Falling For My Best Friend

By _reen_xx

155K 3.5K 926

Savannah orlove and Zack Ryder have been friends since they were toddlers, but a dare changes the relationshi... More

1- The party.
Part 2- Bitch alert!
Part 3- The Dare.
Part 4- Zack's date
part 5- The unprofessional spies
Part 6 - What's your type?
Part 7 - The night at my crush's
Part 8- Movie night
Part 10 - Old friends re- unite
Part 11 - New relationships
Part 12 - Fake boyfriends and exes
Part 13 - Rebounds
Part 14 - Zack's regret
Part 15 - First date
16 - History repeats
17 - Date crash
18 - Something has changed
19 - Dilemmas
20 - No offense
something is coming your way:)
21- Letting it all out
22- Who is she?
23 - Meeting the ex
25 - Feelings can't be hidden
26 - Falling for her
27 - Stuck
28 - Riley to the rescue
29 - The plan
30 - shocking revelation
31 - The First Date(part 1)
32 - The First Date (part 2)
A random review idea
33 - The second date (part 1)
34 - Second date ( part 2)
35 - Who is it?
36 - Its You (alternate ending)

36 - It's You ♡

3.9K 74 42
By _reen_xx

Now that I had tbe courage to admit that Kendall is the one I want I was terrified what would happen to me and Zack and our friendship. I knew leading both of them on was a terrible idea but I had to tell the truth and first I had to go to zack because this can't be done on text or a call.

Riley went off on a date with Brian after our talk and trust me she skipped her way out of my room like she had found the guy she liked. It was like she was on cloud nine because of what I discovered and I was sitting myself into telling the truth.

I got out of the room and gathered up the courage and left to meet up zack at his house and took my car. I thought listening music would make me feel better which, well , always works but this time it didn't! God help me.

I reached at Zack's in 20 minutes. I was literally sweating my palms as I walked up to his house. My heart was palpitating, I was breathing heavily and thinking of the WORST case scenarios.

Ding dong.

I rang the doorbell and Zack opened the door with a warm smile and his face.

"Hey anna! Come inside, I haven't seen you in a week. "He said and hugged me

"He- hey- hi Zack."I said

"Are you okay? Come inside I will get you a soda or something."

"Yeah sure." I managed to take out those words.

As I sat on his couch he left for his kitchen when I heard Sherlock Holmes ringtone.

God am I in a crime scene?

What I am doing is this bad?

Why is this music playing in my head?

I looked down and saw my phone vibrating

Oh yeah it's my ringtone.




Can my life be more fucked?

I picked up the phone with a brave heart not trying to think what is the worst thing he could even say to me not like he knows I made a decision.

"Hey kennnyyy! Whaddup my man?" I said and then cringed at my own words

Real smooth.

"Hey savvy, I just called because riley called me and said you made your decision about the dates and all so I just wanted to ask you, have you?"

Oh he does know.

Well it could not get any worse than this right?

"So you came here to tell me that I am the one you chose and not Kendall?" Zack said from the kitchen, well practically shouted

Oh it does get worse.

God this is the right time to bless me.

I am sorry I picked up a candy that was fallen on the ground but I think we compromised that it was under 5 seconds!

"Are you with Zack?" Kendall asked.

"I-- um it's just ken- you know-" but I was cut off

"Why are you on the phone when you came here to declare your undying love for me anna?'' Zack said when he was in front of me

"So it is Zack, I should have known. I am sorry to talk your time. Good bye Savannah." Ken said and cut the call.

Did he just call me SAVANNAH?

God no no no.

"Zack in I came here to tell that."

"It's not me who you chose right?" He finished my sentence.

"Huh? What?" I asked him in confusion.

"Well because the way you come in I know it wasn't a good news, I know when you are scared to admit a thing you start fidgeting."

"Zack I am so sor--".

"No I haven't finished yet anna."

Oh god lord he hates me.

"I don't hate you anna."

Is he a mind reader?

"It's just that I think I always knew in my heart that you would choose kendall. I mean since he came Into town you have a different glow on your face you aren't stuck up instead you are free and happier like a more alive version of yourself. Plus when did exactly you have feelings for me?" Zack asked.

"After that dare where we had to kiss." I said

"Yes which I said wasn't a big deal but after that even a thing we did as best friends seemed like you were having second thoughts because I was your first kiss. I know how hyped up you were always about your first kiss. Not just you, even me. Ever since we kissed there was some tension between us which we took as feelings but no they weren't romantic feelings I think we both know that."

"When did you get so wise?" I asked him.

"I always have been I just never showed it because you were my best friend who always figured out stuff. Yes I do like you yes it would hurt me to see you with him but I want you to be happy and well the heart wants what it wants right?"

"Yes it does but are we good? You aren't mad at me?"

"No sav, you are my best friend you will always be my best friend and I am always here for you, I want you to do the same, can you?"

"Be your best friend and tolerate you for my whole life? Sounds questionable." I said and looked at him and he laughed a little

"Yes Zachary Leslie Ryder. I am and always be your best friend it will be an honor."

"Well it should be Savannah Pemberton Orlove, now get that golden boy of yours."

I got on my toes,kissed him on the cheeks and sprinted my way as one thing was over.

"Have fun, not too much okay? But still use protection anyway.'' he said as I made a way to the door

"I will mommmmm!" I shouted back.

Mission- let's get to Kendall

I was in a good mood finally well because Zack and I were still best friends and one tension was over but then I remembered the call with kendall.

Oh gosh I hope I reach in time.

I reached at his house and saw his door was open and a suitcase was already out.

Okay no no this isn't happening.

I rushed inside and literally sprinted up the stairs to Kenny's room where he was packing his stuff and was clearly not in a good mood.

"Kendall hey." I said and he turned around with a sad expression..

"Look if you came here to say goodbye, don't. I gotta go." He said and looked away.

"No please listen to me." I said as I took a step further towards him.

"What? What is there left to listen,huh? A crappy apology? Or why you chose Zack instead of me? Or you want us to be friends? Please Savannah there is nothing you can say to stop me. You made your decision I made mine." He said and stormed off to the door.

"It's you Kendall, not Zack or not any other guy in this whole world." I said with all the energy I had.

"What?" He turned around and looked me with disbelief.

"It's you Kendall, I went to zack's to tell him that it's not him that I wanna be with, it's not him I am crazy about, it's not him.who I had a crush since I know boys don't have cooties, it's not him I see a future with and most importantly it's not him I am in love with."

'' oh my god-- are you, is this, is this really happening?"

"Yes, I am sorry that I took so long to-" it was then that I was cut off by him as he rushed towards me pulled me closer and smashed his lips on mine.

Gosh I love this feeling.

After a while he pulled away as his hand cupped my face and he had tears in his eyes and looked me with his gentle brown eyes of his filled with love.

"I can't believe this is true." I said.

"It is savvy, and it is in this moment that I tell you what I have always wanted to."

"And what is that ken?"

"I love you, Savannah Orlove."

"I love you too, Kendall parker."

Maybe this is the start of our always and forever.

~The end ~


And here we are. This was a beautiful journey. Thank you guys for the love you gave me on this story. And we have 13.6k reads which I didn't think was possible but it is and I love you guys for that ❤️

Ps - I am not going anywhere you will get updates of my new story this week onwards (or maybe next) check out its first chapter tho!

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