Wildwood equestrian academy

By Countrygirl1055

47.6K 1.8K 598

About a girl named Ashley going to a boarding just for riding. Her horse Watson is a quarter/ warm blood. As... More

The letter that effects everything...
New ememy
The truth
Starting school
Best part about math
Surface Cracks
Total Loner
When Upset Find Your Horse
A Good Laugh, For The Horse....
The Real Way To Ride
Now We Are Even
Sick Is Good
Everything Is Back To Normal, Almost...
Even Devil's Play Nice
The Plan, Learning About Past....
Lies & Secrets
Lies In The Past
In The Sick Bay
Blue Rose
Don't Mess With Blue
Chasing Blue
Final News

New Girl, Means Bad News....

1K 52 13
By Countrygirl1055

Chloe walks into the room, looking like she just got back from a date. School was really hard today, but slowly getting better. 

" Hey Ashley, have you met the new girl?" Chloe asked me. 

" No, who is she?" 

" Her name is Natalie and she is from England. Her gelding Danish is a dark brown chesnut Trakehner.    Natalie was talking to Luke and they were planning a trail ride later today." Chloe chirped. I sighed.

" Oh, well okay. I didn't really need to know all that." I looked away, not wanting to think about Luke, expecially with a pretty new girl from England. 

" You and Luke seemed to hit it off, and I thought you would want to know. Natalie has dark black hair and blue eyes just like Luke. They look like brother and sister almost." Chloe said shrugging. 

" Okay, good to know.... Well I promised Watson a carrot. See you later." I walked out of the dorm before Chloe could get another word in. Amanda stood in the stable petting Watson. 

Amanda turned and looked at me. Her eyes were all red and puffy like she has been crying. 

" Ashley look, about everything I said..." I walked past her ingnoring her, I swiftly opened Watson's stall and started rubbing my curry over his coat, that was clummped with died mud. Watson flicked his ear back at me, sensing my mood. 

" Ashely please I am sorry." Amanda stood outside Watson's stall, holding on to his halter and petting him every few seconds. I wanted to say, I am sorry too lets be friends. 

" Amanda I don't feel like talking about this right now." I said instead of what I really wanted to say.

" Can we meet at the candy shope and talk?" Amanda asked me. I sighed knowing that I did miss her  and wish we could make up.

" Fine, I will text you a good day and time for me." I anwsered. Watson turned his head around to see me, he bummped my hand with his mussel. I burred my face into Watson's coat, thats all that I could do to not burst into tears. Amanda kissed Watson's blaze before leaving the stable. 

I girl wearing a white jacket, brown breeches, black tall riding boots and holding a black plain helmet walked in, her hair was up in a french braid. She turned and looked at me. Her blue eyes shown, lighting up as she saw her horse. 

" Danish!" She sqealed runnig up to the horse called Danish's stall. If Mr. Scott saw this, he would get mad. I watched her fr another second, then I switched my brushes.

' Danish, Windy is on her way over here. I resurved her a stall right next to yours!" The girl started cheering. I tried not to roll my eyes. 

" Oooo yay! Windy is here! Wait one sec..." The girl disapeared out of the barn, and walked in with Windy. Windy is an black Arabin with a star. She lead her other horse into the stall next to Danish.

" Windy I wish you could talk, then maybe you would say Natalie where is my treat?!" The girl (Natalie) laughed and gave Windy and Danish some apple slices. I stood in Watson's stall, not wanting to intrupt what was happening. Natalie finally saw me. The more I saw her, the more she looked like Luke. Natalie had black hair and dark blue eyes, she had fair tan skin. She had a acent because she was from England. She had to come on a plane with her horses, its a long flight.

" Ummm, who are you and why are you stalking me?" Natalie asked, crossing her arms and giving me an annoyed look. 

" First off all I wasn't stalking you, and second of all I am grooming my horse. I am going to tack him up and practice some dressage." I told Natalie who was still glaring at me.

" Well you were starring at me and I love dressage, thats my speciatly." Natalie turned and tacked up Windy without grooming her, and headed out for the ring. Once Watson was all tacked up I lead him into the same ring. 

I started to trot Watson, but Windy cut infront of me. Watson ears swivled backward, against his head in dislike. I turned him to the left of the ring. Natalie forced Windy back in front of Watson, cutting him off again. Watson tossed his head with anger. Watson trotted behind Windy and nipped her in the side. Windy, who was spooked started to slow. Natalie yanked on the reins and pushed her into a gallop. The ring was very small, Windy started freaking out. Windy tried to buck, but instead she tripped and fell. Natalie hopped off the saddle just in time, but Windy clasped on the ground. Windy tired to get up, and she started trotting franticly. Windy slowed, and started limping. I watched in horror as Windy fell back on the ground, and this time didn't get up. Windy's sides were heaving and fear filled her eyes with the pain. 

Thankfully Mr. Scott walked and saw Windy. He told me to please leave the ring with Watson and said he would speak to me later. I untacked Watson. He had his head raised proudly as if he won a blue ribbion. 

" Watson, why did you nip Windy? You could have gotten kicked." I said rubbing his shoulder. Watson gave me a look, saying I - really - don"t - care. I hugged Watson, tearing up thinking if it was him that had fell. Good thing Natalie has a backup horse, I think he might come in handy once in a great while.

Windy finally retruned to her stall, limmping with effort. Windy took a long sip of water, she was tried and hurt. Her ankle was sprained and twisted. I walked over to Windy's stall and petted her cheek.

" What are you doing? Get your hands away from my horse!" Natalie rushed over and pushed me away. 

" I am sorry about what happened..." I started.

" Look, you better be sorry. That horse of yours caused all this." Natalie spat. She hugged Windy who just wanted some quietness, and to be alone. Wndy pulled away from Natalie and walked to the back corner of the stall, and satrted dozing off. 

" Watson didn't do anything, your the one trying to show off be galloping and forcing that poor horse in front of Watson." I said sticking up for my horse. " Watson got upset, you could have made him get hurt instead of Windy." I told Natalie.

" Yeah, well I wish it was him who got hurt." Natalie hissed at me, storming off. I starred at her hurt horse for a second, thinking - news flash, Natalie is very bad news!



Luv ya all! Thanks for reading this chapter! So what do you guys think about what happened and about Nataile? Comment and like! Thanks, I will update soon! <3 


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