Reigns Of Emotions

By CreativeDork

106K 3.1K 650

Sequel to Rough with Roman Reigns More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Trilogy, bitches!!!!!!

Chapter 25

2K 64 8
By CreativeDork

"Don't hate me....." I mumbled under my breath


"Please.......please don't hate me........" I held Serena's hand

"Well, what is it....."

"I've been.....cheating on you..... with Nikki ...."

Serena slowly took her hand back

"You hate me, don't you....." I sighed

"No......" Serena was looking straight ahead

"You're lying. Why won't you look at me then"

"We need to get to the next city"

"Serena, please look at me....." I pleaded

Serena slowly turned towards me. I could see the tears forming in her eyes, despite trying to hold it in

"I'm sorry..... I hate hurting you.  ...."

"But you always do it" Serena wiped a tear away


"Can you just drive" Serena asked


Serena's P.O.V

That's what Nikki was trying to tell me before Roman pulled me away. I haven't been with five feet of Roman since we got to the hotel. I was laying in bed with Jordyn beside me

Being around my daughter takes my mind off a lot

Roman slowly walked into the room. He sat on the bed near my feet "Can we talk......"

"I don't think that I have anything to say to you" my voice sounded really dull and careless

"You said you didn't hate me"

"I don't, but we have nothing to talk about"

"There's a big elephant in the room. We have something to talk about"

"Then that big elephant needs to start talking and explain his reasoning"

"I don't have a reasoning. It just happened...."

"Recently, how many times"



"10.....with just Nikki"

There were other women?! I'm not even going to ask

"Were we together back then?.."

"Yea......a few months before we got married...."

At least he's telling the truth for once. I appreciate that

"Why are you telling me all of this right now" I stood up and grabbed some tissue for my watering eyes

"I want this marriage to work this time. No secrets or lies"

"But cheating is still "ok", right" I sniffed

"Of course not and I don't know what to say anymore. I've overused 'sorry' and worn it out"

Roman's P.O.V

Serena sighed

"I don't like the fact that you hate me...." I looked down

"I never said that"

"You don't have to. Actions speak louder than words"

Serena softly kissed me. I put my hands on her waist

"I hope that spoke loud enough. I don't hate you. Angry? Yea, but at least you told me the truth this time"

I smiled

Serena......just had this expression. Like she was remembering something, but she didn't want to say anything

"What's the matter" I held both of Serena's hands

"You broke your promise....."

Serena was right. I promise her that I wouldn't make the same mistakes I did last time. I cheated on Serena again

"I regret it" I tried to think of other things than saying 'sorry'

Serena sighed

"One more chance.... Just one more"

"I ca"-(gco)

"Just one more chance and if I mess up then you can be done with me for good. You don't have to talk to me if you don't want to. Just one more!"

That sounds like a good deal...... "Fine. Last chance" Serena shrugged

Monday Night Raw

I just finished my match against Tyson Kidd. I won, of course. Serena has a match tonight against..... Nikki. This should be interesting. I looked at Serena as she stretched. She wasn't looking too happy, but I knew that she really just wanted to hurt Nikki

"Try not to get yourself disqualified" I said

"I'll..... "try"..."

After Match

Serena's P.O.V

I went back to my locker room, satisfied. Roman was sitting in a chair beside Jordyn's car seat. Roman looked at me in a weird way

"Why are you looking at me like that" I asked

"What you did in the match"-(gco)

"Was nothing compared to what I really wanted to do" I interrupted

"What more could you do without getting disqualified? You put Nikki through a table, threw her into stairs and over the barricade, smashed her face into a pole, kicked her-i don't know how many times-in her face, and you put her in a bunch of submission moves!"

"So" I put my hands on my hips

"I just think that was really excessive and Nikki could be hurt"

I scoffed. Roman is so unbelievable "Thanks for congratulating me on my match" I said sarcastically "But you're thinking about Nikki- the girl that you slept with- so much that you don't even care about your fiance- the woman that you're trying to mend a relationship with- right now"

I went into the restroom, took a shower, and changed my clothes. I came out of the restroom, avoiding eye contact

"I'm sorry if what I said came out wrong....." Roman said

"What is it" I shrugged


"What does Nikki have that I don't? Besides silicone. What do you like about her so much? Is she not bitchy, whiny, attitude, sassy, doubtful, overly attached"

"Deja Vu...." Roman mumbled


"I don't know why I "like" her. I jumped got caught in the moments and needed to relieve some stress"

"I stress you out?....."


"Do I even make you happy?!" My voice got quieter

Roman stood up and put his hand on my left cheek "Of course you do. I love you"

I looked away


Roman's asleep and it's 2:01am. I've just been thinking about earlier. It bothered me so much that Roman even had the thought if Nikki in his mind before me. I looked at Roman's phone that was on the night stand. I didn't get to go through Roman's phone the first time so......

I unlocked his phone and went straight to messages. Please don't let me find anything bad! I opened a text chat Roman had with Nikki. I started from yesterday

I can't come over 11:30pm

Why not? 11:30pm

Serena would have a problem with it 11:31pm

Stop letting her control you! I told you that Serena dictates your relationship 11:31pm

She's my fiance 11:31pm

She's a bitch! 11:32pm

Don't call her that. Serena and I are trying to work out our problems. We already had an argument 11:32pm

Did you ever think that it's not meant to be 11:33pm

I know it is 11:33pm

How about we talk more tomorrow? Come to my room 11:35pm

No. Serena told me not to be around you 11:36pm

That's only because she's insecure. We're only going to talk about solutions to all of this 11:36pm

I don't know 11:37pm

How about Serena comes too 11:37pm

That's not going to work out 11:38pm

I just want to fix this 11:38pm

Fine. I'll just come by myself 11:39pm

Alright. I'll see you at.... 5:00pm 11:39pm

Bye 11:40pm

Bye, babe 11:40pm

OK.....  I didn't really see anything wrong.....except for Nikki calling my man "babe". Oh, Roman met up with Nikki. That's another problem. I told Roman to stay away from Nikki. Wait, do I really dictate this relationship? Naw!..... I just have my reasons for the choices I make in this relationship

To be honest, I don't know what to do with this relationship anymore! I want Jordyn's father to be in her life, but I'm not sure if I want someone I can't trust in mine. I got out of bed and left the hotel room. I was wearing a tank top and jogging pants. We're in Arizona. I just went for a walk. Without realizing, I've already walked seven blocks. I turned back around and headed back to the hotel. That gave me A LOT of time to think. I thought about what I should do and I think it's best. I gotta come to terms with it. I think it's best for this relationship.........

What do you think Serena's choice is? What would you do?

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