My Soul - Mi Alma (Ongoing)

By TrineTandberg

1.6K 387 189

When Alma, a museum curator at the Met in New York, is assigned an exhibition in partnership with the Prado m... More

1 Alma
3 Mick
4 Carlos' perspective
5 Mama in the park
6 Susannah's perspective
7 The dinner
8 New days new beginnings - maybe
9 Madrid
10 To Sevilla in a Morgan
11 Sevilla
12 Sevilla II
13 Uncle Juan
14 Gabriel
15 We need to talk
16 Claudia
17 Mick and Stuart
18 Madrid with Mick and Stuart
19 Francis
20The Reception
21 Intermezzo
22 The interview
23 Revelations
24 Coffee with Francisco Lopez
25 Coming home
26 Mama, Mick, Stuart and me
27 Back at the Met
28 The Plan
29 Preparations
30 The Barbeque
31 Saturday in West Village
32 Sunday Bloody Sunday
33 The long and winding road
34 You're fired!
35 Getting things right
36 The second board meeting

2 Carlos

133 18 40
By TrineTandberg

I entered the meeting room at noon, precisely. Kelly and Francis were already there. Over by the window, I saw a tall figure I knew so well.

"Mi Alma, I'm so excited that we will be working together again." His big white smile, and his mischievous green eyes met mine.

His crisp khakis drew my eyes to his long legs that covered the distance between us in a second and I didn't have a chance to lift my head back up when his unexpected embrace landed my cheek on the soft shirt with hard muscles underneath. The rough texture of the sleeves of his tweed jacket didn't bother me, because I was grateful for him holding me up, while my body betrayed me and turned to jelly. Reminding myself to be professional wasn't having a desired effect.

"Great to see you again, too, Carlos, and yeah, this project can be enriching for both our institutions,"   pretending I was all right with this, we are, professionals. Exactly that is what we are, professionals. I hear Barbra Streisand singing in my head what's too painful, we simply choose to forget. This was just a meeting between a professor and his former student. Nothing more nothing less.

I studied Carlos as Francis started to present our two preferred exhibition concepts, the war drawings of cruelty and Goyas women.  Francis made a great presentation, and I got time to study Carlos closer. He looked older, the ponytail was gone, and the curly black hair had a tint of gray to it - but still, he was as gorgeous as he had been six years ago. 

"So, what do you think of our two concepts Carlos," Francis inquired. Well, Carlos said – "The war drawings of cruelty were on tour in Europe a few years ago. It was very successful, but that has to be, as you said,  a cooperation between the Prado and the Museum Theatre of Dali in Figueres. They have an excellent collection of them. It's doable but requires more work and time, as it would involve a third party. The womanizer Goya hasn't been done before. I actually like the idea, with the two Mayas, the dressed and the undressed as the primary focus. Maya – or the duchess of Alba had a long and passionate relationship with Goya. He painted her numerous times. That was the scandal of the Spanish aristocracy around 1800." Carlos said with a smile.

We discussed the two concepts while eating lunch - and landed on the womanizer Goya. I was happy. That concept was my idea. 

"I think the most efficient way forward is that Alma comes to Madrid and work with us on this for a few weeks. I have a great team at the Prado, and since she had her internship there, she knows several of the curators there." Carlos looked at me and moved his glance to Francis. Kelly was taking notes – My tummy was fighting a civil war.

"I think that's an excellent idea", Francis broke in. "We just have to move some of your other tasks around Alma, we will look into the practicalities tomorrow. What are your plans for the evening, Carlos?"  

"I was actually planning to ask my old student here out for dinner to talk about old times" Carlos sent me a sweet smile." Are you free this evening Alma?"

"I think I can squeeze in a  dinner", I smiled at Carlos.  He told me he stayed at The Lowell, which is very close to my house so we decided I would pick him up at 7 pm.  "Francis, do you want to join us?" I didn't want him to come, but I felt I had to ask him.

"No, no, you kids go ahead and have fun, I'm sure you have a lot of catching up to do" he winked at me and left the meeting room.

I was heading back to my office when I felt Carlos's big hand on my shoulder – "I still miss you mi Alma, when are you off work?"

I looked at my phone –  "I just have a few things to finish up in my office, about half an hour I think". 

"I will wait for you in the museum coffee-shop on the first floor – ok?" Carlos gave me a bright smile and trotted off to the elevator.

I finished off my work and toyed with the idea of inviting Carlos to my house for dinner rather than going out. 

I packed my bag, stuck my head into Francis's office, and told him I was leaving. Carlos was waiting on the stairs outside of the museum building. "Mi Alma – should we walk as we used to?" 

I nodded, and we started walking into Central Park on the way back home. We walked in silence for a while, side by side. I felt so secure being with Carlos again.


How do you like my story so far? What do you think of Alma? I would love for you to comment and vote :)

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