Here Lies the Queen

By kbnash22

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Belladonna is finally settling into her role as Queen of Vearus. Her people follow her, her kingdom is flouri... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 5

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By kbnash22

Bella woke to the sound of shouting. She turned to Hunter, but he was already gone. A roar split through the air and she fell out of her bed with a thump. In her haste to get ready, she nicked herself with her knife. Blood trickled down her arm and she cursed. Without looking for anything to wrap it in, she bolted above.
What she saw stopped her in her tracks. A sea serpent blocked out the sun. Its green scales are each the size of her hand. She looked up and up and up until she could see its face. A giant mouth of spikes clashed together below a pair of white eyes. It roared again and a hood spread out around its head.
Legends say sea serpents are the demons of the sea. Each one is unique. Some are venomous while others are harmless. The smallest one seen is not longer than a human finger. The largest one was the Great Kangun, though Bella doubted it because the one in front of her was huge.
"Sailors! Attack!" A man rushed forward and threw a javelin. It sank underneath a scale but seemed to do no harm. The serpent dived down and snatched up the screaming sailor. He was gone in a second.
A cloud of gray surrounded the beast's head. Bella spied Hunter crouched behind a crate, his hands raised. As she watched, scales began to drop off into the water. The serpent smashed the deck and the cloud disappeared. Hunter steadied himself then concentrated again.
Bella registered all this in a second before sprinting towards the beast. One of her knives was already whizzing through the air as she grabbed a spear. The sailors moved out of her way as she bolted towards the bow. As her foot hit the ledge, she pushed off into the open air.
Her body slammed into the serpent's chest. Its scales were slick with water and she scrambled for purchase as she slid down. She stabbed the spear under a scale and jolted to a halt. Blood leaked from cuts on her legs. The serpent roared and tried to shake her off, but she held on. Carefully, she slid a knife into her other hand and struck. She climbed the beast slowly, making sure to stab it as hard as possible. Her arms were burning by the time she reached its neck.
She swung her legs around its neck and pulled herself onto its back. A cloud of gray evaporated as soon as she steadied herself. The serpent hissed and dove down. She hung on for dear life as the ship rose up to meet her. A crunch of wood and she was back in the sky. The ship was a mere dot below her. She closed her eyes, struggling not to look down again. If she fell... she wouldn't.
The beast's hood unfurled again and she tumbled backward. There. A vein pulled underneath the hood. She inched forward, trying to get close enough. Her knife glinted as she drove it home.
Blood sprayed everywhere as the monster wailed. She tasted it in her mouth as she slid down its back. It swayed, and her feet had just touched the deck when it fell.
A giant wave crashed over the ship. All Bella could see was water. A crate slammed into her and she fell. Her head cracked against the wood and the world went dark.
"Bella? Bella, are you alright?" Hunter's face appeared. "Are you hurt?"
She groaned and felt her head. On the back of her head was a giant lump. The world came into focus as she got to her feet.
The ship was in ruins. Wood was strewn all over the deck. A sail hung in shreds from the mast. Or what was left of the mast. The top half was completely gone.
"What happened?" she said. Her throat felt dry and she gratefully accepted a canteen of water.
"You. You happened. It was amazing," the captain said. "I've never seen anything like it. Where did you learn it?"
She glanced at Hunter, not knowing what he told the captain. He gave a nearly imperceptible shake of his head. The captain still didn't know who she was.
"I don't know," she said. It was the truth. She had no idea how she had done that. "It just came to me." Someone pushed to the front of the crowd gathering around her. The girl from last night. For some reason, she hadn't told anyone who she was. She still wore that odd hood. The girl eyed her and Bella felt herself stiffen.
"There's an island up ahead," the girl said. "We can make repairs there."
The captain nodded and began ordering his sailors around. The girl came to stand in front of Bella and Hunter. "I know who you both are and I don't like it. If you know what's good for you, you will get off at the island and never come back." She marched off, her head held high.
"Bold move," Hunter muttered. She felt his eyes on her. "She can't be more than, what, sixteen?"
"I'll be back," Bella muttered, then followed the girl.
She followed her down to the hold. Bella stopped in the doorway to the darkened room. The girl was nowhere to be seen. She stepped in and immediately felt the sharp prick of a knife against her spine.
"Give me one reason why I should kill you here and now," the girl said. Bella moved her hand to her own knife and gripped it. In one fluid motion, she knocked the girl aside and angled her knife at her throat.
"Give me one," Bella countered. The girl grinned. Her gray eyes danced with malice.
"I can help you get your kingdom back," she whispered. Bella stifled the shock that went through her. She dug the knife in a little deeper and beads of blood appeared. Still, the girl did not shrink back.
"How," Bella said. She did not trust this girl one bit. But if she had information...
"Get the knife out of my face and I'll tell you."
Bella reluctantly drew the knife away. She didn't lower it as she backed away. "How."
"I know what awaits you below that waterfall." The girl leaned against the wall and crossed her arms. "Care to know?"
"Tell me," Bella ground out. She was going to gut this insufferable, arrogant child.
"Legends tell of a Guardian. You will have to barter with him for the Pearl."
"I have money."
"He doesn't take money. No. He takes things far more precious." The girl smiled and her gray eyes glinted again. "Take me with you."
"I guess I'll tell the captain who you are then. I'm sure he'll be delighted." She made to move to the door but Bella blocked her.
"Fine. But you have to tell me your name." A flash of anger crossed the girl's face. "And your hood comes off."
"I'll tell you my name, but I will keep the hood."
"Deal's off."
"I hate you," the girl grumbled, but reached up and removed the hood. Long silver hair tumbled down. The girl eyed her distastefully. "Happy?"
"What is your name?" Bella snapped. She was getting tired of the girl's games.
"Mel," the girl spat. Her jaw tightened. "My name is Mel. Are you happy?"
Bella lowered her knife. "Why did you not want to tell me?"
"Because now it can be used against me." Mel pushed off the wall and stood in front of Bella. Their noses were almost touching. Bella could feel her breath on her face. "You better not tell that pretty prince of yours."
"I promise."
Mel scoffed but didn't back down. "A spoken promise is worth nothing. A blood promise is."
Bella's stomach flipped. If broken, she would die. "Very well." She took her knife and slit her finger. Mel raised an eyebrow. "It's blood, isn't it?"
"Fine." She pricked her own finger and pushed it against Bella's. "Say it."
"I promise I will not tell anyone your name."
"And you will not say it around other people."
"I promise I will not say it around anyone that is not you."
A breeze rushed through the hold and whipped around her face. Her blood sparked with the promise. As suddenly as it came, the wind vanished. Mel smirked at Bella.
"That wasn't so bad, was it?" She turned and headed out of the room. Bella sighed and Mel paused in the doorway. "You can call me Storm when we're around other people. Everyone else does." She continued out of Bella's sight.
She whistled softly. That girl was very intriguing. How did she know how to help Bella? Why didn't she want her name spoken? And most of all, why was Bella so fascinated by her?
Hunter spotted her the moment she appeared on deck. He raised his eyebrows in a silent question. She walked over to him.
"She just wanted to rub it in that she knew who I was. She accused me of murdering her family." The lie slipped off her tongue. Hunter's face turned to one of sympathy and she cringed. "How far away are we from the island?"
"Half an hour." He smirked and her blood boiled. "I wonder what we can do in such a short amount of time."
"I wonder," she said, tracing his chest. "Want to find out?" Hunter tugged her back to their bedroom.
In no time at all, their clothes were off and she was against the wall. Their moans filled the cabin. She wondered how long it would be before someone heard them. She had barely finished the thought when someone knocked on the door.
"Keep it down!" the person yelled. Hunter chuckled.
"Sorry!" he called. The sound of feet faded down the hallway. "We're going to have to be very quiet." Her toes curled.
The bell rang from upstairs and Bella pulled away from Hunter. Her whole body was warm and tingly and she knew her eyes were on fire. Smoke rose off of Hunter's body. She eyed him as he dressed. Every moment together counted. The clock ticked on how long he would have left to live. Maybe Mel could help find a way to keep him from dying.
They emerged just as the first rowboat reached the water. Bella spied Mel lingering behind the crowd. She had her hood pulled back over her hair again. As if she could feel Bella's stare, she glanced over and winked. Bella gritted her teeth and looked for the captain.
She found him with his eyes already on her. He motioned for her to get into the next rowboat. Hunter followed her.
They rowed to the island, their oars the only sound besides the waves. She listened for any animals or traps, but she didn't hear anything. The boat washed up on the shore and they climbed out.
The first thing Bella saw was the skeleton. She crouched beside it. The bones were very old and yellow. They crumbled beneath her touch. Hunter walked up beside her.
"Who do you think it was?" he asked.
She shrugged. "It doesn't matter. I'm not stepping foot in that forest."
"We'll camp on the beach, then." Hunter hugged her close and she felt him harden against her backside. She wiggled and he groaned. "Let's go explore."
He took her hand and led her away. The trees towered over them, taller than any she'd ever seen before. She stopped to take off her shoes and dug her toes into the sand. The cold water lapped at her feet. Even though the sun was making her sweat, she couldn't help but smile as the wind caressed her face. The waves roar and crash into the sand with a hiss before pulling back out. She was content to just sit down and sleep. So that's what she did.
Never mind Hunter continuing into the water before realizing she wasn't with him. Never mind him coming next to her, brushing her hair off her face. Never mind his lips just brushing her cheek. Never mind him whispering, "You are my life and I will never let anything hurt you." Never mind him walking away, the sand stirring underneath him. Never mind as she whispered, "And I will fight the world for you."
The water brushed around her face. She rolled over and inhaled a mouthful of saltwater. A fish brushed against her hand and she bolted upright. She was sitting in the water, her clothes soaked. The sand squelched as she stood. The Earth wasn't going to reclaim her so easily.
"Miss?" A timid voice behind her caused her to whirl around. Her knife almost sank into the boy's chest before she stopped it. His eyes went wide. She lowered it and he gulped. Loudly. "You're needed back at camp." She followed him, brushing wet sand off her. Why didn't anyone come to get her earlier? The sun was almost all the way down. She'd slept the whole day. The string of curses that flew from her mouth would've caused her mother to stuff a bar of soap in her face.
"Why didn't anyone wake me earlier?" she demanded.
"Your husband said not to disturb you," the boy mumbled. Husband? She remembered Hunter saying they were on their honeymoon. Gods, was that only yesterday?
They arrived at the campsite. A giant bonfire crackled in the middle of the tents. Mel sharpened a sword in the shadow of the nearest. She stifled a laugh as Bella passed by.
"You look like hell," she said.
"You've looked better," Bella retorted. The truth was, she'd never seen anyone so pretty. And it wasn't a pretty princess type, like Shayde. Mel was more of a warrior, all sharp edges and secrets. Her eyes twinkled as Bella flipped her off and continued into the camp.
Hunter rose up to greet her as she neared the fire. Her soul was drawn to it and power flooded her veins. She knew her eyes had begun to burn again.
"Sleep well?" he asked, his gaze taking down her body. His hair was missed and covered in dirt. She could barely make out the golden glint.
"I've had better. Where did you go?"
"Hunting." He motioned to the fire. A fat pig rotated around a spit. "That's our dinner. Sal's cooking it now."
Her stomach rumbled. "Thank you," she said. "Any sign of trouble?"
"None. It's odd. The only thing that is out of place is the skeleton. And we don't even know where it came from."
"There's only one?" Bella asked. Hunter nodded. The tree line was dark. There was still not a single whisper from inside. "How did you find the pig?"
"I used my powers. We wouldn't have heard it until it fell."
She glanced over to the forest again. An uneasy feeling crept over her. She was sure they were being watched, but couldn't see anyone.
"Would it be bad if I burned it all down?"
Hunter chuckled and slipped his arm around her. "You may do as you wish, my Queen."
"Dinners ready!" the cook yelled from beside her. She rubbed her ear. Did he really have to make her go deaf? She crowded around the pig with everyone else. Sal cut off slabs and dumped it in people's hands. She could see he tried to make them equal sizes, but some ended up being bigger than others. Hers was a considerable size, but Hunter's was very small. She smirked as she handed him some of her own.
"You need to keep your muscles," she explained.
"So do you."
"Just eat it." They finished their dinner in silence then retired to their tent. Hunter lit some candles and they laid together. "Hunter?"
"Can we sleep on the beach?"
"We are on the beach."
"Outside. I want to see the stars."
Hunter picked her up and carried her outside. The sounds of snoring filled the air. A boy sat on a log, keeping watch kept watch from the campfire. Hunter nodded to him as they passed. Once they were far enough away, he set her down.
Above them was a glittering expanse of crystals. Many were of different sizes and shapes, swirling, twisting, and churning amongst themselves in an enormous war that was too slow and much too big for the human mind to contemplate. No matter what planet or universe they were in, those fiery lights streaking across the skies will always be there. The galaxy was a beautiful thing. Gone during the day, shining during the night. She wondered how similar the stars were to humans. All part of a bigger picture. A galaxy of broken things.

Bella knew immediately that something was wrong. Her limbs felt too stiff and she could barely open her eyes. Once she did, she let out a shriek that caused Hunter to boot to his feet.
Her arms were covered in a red rash. Small lesions were scattered over it. As she looked at it, one popped. Pus ran down her arm.
"Hunter!" she yelped. "Hunter!" She noticed the red rash spreading up his arms. "Oh, gods. We need to get out of here."
She stood and promptly tripped. Looking down, she almost yelled again. Her feet had swollen to twice their normal size. She stumbled back to the camp, yelling as much as her throat would allow her to. Hunter trailed her, his own feet dragging in the sand.
Within minutes the camp was awake. She was horrified to see most people were covered in the rash too. Mel emerged from her tent with it already on her face. They moved as quickly as they could to the rowboat. She saw one man have limbs so swollen he was like a balloon. He tripped over his feet and fell. As she watched, his limbs swelled until he popped. All that remained was a pile of red goo. That caused everyone to panic. Several others were trampled as they rushed for the boats. Bella cast her magic over as many people as she could, but she could barely concentrate. The pain was too much.
Somehow she managed to get into a rowboat. She grabbed an oar and began to paddle back to the ship. Hunter grabbed the other one and helped her. A man popped and showered them all with his insides. Bella promptly emptied her stomach over the side.
Once on the ship, the crew that had stayed on took one look and got to work. They rushed around, making room for the sick people and trying to get the ship moving. Slowly, ever so slowly, they started to move away from the island. Bella took Hunter with her to their cabin to get away from the screams of the crew. She was still covered in the man... whatever it was. She stripped off her clothes as best as she could and got to work on Hunter's. It was harder to get off of him. For some reason, although she had gotten it first, his rash was worse. His legs were beginning to swell by the time she got his pants off. She shouldered him onto the bed and laid down on the floor.
"Do you need any help, miss?" someone said from outside. She groaned, and they moved away. Her stomach roiled and she grabbed a bucket before vomiting. The smell was enough to wake Hunter.
"Mmmm," he moaned. Bella clawed her way over to him and pushed his hair back. The rash had slowed and seemed to be receding.
"It's going to be okay," she panted. "I'm not letting you die yet." His eyes fluttered and he groaned again. "I know. I know. Just rest." Bella fell back down to the ground and closed her eyes. "Just rest."

"Oh, you two are alright." Bella opened her eyes to see the captain standing over her. "I didn't know that you had come back here."
"What?" Bella shook her head. "What are you talking about?"
"Most of the crew is better. You two look completely healed."
Bell looked at her arms and legs. The rash was gone and the swelling seemed to have disappeared. Hunter was still asleep on the bed, but he seemed healed too.
"Why'd you wake us?" Bella demanded.
The captain bit his finger. "We're coming up on a waterfall. Which doesn't even make sense!" He threw his hands in the air. "You two have something to do with this. I know you do!" He walked out of the cabin and slammed the door behind him. Hunter fell off the bed at the sound.
"What was that?" he asked groggily. Bella studied him. She longed to reach out and touch the muscled planes of his chest, to trace the scars on his back but drew her hand back.
"We're at the waterfall."
The crew was standing in shock as they approached it. Spots of blood still dotted the deck and she noticed that the crew was considerably smaller. She looked out over the bow and Hunter choked.
She'd imagined it to be a small waterfall, but this was nowhere near small. The water roared, blocking out any words that Hunter might've said. Water vapor rose up, making a rainbow in the sun. She scanned the horizon. All she saw was the edge of the world and the giant waterfall. The water turned dark and the captain yelled something. She grabbed Hunter as the waterfall approached and buried her face in his chest. She felt something around her waist and saw Mel tying a rope around her. Her face was grim as she secured it against the railing. She tied one around Hunter and looped it around the railing. The water disappeared and Bella saw that the bow was in the open air.
The rope tightened as they tottered on the edge. Mel finished tying her own rope and grabbed Bella's hand.
Bella looked up at the moon. It was a ghost in the sky and she prayed to the gods as they plunged over into darkness.

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