left the younger girls pink lips, along with a loud crack coming from her back. The woman had more strength than she knew.

"Of course not! How could you say something so mean!"

Kimi's face slowly turned red from lack of oxygen as she patted the woman's back gently in an attempt to grab her attention. While she didn't notice, lucky her father did.

"uh, hon... I think you're killing our daughter..."

The girl's mother instantly puffed her cheeks in a pout at the accusation. "You're such a meanie! I would never-" as she pulled away to look at her daughter, she found the girl red in the face and practically coughing up a lung causing the woman to gasp in shock. "OH NO! MY BABY, WHO DID THIS TO YOU!? I'LL KILL EM'!"

Instantly father and daughter sweat dropped simultaneously, the same thought passing their mind.

'it was you...'

Before Kimi could take anymore damage before school, her father stepped in once again. "Isn't it about time you headed to the station?"

Blue-green eyes immediately shot towards the clock in the kitchen, a small gasp leaving her lips at the time. He was right, she'd have to head to the train station right now if she didn't want to be late to her first day.

"Eh, I need to go-" the girl quickly ran towards the front door, quickly shoving her feet into a pair of sneakers that sat on a shoe rack by the door.

"Huh? But what about breakfast!?" her mother question, following close behind.

"I don't have time, mama. Sorry... Keep some left over and I'll have it after school, promise!"

Tears beaded the corners of the woman's eyes, a small hand flying up to cover her mouth as if she was struggling back a sob. 

"but.. but... my baby will starve."

Kimi took in the sad expression, before letting out a small sigh. You would think after fifteen years the girl would be at least a tiny bit immune to her mother's crocodile tears, but you would be very wrong.

"Then.. can you make me two rice balls real quick to eat on the way? Please."

Almost immediately her mother's green orbs widens, a happy squeal leaving her lips along with a small "of course, my baby".

The girl ruffled though her bag while she waited, double checking she had everything she needed. By the time she was finished her mother was already back at the door, two rice balls in hand and a happy grin plastered on her face. While her daughters silently stared down at the food with a deadpan look.

Kimi's mother raised a curious eyebrow, before also looking down. A small gasp leaving her lips noticing her mistake. "OH, NO! I'M SO SOWWY!"

Dull eyes just continued to stare down at the rice balls. Both of them had little pointed ears formed at the top, creating an adorable kitty shape.


Was this really how she was gonna go out?

And on the first day too... 


"I... I was just trying to hurry... I guess my muscle memory is just programmed to cute kitties.." watery orbs stared down at the food in their hand.

Another sigh left the girl, this morning was beginning to feel way too long. "It's fine, mama. I'm just gonna eat it on the train anyway, not at school..." the girl reached to take the food from her mom with a gentle smile. "It should be fine."

The woman pushed back her tears, with a determined look in her green orbs. "Don't worry my baby, mama will do better next time!"

Kimi just let out a small laugh before nodding and heading towards the now opened door. Only pausing to give her parents a small wave.



The girl fell into an empty seat dramatically, small pants leaving her as her chest heaved up and down. She ended up having to run all the way to the train station, but was able to get there with a few seconds to spare. Along with that, the train wasn't too crowded either meaning the girl would get to sit during the whole commute. A small smile made its way onto her face, feeling as if her luck was finally beginning to look up.

Cyan eyes scanned over the train slightly, further proving her point. The girl didn't spot a single person with the Komorebi uniform on in her cart. Immediately taking out her kitty onigiri from hiding with a happy smile. It seemed the girl didn't have anything to worry about after all.

Happily taking a bite just as the train doors closed and the last few people filled, though she didn't pay much attention to that.

Kimi sat joyfully munching away as she lightly hummed to herself. Feet swinging back and forth slightly as a small happy blush formed on her cheeks. Nothing made the girl happier than eating and cute things.. Combining them was like heaven on earth for the girl. Knowing that she wouldn't be given such luxuries together at school made the girl even more grateful for this moment.

So lost in her own little world, the girl didn't notice the new person sat right next to her. Silently watching the girl happily eating.


A chill went down the girls spin as she froze in place, almost choking on the food currently shoved in her face.. A speck of rice sat on her lip while the girl's cheeks resembled a chipmunks. One leg held up slightly in mid-swing, almost seeming frozen in place. Slowly turning her head to look at the owner of the 'complement' with shaky eyes. Only to meet the sight of a familiar brown blazer though the owner had the peach bow loosely hanging around her shoulders instead of tied.

'oh no..' the girl quickly swallowed down the rest of the first rice ball down, painfully.

Cyan eyes moved up to look at the stranger's face, only to meet dull looking black eyes. The girl sitting next to her was tall, very very tall. So tall, Kimi would be surprised if she didn't play a sport of some kind. Even back in middle school she remembered how sport's clubs would practically be on the tail with anyone with height or good physical talent.

Mid-length shiny black hair, and a dismissive look the girl couldn't help but to not only look intimidating but also really cool. Something about her looks and aura...

Made the girl seem strangely handsome for a girl.

There was no way she wasn't extremely popular with the ladies whether she wanted to be or not.. Long story short, this person looked like someone Ishikawa should avoid at all cost.

Kimi attempted to stutter out a reply, only when the girl's eyes flicked to hers before looking away again did she realize the stranger wasn't actually looking at her in the first place. Instead her dark orbs had been laser focused on the second kitty onigiri sat in her lap.

Ah.. so she just thought her food was cute, then? The girl sweat dropped slightly, though she couldn't help but feel slightly relieved. 

Hand grabbing the second rice ball, the cyan eyed girl slowly moved to hold it up slightly. Taking notice of the dark eyed girl's gaze following the movement. Deciding to test something, Kimi moved the food farther out in front of her, the girl's eyes followed. Then moved to hold it up slightly over her head and as expected, the girl's gaze followed. Finally, Ishikawa brought the onigiri back down as an idea popped in her head, hand moving it out in front of the handsome girl next to her. Causing dark eyes to widen slightly in shock, though the change in expression was almost unnoticeable.

"I'll give this to you, if you promise not to tell anyone I was eating this kinda thing."

The girl cocked her head slightly, confused, but nodded nonetheless. A large but feminine hand reaching out for the food. Only for it to be pulled away at the last moment. Dark eyes glancing to the side, scanning the cute girl's face.

"Promise." subconsciously Ishikawa's cheeks puffed out, giving her face a cute pout to it. Eyes squinted into a glare, though the look was about as threatening as a growling puppy.

The tall girl stared at the girl's face for a moment before offering another small nod.

Kimi stayed still for a moment, looking for any hint that the girl was lying. As much as she would have liked to hear the girl say she would keep her secret with her own words.. The tall girl didn't seem like much of a talker. That nod was probably the best she was gonna get out of her at the moment.

Deciding to take the chance, she handed over the onigiri to the quiet girl next to her. Who took the food out of her hand with an almost feather like touch. Allowing what Kimi could hold with two full hands to rest in a single large open faced palm. Her free hand reached into the pocket of her blazer, taking out a smart phone and taking a picture of the cutely shaped food. A ghost of a smile forming on her lips as she gazed at the picture before returning the phone to her pocket. Bring the treat up to lightly munch on. All while the cyan eyed girl quietly observed her.

'eh... she really likes it, huh..' the original owner of the onigiri thought to herself, lightly tilting her head.

For a split second, she thought of trying to speak to the girl. See what her name was or maybe ask what about the kitty onigiri the girl had liked so much. Maybe she really liked the kitty shape, or maybe she just liked cute things in general no matter what they were just like herself. Though the girl brushed off the thought almost as soon as it popped up. It was safer to not involve herself with someone who knew her secret.


It was best if they just continued on not knowing who each other were..

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