The Healing Kunoichi || (Tobi...

Av golden_SenjUchiha

154K 5.8K 2.2K

[COMPLETE - NO FUTURE UPDATES/EDITING] "Mari-san!" Speak of the devil... I look over to see my close friend... Mer

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51

Chapter 15

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Av golden_SenjUchiha

Hashirama's POV

"Hashirama, it's time to eat. It is important to relax for a while. Don't stress out too much." My wife, Mito Uzumaki, took my arm and led me towards the table. She's already prepared our food while I was sitting in the living room doing paperwork. My mouth watered at the sight of food.

I'm lucky to have her as my wife.

"It has been a week since you arrived back home from a mission. I never got the chance to talk about this trip of yours." Mito's eyes glowed, "How did it go?"

I smiled at her excitement and told the story. She listened attentively while we ate, all the while scolding me from time to time when I mentioned the few mistakes I have made during the journey. Which in the middle of that, gave me a short lecture when I told her that I almost injured myself during the fight, and in which I pouted in return. I have to keep telling her that I can heal myself just fine, and she just frowns.

Then, I also told her about the woman I met who's incredibly amazing in medical ninjutsu. When I told Mito how talented she is, she mumbled in curiosity, interrupting me, "A magnificent golden glow, hm? It's true that such medical ninjutsu is unique and powerful enough to heal many wounded people... The only person I know who can do that is..." She paused as if in deep thought, trailing away as her eyes wandered around the room. After a moment, she pointed at me with her brow rose, "Did you at least get her name?"

I happily nodded, replying, "Her name is Mari, and she's from The Roots. It is my first time seeing someone who belonged there. Apparently, her village isn't so terrifying at all."

Out of nowhere, my wife put down her bowl and placed her chopsticks on the table, mumbling the woman's name repeatedly. "Mari... Mari, Mari, Mari... Where did I hear that name before?" I gave her a confused look, tilting my head out of curiosity, she thought long and hard to the point I almost finished my own food. After many long moments, suddenly, her eyes beamed and exclaimed, "Oh! I know her. Mari from The Roots! No wonder she sounds familiar."

My mouth gape open in surprise. "You knew her!? How?" My words sounded incoherent as I said it out loud since my mouth is full of rice. Mito is kind enough to put her finger under my chin to shut my mouth close. I gulped the food inside my mouth as I waited for her answer, repeating my question to make it sound clear.

"That's right, that's right. It was... hmm... Five– no, six years ago, perhaps, when I first met her. She was a medic in training back then," She chuckled at the memory, a warm glint sparkling in her eyes, "She was an assistant healer, so she was quite new about medical activities, or at least that's what I believe. And I think she accompanied her mentor who taught her about medical ninjutsu and other types of healing. My clan needs medical assistance at that time, and we asked for help from The Roots. Although it wasn't her mission, she wants to join her mentor so that she could learn what her mentor did in order to adapt it to her life until she becomes a successful medic in the future. Which she did, unsurprisingly. We became friends that day, and I introduced her to my clan. Despite her being two years younger than me, she behaves like a proper and kind lady."

I gleamed at the story, delighted at the thought of Mito knowing her after all this time, "Oh, I see! She's really good at healing now, she handles herself pretty well."

Mito nodded, giggling excitedly, "I'm very happy that she successfully reached her goal. It was the first and last time I met her." She sighed, the tension in her shoulders removed, "I'm glad you met her. Now that I know she's still continuing to pursue the path of helping people, it makes me happy. She is now a capable kunoichi who uses such powerful medical ninjutsu... It is not everyday for the Uzumaki to accept help from a non-clansmen about healing. In her case, she's different. Maybe it's the reason why the Uzumaki considered her as a good ally because of the capability to hold such power which is at quite of a level with the Uzumaki." She resumed eating her food.

I gave her a big grin of her statement. Mito surprised me when she considered Mari as one of the talented shinobi who masters a whole different kind of level in healing. It is also not every day to hear Mito praising someone, let alone someone who almost has a caliber similar to the Uzumaki. If my wife had said so, then I would have considered Mari as a top-tier kunoichi. And yes, I do think that Mari is a very strong and skillful shinobi. As we continued eating, thoughts of her village came running into my mind. The newfound and curious ideas keep plaguing my mind as I thought deeper. It has grown unexpected and very surprising of hearing stories about the people of The Roots. Day by day, I seem to grow interested in them. What if...

Licking my lips, I cleared my throat. "Mito, I have something in mind..."

She drank water for a moment before looking at me. "Hm? What is it?"

My lips pursed of the sudden idea that came in my mind. "Well, it's something I want to consider..." I began telling her my ideas. She listened intensively as she heard every word that came out from my mouth. When I got to the point, her eyes gleamed. "Well, what do you think?"

Mito grinned at me. Her grin is the only approval I need, "Definitely!"

The next day came by and here I am at the Hokage residence, sitting on my chair comfortably. My two advisors were standing in front of me. When the door opened, Izuna came walking in with a look of curiosity in his eyes. I needed him here as well since he had taken part in the mission a week ago.

"So, why did you call me here, Hokage-sama?" Izuna walked beside his brother and greeted the two men standing.

"A private meeting... It better be important. I still have some work to do that you didn't even bother finishing." My brother glared at me, grumbling as he crossed his arms and sighing, "What do you have in mind, elder brother? Something that is not pointless, I hope." Tobirama almost sounded bored.

"You called us. What do you need? Rather, did you have ideas that we needed to hear... or perhaps you are willing to share?" Madara asked, placing a hand on his hips, glancing at me with a curious look.

I breathed in and out, abruptly giving them the shocking information. "What if I told you I want ties with The Roots?"

There was a huge pause, the three seemed to process my words slowly because they haven't spoken for the longest of time. It is exactly the reaction I expected from them. There are curious and confused looks shooting down at me, and I know they have a lot of questions to ask. After a long moment, Izuna had the pleasure to break the silence, "Why and what for?"

I squared my shoulders, trying to look professional since I had prepared myself these sorts of questions last night at the very moment. "Yesterday, at night, my wife told me about The Roots' significance and what they consist of. The Uzumaki clan happens to be in alliance with The Roots, and although it's only temporarily due to some issues, they still have connections with them. Mito told me that the village has important or valuable resources that no one else required."

Tobirama's brow rose up when he picked up a word, "Valuable resources? In what sort? Is it unlike the last village we visited? The last village does have the resources that we needed, and we are already in ties with them. Why do we need another alliance about valuable resources that you're so interested in, elder brother, when we are already in ties with something greater?" His questions are messing up my mind, I cannot seem to catch them all.

Madara agreed with his statements and questions, before adding another question of his, "He's right. If it's so important, then why do you think about it? At first I thought that you'd create more ties with other small villages to help expand our own village, but perhaps it's one of the reasons why you thought to form an alliance with The Roots. And yet I could be wrong."

He has a point... It is considered then...

"An alliance with The Roots?" Izuna mumbled, "What do they have that you're so eager to make an alliance with them? I think it's quite odd to suddenly blurt out like that, but maybe it catches your eye that would be quite helpful to the village."

I paused for a while, taking notes of their ridiculous and multiple questions and statements before saying, "It's wrong to say this, it's like I'm treating the village like an object but..." I straightened my back, I scolded myself mentally from the abruptness and the rudeness. "It's the people."

In unison, they uttered a word, "What?"

I sighed again and scratched the back of my neck. "We all know that people from The Roots are different. They are like a clan, a group of people, except they have different blood, origins or past. Meaning, they are all strangers who treated each other like a family. And don't forget they have different blood, meaning they have different gifts or abilities."

They seemed to understand me slowly as I continued, "If we have ties with them, they can share their unique creations with us. It will provide our village effectively with great defenses and offenses. They can become our strength in terms of power." I quickly added, "Though by any means I am simply not using them for military defenses, that will be considered rude for my part, but uh, I am sure you understand my views."

Madara stared me down with his dark eyes as if he guessed something right. Which he did guess something right, I presume. Tobirama looked at me as if I grew two heads, trying to guess my mind with his red eyes. As if my brother is looking at me so deeply as to why I suddenly grow interested about The Roots, or maybe why I suddenly became a selfish or greedy bastard. Maybe both.

Izuna intercepted, taking this chance to shoot another question, "Um, can you give examples of their unique creations that they made? How does it help us? And also... people!?" He exclaimed at the last part.

I leaned my back on the chair, and rolled my head lazily. "That's a good question. I asked the same question to Mito, and I'm very surprised at the answer!" Then, I straightened up and bent down, picking up an object on the floor. I cautiously proceeded to place the bag on the table and opened it, "They made this!"

Slowly, I took the item out of the bag; a vial of medicine, and twirl it around carefully, a smirk on my face. I watched their faces morph into serious to dumbfounded. It's a reaction I expected from them once again.


I nodded, smiling at them wickedly. "That's right, someone from The Roots created the chakra receiver!"

A chakra receiver is a medication that can give you tons of chakra reserve. One drink from it will give you fifty percent added chakra. It is only used when someone is sick or dying, however, it doesn't really bring you back from the dead but it gives you more chakra when you are in need of it. It's a very dangerous and delicate work. It is more like a soldier pill, but more extreme and stronger, and maybe even deadlier! I heard there's only two of these that they spread over the shinobi world so far, meaning only two people have a possession of these. This medication is very rare, in fact!

"Mito told me that there are more of these kept hidden within The Roots. And since it is not only considered a dangerous weapon, but also a powerful healing potion, only that village can keep the formula or the medicines for now. They aren't going to spread the potion anymore or else it would bring danger. If this information spreads, bad people will take advantage of it, and will abuse the formula into their own selfish ways. No one knows that The Roots created it, of course. It's a good thing that the whole shinobi world considered this potion a rumour, yet only the Uzumaki clan, including us, knew its existence or origin."

"Woah, that's amazing!" Izuna exclaimed, he can't help but take two steps forward. I placed the medicine carefully back in the bag.

Then, opposite from my delicate manner a little moment ago, I slammed my hands on the table excitedly, "But! That's not the only amazing thing they have!"

"Oh? There's more? That village is one hell of a mysterious place after all!" Izuna placed a hand on top of his head, awed.

I nodded furiously, growing giddy by every second to the point I almost screamed, "All the people there are talented! They have wonderful creations and amazing craftsmanship! Like I said, they don't belong in the same family or clans, they all have different origins. So if people there are different, that means their abilities are unknown and could be powerful. They are very capable, and could protect themselves in any way! In short, a village so mysterious could be our ally. We could provide and help each other in any way we can. Especially when it comes to prioritizing and protecting the village. Can you see it? A village with the greatest defense in the world, and a supply system like none other! The Senju, Uchiha, Hyuga, Sarutobi, Uzumaki, Aburame, and so many more clans found within our village, alongside The Roots in which that village alone has tons of talented and skillful shinobi or builders!"

Again, the total opposite of my shown craziness and giddiness a little while ago, I tangled my fingers together and placed it under my chin, my voice lowered into a calm one, "So what do you think? Do you want to have ties with them or decline the idea?"

Madara gave me a sly look, amused, "I didn't know you're capable of being selfish, Hashirama."

I frowned at his words, slouching glumly. "I-It's not how I want to put it that way... I am doing it for the village."

My friend simply scoffed, "Try to sound a bit less optimistic when talking about selfish desires. It would put others into a wrong understanding of interpretation judging by that look on your face."

Until then, they stopped to think for a moment about the question I prepared for them. They look at each other in the eye like they are communicating before finally giving me the look of determination. They answer altogether.


I stood up, pumping my fist and grinned at them in happiness, "Alright! In a week, let's head out and visit The Roots."

Tobirama flared his nose, taken aback by the suddenness, "You're too excited, elder brother."

I flashed him a wink, "Who wouldn't?" My cute little brother reddened slightly before looking away.

After spending time in planning, we had come to an agreement before departing ways. Madara and Izuna bid a goodbye and left the room, and as I sat down in my chair, in the corner of my eye (or is it my imagination?) Tobirama's lips twitched like he was smiling and exited the room.

Mari's POV

I stretched my arms and legs when I finally finished doing my tasks. Now I'm preparing for my next task at hand. It's a long and busy day. It has been two weeks since my last mission. Every single day, I couldn't stop myself from imagining the boy– no, wait, that's right, he's no longer a boy. He's a man. Tobirama... Tobirama Senju.

Why couldn't I stop thinking about him? All the fantasies I make when I have spare time, it's always him in my mind. That's why I work nonstop, I want to distract myself from thinking about that man again.

It hurts, it really hurts. When I left that village, I almost cried because I will never see him again. Fate or destiny is really cruel to me. We met by coincidence. I didn't think I would see him again, rather, I thought he was so far from me. Again. Indeed, it was like a dream come true! In my younger days, I would pray to meet the boy again. I fell in love young and I'm still in love now.

But as I got older, I began to lose hope and started to lose sight of him. What he looks like, what he sounds like, what he actually did. I almost forgot about him, and what's left is just a figment of a shadowy figure. I thought it wouldn't happen. I thought he was just a figure in my imagination, I thought he was just a dream until two weeks ago! It happened. Something bizarre and unexpected happened... It was a big surprise, I couldn't even believe it. I'm very surprised that I didn't freak out when I realized who he was. Hell, I think I'm glad I remained calm, probably, otherwise everything could turn out embarrassing.

I blushed when his face appeared in my mind again. I shook my head furiously and continued to do my work.

When I arrived back home, I told my best friend everything that happened. Since she knew about the boy I kept thinking of back then, she was just as surprised as me.

"Holy shit, for real? The Senju Tobirama? The great Tobirama from Konohagakure no Sato!?" Hanaji exclaimed, her mouth gaping wide like a fish.

I nodded, scratching the back of my head. "I know! That's the same reaction I had too!"

She stood up and paced back and forth, placing her hands on both of her cheeks. "Holy shit. Oh my goodness. No fucking way!"

The sudden mood of the atmosphere is far too great. I stood up as well laughing at her reaction, "It's true! I'm not lying. It is him!"

In a blink of an eye, she was right in front of me, grabbing my shoulders and shook me hard. "Oi! O-Ow! Stop it!" She stopped but she didn't remove her hands, and instead gripped her fingers so tightly that it almost hurts.

"I'm supposed to be the one who's more surprised and be acting crazy, Hanaji!" I remove her fingers off me and cross my arms, flaring my nose. Then out of nowhere, she squealed, so loud that my eardrum hurts. I covered my ears from her screams and I shouted, "What was that for!?"

She was about to answer when someone came behind her, "Hanaji! You still have some lessons with sensei! You're still a newbie to work in the infirmary, you know!?"

Hanaji quickly bowed down, face red. "Of course, ma'am. I'll come right away!" As she walked towards the door hurriedly, she looked back at me one last time, glaring and whispered loudly, "We're not done yet." Then, she sprints away.

Ah, yes, that reaction is what I'm always expecting and waiting from her. It was really funny, having Hanaji reacting to my situation is really fun. However, some things never really change. In few hours later–


Speak of the devil... I look over to see my close friend, Hanaji, running towards me with a wicked smile on her face. "Guess what, guess what?"

"Uh, w-what is it? You look excited for some reason." I rubbed my hands as I finished writing the project, her smile grew wide and her eyes were gleaming.

"The Konoha men are coming over!" Hanaji exclaimed, she placed her hands to her cheeks as if she was blushing.

It took a few seconds to process her words, "Wait... what? W-What!?"

She nods at me, her eyes are excited. "You heard me, they're coming over. And you'll meet him again!" She giggles as she places her hand to her mouth, as if trying to muffle the noises she makes.

I look away. I can feel myself blush as the thought of that person came into my mind. "W-What are you talking about Hanaji? I don't know what you're saying" I began fixing my table, pretending to be busy. "Anyways, aren't you busy meeting up with sensei?"

"Of course! I just want to get yourself ready beforehand!"

"Ready myself? From what?" I pretend to be confused, still avoiding her gaze.

"Once you meet him, you'll be blushing from head to toes. And then you'll only see sparkles and flowers all over! Then, you won't stop staring at him." I look at her with my face red, her grin so wide that I thought it would hurt if I was her, "You'll get distracted." She whispered the last part.

Holy shit, I'm seeing him again... No way.

"S-Shut up! I'm still pretty busy, you know! Don't distract me. Get out!"

She pursed her lips and scoffed, "I'm bringing you good news and that's how you repay me?" She looked away, offended, and crossed her arms, shaking her head in disappointment.

I rolled my eyes, "There's nothing exciting about that. You need to meet up with your sensei or else you'll have your punishment."

She gasped behind me and I looked over to see what's going on, "I knew it!" She pointed at my face and I looked away. "You're blushing! Oh my goodness!" She squealed and clapped her hands excitedly.

"Get out now!" I yelled, gritting my teeth.

"Oh, I can't wait to see them! It's my first time ever seeing them. I knew that they're famous and all, but I don't really know who they are. I'm guessing that they are very good-looking."

I rolled my eyes again and smirked, "You'll gouge your eyes out once you meet them."

She gasped again, covering her mouth. "Are they really that good-looking?"

I shrugged, smirking at her. "Who knows? You'll find out once you see them."

Hanaji squealed and spun in circles, "Oh, wait a minute!" I gave her a curious look, "Hashirama Senju, right?" I nodded, raising my brow.

"I remembered something important about him... Hmm... Oh!" She snapped her fingers, "I know! He's married!"

The way I gasp sounds like I choke my own saliva, "W-What!? I didn't know that! He's married!?"

She nodded, "Yeah! I think his wife belongs from the Uzumaki clan."

I went to the Uzumaki clan before, they were very nice, friendly, scary, and dangerous people. I had a friend back there, I remembered her name, Mito Uzumaki. She is a very sweet person and I'm very happy to have a friend like her. She's older than me, we were teens when we met. I bet she's a beautiful lady now.

"Oh? Who's the lucky woman?" I grabbed the paper in front of me and read the contents while I waited for her answer.

She thought hard, scratching her head as if trying to remember the identity of the woman. Until finally, her eyes glowed. "I think her name's Mito. Ah, yes, Mito Uzumaki."

I dropped the paper and it fell slowly to the floor, snapping my eyes towards her. "What!?"

This day never failed to keep surprising me...


It's a long chapter isn't it? So yeah, here's a new chapter, hopefully you guys enjoy it.

Leave a vote, comment and share this to others who are interested in this type of story. Thanks!

Also, please pinpoint where I made a mistake. Please! So that I can fix my mistakes, thank you!

Edited: October 20, 2020

Quick edited: December 4, 2020

Bye ~

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