Red feelings...but for who...

By WordAssembler

3.4K 57 34

This is just a meteorstuck DaveKat fanfic I wanted to write because I can. Warning, there is A LOT of swearin... More

Stupid feelings
Pancakes = Apology ?
Red for who ?
Mama Kanaya
Makes Terezi loco
Candy red freaks
The prince and the princess
Author's note

I can't

352 4 0
By WordAssembler

Be Terezi Pyrope ==>

Karkat seemed really off yesterday. I was worried about the cranky little dude. He used to be so fun to mess with but recently he's just sad. I mean, I knew him and Dave both had flush crushes on me. They were so loud about it that it's hard not to notice. They've squabbled about it before but all in good fun, and I doubt that Karkat would let something like romance hurt his feelings. The two of them were friends so it was fine. Right ?

I sure hoped it was fine. I didn't want to hurt Karkat. Cause I actually liked Dave back. And while listening to them fight was fun and all, I was getting a little impatient that he didn't make move. We've hung out so often that I can think of 50 moments where he could have just asked me. But oh well, I don't mind doing it myself. I swag walked all around the meteor sniffing around for Dave. I even went in his respitblock, but I couldn't find him. Strange. I kept walking until I smelled, Karkat running out of his respitblock, his face smelled bright candy red.

I decided to poke my head into Karkat's room to find out what was going on. "Yo TZ what's up ? I would have offered you pancakes but Karks and I ate them all" Dave spoke in his usual cool kid voice.

"Hi Dave. Why are you in Karkat's respitblock? And why did he run out blushing?" I asked. "What? Can't I spend some bro time with Karkles and make him pancakes ? He's blushing cause I'm suuuuch a charmer." He said, I could hear the smirk in his words.

"Yeah sure you are dude. I think you killed him more than you charmed him." We both laughed for a good while, I felt like now was a good time to ask him. Well I wasn't sure if it was, I was just getting impatient.

"Hey Dave? I've been meaning to ask you something. I'm not Karkat or Kanaya so I won't beat around the bush. Will you be my matesprit ? Or, I guess, in your human terms : Will you be my boyfriend ?"

Be the charmer ==>

"Will you be my boyfriend ?" Those words echoed in my head as I was dumbfounded.

I liked Terezi, that was for sure. But I couldn't say yes. I didn't want to say yes. I wasn't sure why. I just stared at her, mouth open at a complete loss for words. I usually never broke my cool kid facade but this time, I couldn't help it.

"Uuuum hello ? Dave ? I can smell your breath. It's kinda gross." Her voice managed to shake me out of my zoned out state. "I-i uh... I can't. I'm sorry TZ." Man did I really just stutter ? Oh fuck no. Striders don't stutter.

"Huh? I thought you liked me that way ! I asked you because I was getting kinda impatient, maybe I read it wrong..." She mumbled the last sentence.

"No, I do like you that way. But I'm sorry. Don't get me wrong, you're awesome and super rad. But I can't do that to Karkat. He's my bro. I just can't do that to a friend." I didn't want to see the expression on her face as I turned her down.

Even though it seemed like I didn't care, I really did care. And I don't want to see her hurt because of me. Hurting people isn't cool. So I got up and left to go to my room.

683 words

And THIS is why I didn't want their dialogue to look like their PesterChum typing. Cause having Karkat in all caps all the time even when he's not yelling makes things confusing. 4lso It Is So 4nnoying To H4v3 To Typ3 4nd R34d Lik3 This. But if you guys want me to make each troll's typing style their dialog I can, please let me know if you want that.

Anyways peace out :)

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