Queen of Hearts

By peetaparker

308 3 2

Mary has lived in poverty ever since she was born. She has a mysterious past and two men that have completely... More


Love and Money

120 2 2
By peetaparker

Mary took in a breath and braced herself for the hell she was about to receive. With every step she took, she was closer to the small home. She slowly stepped in. She found an angry old woman with her hands on her hips looking at her with a deadly stare.


"Don't you 'ma' me!" The old woman said angrily. "What did I tell you? Huh?"

Mary looked down at her feet in shame. "Not to steal."

"You were lucky Bash was there to help you," her grandma pointed out. Mary felt her face redden even more. The thought of Bash just made her flush. "I'm sorry, Ma," Mary apologized. "It's just- I'll do anything for you and Pa not to starve." Ma's look softened. "Mary, I understand that. You wanted to do a right thing but you approached it the wrong way, and that just made the whole thing wrong. Ya want food? Then work. All jobs are honorable, and stealing is not a job. You understand?" Mary slowly nodded. She wasn't going to push the subject. She wasn't going to point out that nobody would give her a job. It's not like she hasn't tried, but her dirty clothes, messy hair, and dirty face just chased all the opportunities of having a job away. It's not like she could shower everyday. She was lucky if she could shower twice every three weeks.

Her Ma sighed. "You're so much like your mum, you know that?" At the mention of her mom, Mary looked up at her Ma. "You are. She was wild and rebellious just like you."

"I'm not wild or rebellious," Mary defended herself.

"Yes ya are," Her Ma said more sternly. "And you were beautiful just like her." Mary heard the sadness creep into the Ma's voice. Mary swallowed. Her mom's death always hurt her Ma the most. Since Mary never got to meet her mom, she never really felt an extreme sadness. Her Ma let out a breath. "I think I need to rest. I feel dizzy." Mary knew that was her cue to stop talking and not to bother her. Mary nodded and retreated outside. She looked up at the blue sky. There were no clouds; there was just sunshine and a clear blue sky. Mary squinted at the brightness of the sun, and she wondered how long this beautiful weather would last.


The next morning she woke up feeling dizzy and with a headache. She didn't eat at all the last two days. She had the opportunity to eat the fruits she stole but she had lost her appetite. She was scared out of her wits because of what happened at the castle. Yet she still had to go apologize to Howard; the noble she stole from. Her Pa ordered her and Mary had no other choice.

Mary was patting Stanley when Bash came into view. He greeted her with a dashing smile, and Mary flushed in return.

"Where's your Ma?" he asked once he reached her.

"She and my Pa went to the spring to fetch some water," Mary said.

"Why didn't you go with 'em ?"

"Pa told me not to. He said I had to go apologize to Howard. I was about to leave."

Bash pursed his lips in disprovable. "I could do that for you," he suggested. Mary shook her head. "No. I can do it. I should do it."

Bash met Mary six years ago when he was 12, so he knew perfectly well how stubborn she could be. She was actually too stubborn for an 18 year old. "Let me go with you then," he compromised. She accepted his proposal eagerly. She didn't want to face the so called 'Howard' alone.

"Let me just go get my shoes," Mary said as she was about to make her way into the small shack. She had been leaning on Stanley all along, but as soon as she detached herself from him she lost her balance. Her vision blurred and Bash's hands were around her waist steadying her.

"Mary," Bash's alarm was clear in his voice. "What's the matter?"

Mary brought one of her hands to her forehead. That damn headache was still there and she felt weaker than she did in the morning.

"Mary?" Bash insisted. Mary felt her body adjust to her own weight and she pulled away from Bash's grasp. "I'm fine," she said as she steadied herself. Mary made her way into the small home. "When was the last time you ate?" Bash asked as she put her worn out shoes on. Mary racked her brain and tried to remember. "A few days ago," Mary muttered. She looked up at bash to see him biting his lip. "Do you have anything you could eat right now?" He asked as he looked around. "No," Mary answered shortly.

"Well, what about the fruit?" Bash asked as he turned his attention back to her.

"We ate em all," Mary answered. She was smart enough not to mention the fact that she gave her share of fruit to someone else in need. She knew Bash would give her hell for that. "We should go," Mary said as she made her way back outside. Bash followed her. "You should eat,"he said as he stepped out into the sunshine. Mary looked at him. With the sun shinning on him, he looked like an angel. His soft brown hair was washed out by the light, but his eyes stood out even more. Those beautiful green eyes. "We should go to my place first," Bash snapped her out of her thoughts. Mary's mouth slightly dropped in surprise. She tried processing what he said. She had never been to his home, and she was quite curious of how it was. Yet for some reason, she felt an uncomfortable feeling when the thought of her being alone with Bash arose.

Of course, curiosity won over. "Um," Mary said lamely, "sure." Bash made his way towards her. He rest both of his hands on her hips. Mary swallowed at the sudden touch. He chuckled. "I'll take what ever excuse I can get to be close to you." Mary furrowed her brows in confusion. "We're taking Stanley along. It's too long of a walk." Bash explained. He suddenly picked her up and helped her get on Stanley.

"Well?" Mary asked. "Are you coming along?" Mary asked expecting him to climb on as well.

"No," he replied. "I'll stay down here. Let's go." Bash grabbed Stanley by the collar. They started moving. He quickly muttered to Stanley, "Lucky bastard." He couldn't help but laugh at his own joke. Only he would be jealous of a horse. In his defense a beautiful women was riding him.

"What's so funny?" Mary asked. She looked down at him with a smile of her own. For some reason his laugh made her feel warm inside.

Bash looked at the ground. He could feel his face go red. "Nothing," he didn't dare to look up. He felt ashamed of his joke. He knew she wouldn't like it if he had heard him.

"Ya know," Mary continued. "I think all of this is funny." At that Bash looked up to Mary.

"All of this?"

"Mmhm," Mary nodded. "Just a day ago I was acting like I couldn't stand you at all, and now....." Her voice trailed off. Bash bit his lip.

"So," Bash broke the awkward silence. "Was it? Was it all an act?"

"Sometimes I hated the affection you got from Ma, and sometimes I think I just didn't know how to approach you...but no. I've never hated you." Mary looked down at him expecting to meet his beautiful green eyes, but he was looking at the ground. After a while he finally met her gaze. His next sentence made her heart skip a beat.
"I think I've always loved you." He looked back at the ground.

Love? Mary swallowed. Yes, they had known each other for six years, but this still seemed too sudden. She knew she had feelings for him, but can she truly say she loves him back? "I just never admitted it. Even though you sometimes treated me like you despised me, I still couldn't help myself," he chuckled. "I think it just made me even more attracted to you." Mary swallowed again. She didn't know what to say.

"Uhm," was all she managed to get out.

"You don't have to say 'I love you' back," he said as if he read her mind. "This whole love thing is new to you, so I won't pressure you."

Mary felt relieved at his words, but even more things popped into her mind. How many times has Bash experienced this feeling? After a while she finally decided to ask him. "Bash?"

He looked up at her. "Yes?"

"Am I the only person you have fallen in love with?" The question came out rushed, and it showed her nervousness about asking it. Bash stopped dead in his tracks making Stanley stop as well. Mary's brows furrowed. Well, that wasn't the reaction she was expecting. She was expecting a 'you're the only girl I've loved.'

"Why do you ask?" Bash finally asked as he looked up at her.

"Why do you hesitate?" Mary snapped back.

Bash opened his mouth but nothing came out. Mary sighed. Well, this made her feel shitty. "Let's hurry up, Bash." With that they started moving again, but her mind was still thinking about their conversation. Did his silence mean he had loved someone else? Even if he had, what's wrong with that? Would it bother her? Would it bother her that Bash would kiss someone else's lips the way he kissed her yesterday? All of these questions popped into her head as they made their way to his house.


"We're here," Bash brought Mary out of her mind and back to the world. She looked around and saw shacks similar to hers. She expected his shack to be isolated just like hers, but it turned out to be the complete opposite. It was like a little neighborhood. Kids were running around and mothers were yelling at them to get inside already. Bash reached his arms towards her and to support him, she rested her hands on his shoulders as he got her off Stanley. Bash quickly tied Stanley to the nearest tree. Bash held her hand and guided her to his home. He passed by some of his neighbors and they all said hello. They looked at Mary with friendly eyes and smiled. Mary returned the gesture. The friendly atmosphere Mary gained slowly banished when she saw a pretty girl with long brown hair and a straight nose eyeing her from head to toe. Bash saw her and his expression changed but not for the better. Mary could feel an undeniable tension in the air. "Kenna," Bash greeted her coldly .

"Bash," Kenna had the same icy voice as Bash.

He quickly turned his attention back to Mary and continued walking. He led Mary in when they got to his small yet cozy home. The interior was very similar to the way she had her home. She made her way in and quickly turned to face Bash.

"Quite the neighbors ya have," Mary snapped in an icy voice. Bash pursed his lips and made his way to the kitchen area. He started looking for food or so it looked like it.

"If you're talking about Kenna," Bash said while still not looking at Mary. "You have nothing to worry about." Mary looked at the ground. They weren't even official and she was already lashing out on him over nothing. Or was it really nothing?

Suddenly a slice of bread appeared in her view. She looked up to see Bash with his hand offering her bread. "Eat." She felt her stomach about to grumble at the sight of food. She took it hesitantly and said thank you to Bash.

"You know," Bash said as Mary took a small bite of the bread. "After you asked me that question...I-"

"What question?" Mary could only think of how good the bread was. Bash sat on a small and only chair he had.

"If I had ever fallen in love with someone else."
Mary stopped eating and she paid full attention to him. She stayed silent and waited for him to continue.

"I thought about it, and I realized that no. I haven't loved anybody else. I've had history with some girls. Kenna being an example."

"What happened between you two?"

Bash shrugged as if it didn't even matter. "We were in a relationship. She was important to me, but I don't think she cared so much about me as she did about money."

Mary's brows furrowed. What did that mean?

"She's a good person and I-"

"Did ya just bring me here to feed me and tell me how wonderful Kenna is?" Mary interrupted him.

"To feed you? Yes. Talk about Kenna? No. I think I'd prefer to talk about us." He stood up and walked over to Mary. He leaned in to kiss her but Mary backed away.

"Bash," Mary said as she looked at Bash's stunned face. "That is not talking." Even though she would like to kiss Bash, they needed to talk somethings out.

"I'm not sure of how I feel about you," Mary admitted. "And I'm not sure of what this," with her hands she gestured between her and Bash, "is. And if it's something, I'm not sure if it will work out."

"Why don't you think it will work?"

"I don't know. It's just a feeling. This feels so rushed 'nd nunexpected."

"It's unexpected," Bash corrected her but she didn't seem to realize it.

"Yes it is, Bash."

"No, Mary," He tried to repress a smile. "It's unexpected not nunexpected."

She rolled her eyes. "Oh, you get the point."

She heard Bash sigh. "We've known each other for years, Mary. Why does it feel so sudden?"

Mary swallowed as she tried to find an answer. "Cuz I was under the impression you hated me."

Bash smiled then. He made his way towards her once again. He gently grabbed her chin and tilted it slightly so her jawline and neck would be exposed. "If I hated you would I," he planted a soft chaste lip under her jawline. "Do this," he planted a second one a little bit lower. "And this," he continued the torture. He planted soft lips down her neck, and where ever his lips touched, Mary could feel her skin tingle. Once he got to her collar bone, he wrapped his hands around her and pulled her closer and started kissing her. He followed the same trail of kisses but this time he went up. Mary's hands went to his hair as he continued his torture. She let out a moan, and she could feel his smile against her skin. He kissed the corner of her mouth. "I love you," he whispered and then slowly his lips brushed against hers. The kiss started off slowly but it deepened. She could taste his peppermint breath. She bit his lower lip and he gasped her name in response. His hands traveled lower down her back and touched her bum as he started kissing her neck again. The hair in her neck stood up in alarm. She arched her back and her arms left his hair and went to try to find his. She grabbed his hands and pushed them away from her. His lips pulled away from her neck and he looked at her in worry.

"Bash," she breathed. "Wait." He pulled away from her quickly.

"I'm sorry, Mary," he apologized. Crap, what was he thinking? She had just finished saying how this felt rushed and he decides to do that?

"I think I should get going," Mary continued. "I already finished my bread and I still need to go to Howard's."

"Right," Bash said. "Let's go." He was about to make his way outside but Mary stopped him.

"No. I'd like to go alone."

Bash was about to protest, but he decided against it. He nodded. "Be safe."
She smiled at him sweetly. She was about to make her way outside but she suddenly kissed Bash on the cheek. "I will." With that she left.

She was walking towards Stanley when she bumped into somebody. They both said sorry at the same time until they saw each other's faces. Kenna was standing right in front of her. Kenna's expression turned icy cold. "Pardon me," Kenna said as she slightly shoved Mary out of the way. Mary turned back to look at Kenna. Her back was towards her and it seemed she was heading straight towards Bash's home.

Mary got on Stanley. She remembered the way back to her home, so she backtracked and headed towards the so called Howard.

Once she was there she got off Stanley and tied him to what ever she could find. This time she didn't sneak towards the back of his lands. This time she found herself in front of the gates that led to Howard's home.

"What do you want?" A guard spat. He regarded her like she was trash.

"Uhm," Mary felt intimidated under the guard's cold stare. "I came here to see Howard. I came here to apologize to him."

The guard chuckled. He looked at her, but this time really looked at her. She was wearing a white short messy dress that exposed her thighs. She was pretty beneath the dirt. He smirked.

"If ya can, please tell him Mary says sorry." Mary was about to head off but the guard stopped her.

"Wait," he called after her. "Why don't you come in and say sorry yourself." Mary bit her lip as the guard opened the gates.

"Come," he said. "I'll take you to him." She thought he would lead him though the front door but he didn't. He walked to the side of the humongous home. Before she knew it she found her self in the stables. There were about four horse locked up and she had to resist the urge to pet them all. She did do herself a favor of looking at a white horse. It was so majestic and beautiful.

Then she felt a hand around her waist. The hand pulled her towards a hard chest. She yelped in surprise. Her back was against the guards chest and his hand rested on her belly. "What-"

"It seems he isn't in here." The guard whispered in her ear. She started trembling under his touch. She took a step forward in an attempt to get out of his reach but his hand slammed her back to his chest.

"What're you doing?! Let me go!" She yelled in terror. His hand quickly traveled down her belly and to her private part.

"Shut up!" He ordered. He put his other hand above her mouth so she wouldn't make any noise. Mary squirmed under his touch. His hand went under her dress and he pulled it up to reveal more of her thighs. Mary tried to use her hands to pull his away from her but it was no use. He was way stronger than her. She did what she could only think of. She bit his hand and he jerked back and screamed in pain. Mary made a run for it but he caught her wrist.

"Let me go!!" She screamed as she resisted his pull.

"Shut up you stupid bitch!"

"Let me go! Let me go! Let me go!"

"What's going on?!" Mary heard another voice behind her. It sounded familiar. The guard released her causing her to fall back on her bum. She was shacking as somebody from behind helped her up.

"Your- your highness," the guard stuttered.

"What the fuck?! Your one of my guards! What the fuck is wrong with you?" This voice was a lot deeper than the earlier one Mary had heard.

"Are you alright?" The future king of France was in front of her. He was grabbing her by the shoulders looking at her with worry. She nodded.

"You will be punished for this!" Mary could hear the other man yelling at the guard.

"What are you doing here? Who are you?" Francis asked. She opened her mouth but nothing came out. She was still a bit shaken. He gently caressed her cheek. "Don't worry," he said in a beautiful gentle voice. "But you need to tell me what happened." She looked at his beautiful eyes and she felt hypnotized.

"I-I came to see Howard, and he said he would take me to 'em....." She felt her eyes burn. "Don't cry. Don't cry." But for some reason this made her want to cry even more. A sob escaped her mouth and tears rolled down. Francis hugged her. One of his hands was around her while the other one ran through her hair. "It's alright now. Its okay. Shhh." She buried her head in his head. She no longer heard screams. The two men were gone. She bit her lip to repress anymore sobs. She didn't want to move. She felt safe here. She felt safe in the future king's arms.


"You know why I did what I did!" Kenna's voice rose. "Bash, I felt nothing for him. I just needed-

"You needed money!" Bash exploded. "You sold yourself, Kenna! Don't you have any dignity? Yet you still come here and beg me to take you back?!"

"I'm not begging you to take me back. I want you to forgive me. I don't want you hating me. I want us to be friends." Kenna said In a softer voice.

"Kenna," Bash sounded exasperated. "I forgive you. I really do." At that Kenna approached him with the intention of giving him a hug, but he stepped back. "No, Kenna. Friends. That's what you said and I know you and what you're trying to do. I never loved you, you know that?"

Kenna looked hurt. "Yes, I do. You love Mary."

Bash nodded. "Bash, I can see you're troubled about Mary. What is it?" Kenna asked after a while. Bash shrugged. "She hadn't eaten in two days and I took her here thinking I could offer her a buffet. All I found was lousy bread."

"You feel like you can't offer her a good life, don't you?" Kenna realized.

"Someone like her deserves to be treated like a queen, but I cant even offer her protection." Bash looked at the floor.

"You can offer her your love," Kenna felt a pang in her chest as she said this. "Maybe she doesn't want to live like a queen. Maybe she doesn't want protection." Kenna tried to make him feel better.

"She may not want it, but she needs it."

"And what do you think she needs more, Bash? Do you think she needs money and protection and luxuries more than love?"

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