Not Your Typical Prom

By northofinfinity

6.3K 267 42

'Because I know that there is strength in the difference between between us and there is comfort where we ove... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven

Chapter Twenty Two

123 9 0
By northofinfinity

This chapter is dedicated to everyone who reads and comments and votes and supports me here on wattpad! Thank you for your support and happy 2015 to you <3

The song to the side is Boomerang by The Summer Set and I literally just discovered this song while writing this chapter and aha its so catchy omf. Hope you like it :-)



I had been in bed all day not wanting to get up.

I was confused. I couldn’t believe Brandon would try and do something like that.

It wasn’t like him.

Brandon, my Brandon would never do something like that.

My Brandon was sweet and sensitive and cared for me and he introduced me to his unfriendly parents and asked me to prom in the sweetest way and kissed me all the time.

Prom! What would I do about prom? Mom was expecting me to have a popular and cute date and how on earth would I win if I didn’t have the hottest guy on my arm, I thought. And what would Brandon spread about me in school? What kind of nasty things would he say?

Panic began to bubble up inside of me and I shivered. My life would literally be ruined if Brandon opened his mouth about what happened today. Not only would his friends believe him, they would joke about it and tell everyone else, making me the laughing stock of the school.

And what if Brandon told everyone Cole was my boyfriend and that he stepped in to save his ‘girlfriend’. My life would be ruined!

I liked Cole, he was okay for a loner, but no one could know that. It would completely tarnish my reputation.

Sighing, I rolled over and stared at the ceiling. Reaching out for my phone I unlocked it and looked through my messages.

There was nothing new there.

I locked it and dropped it beside me. Rolling over, I pressed my nose into my pillow.

I didn’t know how to feel about Brandon anymore. I was upset, confused, angry and worried.

How could Brandon force himself on me?

Why would he do that?

How dare he do that to me!

What would happen now?

I sat up and groaned, tugging lightly at my hair. Grabbing the nearest pillow, I flung it at the wall.

“Miss?” Jolly came into my room with a worried expression. “Scarlett are you okay?”

I shook my head and she clucked, rushing to me on her stubby feet.

“Aw Miss Scarlett? What happened?”

I sighed. “I don’t want to talk about it.”

She continued to stroke my hair as I lay my head on her shoulder, listening to the music coming softly from my laptop.

“This is so weirdly nostalgic,” I muttered remembering all the times she stroked my hair over the years.

She had been more like a mother to me than my own.

Jolly had always attended all my school plays and concerts, helping me get ready and practice prior. She had been the one to put a band aid over any cut or scrape I had gotten.

She had spent so much time and effort in supporting me when I had originally begun to dance. She would take me to and from lessons, organise times for me to practise, give me a few ideas or suggestions, help me get ready for concerts and make me costumes.

Jolly had always done so much for me, since I was a little child but I still cared more about what my mother thought.

If Brandon broke up with me, there was no chance he was still my date to prom and I knew how upset my mother would be!

I knew she wanted me to be like her; be the most popular girl in school, win the title of prom queen, be known for my beauty and grace and then open a successful business, marry someone rich and have a child and teach them exactly what I was taught.

If I didn’t win prom queen, she would be so disappointed! And despite the fact that she was a crappy mother, I didn’t want to purposely disappoint her.

Wining prom queen was like a family legacy and I didn’t want to be the one to break it.

“Miss Scarlett?” Jolly asked “please talk to me.”

“I don’t know what to do anymore,” I finally replied with a sigh.

“What do you mean?” she frowned and looked over at me.

I sighed and lay back on the bed.

“It’s too…complicated.”

“Try,” Jolly insisted but I shook my head.

“I wouldn’t know where to begin.”

“The start maybe?” She said sarcastically and I looked at her and rolled my eyes.

“I don’t think you can help me for this one Jolly,” I groaned and rubbed the back of my hand over my eyes.

My phone chimed from beside me and I made a grab for it quickly, hoping it was Brandon.

Unlocking the screen and going onto the message app, I saw it was a text from Cole. Frowning, I clicked on the chat to read it.

Cole: You okay? Do you want to talk?

A slight wave of relief washed over me.

Turning to Jolly, I rephrased my answer. “You can’t help me for this one Jolly but I might know someone who can.”


I pulled up in front of his house, knowing by now how to get there after coming over two times already.

Getting out and locking my car, I walked to the doorstep and rang the doorbell and moments later, a very surprised looking Cole opened the door.

“Scarlett? Hi? I texted you but you didn’t reply?” he said, stepping back to let me inside.

I entered and kicked off my shoes, following him to the lounge room. The TV was on and a Harry Potter movie seemed to be playing but other than that there was nothing out of the usual.

Clearing my throat, I looked around. “Where’s your mother? Or your father?”

Cole stiffened awkwardly and said very stiffly “my mother is working a little late today and my father is…away. And Abby is upstairs sleeping.”

I frowned at the way he said ‘away’ but didn’t question him. If he didn’t want to talk about it, then he shouldn’t have to.

“How are you, anyway?” Cole asked, slightly worried “are you okay? You were quiet in the car and I don’t know…” he trailed off.

“I’m fine, just…confused I guess.”


“I don’t know why Brandon would try and do something like that?” I asked myself the same question for the millionth time this evening. “He isn’t like that? Do you think it’s some kind of bet, maybe?”

“I have no idea. I just saw what I saw; Brandon forcing himself on you and you pushing him away. Too bad coach wasn’t there to see.”

“Cole…” I began hesitantly and he looked up at me, questioning.


“You can’t tell anyone.”

“Can’t tell anyone what?”

“What you saw.”

“But I saw Brandon forcing himself onto my friend,” Cole deadpanned and my heart slightly fluttered at the fact that he called me his friend.

“I- You can’t say that either.”


“That we’re…friends,” I muttered.

There was a long pause and then Cole sighed and rubbed his forehead.

“You don’t want people to find out that we’re friends because of the fact that I’m Cole and that you’re Scarlett and that you’re all queen bee and I’m all nothing? Is that it?” Cole’s voice had become quiet and mocking with a hint of bitterness.

I didn’t say anything.

“I’m right aren’t I?”

He was but I still didn’t say anything.

“Whatever,” he sighed “I won’t tell your prissy little friends that your ‘boyfriend’ just tried to force himself on you and then flung you into a wall in a rage and that I stood up for you but you don’t have the guts to stand up for yourself. I won’t say any of that to your friends, classmates or teachers. It’s okay, your secret is safe with me.”

“W-what secret?”

“That you’re a coward.”


A / N : ohhh hello there! my very first update of 2015 omf this is so crazy i cannot believe 2014 is already over…?? anyway, how did you guys celebrate your new years? and did you make any resolutions?

ohh and ive been reading the maze runner series and woah its intense. im half way through the last book and probably by the time i post this, ill have finished reading it lol but its interesting!

but other than that, i am seriously happy with the fact that ive been writing more as of lately and i feel like this story is finally taking some direction even though this chapter is a little shorter than i would have liked it to be.  i hope you enjoyed and if you did, please leave me a vote and drop me a comment letting me know what you think is going to happen next!!

but i wanted to just say a late happy new year and i hope 2015 is a great year for you in which you are happy, successful and content.

lots of love,


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