idk yet

By ThomasElle

270 0 0

Yeah More

Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36

Part 1

17 0 0
By ThomasElle

Rapunzel's POV

I woke up with Daniel's arms around me, as always. and no we aren't dating before you ask, we are best friends, and the only reason we share is because the house we live in only has 4 bedrooms, so there aren't any spare rooms or anything - Corbyn and Jack have to share, so do me and Daniel. people think its really weird that we sleep together and cuddle, but that's how close we are as friend you know?
Anyway - let me actually introduce myself, my Name is Rapunzel Lynn Frantzich but I get called so many other nicknames like;
- Rapunzel
- Punz
- Flower, because im named after a purple flower
- Lynn
- Ly
Im Jonah Marais's little sister - im not that little though, im 18 so its not like im 12 or something LMAO. So, about two years ago I moved here to California to live with my brother, mainly because my parents and I had a fight that caused them to kick me out. the boys were all so welcoming when I got here - meaning by now I have a good friendship with all of them.. though I might, have a tiny, tiny crush on Daniel - AND I know what your thinking, iTs YoUr OwN fAuLt FoR sHaRiNg A rOoM wItH hIm - but I had a growing crush before I moved in, but the first two weeks of me living here I grew really close to him as friends, through those 2 weeks I was sleeping on the sofa, so he started to feel bad that he got to sleep on a nice comfy bed while I was on the sofa with a blanket in the cold living room. he started to offer me his room and saying he'd sleep downstairs - of course I didn't want that so I fought with him about it for days, before we came to the agreement we would share. so that's how It started.
a little more you need to know is that I HATE when they go away and leave me in this empty ass house - it gets super lonely. so I will always invite one of my favourite people in the world over... Antonio (Tony) Padilla, he is another one of my best friends, he's Hispanic, he's really nice once you get to know him - but then by looking at him there's one thing you would never think, Tony is gay, you cant tell by the way he speaks, or with what he wares, but no he is completely gay. ANYWAY lets get on with my day

"Daniel, let go - I need to get up" I yawned trying to push him off me
"stay still" he groaned pulling me closer
"Seavey let go right now!" I grabbed the pillow from under me and hit him, he grabbed it and hit me back before letting go
I sighed "thank you" and got up. I walked over to the mirror and tightened my messy bun before trembling downstairs to the smell of pancakes.
"hey corbie" I said as I sat down on the counter
"hi punz" he turned to smile quickly before carrying on with flipping pancakes and stuff "do you want some?" he asked
"please" I yawned, we chatted while he made them then Jonah came downstairs
"look at the state on you" he said looking me up and down
"thank you" I shot him a fake smile and rolled my eyes - Jonah is a good brother but sometimes he just chooses to be a dick "could say the same about you"
he tutted and then rolled his eyes. Corbyn had plated me 3 pancakes with syrup and handed them to me, I smiled as I began to eat them.
we have only been downstairs for 10 minutes and surprisingly everyone is downstairs already

"okay, why are you all awake?" I asked
"Daniel said you seemed sad yesterday so after we go to the studio we were going to take you out" Zach blurted out as he had his arm wrapped around me
"guys that's so nice of you... but I already have plans" I said
"with who?" Jonah asked
"with t-" as I began loud rumbling came from outside
"Oh tony" Jonah chuckled as he looked out the window and spotted the red mustang. I nodded and tapped Zach's arm making him move it so I could go upstairs and change

I just put on a simple outfit since I'm pretty sure we were only going to the mall or the movies then his car garage for a bit so. I ran downstairs still fixing my hair and saw tony talking to the guys

"tony!!" I screamed and ran up to him, we havent seen each other in weeks because he's been really busy with work and school - I was just so happy to see him again
"hey ly" he said and opened his arms I ran into a hug, which not gonna lie aren't very comfy when we is wearing his signature leather jacket "how are you?"
"im good" I smiled as we walked towards the door together "you?" I asked
"well... I started dating a guy" he said lowly causing me to LITREALLY scream
"no way! what's his name?"
"Caleb" he smiled
I squeeled before being pulled back into the room by Jonah
"how long will you be out?" he asked
"I dont know, um we will probably be back at like 5 or something" I shrugged and he nodded handing me some cash "jo..." I said going to hand it back
"take the money and go!" he pushed me back at tony. we both said bye to the guys and got into his car....

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