Here Lies the Queen

By kbnash22

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Belladonna is finally settling into her role as Queen of Vearus. Her people follow her, her kingdom is flouri... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 6

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By kbnash22

The first thing Bella noticed was the smell. Rotten and heavy, it wafted up to her nostrils, causing her to cough. Her eyes fluttered open and she shifted. Her body screamed.
Underneath her were shards of glass. Several already were driven into her skin. She tried to raise her head and stifled a shriek. Glass was embedded in her cheek and she could feel it pressing against her bone. If she didn't get it out soon, she was going to die.
Bella forced herself to get up. Glass dug into her hands and she gasped. Tears welled up in her eyes. Blood dripped down and stained the glass as she slowly got to her feet. Thankfully her shoes had stayed on during the fall.
Bella blinked as the memories came rushing back. She remembered the rope against her waist. She had grasped Mel's and Hunter's hand as they went over. The rope yanked and caused her to pitch forward as they free fell. The wind whistled in her ears and the world went dark. The next thing she knew, there was the sound of crunching wood and she was flown free. The rope snapped and she landed on the glass. The last thing she saw was a pair of boots coming towards her.
Bella scanned the landscape now, looking for the mysterious stranger. Why didn't they help her? Instead, she was greeted with an endless glass beach. No sign of anyone. Water pulled the glass out to sea then it washed up again. In front of her was rocky terrain. Puddles of lava released smoke in the air. As she watched, a fireball shot up from the ground with a hiss. It fell back down into a lava pool. A silhouette of a mountain loomed in the distance.
The sky above her was red and smoky. Dark clouds drifted by slowly. Small embers fell from the sky and landed in her hair. She shook them out and studied them. It glowed for a moment, then dimmed. She was about to let it fall to the ground when it glowed again.
"What the hell," she whispered. The ember bounced once on the ground and vanished. Glass crunched underneath her as she walked over to the water. It stung her hands when she placed them in. "What is this place?" If she didn't know better, she would say this was Hell.
Her boots thudded against the rock as she climbed over them. She tried to summon magic to shield her from the elements, but it fizzled out. A slew of curses sprang from her mouth. If her magic didn't work here, she wouldn't last a day.
"Hunter?" she called. "Mel? Anyone?" No answer. When Mel told her about the Guardian she hadn't said anything about this. She was such a fool for believing her. When she got out of here, she was going to find that blasted girl and beat the living daylights out of her. She ripped off the end of her pants and held it up to her cheek to stop the bleeding. Then she set off to find the Guardian.
Bella made it halfway to the mountain when she came across the first sign of life. A small lizard scuttled over her boot and crawled up her leg. One of its legs was bent back at an unusual angle.
"Well, hello there," she said. The lizard was not quite purple, but not quite pink. Small ridges ran over its back. At the end of its tail was a flame. She picked it up and studied it. "What are you?" The lizard crawled up her arms and settled on her shoulder. "I guess you're coming with me then."
A fireball shot up from the ground in front of her, singing her leg. She stumbled back. It burned. Gods, it burned. Bella realized she had no idea what being burned felt like. Until now. She had always just assumed it was like having your flesh peeled away. Not this. A blister already formed and it was hot to the touch. She winced as she tied another piece of fabric around her leg. The lizard on her shoulder licked her face as the tears dribbled down her cheeks.
"Let's go find our friends," she said. The lizard purred as she stroked its back.
By the time she reached the mountain, the sky had gone dark. Embers still rained from the sky, but other than that, Bella couldn't see a thing. She stumbled ahead blindly, relying on her instincts to tell her if she was in trouble. The lizard growled and Bella came to a stop.
She reached into the dark and her hand hit something. It felt like... "A tree?" she whispered. An ember fell from the sky, illuminating it for a second. She broke off a branch and used her knife to sharpen it into a spear. Before heading feller into the forest, she practiced throwing it. It was a little heavier than what she was used to, but it would have to do.
At that moment, something strange happened. A gust of wind blew over her. The ground turned orange from the dying embers. They illuminated a path straight into the woods.
Bella glanced at the lizard cowering on her shoulder. Its skin had turned the same color as the ground. "What do you say? Should we follow the path?" The lizard slinked around to her back. "Well, I'm going to. You can stay here if you want."
She made her way through the woods. The embers crunched underneath her feet and she savored the sound. It had been too long since she'd been around a real fire, not the stuff made from her magic. She glanced behind her and saw she had made dark footprints in the path. Anyone following her would have no trouble finding her.
The path led her to a cave. She paused outside, tasting the air. No sign of trouble. The cave seemed safe enough, and it was a good place to rest.
Bella walked in and was taken back. A shimmering river of water trickled off into the darkness. Embedded in the walls and ceilings were gems of every size and color. The one closest to her was full of different hues of blue. It sparkled and she reached for it. A glimmer caught her eye and she turned to it. A ruby the size of an egg sat on a stone shaped like a table. She picked it up. The stone was cool in her hand and she pressed it against her brow.
A soft splash came from the back of the cave and the ruby tumbled from her fingers. It landed on the floor and shattered. She listened for any other sounds. Once again, the air was silent. She moved to the river, as quiet as a wraith.
Different colors of light burst from the river bed. She couldn't see where it came from. A burst of light streamed through the river. This one was different; it seemed to have come from... "Oh, gods," Bella murmured in awe.
A giant lake was visible from where she stood. It glowed blue and seemed to be covered in some type of plant. Bella strode over to the edge. Small gems littered the bottom and she scooped on up. It was much smaller than the ones in front of the cave. She pocketed it and slipped off her boots. The lizard nipped her neck.
"It's okay. I'm getting the dirt off myself." She slid the lizard down to the floor. "Let me know if something's wrong." It squeaked and scuttled away. She smiled as she watched it go. Who knew she would be talking to a lizard? She slipped out of her clothes and placed them next to her boots. If there was any trouble, she would be able to grab them from the water.
Her feet slipped on the gems as she eased in. It was cold enough to send shivers racing up her spine. The water moved over her skin like a potion, removing the dirt and leaving her sparkling clean. Ripples cascaded outward, breaking the otherwise smooth surface. She raised her arm to brush the dirt out of her hair when she noticed something.
In the middle of the lake was a giant rock. She didn't think anything of it until it flashed. At first, she thought her eyes were playing tricks on her. Then it flashed again. She scrambled back to the shore and pulled on her clothes.
"Lizard! Where are you?" A soft thump, then the lizard waddled out of the shadows. She placed it on her shoulders and waded back into the water.
The rock rose up from the water over her head. She had to crane her neck to see the top. It flashed again and she shielded her eyes. Whatever it was, it seemed to be calling her. Bella traced the rock and felt something carved on it. She rose up and studied it. A small symbol was etched into the side. It was a small triangle with wings wrapped around it. A small circle was carved around the symbol.
"What is this?" She touched it and the rock flashed. A great rumbling sound came from the bottom. Debris rained down on her from the ceiling. She raised her hands to deflect it. The water began to rush around her, creating a giant whirlpool. It sucked her underneath the water. She felt the lizard dig its tiny feet into her neck. The water spun her around and around until her head began spinning. Her lungs there're her to burst and she clawed her way to the surface. Just as her hand broke through the water, she was dragged down into the dark.
Bella was pushed through tunnel after tunnel. She tried to grab onto something to slow her down, but it was futile. Water rushed into her mouth, her eyes, her nose. When she said she was going to wash the dirt away, this was not what she meant.
She approached a large rock in the middle of her path. The water pulled her past and she latched onto it. Her hands stung as she held on. The water tugged at her but Bella would not let go. Inch by inch, she clawed her way up the stone. Her hand slipped on a patch of moss and the water whisked her away.
It spat her out in a giant cavern. She heaved, spewing water everywhere. Her lizard fell from her shoulder and gagged. Bella stood on shaky legs and yelled, "What the HELL was that?" The words echoed around. She looked down and saw her outfit was in tatters. "Great."
A chair materialized in front of her. With a start, she realized the cavern was built like a theater. The stage was in front of her and she was the audience.
"Welcome!" a voice rumbled. A shadow appeared on the wall. Slowly, it came into focus.
A giant man made of wood and leaves emerged on the stage. His skin was as dark as night and antlers sprouted from his head. Bella choked as she saw what he had in his hands.
Hunter and Mel.
They were both tied up in some type of vine. Hunter had a sack thrown over his head, but she would recognize him anywhere.
She willed a flame to lit her hand, and to her surprise, it did. The giant stared down at her and cracked a smile.
"Hello!" he said. The cavern shook and her flame went out. "May I have your name?"
Bella was about to tell him when Mel shook her head. She stared and shook her head again. Don't give him your name.
"No. " Bella glared at him and willed her eyes to burn. Relief poured into her chest as she felt them ignite. "Let my friends go."
"I'm afraid I can't do that," the giant said. Dust fell from the ceiling. An idea formed in her head.
"I'm sorry," she began. "I can't talk to you if you're all the way up there. Can you make yourself shorter?"
The giant tilted his head as if he was thinking. "Very well. It is rather hard for me to hear from you." A burst of light and he was her height. Hunter and Mel were still tied up, but now they could run. Bella tried to motion to Mel to get out. She nodded her head imperceptibly and inched around the man.
"What is your name?" Bella asked. "And what is this place?"
"I don't have one. I am a Guardian. This is Ailmoor, the End of the World."
She had never heard of this place, but, "The Guardian? The one who guards the Mother Pearl?" Bella made her eyes go wide. "I've heard so much about you!"
The Guardian's face went slack. "You have?"
"Of course! Who hasn't?" She silently begged Mel to hurry up. Hunter's hands were untied and Mel was working on his head. "You must be very strong in order to protect it from all the evil outsiders."
"It is a hard job," the Guardian agreed. His eyes shone. "Nobody ever mentions that! It's all, I want the Pearl! No, I want the Pearl! Yet, they all die in the end." He gestured to a pile of bones she hadn't noticed earlier. "I'm sorry that I had to drag you down here the hard way. You were taking too long to figure out how to get here."
"Well, thank you. I couldn't have done it without you." Mel had Hunter completely untied and he was working on her bonds. "So, where is the Pearl?" The Guardian's face hardened again and she tried to backtrack. "I'm not here to steal it! I just wanted to see if it was as great as they say."
"Well, in that case..." He snapped his fingers and a glowing orb floated in front of them. "Here it is."
Bella's fingers itched to grab it and run, but she didn't know the extent of his powers. "How gorgeous," she said. She didn't need to lie to him about how beautiful it was. The Pearl sparkled with light. It was so polished she could see her face in it. She lifted her gaze to look at the Guardian. "You must take very good care of it."
"I do!" He reached for it and it bobbed over to him. "Nobody ever appreciates that, either."
"Of course not. They're all afraid of someone who can take such good care of something. They would rather take it and destroy it." Mel and Hunter were completely untied now and were hurrying over to a corner.
The Guardian sighed. "You're the first person to get it. How can I help you?"
Her spirits soared. She was tempted to ask for the Pearl but it might upset him. "Can I get new clothes?"
The Guardian beamed. "I specialize in fashion!" He snapped his fingers and she felt, rather than saw, her clothes change. He snapped again and a mirror appeared. She gazed at her reflection and choked.
The Guardian had decided to clothe her like a flame. He gave her a dress that hugged her body before spilling onto the floor. It glowed red and orange and yellow and all the colors of fire. She studied her hand and the crystal claw on it. Small, golden chains linked the cuff to the sharp fingers. Something heavy settled on her head and she reached up. A crown of red and gold sat atop her hair. A belt hung low on her hips, full of knives.
"Thank you," she said. "It's... exquisite." Just not something she would wear at the moment. She attempted to kick her leg and the dress held it down. How was she supposed to fight in this? Glancing at the Guardian, she realized this was his plan all along.
"You look just like the Queen you're meant to be," he said. "You think I didn't know who you were? As soon as you landed on my shore, I felt you. I took away your power so you couldn't harm anything. You have a real gift for that." He sneered at her. "You will never get my Pearl. And your friends?" He raised his hand and Mel and Hunter floated into the air. They struggled before going limp. "I think I'll keep them as trophies."
"You're a real bastard, you know." Bella summoned her power and threw it at him. A wave of fire rippled over him, but when it cleared, he was unharmed. She tried again and again before snarling, "Let me kill you!"
"But then you'll never get the Pearl." He tutted. "Too bad."
"I'll make a deal with you," Bella said. The words were out before she could stop them.
The Guardian smirked. "Good."
"What do you want for the Pearl?"
"I want five years of your life."
Her blood ran cold. All the fire that she had been about to summon vanished. "Five years?"
His answering smile made her see red. That bastard knew what her predicament was. Shayde could kill her as soon as she returned to her kingdom. She didn't even know if she had a week left in her life. If he did take five years, would she die right away?
"The Pearl is invaluable," he answered. "You must sacrifice something for it. You know a bit about sacrifices, don't you?"
She clenched her fists. "Fine." If she died now, Hunter and Mel could finish the quest. Hunter would still die and Mel could rule her kingdom.
The Guardian's lips peeled back into a smile. "I knew you would say yes. Consider it done." A rush of power flowed out of her and into the Guardian's hands. A pop, and it disappeared. She waited to drop to the floor. The Guardian's eyebrows flicked up as he noticed her still standing.
"Interesting," he mused.
"What is?" Bella demanded. Why was he so surprised?
"Nothing. Take your friends and leave. I expect to see the Pearl back down here as soon as you're done with it."
Her friends dropped to the floor and Bella rushed over to them. Hunter groaned and opened his eyes.
"Hunter!" She tackled him in a hug. "Thank gods."
"What happened?" He raised his head. "Where are we? And what...," he looked at her, "are you wearing?"
"I'll tell you on the way up." She turned back to the Guardian but he had disappeared. Off to mourn the loss of his precious Pearl, she supposed. She turned to Mel. "Do you know how to work this?"
Mel walked over and plucked the Pearl from her hands. "Watch and learn, life-giver." She tapped the Pearl and whispered to it. Then she tossed it in the air.
Bella gasped. She was sure it would fall down and shatter, but it didn't. Instead, it floated there, suspended in space.
"Let's go," Mel said. She snapped her fingers and a beam of light erupted from the Pearl. Mel saluted Bella before walking into it. Hunter glanced at Bella.
"Are you sure?"
"There's no other way," Bella said. She didn't answer the question. Hunter laced his fingers in hers and they stepped through.

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