Jace Norman Imagines

By callmecloe

598K 8.9K 2K

Just a bunch of Jace Norman / Kid Danger imagines More

How We Met - J. N.
Crush - H. H.
Quarantine - J. N.
Failed Date - H.H.
Failed Date (Part 2) - H. H.
Sick - J. N.
Thundermans - H. H.
Youtube - J. N.
Babe? - H. H.
Babe? (Part 2) - H. H.
Surprise - J. N.
I Love You - J. N.
Stargazing - H. H.
Laughing Fire - H. H.
Jealous - J. N.
Celebrity Crush - J. N.
Caught - H. H.
Rain - J. N.
Livestream - J. N.
Return - H. H.
Return (Part 2) - H. H.
Set Visits - J. N.
Meeting His Family - J. N.
Brother President - Flunky
Captain Man's Daughter - H. H.
Dating Henry Hart would include...
Dating Jace Norman would include...
Secret - H. H.
One Year Anniversary - H. H.
Best Friends - J. N.
Jonas - J. N.
Jonas (Part 2) - J. N.
New Student - H. H.
Super Friend - H. H.
Super Friend (Part 2) - H. H.
When You're On Your Period - J. N.
Date Night - J. N.
Nightmares - H. H.
Bad Girl - H. H.
Make You Stay - J. N.
Late Night Talks - H. H.
Broke Me - H. H.
Sweaters And Cuddles - J. N.
New Member - J. N.
I Spy - H. H.
Christmas - H. H.
Cousins - H. H.
Just Friends - J. N.
Daughter Of Evil - H. H.
Cooper's Niece - J. N.
Family Trouble - J. N.
Catching Feelings - H. H.
Ex's & Oh's (Part 1) - J. N.
Ex's & Oh's (Part 2) - J. N.
Ex's & Oh's (Part 3) - J. N.
Ex's & Oh's (Part 4) - J. N.
Ex's & Oh's (Part 5) - J. N.
I Dream Of Danger - H. H.
Elevator Kiss - H. H.
Story Tank - H. H.
KCA - J. N.
Soccer - J. N.
Y/N Thunderman - H. H.
See You Again - H. H.
Kids Of The Vice Mayor - H. H.
Welcome To Dystopia - H. H.
Tiktok - H. H.
Captain Man's Daughter (Part 2) - H. H.
Rumblr - H. H.
Road To Admitting Feelings - H. H.
Director's Sister - J. N.
Bilsky Dinner - H. H.
Musical Curse - H. H.
Y/N Groff - J. N.
Magic Rock - H. H.
Kidnapped By Mole People - H. H.
Celebs Dates & Jealousy - H. H.
Best Friend's Sister - H. H.
College Visits - J. N.
Up The Stairs - H. H.
Daveed Diggs - J. N.
The Singer - J. N.
Best Friend's Sister - J. N.

Abusive - H. H.

6.8K 94 1
By callmecloe


"When are you gonna do things right in this house? You're such a disgrace and a disappointment," my father hissed at me, with every word his grip on my arm tightened as he slammed me harder against the wall. "I wish you were the one who died and not your mom," he added and punched me in the face.

I managed to whimper out a soft "I'm so sorry papa" to him. Father growled and finally released his hold on me but not before kicking my stomach and slapping my face.

I slid down the wall and cried into my knees.

My life has been like this ever since mom died. Dad blamed me for mom's death and have been abusing me since then. Dad's also alcoholic and doesn't work anymore. When I turned 13, I started looking for jobs along with my friend Henry Hart. Unlike him, I didn't think working at Junk 'N Stuff was enough so I searched for a different job.

Now I'm a sixteen year old girl with three jobs in total and is still a High School Student. I never told my friends about my abusive father because I know they'll call the cops on him. As much as I want to get rid of my dreadful father, he's the only family I have.

I cried for a couple more minutes as I sunk my long nails onto my skin until I marked myself. I got up and washed the blood off my arm and applied make up on the hand mark on my face.

I grabbed a long sleeved shirt and wore it to cover up the bruise on my arm.

Once I was satisfied that no one will notice my marks, I grabbed my bag and walked to school.

I opened my locker and grabbed my books and closed the door. "Aahh!! I screamed at the sight of Henry Hart standing by my locker. "Don't scare me like that," I breathed. "Sorry Y/N," Henry chuckles and took a step closer to me. I leaned against the lockers and smiled at him, "What's up?"

"Nothing much, you?"

I bit my lip, "I'm good."

"Uhm... I just gotta ask these last few weeks we haven't seen you in class a lot," Henry mumbled as he tried to be careful with his words. "Is something going on?"

I'm fully aware that my absences are a lot now. Before I just skipped a class or two to work but recently, I would either not show up in the morning or afternoon. Sometimes I wouldn't show up.

Charlotte, Henry and Jasper have my back, lending my their notes and updating me with assignments. They asked me this question before but I made up a bunch of excuses.

"A lot happened at home. Dad needs me to help him around," I lied and bit my tongue. Henry nods his head but I can tell he's not buying it.

"Let's go to class," I said and dragged him to our first lesson of the day. Chemistry. Henry and I sat next to each other and a few minutes later the bell rang.

Henry's POV

It took me all my might to stay awake for the entire day.

In the afternoon, it was a shock to us that Y/N disappeared and never returned. Charlotte, Jasper and I are worried about her. She's been zoning around a lot and is always not around at school.

Her absences are more than mine, and I'm a part time superhero sidekick!

At the end of the day, I left school with my two other friends and went to Junk 'N Stuff.

"Have you talked to Y/N lately?" Charlotte asked me. "Yeah," I mumbled. "And?"

"She uhh... Said that her dad needs him around at home," I repeated her words. "That's a total lie," Charlotte scoffed. "I know. She shuts herself off from us," I mumbled, "She's building up her walls up again."

"Hey hey hey," we ended our conversation when Ray showed up. "Kid I've been expecting you twenty minutes ago! Bubble up," he told me.

I tossed my backpack to Charlotte and grabbed my gum container. Ray and I popped out gums and transformed into Captain Man and Kid Danger.

"What's the emergency?" I asked.

"Robbery and drugs," Schwoz answered. "Wait, what?" I asked. "Some guy that's involved with drugs is robbing the bank," Ray clarified. "What?" I repeated.

Ray groaned, "Schwoz already sent the bank location. C'mon," he grabbed me up the tube and pressed our belts.

"Up the tube."

We ran towards the bank robbery.

"Never fear, Captain Man and Kid Danger are here," Captain Man declared after kicking the door opened. I rolled my eyes at the common rhymes that he just used. We found the robber and my eyes widened at the sight of Y/N's dad.

"M-Mr L/N?" I mumbled and Ray heard me. "You know him?"

"Yeah. He's my best friend's father," I replied. "Well. Isn't that something," Ray replied and pulled out his lazer. "Don't hurt him," I said. "Nah. He'll be fine," he assured me and zapped Mr L/N and he passed out.

"Alright. Imma call the cops," I pulled my phone and called 911.

Along the way, the cops also informed Y/N that her father is going to jail for robbing the bank and taking drugs.

She rushed to the scene the same time the cops arrived. "Papa," she said while running to her father's side. My eyes are filled with sorrow as she shed a few tears as the cops appeared and placed handcuffs on his wrists.

"How-How long will he be in jail?" Y/N asked. "We can't tell," the cop replied. Y/N scoffed but allowed them to take his dad away.

"I'll see you later man," I whispered to Ray and approached Y/N before he could respond. "Hey," I said as while standing beside her, "Are you ok?"

"Yeah," she mumbled while wiping her tears away. I then noticed a red hand mark on her cheek and her left eye is slightly bruised which made me frown. "Can I-Can I walk you home?" I asked. Y/N whips her head in my direction but smiled at my offer. "Yeah."

I waited for her as the cops asked her a few questions and I also informed my partner that I'm walking her home.

I watched from the side as the cops asked Y/N some questions and I can see and sense her discomfort so I walked up to her aid. "Alright fellas, I better take her home. It's getting late," I told the cops while gently moving Y/N away.

The cops didn't argue back and instead collected all the information that Y/N told them as we turned around and I walked her home.

The entire journey was quiet, Y/N and I avoided eye contact as I tried to think of why Y/N's dad is a drug dealer and robber. I want to ask her but I don't want to catch her off guard.

I tried to make a short conversation on the way but she responded me with just a single word.

We finally reached her front door when Y/N suddenly spoke up. "He's an abusive dad," she blurted out.

My heart ached at what she just said. "What?"

"Ever since my mother died, dad blamed me for her death. He started abusing me everyday and torturing me. What's worse is that he's alcoholic and he doesn't have a job," she explained. Everything started falling into place as I pieced things together. "I searched for a part time job when I was thirteen along with my best friend and now I ended up with three jobs. My absences are growing higher with each passing day... It's a struggle y'know, balancing three jobs, school and a father like him."

"Teachers complain about my absences a lot of the times, but I did all the assignments. My three best friends helped me out a lot, updating me with the lessons and assignments and everything," she added.

"Do your friends know about your situation with your father? That he's hurting you, I mean," I asked.

"Oh God, no. I don't want to dump my problems on them and besides they'll tell me to call the cops on him. They've done so much for me, they've been my friends since kindergarten and I don't want to burden them with everything's that's been going on in my life."

I took in everything that she said as I felt sad, to the point where I want to hug her and cry but I had to restrain myself from doing so because I'm still Kid Danger.

"I'm so sorry I took this out on you," Y/N chuckled as she wiped her tears away.

"Maybe you should talk to your friends about this. I'm sure they'll understand and will help you out with your situation," I told him, "They've been your friends since kindergarten, a friendship like that don't come around everyday. They'll help you out, I'm sure of it."

Y/N smiled and was quick to wrap her arms around me and hugged me. I returned the gesture after a solid five minutes and we shared a hug for about a minute.

We pulled apart and she smiled at me. "Thanks Kid Danger. Not only do you save Swellview but you're great at giving advices," she said. "Just doing my job," I smirked.

"Good night. I hope to see you again," she said. "Yeah. Goodnight," I repeated and she walked inside her house.

I hid behind a bush and chewed on a gum, popped it and transformed back to my normal clothes before running back to Y/N's door. I was about to knock but decided to just go through her window.

I climbed up a tree and knocked on her window to see her laying down on bed. She looked at the window and immediately opened it to let me in. "Hey. I uh heard about your dad," I said.

She smiled. "Wow. News traveled pretty quick," she chuckled.

"I am so sorry. Tell me what I have to do to help you," I told her.

Y/N just looked at me and pulled me in her arms.

We sat there in silence as we shared a hug until she dropped the bomb.

"My dad... He's been hurting me ever since mom died," was all she said before tears came running down her eyes as she pulls her sleeves and showed a purple bruise on her arm. "Sshhh... You don't have to talk about it now Y/N. I'll always be here for you. Don't worry," I assured her.

Y/N leaned her head against my shoulder and we sat there in total silence while looking out the window of her room.



This was requested by: EmmaDanger01

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Stay safe guys ☺️

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