Like a Ray in My Night

By Yansusustories

158K 9.3K 503

When the orphaned Yun Bei Fen becomes a disciple of the Teng Yong Sect and meets his senior martial brother M... More

1 A Visitor in a Stormy Night
2 The Expectations of the Dead
3 Accepting a Master
4 Cute Disciple, Dashing Master
5 A Big Family
6 A Much Better Role Model
7 Good Things Don't Last
8 Unreserved Loyalty
9 He Might Get Implicated
10 A Skittish, Little Bunny
11 Frightened the Little Rabbit Away
12 For His Sake
13 Become Strong Enough to Love Him
14 Come Out Here Now!
15 A Beautiful Young Man
16 An Old Rival
17 A Turning Point for the Teng Yong Sect
18 Why Would I Need to Worry?
19 I'll Teach Him How to Fly
20 Promise to Protect Him
21 No Room to Maneuver
22 The Time to Wait Is Over
23 Who Is the Shameless One?
24 A Man in His Best Years
25 Frozen in Shock
26 Reward His Effort a Little
27 I Love You
28 The Moon Wouldn't Fall from the Sky
29 Maybe There's an Array?
30 Anything That's Important to Me ... Is You
31 I Didn't Do It on Purpose!
32 You Are My Strength
33 Let's Spend More Time Together
34 A Strong Cultivator
35 Just ... Mei Chao Bing
36 Can You Feel It?
37 Sensing Spiritual Energy
38 Stooping That Low
39 A Thousand Questions
40 I Remember Everything You Said
41 A Treasured Sword
42 Imbuing His Spiritual Energy
43 A Righteous Cultivator
44 A Big Failure?
45 A Valley with Spiritual Energy
46 His Little Bunny
47 Let's Give It a Name
48 If Anything Happens ... Scream!
49 A Spiritual Wolf
50 To the Border Region
51 Spread the Message
52 You Dare to Show up Here?
53 This Boy Was Pretty Good
54 Let's Stay Together!
55 What Type Would You Like?
56 It Was Better If He Was Prepared
57 He Would Be Sad
58 It's What My Father Said
59 I Should Have Done It Earlier
60 Old and New Suspicions
61 A Nasty Rumor
62 I'll Keep an Eye on You
63 A Busy Person
64 You Said Nothing about That
65 This Didn't Make Sense
66 You Don't Need to Pretend
67 Was I Tricked?
68 Too Devious!
69 No Morality to Speak of
70 So Mad!
71 Completely Wrong
72 That Isn't What a Righteous Cultivator Should Do
73 Owing an Apology
74 Luring Him into a Trap
75 A Good Addition
76 Familiar Faces
77 The Demonic Sects' Territory
78 The Stone Desert
79 A Strange Place
80 A Bright Melody
81 A Smokescreen
82 Just Gossiping
83 Would You Like To?
84 Being Honest
85 It Worked Even Better
86 Some Relationship
87 Some Progress
88 The First Clues Were Found
89 How to Search for Arrays
90 Causing Some Trouble
91 No Time for Idle Gossip
92 Somebody's Luck Was too Good
93 A Tragedy
94 They Couldn't Let This Slide
95 What Happened?
96 The Most Likely Suspect
97 Pointing in His Direction
98 The Key and the Ribbon
99 Can't Fault Him for That
100 Think About It
101 Don't Make the Same Mistake
102 Not a Nice Person
103 Playing His Part Well
104 What If?
105 We'll Have to Take That into Consideration
106 Human Nature
107 Let's Get to Know Each Other
108 Make Them Trust Him
109 No Talent at All
110 Something Similar
111 The Answer to Their Questions?
112 Traces in the Sand
113 The Jian Chu Sect
114 An Important Clue
115 One Step Ahead?
116 Siding with the Right Person
117 A Matter Too Big for Them to Handle
118 That Type of Person
119 A Lifeless Town
120 Who Can Give Advice?
121 Why Don't You Accept My Apology?
122 Just a Guess
123 Not Just Talking
124 No Answers about the Future
125 A Ferocious Spiritual Beast
126 A Good Explanation?
127 I Wouldn't Inflict That on Anybody
128 Not Tired at All
129 Something New to Learn
130 Not One to Stab Them in the Back
131 Why Split Them?
132 Make Enough Preparations
133 Won't Let Him Get away with This
134 There's Something I Want to Say
135 Say What You Have To
136 As Long As He Was Patient
137 Prying for Information
138 Something Important to Tell Them
139 Planning Something
140 She Couldn't Let Them Take Advantage!
141 Just Talk about That!
143 You Can't Leave Me!
144 You Worked Hard
145 Why Hadn't He Thought About It?
146 Really a Dilemma!
147 Coaxing a Cute Junior
148 Time to Set the Plan in Motion
149 It Couldn't Get Worse
150 They Had Planned It
151 An Evil Person
152 Gone Through a Rough Time
153 He Didn't Believe Them
154 Vilifying Him Needlessly
155 Unable to Change the Outcome
156 He Isn't Worth It
157 Not Allowed to Go on Patrol
158 It'll Take Forever!
159 Not Worth It
160 An Annoying Fly
161 Can You Teach Me?
162 A Defensive Skill
163 Was That The Right Reaction?
164 I Love You Too!
165 Can I Trust You?
166 I'll Trust You Just This Once
167 Returning to the Town?
168 Who Should Leave?
169 The Only Thing That Mattered
170 The Messenger of Catastrophes
171 Take a Rest First
172 How Are You Holding Up?
173 The Tide Has Turned
174 There Had to Be More Behind It
175 A Friendly Aunt
176 Lots of Tasty Food
177 The Highest on His Priority List
178 They Don't Care about Their Master
179 He Wanted to Give Him the World
180 Informing the Jian Chu Sect
181 The Worst-Case Scenario
182 A Few Days to Rest?
183 A Break with Progress
184 No Patrol for the Night?
185 Will You Teach Me Something New?
186 Catching Up
187 An Advanced Skill too Difficult to Learn
188 Why Try?
189 Give Him Enough Time
190 Nothing Good Would Happen
191 One Coincidence Too Much
192 Senior Martial Brother?!
193 Returning to the Teng Yong Sect's Camp
194 A Thousand Questions Left Unanswered
195 Get Them Back
196 Can't Forgo Sword Practice
197 First Senior Martial Brother
198 Why Are You Here?
199 A Reason to Return
200 It Could Not Be Forced

142 Who Is The Weird One?

297 21 1
By Yansusustories

Kui Min needed a while to get back her bearings but then, she nodded as if they just decided on a very grave matter. "Yes, Elder! I definitely won't disappoint you or let senior martial brother Mei and junior martial brother Yun down!"

Baili Chao almost wanted to laugh when he saw how serious she looked. "Very well. You can go with Yun Bei Fen and play around with that little rabbit then. I'll need to talk about some things with Mei Chao Bing."

Kui Min nodded and leaped to her feet, following Yun Bei Fen out of the room who was still looking back every now and then.

"What do you think Master wants to speak to senior martial brother Mei about?"

Kui Min looked at him and raised her brows. If he didn't know it, how would she? But, well, considering the situation ... "They're probably going to talk about your mission in more detail. If Yang Wu Huang and the others are really planning something, then your Master probably wants to make sure that Mei Chao Bing is prepared well enough."

Yun Bei Fen nodded. That made sense. He lifted Xiao Hui and looked into the spiritual beast's eyes. "I guess we don't have to worry. Mei Chao Bing has planned very well. I'm pretty sure that nothing will happen to us. What do you think?"

Kui Min couldn't help but laugh when she saw Yun Bei Fen talking to his spiritual beast. "Has he answered yet?"

Yun Bei Fen turned to look at her, giving her a puzzled look. "Senior martial sister Kui, what are you talking about? Xiao Hui is a spiritual beast. How could he answer me?"

Kui Min was taken aback. Was Yun Bei Fen just telling her that she was behaving weirdly? She wasn't the one who had been talking to a spiritual beast! She wanted to argue but looking at Yun Bei Fen's expression, she finally couldn't bring herself to do it. Well, just let him do what he wanted to. There was no reason to make a fuss about it. "Anyway, we should go play with him for a while like your Master said. I need a lot of ammunition so I can talk Yang Wu Huang and his people into the ground."

Yun Bei Fen nodded and the two of them went off, playing with Xiao Hui in the courtyard.

Meanwhile, Mei Chao Bing sat down in front of Elder Baili and waited for him to speak up.

Baili Chao watched him and finally sighed. "Alright, what are your thoughts on this matter?"

Mei Chao Bing kept quiet for a moment and then sighed as well. "I won't keep it from Elder Baili. I'm pretty sure that whatever Yang Wu Huang is planning will be bad. To be honest, I am afraid that somebody will be hurt. If what I think about this matter with the array before is true, then Yang Wu Huang doesn't really care who gets hurt as long as he is able to achieve what he wants to. Thus, he won't shy away from anything.

"Considering that we will leave soon, he will either need to act immediately tomorrow or somehow figure out a way to follow us. The former might only endanger our group. As for the latter ..." He shook his head. "I'm afraid that he would have to do something very drastic to make this plausible. A lot of other groups could be embroiled in that conflict as well. Considering where we are, involving the demonic sects in his own plan would likely be the best option he has."

"Provoking an attack and then pretending to flee in the direction you're traveling in?"

Mei Chao Bing nodded. "That would be the easiest way to achieve what he wants, wouldn't it? Anyway, if he does manage to follow us, then he would do so until the Zhen Yan Sect. After that, my group and Song Mu's will split. Thus, it would be fewer people on our side. On our way back ... He would have a lot of opportunities to do something shady.

"As for the time at the sect ... Well, I'm pretty sure that he will try to insert himself into our mission. He's all about face. He wants to become known as a peerless talent. I guess in his eyes, he still hasn't managed to achieve that."

Baili Chao gave a short laugh. "Yang Wu Huang is seriously overestimating himself if he thinks that he could manage that. You will always be better than him. In fact, Song Mu was also always better than him. He was just able to make himself seem less conspicuous next to you. And after that, he joined Yang Wu Huang's side. Having a strong follower probably was a boost to Yang Wu Huang's ego as well."

Mei Chao Bing nodded. "I don't doubt that at all." He still doubted his own ability to judge people though. Back then, Song Mu definitely couldn't have been called his follower. He wouldn't have thought that he was willing to become anybody's follower either. Song Mu had always seemed proud. Too proud to accept something like that.

But then, things had changed. They changed to a degree that made him question if he had understood the people around him. Strangely enough, the only one who had held onto the belief that he was a good person and had never acted out against him had been Yun Bei Fen, the person he hadn't known very well before. Come to think of it, in a way, even Yun Bei Fen had changed his behavior. After all, the day his Master betrayed the sect had been the first time that Yun Bei Fen actually approached him. Before then, he had always run off.

Thinking back now, Mei Chao Bing couldn't help but smile to himself. Just imagining how his little bunny had been hiding whenever he looked in his direction and then pretended not to be there at all, his heart would flutter a little. Back then, he hadn't understood. Now, he was clear on the matter though. Somehow, that little one had fallen in love with him early on. But he had been too shy to admit those feelings. In the end, if he hadn't made a move now, then they probably still wouldn't be together.

Baili Chao watched Mei Chao Bing's expression, his brows slowly raising. He really wondered what he was thinking about right now. He didn't dare ask though. Something told him that whatever the answer was, he wouldn't like it.

In the end, he cleared his throat. "Well, I will consult with Elder Xing tonight and try to come up with a plan to make sure that Yang Wu Huang won't interfere. It will be difficult though. After all, the groups will leave tomorrow to continue with their own mission. If there's no drastic change in the situation, there's no way for us to keep them here. And I don't think anything is going to happen. It didn't look like that at the very least."

Mei Chao Bing nodded. "I understand. If there's any way that I can help in this matter, then I hope that the Elders will tell me. Both my and Song Mu's cultivation bases are higher than that of Yang Wu Huang and the others. If we work together, there will be a chance for us to maybe disrupt them."

Baili Chao lightly shook his head. "I can see where you are coming from. And if I can think of a plan to utilize this, then I will make you a part of this. But you can't forget that your actual task is to inform the Zhen Yan Sect. This warning could be vital. We can't let anything prevent them from being informed. Do you understand?"

Mei Chao Bing had a hard time nodding his head. Knowing that there was somebody endangering the others and maybe ruining the whole mission, he couldn't help but want to do something. But, unfortunately, he was not in a position to do so because there were other things to consider. It was maddening.

Baili Chao sighed when he saw his expression. He could imagine how Mei Chao Bing felt about this. If it was him, he also wouldn't like it. But what could be done? They needed the group to go and inform the sect. "I would leave you here to make sure that this doesn't happen but ... What we did say the other day was true: The overall strength of your group is quite high. And this is a dangerous task. If you are right in that maybe those clues were left deliberately, then it would be a problem to send anyone who is less strong or experienced. I hope you understand that."

Mei Chao Bing sighed but still nodded. "I do understand. I just can't help but feel it is a pity I am not able to do anything else. I would like to be of more help."

Elder Baili nodded but there was nothing he could do about it. "Just focus on your task for now. I'm sure that we will be able to take care of this later on. Yang Wu Huang won't be able to hide behind his reputation forever. Someday, he will be caught in that web of lies he has spun himself. We just have to be patient and try to make sure that the worst won't happen."

Mei Chao Bing nodded. Yes, even though he wished that things were different, that was definitely the best way to go about it. Since he couldn't change the current situation, he could only move a step forward and then try to see if there was a way. That was just how matters were. There was no use bemoaning that.

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