The New Immortals

By EternalBibliophile

147K 2.1K 2.8K

When Lady Hecate fades due to a particularly nasty slow-working poison, Olympus has no choice but to announce... More

Disclaimer and other important stuff
Keeping up with the Olympians
Percy dreams about waffles
Piper plays with loombands
Thalia meets some wannabes
Annabeth fangirls over a church
Nico has a doctor's appointment
Leo creates a friend for Buford
Reyna x banana bread
Hazel, cheat? Never.
Frank gets to be an elepha- eagle.
Tears, travelling and Tratie
We're all in this together
Dionysus does actual work... No really
Lou Ellen is very dramatic
And that was it- sorry Longwhat?
The end of the story... or so you thought.
Rachel makes a call

Jason doesn't fight with his geometry teacher

9.8K 144 121
By EternalBibliophile


'Mads! Maddie! Mads! Wait up, will you?' I huffed, spinning on my heel to see my best friend, Teresa, pushing through the crowded corridor towards me. By the time she reached me, she was out of breath. Teresa's never been fast. Not like me. You see, ever since I was tiny, I was obsessed with sports and fitness, and it's resulted in a slim, athletic body. Not that it was helping me out now.

I sighed as we pushed open the door into our Mathematics classroom, my eyes automatically orbiting towards the object of my infatuation. Jason Grace. With his blonde hair, sky blue eyes and rugged good looks, he's been every girl at the school's crush since he started in autumn. However, he claimed to have a girlfriend, a beautiful girl who he referred to with a really cruel nickname. Sewage, or Pipes, maybe? I couldn't quite remember. To be honest, I really didn't like thinking about the possibility Jason was with another girl. No one did, and so people started suggesting that she didn't exist. But he was insistent, and slowly, the females here drifted towards more achievable targets. But not me. Never me.

I snuck one more glance at the drool-worthy boy(Ok this is getting hard to write) before reluctantly sliding into my seat.

Maybe halfway through the lesson, a phone rang. The class inhaled simultaneously, and we all slowly turned our heads from the board to the source of the noise. Jason.

So, we have this really weird rule at our school that if our phones go off in class, we can answer them but the entire call has to be on speakerphone (aaand there goes my promise not to be cliche. Dam, I barely even lasted a chapter. Sorry guys).

'Mr Grace? You know the rules.' Miss Fiona said gently. Jason nodded, and silently pulled his phone out of his bag, set it on the table, accepted the call and pushed the button for speakerphone. The voice that came out was silvery and melodic, shocking much of the class.

???: Hey Jace.

Jason: Piper? What's the matter, baby?

Oh. Not a cruel nickname then. Pipes as in Piper. Right. Gotcha.

Piper: Ugh, just not really very happy here. The teachers suck, the girls are bitches and don't even get me started on the guys. Could you transfer? I don't really wanna do this alone anymore.

Jason: Is the great Piper Mclean finally admitting she needs help?

Woah. Mclean? As in Tristan Mclean? As in the single best actor in the continental US?

Piper: Jason.

Jason: Ok. sure sweetheart. I'm on my way. Hang in there.

Piper: Thanks. I knew I could count on you.

Jason: Of course baby. By the way, this entire conversation was on speakerphone and my math class heard every word. K bye.

Piper: Wait what?!? Jason, I am going to-

Jason hung up the phone and got up out of his chair to address the class.

'Figured you didn't need to hear that. She can be pretty brutal when she wants to be.' Jason shivered.

'Was that-' a random guy piped up (PUNS). Jason interrupted him.

'Yes, that was the incredible girlfriend that everyone is convinced is fake. Yes, her father is the famous actor Tristan Mclean. Yes, I am now going to go rescue her from the Hadeshole the government calls school. Bye.' And with that, he slung his school bag over his shoulder and strode out of the door. We never saw him again. Well, not in person...

There is a second part to this. Sort of.

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