~Seven Uniting Souls~ Avenge...

By Bunny-Crystal

36.8K 834 201

'Lola Stars. Not the greatest of names--she knows, but she doesn't mind it. She's waited her whole life--li... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 7

2K 47 1
By Bunny-Crystal

~~A Little After The Past, But Still Before The Present~~

"Recruits!  Attention!"  Peggy ordered.  I saw Steve at attention in the line up.  Instead of doubt and sickness, I felt proud.  He finally made it.  Good for him!  He deserves a chance!
"Gentlemen, I'm Agent Carter."  She informed them sternly.  "I supervise all operations for this division.  Now at my side is General Stars."  She gestured to me.  I gave a firm, sharp nod with an intimidating glare.

Some cadets flinched and became afraid, others slightly bothered.  Steve hadn't seen me like this before, but he was still calm...well, as calm as Steve could be.  But...one cadet did not flinch.  He did not dare to speak up as we passed him.
"What's with the accent, Queen Victoria?  I thought I was signing up for the U.S Army."  He eyeballed me.  I stepped forwards.

"What's your name, Soldier?"  I questioned the suicidal low-life.

"Gillmore Hoge, you Majesty."  He replied smugly.  (I can't spell his last name, h e l p .)

"Step forward, Hoge."  I ordered.  He strutted over like he'd won something.
"Put your right foot forward."  He did so.

"Ohh, you gonna massage it?"  He asked cockily.  "Cause I got a few moves I know you'll like."  He winked.  I sent a firm punch to his nose, knocking him straight to the ground.  I had felt his nose break under my fist upon impact.

"General Stars, Agent Carter."  We turned around and saluted to the approaching general.

"General Philip."  We nodded.

"I see you breaking in the candidates, that's good."  He nodded proudly.  "Get your ass up and out of that dirt, stand in line and stay there until someone comes and tells you what to do."  He glared.

"Yes Sir."  The man stood back at attention with the other recruits.  I smirked as he cowered under my gaze.  His nose was bleeding quite a bit and he was very shaken up.  Not many like him can go against a vampire's punch and stand back up.  He's quite tough.  He'll last a day or two only because of his personality.

"General Pap.  As said.  Wars are won with weapons, but they are fought by men."  General Philip began his speech.  "We are going to win this war because we have the best...men."  He did a double take at the last word.  He eyed Steve with shock, looking over to a shrugging doctor and grinning me.  He shook his head and continued.  "And because they're gonna get better."  I stifled a laugh.  He glared at me, but I saw a tiny smile.  He passed Steve.  "Much better."  His speech continued as he paced up and down the ranks, telling the men what they should prepare for.

Then, day after day passed and everyone, slowly, progressed forwards.  Climbing ropes, crawling under barbed wire trenches whilst keeping a gun at arms, jogging a long, long field track and so, so much more.  Peggy kept track of record times and top scores, I organized everything and sometimes instructed training.

"LET'S GO LADIES!  WE'RE NOT HERE TO DANCE, NOW MOVE!"  I ordered the running ranks.  We stopped once at the flag pole.  I stopped them.  They turned to me curiously.
"YOU SEE THAT FLAG, LADIES?  WE'RE NOT EVEN AT THE HALFWAY POINT."  Their faces turned sour.  I smirked.  "The first person to bring that to me, gets a ride back with Agent Carter."

They swarmed for the flag.  They all tried to climb it, but none succeeded.  Steve didn't even try...he just observed.  "COME ON NOW, LADIES.  NO ONES GOTTEN THAT FLAG IN SEVENTY YEARS--NOW FALL BACK INTO LINE, PRINCESSES."  They got back into formation as ordered, scared to anger me.  I saw Steve hurry up to the flag.  I showed no mercy.  "ROGERS!  FORMATION.  NOW."  He didn't even spare me a damn glance--cheeky bastard.  He knows my heart's too good to hurt him or anything similar to that.

He took the connecting point out of the bottom of the pole, and we watched the pole fall to the ground.  Everyone watched shocked, but Peggy and I smirked.  He strode over to the flag, picked it up and rolled it into a ball.  I took it from his hands as he walked past and Peggy started the vehicle.  "Thank-you, Ma'am."  He nodded, before climbing into the truck.  They began the drive back.  I set the pole back up with my abnormal strength, turned back to the formation of asses and glared.

"NOW LET'S MOVE!  MOVE!"  I ordered them.  They began running back once more.  Another day, another dollar.  I better get paid for this shit.  It was only later in the afternoon, when I didn't have anything to do.  I watched Peggy drill the men into push-ups...Steve was really struggling.  I saw the Doctor and General Philips marching by, so I dashed from the roof to join them.  I overheard their conversation before they greeted me.

"You're not really thinking of picking Rogers are you?  Hello, Lola."  He greeted.  I saluted.

"General.  Doctor."  The doctor returned the salute and spoke in reply to General Philips and I.  

"I was not just considering it, General.  He is a clear choice.  And hello, dear Lola."  The doctor adjusted his glasses.

"I thought when you'd brought a skinny, frail, little man to the army base, you'd use him like a gerbil, not actually pick him, Doctor."  The General sighed.

"I can vouch for Steve.  He's a good man."  I grinned.  The doctor smiled back.

"You hear that?  He's a good man.  He's perfect."  The German accent folded through his words.  But the General just sighed once more.  They studied my friend closely as the candidates began jumping-jacks.

"Look at the flimsy man."  The General turned to the Doctor.  Steve really was not looking too good, nor was he doing any better than his appearance.  "He's making me cry."  Philips deadpanned.

"I am looking for qualities beyond the physical."  The German sighed, trying to rope his patience into good use.

"Do you know just how long it took, to set up this project?"

"I am aware."  The two men began to bicker about the project and how much effort they put into it.

"Then throw me a bone."  The General sighed once again.  "Hoge passed every test we gave him.  He's big, he's fast, he obeys every order we give him, he's a soldier!"  Philips bragged.

"He's a smug, bastard for a bully.  He flirts with me every chance he gets.  That's why he has those bruises."  I admired the purple eye, jaw and cheekbone.  My own handiwork.

"You think the Board of Directors cares about being 'nice'?"  Philips asked with a deadpanned look in his eye.  He took a fake grenade from the truck beside us.  "To win a war, takes guts."  He unlatched it and through it into the midst of their training.  He quickly spun to me.  My voice is louder and stronger than his, afterall.

"GRENADE!"  I cried, acting as if it were real.

"MOVE MOVE MOVE!"  Everyone jumped away like sane humans.  Steve jumped INTO the danger zone.  I pointed as he shouted from everyone to stay back and braced to be a shield.

"True hero right there, General."  I smirked.  The General sighed in defeat.  Peggy had gone to rush to deal with it, but clearly Steve had beat her.

"GET AWAY!"  He waved everyone off.  A few moments of nothing passed, and I spoke again as everyone moved from hiding, and Steve slowly sat up.

"Dummy grenade.  Get back into formation."  Everyone began to do as told, but Steve stayed sitting and just turned to us.

"Is this a test?"   He asked.  I giggled at his face.  We turned to the General who had a 'really?' look and the Doctor just shrugged in victory.

"He's still skinny."  Philips avoided eye contact and passed right by us.

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