Emotions Grant Great Power (A...

By DarkForceWhis

4.1K 22 29

Y/N Windu or as he's known by the Sayain race, Kolra L/N, at least that's his birth name, after being sent aw... More

Bio & Prologue
Sparring Match in the Gravity Chamber, Journey to Namek
Y/N Realizes the Legend, Arriving on Namek, Freeza Saga Skip, Earth
Unknown Future Warriors
Andriods 19, 20, and 23 (23 POV)
Back in the Eastern Galaxy, Y/N Meets "Ben", Han Solo
Y/N Explains a Super Saiyan, Y/N Ascends, Meeting Cell, Hyperbolic Time Chamber
Year 1 in the Hyberbolic Time Chamber
Year 2 in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, Exiting the Chamber.
A/N: Rebooting

Talk with Ashoka, Family Reunion

654 3 3
By DarkForceWhis

We see Y/N finishing up his training for the day.

Y/N: And done, 15x gravity is intense.

Y/N walks out of the time chamber and is greeted by Ashoka.

Ashoka: Hello Y/N.

Y/N: Ashoka was it? Sorry, I'm bad with names, it takes me awhile to memorize them.

Ashoka: It's fine, I actually wanted to talk to you.

Y/N: Mind if we get something to eat first, I'm starving.

As if on cue his stomach grumbles.

Ashoka: *giggles* That's fine.

Y/N and Ashoka go to the cafeteria and Ashoka is shocked at how much he's eating and is still shocked.

Ashoka: Do you have a black hole for your stomach?

Y/N: I just have an extremely high metabolism, I can't help but eat alot.

Ashoka: Well, what do you think about your father?

Y/N: He's very nice, he found me when I was a baby and he took me in, I wouldn't want anyone else for a father.

Ashoka: Master Windu is very stern, I'm curious, since you have a lightsaber were you trained in the way of the Jedi?

Y/N: Yeah, although I do have a few exceptions because I can't use the force, such as being allowed to love, however I can never let my emotions control me, if it's a scenario of the life of my girlfriend versus the lives of many others, I have to save the many people.

Ashoka: I see, I saw your training the other day, how do you constantly go beyond a human's limits?

Y/N: I don't know, it doesn't feel like I'm reaching a limit though.

Ashoka: I've been meaning to ask, what's with your belt? Why is it all furry?

Y/N: Oh, that's my tail.

Y/N unwraps his tail from his waist.

Ashoka: I've never seen a human with a tail before.

Y/N: I keep asking pops about it but he gets uncomfortable, I'm planning on confronting him soon about it, I think he's not telling me because I'm not strong enough.

Ashoka: I think you're strong enough, after all, no-one can match your strength.

Y/N: Still, there must be some reason he's not telling me, I will find out what I am.

Ashoka: It's always good to have a goal.


Totoma: Tch, a few months is a long time to wait.

Totoma hears the news of the dragon balls over her scouter and then takes it off.

Totoma: Dragon Balls? Perhaps I can use them to realize the legend, if not, I can always become immortal. Kolra, you and I won't be on Vegeta's side, no, we'll be on our own, family should stick together, especially when conquering the universe, and killing Freeza. I wonder how my little sister is doing, where are you Valkyr? (Based on Valkyrie)

Totoma hits a button and enters stasis until she reaches the planet.

—back with you—

Y/N: Do you have any goals Ashoka?

Ashoka: I want to become a Jedi Knight but that's about it right now.

Y/N: Well, it is a good goal, how's Anakin as a mentor?

Ashoka: He's "Do what I say not what I do."

Y/N: Sounds like him, I'll see ya later Ashoka, I gotta go.

Ashoka: See you later.


Y/N has been training at 15x Coruscant's normal gravity for a few months and has had many discussions with Ashoka, during which he's started to have feelings for her but knows he can't act upon them due to her being a Jedi Padawan and she must follow the Jedi code. Currently Y/N is talking with Ashoka when he senses someone dangerous and stronger than he is.

Y/N: What is that energy?

Ashoka: Y/N?

Y/N: I have a bad feeling about this.


Totoma lands and wakes up from her stasis.

Totoma: Let's see, where are you Kolra?

Totoma turns on her scouter and scans for the highest power level and finds one at 15,985.

Totoma: Found you.

Totoma flies towards Y/N's location.

—Back with you—

Y/N has alerted the Jedi council and is now waiting for the energy source to appear and soon Totoma appears.

Totoma: Kolra! You were supposed to wipe out the lifeforms on this planet! You disappoint me!

Y/N: Who the hell is Kolra?! My name is Y/N!

Totoma: Is that what you're calling yourself?! You're name is Kolra!

Totoma lands and walks towards him.

Y/N: Who are you?

Totoma: I'm hurt, do you really not remember your own cousin?

Everyone gains shock because of her reveal.

Y/N: I meant your name.

Totoma: Very well, my name is Totoma, and you Kolra are a Saiyan just like me.

Y/N: The hell is a Saiyan?

Totoma: Did you hit your head or something?! Has anything happened when you looked at the full moon?!

Y/N: On one of my missions I lost consciousness and woke up to mass destruction.

Totoma: I see you still have your tail, that's good, without a tail you wouldn't have access to the power of the Oozaru.

Y/N: What the hell? I'm not a human after all?

Totoma: Of course not! Do humans get more powerful after a near death experience?! No, they don't! We Saiyans grow stronger from almost dying and recovering to full health! Saiyans are a proud warrior race!

Y/N: Why are you here?!

Totoma: Kolra, I'm here for you.

Y/N: Stop calling me Kolra! My name is Y/N Windu!

Totoma: Are you daft?! Let me explain it this way, you were born with the name Kolra L/N, but sense you lost your memory, you changed it to Y/N Windu, these people are calling you by your Coruscant name, while I am calling you by your real name. *takes off her scouter* Kolra, we Saiyans eliminate the inhabitants of a planet and sell the planet off to the highest bidder, at least, until our planet was destroyed by a galactant tyrant named Freeza. Now there are only 4 known Saiyans left, including you, Kakarot, myself, and our prince, Vegeta. I have long since lost interest in killing planets, now, all I wish for is for Freeza to meet his end. I came to you for this Kolra, pleese, we need to head to Planet Namek to stop him.

Windu: She isn't lying Y/N.

Y/N: Father?

Windu: You are indeed a Saiyan, Totoma was it? We can get you a ship with a gravity chamber that'll go up to 20x normal gravity at the cost of hyper space, but it'll be very fast.

Totoma: Thank you.

Y/N: When will it be completed?

Windu: Three days.

Y/N: Then we can train at 15x for 3 days. Follow me Totoma.

Y/N and Totoma arrive at the gravity chamber and Y/N turns on the gravity at 15x.

Totoma: That all this chamber can do?

Y/N: Unfortunately yes, but only because I'm constantly using it.

Totoma: You aware of the show we're about to put on?

Y/N: Definitely.

Y/N and Totoma get ready to spar while all of the Jedi, youngling or padawan, knight or master, watch in anticipation, but the masters are more concerned about the damage than the rest.

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