Chapter 11

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~~A Little After The Past, But Still Before The Present~~

We took our seats inside the booth and looked down at Steve who was connected to the machine with metal braces.  He looked tense.  They first injected some penicillin, and then began the countdown to inject.  Of course, only seconds earlier the Doctor had told us about how they were going to inject him--through the muscles.  I felt I'd be averting my eyes very soon, for some reason.  And not to mention, my gut feeling concerning Bucky's well-being was also on my mind.  So the moment I saw the machine readying to start, I turned away and averted my gaze completely.

"50 percent!"  I soon hear Howard call.  I instantly snapped my head to watch the blinding lights coming from the machine.  "70 percent!"  He called and by this time, Steve was screaming in pain!  I jumped from my seat and Peggy ran out the room.

"Shut it down!"  I heard Peggy panic.  "SHUT IT DOWN!"

"STEVEN!"  The Doctor tried gaining the screaming man's attention.

"STEVE!"  I bolted out the room.

"YOU HEARD THE WOMAN!  SHUT IT DOWN, HOWARD!"  The Doctor quickly ordered.  I began to descend down some steps, but I heard Steve shout back:

"NO!  NO!  I CAN DO THIS!"  My heart sank to my stomach.  Howard instantly went back to the power.

"80 percent!"  He told us.  "90 percent!"  We waited with anticipation and fear crawling up our backs all at once.  Peggy and I quickly held each other in our arms as close and painfully tight as possible as we watched and heard Steve start to scream again!  Suddenly!  The power for the machine diminished with sparks flying everywhere!  The room dimmed, but then slowly it began to brighten as the energy which was once stolen to power the machine, came back.

We slowly pulled apart and stared at the machine which was enclosed around Steve.  We couldn't see a single thing.  The whirring died down and the Doctor called to Mr. Stark to open the machine.  I gripped the railing and stared as the doors opened from the machine and Steve's muscular bod could be seen.  Like damn he could put Bucky to shame with that body!

He looked dead exhausted and was breathing pretty heavily.  I felt so bad for him--having to endure such pain; I couldn't even begin to imagine it.  Howard and the Doctor helped him out of the machine as I, and a bunch of other scientists and viewers, ran down to greet them.
"I...I did it..."  Steve panted, leaning against the two for full support.

"Yeah, yeah."  The Doctor smiled proudly.  I ran to greet them with my exotic enthusiasm.

"You did it!"  I praised.

"You...actually did it.."  Howard gasped with shock.  Wait hang on--he could've died?
Oh yeah I guess that would've been a...possibility...remind me to never trust a Stark.
Mental Note; just for the future.
Probably important for my survival.

"How do you feel, Steve?"  I did a quick height check.  He used to be at my shoulder--now he's above my head.  Almost as tall as Bucky, dear Lord.  Steve, however, was still panting with exhaustion.  I couldn't blame the man.

"T-Taller..."  Was his reply.

"Hah.  I see you haven't lost your sense of humour, Steve."  I giggled.  Unfortunately, I was too short to be able to swing an arm around his neck and shoulders.  I shall now find another way to annoy him when I wish for attention and hugs.

And I WILL find another way.

We noticed Peggy smiling proudly from the staircase, still.  I signaled for a scientist to toss me a shirt for the man as he continued looking around and noticing the shocking height difference.  I handed Steve the shirt once it was tossed to me and we watched Peggy avert her eyes to the railing of the staircase with a blush.  I chuckled.  Once he put his shirt on, I let curiosity get the best of me and I began to feel his arms.

"Damn, Steve.  Now I can't pick on you or annoy you!"  I teased which actually got a good laugh out of him.  He seems so tense, stressed and dazed.  Poor guy...he should try to rela--BOOM.  I was flung to the other side of the room as everything happened in a flash.  Someone shielded me, and when I looked up I saw Steve.  "T-Thanks, Steve!"  I nodded my head as adrenaline danced through my body.  Once Steve quickly hopped up, I noticed glass was shattered everywhere and a man with a gun in a grey suit was taking to the stairs.

"Stop him!"  The doctor cried, before the man in grey glared and shot the doctor twice in the chest.

"NO!"  I cried as my feet moved before my body.  I caught the doctor before he could fall backwards onto the hard ground and I shot Steve a quick look.  "Steve!"  I gained his attention instantly.  "Think you can handle going after that man?"

"Yes, ma'am, I can."  He nodded.  Peggy quickly shot after the escaping grey-suited man, but she only got one hit against his shoulder despite the seven shots she fired at him as he escaped out of the room.  She huffed angrily and allowed the newly formed Super Soldier to run after him while I tended to the doctor's wounds.  Despite my best efforts, and the efforts of the medical team which ran in not long after, he...passed away with ease on his face, as  I reassured him that Steve would be the perfect Super Soldier, just as the doctor had hoped.

(I barely reached 1000 words on this.  But I really wanted to publish something, and I didn't know what to add next!  D:  )

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