My Dearest Dear. [Drake Chris...

By EscapedFate

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Emalee is a normal girl with a sad past of abuse and being alone; but she doesn't let that stop her from seei... More

Chapter One [Stuttered Hello]
Chapter Two [Oops]
Chapter Three [Naps and Yummy Lunch]
Chapter Four [Stage Fright]
Chapter Five [A Diner, New Friend, and Relief]
Chapter Six [Bad News, New Relationships]
Chapter Seven [Welcome Home//First Text]
Chapter Eight [New House, Road Trip // Breakfast]
Chapter Nine [Or Giraffes // Skype Date?]
Chapter Ten [Snack Break // Awkward Chat]
Chapter Twelve [Carson, Brendon, Pizzas- and Crystal?]
Chapter Thirteen. [The Talk (Wreck) // What A Way To Ask]
Chapter Fourteen [Hospital]
Chapter Fourteen (Part Two) [Surprise! Surprise!]
Chapter Fifteen [Time Skip // Explanation]
Chapter 16: Happy Birthday!

Chapter Eleven [Sharing a Past and a Hotel Bed? Checking In]

679 12 2
By EscapedFate

----------------Drake's POV------------------------------------

Emalee was thoughtful for a few silent moments, eyes stuck on the road. She decided to tell me about her past, which I thought was really awesome because that means she trusts me, right?

"Well, uhm, my mom left me and my dad when I was thirteen, and my dad kind of became a drunkard." She said, her cheeks turning red. I nodded and looked at her with understanding. My mom and step dad had overdosed when I was ten, and it hit me hard.

"He remarried once, but I never saw the girl again after a month or so. I figured she left, but my dad always says she's on a business thing," Emalee shrugged, "It's been about three years since I brought her up, he'd always go insane." 

"But yet, he never ever hit me. Called me names and threatened to a few times, and being a pretty weak girl, I broke down a lot. Like way too much. By the time I was fifteen I thought I didn't have any tears left to shed. I- I just hated school, I wasn't, like, bullied though I guess, but I never really had friends I trusted." Emalee sniffled a little and I gently squeezed her hand, she sent me a thankful, sad smile.

"This one guy, Vic, he was almost always there for me, I was best friends with his brother, everything was fine until he met my dad. Vic hated him immediately, and they always fought whenever I tried to bring him over. I was really in love with him, because he was my first love, and I was almost sixteen. On my birthday my dad told Vic I hated him and never wanted to see him again, only because he was suspicious of Vic and his brother because they had started a garage band. Vic and Mike never tried to talk to me again, ever, and I didn't talk or even look at my father until I had heard Vic had moved. So there was no chance again of me seeing him." I was wide eyed, who could do that to someone? Decide a big part of their life? It made me sick, and it was so stupid that the Vic guy left her alone, not talking to her ever again.

"So, like I said, when I didn't talk to my dad, I didn't talk to anyone. I dropped out of tenth grade for a semester, and he didn't care. I felt shitty all the time, and I couldn't even look at myself in the mirror, it was the time where I was into darker stuff. Nothing felt right, then I went back to school. Then I got bullied, then I met a new kid that was also into darker stuff. His name was Max. We always met up after school, at a park or in his car somewhere. I felt like I finally had a grip on my life because he was there, slowly becoming my best friend, but one week I hadn't heard anything from him. No one wanted to talk to me..." Emalee choked a little, taking a deep breath. 

"I went to his house, and his older sister opened the door. She was a pretty, popular girl who was glitter and neon pink and bleached hair. She looked annoyed, asking rudely what I was doing there. I said I was wondering about Max, and she scoffed at me a little, saying this exactly, 'That faggot was never my brother, and he killed himself Sunday. Get the fuck off my yard, because you're just like him, emo twat,' at that point... I just... Ran." She shuddered and I rubbed her hand with my thumb in little circular patterns, taking a slow sip of my drink.

"I didn't go home for a day or two. I slept in a tree. When I came home, my father was yelling at some woman, but I had a pounding headache and just went up to my room. Just to sleep off everything, then I woke up around four in the morning to shower. That's the first time I ever looked at a blade wrong. After cleaning up it was all I could think about. I thought it could solve everything, release my pain with blood. But my dad came in, scaring me to death, so I hid the knife somewhere in my room, and he started talking about my mom. He was sober, and actually trying. I just couldn't listen though, my mind went blank every time he asked something. Soon he gave up and left me alone, and I stayed in my bed for the longest time. Not once hungry, thirsty, or bored. My mind was reeling with the death of Max, every now and then going back to Vic, my mom, and the fact that I had school Monday. Alone. I never shed a tear, I was emotionless for the longest time, but I soon found myself returning to normal. By the time I was seventeen, I talked to my dad casually, and no one really screwed with me." Emalee pulled over at a lit up Inn, letting her hand fall into her lap limply.

"Emalee, I'm so sorry you had a hard life.. You didn't deserve any of it, and I'm glad you're still here.." I said after a minute, feeling really stupid because that's all I had to say. 

"Drake, you are the first person I have ever explained this to since it happened, and I feel fucking amazing." She looked at me, a huge grin on her face. It was contagious. 

"When I told my fans about my history, it felt amazing too. Like.. A weight left my mind." I said, going back to the time when I posted 'In Careless Relation' on Facebook, I was pretty nervous about what people would think but I felt like they should know.

"That was seriously brave, and I felt inspired when I saw that, it's probably what helped me get my shit together." Emalee looked at me, her features softening and her smile was sweet and small. 

"Thanks, and it's awesome that it helped you find hope," I sent her a smile back, and found ourselves an inch apart. But it didn't feel.. Right. I reluctantly pulled back a little, glancing to the homey looking Inn. 

"I guess we're stopping here?" 

"Yeah, we made a lot of progress.. Unless you want to continue, then, uhm we can..." Emalee looked down at her hand, which was fidgeting with her jacket. 

"I don't fancy staying in a car for another five or six hours straight, so let's go," I laughed, let her hand go and getting out of the cramped vehicle. 

"I don't either," She laughed, and I felt butterflies, however lame that may sound. She's still the only girl that could do this to me. We entered the little lobby after Emalee grabbed her wallet and locked the car, deciding to get stuff in the morning. 

"Hi, what can I do for you two?" A small elderly lady smiled at us from the front desk, but raised an eyebrow when she saw my hat.

"How much is a room for a night?" Emalee asked, and I subconsciously grabbed her hand, making her blush but not look down. 

"For a normal room, $129, for a suite, $240." She read off a dimly lit computer monitor, which had to be from the year 2000.

"Can we get a normal room, then?" She nervously let my hand go and I smiled at her, trying not to laugh, as she opened her wallet and grabbed her Visa.

"Of course, I.D. too, please?" The lady ran Emalee's card and gave it back to her while both of us flashed our cards. 

"Thank you, here's the key, second floor, room 83." She pointed to a set of wooden stairs off to the side.

"Thanks, goodnight," We both replied, and I caught her hand again, Emalee laughed a little and pulled me up the stairs quickly, almost making both of us trip face first. Basically laughing nonstop until we got to the room, which only had a bed, which only had a Queen sized bed, a loveseat with a small TV resting on an old oak dresser, and a little table with three chairs off to the side. Emalee let go of my hand and put them on her face, which was mixed with surprise and amusement. 

"I can sleep on the loveseat," I offered, my face turning a little pink, shoving my hands into my jean pockets. 

"If you want to be all cramped up," She had a weird look on her face again, "Then we should've continued driving," She laughed and walked over to the bed that was covered in a quilt, falling on it and landing softly.

"Soooo comfy," Emalee sighed and wiggled upwards to the pillows, making me laugh lightly.

"Drraaaakkee you're so cute," She giggled, cuddling a pillow

"Yooouuuu liiiike meeee," She sung, off-tune and quietly, making me blush and look wide eyed at her, "IIIIIIIIIII like you." Emalee giggled so much, tears stained her cheeks. My face was like a wildfire; red as a ruby. After a few moments, the laughter died down.

I awkwardly walked over, soon hearing soft snores as I threw my hat on the table, pulling the covers over her as gently as I could. She muttered, but turned over and snuggled deeper into the bedding. My stomach rolled with butterflies and my heartbeat quickened when I stretched out next to her, hands under my head and my body above the covers. A sighed gently as Emalee squirmed, turning over then somehow finding her way next to my side and curling next to me. 

"What's gotten into you," I whispered, looking at the beautiful sight next to me, smoky black hair was everywhere, some of it tucked underneath her slim body, the usual bright, blue-grey irises were kept underneath smooth eyelids, some eyeliner was actually smudging a bit. A smile played at her soft lips, but as I began to close my eyes, it turned into a little frown, like she was deep in thought. 

-----------Emalee's POV------------------------------

I woke up with a slight headache; it's what happens after I drink and eat a bunch of sugar. Not to mention the emotional rush I had yesterday. My blurry eyes couldn't comprehend what was beside me, but it was warm and comfortable, so I just lay there, hoping I wouldn't ever have to get up. Then I realized what I said and who was next to me. 

"Shit," I mumbled, alarmed, falling off the bed in a swift movement, landing on my back with a thud. I put a hand on the nightstand, forcing myself up, looking for a clock. An old-fashioned birdhouse clock ticked evenly on the wall that led to a small bathroom, after a few minutes I figured it said it was around 11:00 PM. I stretched, looking over at Drake, blushing when I couldn't keep the words tumbling out of my stupid mouth last night. He looked peaceful though, chest falling and rising ever so slightly, his hair was ruffled beyond a bird's nest though, making me grin and try not to wake him up with laughter. My mind quickly jumped to another thought, stopping any humor. 

 "Drraaaakkee you're so cute,"  I can't believe I said that.

"Yooouuuu liiiike meeee,"  I freaking wish. 

"IIIIIIIIIII like you."  Ugh, I hope things won't be awkward now. I would die. But it was true... And way too surreal. I don't know why I like him so much, he probably thinks I'm just a cool friend that's helping him out. Oh god, please don't let me be friend-zoned. My heart would shatter. I sound so dramatic, like a whiny 13 year-old with her, like, 18 year-old boyfriend who "loves her," I feel so ridiculous. Why do you do this to me, Christopher. My stomach rumbled, but I promptly ignored it, sighing and walking into the bathroom; my hair wasn't much better than Drake's, but I saw more problems than humor. My eyeliner was smudged all to hell, and my eyes were nasty. I washed my face with lukewarm water, drying it off with a sand colored, plush washcloth. Turning around, I bumped into something.

"Mornin'," Drake mumbled, his voice coated in sleep. My heart fluttered and my face felt hot.

"Hey," I replied a nervous smile, sidestepping to let him pass. I told him something about getting stuff from the car, and went out with my keys. Unlocking the untouched vehicle, I grabbed my duffel and one of Drake's that he described to have the stuff he needed in it. Locking it and walking back, I smiled "Hello," to the person at the desk, which was a bored-looking 16 year-old Scene girl; her hair had neon colors and her lips were stained with black lipstick. She rolled her eyes and went back to reading a magazine, which was an old Alternative Press. Shrugging, I skipped up the steps, entering the silent room and setting the bags down on the little couch. 

"Got your stuff," I said, loud enough that he should hear from any part of the room.

"Thanks," Drake appeared from the bathroom, unzipping and rummaging through it.

"Mind if I shower first?" I asked, running a hand through my hair, trying, unsuccessfully, to tame.

He smiled at me, it sent a small shiver down my spine, "Nah, I need to call my Uncle anyway." 

I nodded and made a mental note to call my Mother and Kenna after I get out. I scrubbed my hair furiously, making sure every strand was clean, and my body was fresh from all the gross germs. I dried my hair a little and put on my outfit which was a sky blue v-neck, white skinny jeans, and a belt that had musical notes doodled on it. Walking out, Drake was just hanging up on the phone, looking full of relief.

"He doesn't mind you staying while he's gone, and his trip had to be extended until next Wednsday." Drake said, taking some stuff into the bathroom.

"Cool," I smiled, grabbing my phone I put on charge. I had several missed calls and about 20 text messages. Half of them were from Mom, the other half Kenna, and one from my old friend Kelsey. I read the one from Kelsey, it just said that she'd like to tlak again, and I decided to call her too. I called my mother first, letting it ring longer than usual, but she picked up.

"Goodness! Emalee, dear, are you alright?!" She said, voice full of worry. My stomach twisted with guilt.

"Yeah, uh, sorry I left so soon, my friend just needed me to drive him t-"

"Him? You're driving around some boy? How far away is the trip, Emalee?" She pressed, cutting me off.

"Mom, listen, I can do what I want, I'm nineteen, and plus, Drake's really close to me; he wouldn't try something stupid. I wouldn't let him." I said calmly, she started to say something but I continued. "And I'm already a third of the way there, to California, and I'll be staying at his house with his Uncle for a bit, I'll call you with updates, love you." The phone line went dead before she had a chance to say anything, and I quickly called Kenna. She picked up faster.

"Lee-lee!" She yelled happily, calling me by the nickname she's decided on.

"Hey, Kenna," I relaxed.

"Where are you? How's it going? Talk to Drake? Does he like you?" Question ran out of her mouth randomly.

"I'm somewhere near New Mexico, I think, and I'm alright, just a little annoyed because my mom was freaking out because I'm taking Drake back to his house in California and-"

"Oh! Are you going to stay with him? That's just so cute! You guys are adorable, seriously, best almost-couple ever." Kenna squealed. You know, for a Gothic girl like her, she's quite girly.

"Yeah, I'll be there for a few days." I blushed, biting my lip.

"He is soooo going to kiss you, then you'll be his girlfriend, then-"

I had to cut her off.

"Kenna! Stop, shush, calm down! I doubt that's going to happen." But it actually almost did. She didn't need to hear that anyway.

"I gotta go, I'll text you. Bye, Kenny," I said, ending the call and sighing back into the couch. She was so full of energy. I recieved another text from Kelsey, saying she just moved into a house in California, and I replied back, telling her about how I was on my way to Cali right now for a few days. I keep saying "a few days", but honestly I wish I was with Drake forever. My face burned, did I really like him so much, already? Ugh.


of Chapter Eleven.

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