His Home | Fillie

By milevenmiracles

15.5K 477 520

He lives on the streets with his guitar. Choosing to run from a rough home life, now music is all he has to o... More

Holiday Spirit
New Comer
Silent Kindness
AM Conversations
Popcorn Fights
Don't Tell My Lie
Comfort in Truth
Confronting Feelings
Unexpected Call
Sober Thoughts Drunk Words
Torn Trust
Find Me Under Rain
Scars of the Past
Ounces of Grief, Flickers of Hope
Familiar (Unfriendly) Faces
Trapped In Her Own
Note + Thoughts

Date Night

686 21 12
By milevenmiracles

His Home

When Finn couldn't find or feel Millie next to him anymore he gave into opening his eyes. He rubbed sleep off of them trying to figure out where he was.

He was still in the living room laying on the couch, the difference was he was fully on the couch now with the blanket over him and Millie was no where to be seen.

Finn stretched and eyed the clock on the wall. It was only a little after eight am so where was Millie? Over the past few days he had gathered she liked to sleep pretty late when she could.

He wondered down the hallway after not seeing Millie in the kitchen and noticed her door was open a few inches.

Finn's curiosity and slight concern got the best of him and he moved the door a little to see in. He let a small sigh of relief out when he saw Millie sprawled out in her own bed.

She had one of the sheets covering herself up to her waist and the rest of her was buried in pillows scattered across the bed while she slept.

She must've woken up at some point during the night and gone to bed. Finn pushed away the slight disappointment that she had moved.

Finn left quickly before she woke up and saw him staring at her from the door looking like some kind of creep.

It was early, maybe he could go back to sleep for a little while, but another thought crossed his mind when he caught sight of the kitchen, a smile overcame his face at his idea.


Millie had woken up about forty five minutes ago and jumped straight into the shower. Thoughts of last night were clouding her mind now as she combed through her wet hair.

When she woke up it was almost three am. She had quickly become aware of the boy sleeping soundly right beside her. It had kind of made her nervous for some reason, it felt like her heart was picking up pace.

Millie just wanted to get out of that position. She didn't want to risk them both waking up later and things being awkward for some reason so as carefully as she could've she had moved Finn's had to lay on the back of the couch.

She stood up holding the blanket she didn't remember grabbing before falling asleep. Finn seemed like a pretty heavy sleeper so she decided to risk moving him so he would be more comfortable.

She had grab his ankles and lifted his legs onto the couch. He was kind of slouched over now in what didn't look like a very comfortable sleeping position so Millie carefully moved him again so he was fully laying on the and threw the blanket over him before quietly going to her own room.

It didn't take long for her to fall asleep again in the comfort of her own bed. She didn't want to wake him up, hopefully the couch was comfortable enough for him to sleep through the rest of the night.

Millie shook herself away from last nights thoughts and got dressed. She didn't miss the smell of something cooking when she entered the hallway. She furrowed her brows when she stepped into view of the kitchen.

"Finn? What is this?" Millie sat at one of the barstools and Finn placed a plate in front of her with eggs, bacon, and toast on it.

"I made breakfast." He smiled proudly at her.

"You didn't have to cook for me..."

"Why not? You're letting me stay with you, it's the least I can do."

Millie was astonished to say the least. No one had ever done something this nice for her, not her parents or Jacob who was supposed to love her in a way he would never even come close.

"Why do you look so surprised?" Finn couldn't help but ask. Millie almost looked like she was about to cry over something as simple as him making breakfast for her.

"I- it's just... no one has ever really done something like this for me..."

It was the simple truth for her as silly as this may sound. Her parents only cared that she didn't screw up the family name, her siblings never cared to even know their sister, and Jacob has never done anything for her if it didn't benefit himself first.

So now it was odd for her to have Finn here who is not even her boyfriend doing so much for her whenever he could, and without expecting something in return. He barely knew her for a week and he didn't hesitate to put her first, it was new for her.

"Well... now someone does. It's nice to have someone to cook for." Millie smiled at his comment before finally eating the food he put in front of her.

Finn sat beside her and ate as well, the two talked about whatever came to mind for the next few minutes.

Millie had told Finn she was planning to hang out with Sadie until their date tonight and he assured her he would be fine by himself for a day. It took awhile to convince her that he could clean up by himself so she could get going, but eventually Millie gave in and went down the hallway to get ready.

She didn't make it to her room yet when she decided to run back to the kitchen. Finn almost dropped the plates when he felt Millie suddenly come up behind him and wrap her arms around him tightly.

Her head laid against his back and Finn froze again, his heart felt like stopping. This was becoming a common effect Millie had on him.

"Thank you Finn." Those words, she said them so quietly before walking away back to her bedroom. He hadn't even gotten a chance to respond. Millie chose to leave him a frozen mess in the kitchen.


"Sadie I told you I will just wear some black jeans and a nice shirt tonight!" Millie tried to convince her friend, but the redhead wasn't having it.

"No, we are gonna find you a simple and cute little dress. I'm wearing a dress so you should to." Millie frowned. "What kind of logic is that?"

"My logic." She answered while dragging Millie through the front entrance of Starcourt mall.

While Sadie was going on about how excited she was for the date tonight Millie's mind seemed to wonder to something else, or someone else.

She wondered what Finn was doing back at her apartment in this moment. Was he watching tv, maybe taking a nap, or trying to find something to snack on?

Sadie pulled out her phone and shoved it in front of Millie. She was looking at a photo of two boys.

"Caleb and I have been talking through text the past few days. He sent me a picture of him and Noah earlier. Tell me he's not perfect looking."

Millie eyed the dark skinned boy and then looked up at Sadie. She had a spark in her eye when looking at him, something Millie hadn't seen before. Sadie never really got mushy talking about guys, but Caleb seemed to change that.

"He's quite good looking, I'll give you that." She smiled wider at her friend's excitement.

"I know right! Tell me what you think about Noah, he's pretty cute right? I think you guys would look so good together!"

Mille let her eyes shift to the other boy now, so this was Noah? He hazel colored eyes and short brown hair. The longer she looked the more her mind wondered once more until she she pictured longer hair instead. His raven hair that went a little past his shoulders, and his freckled face that if you looked close enough seemed like little constellations of stars.

"Yeah... he's pretty cute, maybe even really cute." Sadie giggled over Millie's answer not aware her friend wasn't really talking about the boy in the picture, but more the one stuck in her mind since she had left him earlier.

She finally snapped out of her daze when Sadie dragged her into another store to look around. For Sadie's sake she figured, she better find something to wear.


"Yeah Sads, I'll meet you at your apartment tonight." Millie yelled down the small hallway as she watched her friend get back on the elevator to go down to her own floor.

It took a lot of convincing, but she somehow got Sadie to agree with getting ready at their own places and not together. Millie wasn't ready to come clean to her friend about a pretty much stranger living with her. Sadie was like a mother figure, Millie knew she would never hear the end of bringing someone she barely knew home with her in the middle of the night.

"Finn! I'm back!" She carried her shopping bags on her arms. Millie tuned into to the loud music playing from the bathroom while walking deeper into her home.

She started to walk down the hall not expecting the sight she received. "Millie! I didn't hear you come in." Her eyes widened when she looked in the empty guest bedroom and saw Finn with a towel wrapped around his waist and his dripping wet hair.

She felt her face start to heat up, but she couldn't tell if Finn was as flustered as she was right now. If he was, he was pretty good at hiding it.

"I uh- yeah uhm- got an outfit for tonight!" She held one of the bags up quickly trying not to make it obvious she was looking at him.

"Right, well I'm still taking your brother's spare clothes if that's okay..."

"It's f- fine, why wouldn't it be? I'll just let you change then. Uh- yeah..." Millie mentally slapped herself for all the stuttering and ran to her room quickly. Embarrassment still flooded her face as she tried to take some deep breathes to make it go away.

She didn't have time to dwell on it, Millie had to get ready for her double date tonight. She pulled out the dress that stopped a little above her knees.

She sighed holding it up in front of her almost examining it, truth was she felt nervous for tonight. Millie hadn't been on a proper date in so long so she had trouble remembering how fun they could be sometimes.

Not to mention she wasn't up for dates since Jacob had been pushed into her life years ago. She knew Jacob and her had never really had a proper date considering that never mattered since she would have to marry him regardless.

Still, there was a feeling of nervousness washing over her now and it would be a lie to say she hadn't thought about coming up with an excuse to give Sadie so she could stay home and find something to do with Finn like watch a movie or eat ice cream.

Millie sighed trying to convince herself to calm down and that everything would be fine tonight. Noah promised a good time, hopefully he was a good guy though Millie did not have much experience in the "good guy" category.

Millie had slipped the red dress she had purchased on soon enough. It wasn't super short, but not very long either.

It was a pretty dark red color which is what had drawn her eyes to it in the first place. One shoulder was off the sleeve while the other side of the dress in a way draped over her shoulder.

She spread a shade of red lipstick across her soft lips and a coat of clear gloss on top. Millie did mostly a natural makeup look and curled her short brunette strands just a bit.

She found a pair of simple red heels in her closet and slipped them on her feet knowing they would probably be sore after a few hours.

Finally Millie was satisfied with how she looked, she took a final deep breath while facing her reflection in the bathroom mirror.

Finn would be her final test, because maybe if he thought she looked at the very least okay some of her nerves would die down.

She stopped fidgeting with the ring on her finger and finally let it be. Millie grabbed her bag and commanded her feet to leave the comfort of her bedroom next.

"Finn!" She called for him the moment she left her bedroom trying to ignore a different set of nerves now suddenly building up in her stomach. For some reason the more she thought about, the more she really hoped he liked the way she looked for tonight.

She waited for him to yell back a "yeah?" in response before continuing forward. Millie found him in the living room probably looking for something to eat, his back turned to her while he scanned the fridge.

"Could you let me know what you think?"

At the sound of her voice he turned around quickly ready to give Millie his full attention for whatever she was asking about.

"Sure, for wha-" Any words that were about to leave his mouth were forgotten when his eyes landed on Millie. She smiled a wide playful grin at him before twirling around a few times to let Finn see her entire outfit for the night.

His eyes watched her spin so happily. She looked beautiful to him, but if Finn was being honest Millie always looked beautiful in his eyes. It felt like every time he laid eyes on her she was more beautiful than before.

"So... what do you think? Is it date worthy?" She giggled at his slightly parted lips. If he stared for much longer Millie wouldn't have been able to hide a tint of her cheeks.

"Millie you look... you look perfect." He finally spit out with a wide grin. "Really? I wasn't sure." Her nervous voice put him on alert.

"No seriously, you look beautiful..." He didn't miss the spark in her eyes light up at his approval. "Red is sick! It's definitely your color."

"You think so?" She laughed at his excitement over the color of red. While she let out her small laughs Finn was trying his best to keep his gaze off of her very red, very plump and soft looking lips. Watching her now made a small feeling in his stomach suddenly start to flutter awake. 

"Yeah uh- definitely. So are you ready?"

"I think so... I have to get going to Sadie's. She hates when I'm late to anything. I'll see you later then?" There was always a small bubble of fear in her head telling her that Finn would leave her alone again when he got the chance to run away.

Millie knew deep down she might be starting to get a little clingy with Finn, but part of her couldn't help it. She didn't really have anyone else to be around or talk to besides Sadie. Her family couldn't care less about her so she clung to anyone that she could grab onto, right now that person happened to be Finn...

"Yeah, I'll be here if you still want me to be." He gave her a smile and Millie nodded happily.  "Ok then..." The brunette hesitated for a moment wondering if she should do what she wanted to in the moment.

After some rushed thinking Millie decided to go for it. She surprised Finn and even herself slightly with her next move.

Walking close enough so she was right in front of him now, she almost laughed when she still had to stand on tip toes even in heels to reach his face. Millie placed a quick kiss on his cheek.

"Thank you for trying to help me figure out what to wear yesterday. Sorry for being a pain in your ass." She laughed lightly at Finn's widen eyes from receiving a kiss on his cheek from the girl that was now leaving for a date.

"Uh- sure it wasn't any big deal, you're welcome." Millie left and Finn stayed frozen in his spot for a few seconds longer before snapping out of his daze.

Millie just kissed him. He felt the flutter in his stomach again, but a little stronger this time not to mention he could melt right into the floor in the extra feeling of pure bliss just from Millie kissing his cheek.

However when he saw the light red lipstick print left on his face a few minutes later in the bathroom mirror Finn couldn't help but laugh a little before wiping it away. It would be a lie to say a certain girl wasn't the cause of his goofy smile for the rest of the night.


The four of them occupied a booth inside of a restaurant called Enzo's for dinner. Millie and Noah were seated next to each other while Caleb and Sadie had the other side.

Millie had learned quickly that Noah had a very bubbly personality a lot like herself. He liked to laugh and he was always making jokes or trying to get a smile out of the people around him. He was a year younger than Millie and this fact didn't surprise her to much for some reason.

Caleb was two years older than Sadie making him twenty one and he had a good personality. He was definitely calmer than Noah, but he still liked to make you laugh if he could. The two were roommates in a fifteen story apartment complex not to far from where Sadie and Millie were.

"So Millie what do you moved here from London at the beginning of the year right?" Noah asked trying to keep the conversation going.

"Yeah uhm just wanted to try a change of scenery ya know?" Though it was more a change of lifestyle and wanting to get away from the life she was forced to live, but Noah didn't need to know all her family drama.

"Yeah I understand, you go to North Hawkins? I don't think I've seen you in the hallway before?" Millie took another bite of salad before answering.

"I am doing the online program. since I came so late in the year and as a senior I felt like it would be harder to get to know anyone."

"Well you would've gotten to know me."

"I'm sure I would have, you seem like a fun person to be around Noah." He smiled at her compliment and the conversation came to a stop after that.

Millie didn't mean to seem so dull and quiet tonight, but she couldn't stop her mind from wondering back to Finn or being curious what the raven head was up to in this same moment.

Maybe he was looking for a snack, most likely something sweet and sugary. Millie didn't miss how he always seemed to avoid the fruit bowl on the counter or the different variety of fruits she always had sitting in the fridge.

She tried to shake her thoughts of him because thinking of Finn when she was on a date with someone else seemed rude. However, he still lingered in the back of her mind.

"Caleb and I were thinking of going to the bar down the street after dinner, you guys wanna go?" The two chimed in to Millie and Noah's small bubble.

"Uh? Isn't Caleb the only one allowed in there?" Millie asked.

"I'm supposed to be, but they never actually check IDs. They don't care who enters as long as they get the money."

"Yeah I always go in there and I'm seventeen." Noah laughed.

"How responsible of them." There was a bit of judgement in her tone, but Mille would still go nonetheless. It's not like she's never gotten drunk before.

"So are we going then?" Sadie asked. Millie was hesitate because deep down she really wanted to go home and watch a movie with Finn or something, but when she saw the look of plea in Sadie's eye she caved.

Her friend really seemed to like Caleb and they were hitting it off pretty well. She would say yes just to make Sadie happy.

"Sure, why not?"


Millie wasn't completely drunk, but she definitely wasn't very sober either when walking through the door at almost 1am.

Trying not to be loud wasn't working out very well, but it didn't matter because Finn was rummaging around in the kitchen as usual. He always seemed to have an appetite no matter the time.

"Hey, how was your date?"

"Fun I guess. We had dinner and then went," Millie hiccuped "-to this bar, but I didn't drink that much. I swear!" Millie put her right hand in the air ready to take an oath on that statement.

"Are you sure about that?" Finn laughed walking over to her.

"Yeah dummy, I wouldn't lie to you." She let out a giggle making Finn's smile widen.

"I'm tired. Time to take these stupid things off." She was a little to quick in throwing her heels off. Millie stumbled forward about to face plant on the floor if Finn hadn't caught her arms. Her shoes were thrown aside.

She looked up at Finn awkwardly slumped against his chest now. "Has anyone ever told you how... how pretty you are? Like wow." She tried to form the words without slurring them.

"What?" Finn laughed nervously doing anything to avoid making eye contact with her. She was already moving on to the next topic.

"Yeah well... it is still to early in this friendship for you to see me even a tiny bit drunk so I'm going to bed now, goodnight." Millie pushed herself off of him and Finn watched her try and go down the hallway almost stumbling into the wall once or twice.

Her door finally shut behind her and Finn let out a breathe he didn't even realize he was holding in. If that was 'not so drunk Millie' he wondered what full on drunk Millie was like...

Guess he would just have to get the date details out of her in the morning. Part of him was more curious than necessary, but mostly about the Noah guy. Did he treat her right? Did she really enjoy the night?

Finn hadn't known Millie for to long yet, but he found himself hoping Noah did everything to treat her the best he could.

Maybe there was even a tiny sliver of hope that she had hated the evening, that she wouldn't go out with him again because it was a disaster. He wouldn't admit to it, but deep down Finn didn't want Millie to spend another evening out with Noah...

Author's Note: Hiii! So sorry it's been awhile since I've updated my books.

I've not been liking my writing recently which ended up with lost motivation to work on my stories at all.

Finishing this chapter is the result of me feeling a small spark of motivation to start writing again yesterday.

Hopefully I'm getting my inspiration back slowly and can start to update regularly again. For now I hope you guys liked this chapter. Sorry for typos I didn't check.😶

Till next time!💖

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