De MsDimplz24

2.3K 9 1

Human Trafficking is a harsh reality we all have to deal with. Just remember this is FICTION/FAKE and in no w... Mais

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 35
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60

Chapter 22

38 0 0
De MsDimplz24

What happened to your mom?" I questioned but instead of answering he said, "I have some business I must attend to." and left.

He never tells me anything, far less mentions work of any kind so for him to say so now I knew the subject of his mother was off-limits. Now that I thought about it the last one person to speak of his mother was the one, he called Boris, and he killed Boris.

There were pictures of her in his office and the great hall, but no one ever says her name. The old prince is talked about in scathing tones by the maids, there was even a rumour of Kateya being his mistress but knowing his penchant for younger more exotic fruit, I took no stock of it.

She was the last woman to have the title I have now, so I should know more about my deceased mother in law. But I was a Princess in name only and something tells me there's a story about her because why else would her name never be mentioned? The book about the history of the Czars Alexandrovich only has up to Vladimir's grandfather. It's a tradition that the firstborn write his father's story so it fell to Vladimir to write his father's story. I wonder if he'll write the truth?

What happened to his mother should not be my concern anyway, I had just lost the only family I knew. I hugged the urn and imagined the comforting warmth of my mother's arms around me. One stupid little lie had brought me to this, one stupid lie had doomed me, and one stupid lie had killed my mother. Sometimes, I think the things he does I deserve it because I was bad and other times, I feel my mom's fighting spirit telling me to give that asshole hell!

I smiled through my tears knowing my mother died fighting for her freedom and I should do the same. I am not going to take the easy road. He was going to set me free. He wanted to start over. I'm willing. I swiped away my tears as I set my resolve. I will gain his trust and do everything he asks. I will control my temper and bite my tongue. Let him teach me self-defense, so when he steps out of line, I'm gonna kick his ass!

Feeling better I kissed the urn before placing my mom on the mantle over my fireplace and made both of us a promise. "I'm freeing both of us mom, by the time I'm done, he'll let us go with a smile." I looked around my chambers as if seeing it for the first time. I lived as a Princess, it was time I acted like one.

Every warrior stepping into battle should always be prepared and being prepared means knowing what you're up against. He may have all the advantages but still, he didn't have the prize. He wanted a son and I wanted my freedom. Having his son would end my chances for freedom but not having the child limited my chances for success.

There was no law that said he could keep the child in a divorce especially if there was abuse in the relationship. I was going to use the prize against him, I smiled as donned my 'armour' and took a bracing breath before heading downstairs. I needed a tour of my St. Petersburg, the staff was more accommodating there anyway and I was worried about the chauffeur and maid that helped me on my failed escape, and besides, everyone needs allies.

I swept into his office without knocking and almost called off my assault when I saw him. He was hugging a liquor bottle as he leaned back in his chair staring at his mother's picture, he looked as though he was crying. He growled without looking away, "I asked not to be disturbed." his tone was that of a man already defeated but the memory of my mother pushed me on. I cleared my throat.

"Sorry to disturb you MY Prince, but maybe I've come at an ill opportune moment..." He was puzzled by my words as he glanced at me. I was dressed as he preferred, my hair down in a dress befitting my status as his wife, so as his wife should, I approached him. Caressing his arms until I took the bottle from him, I soothed "A lot has happened in this place, it feels...tainted and you too...don't seem happy here. Maybe we should go to the winter begin anew."

It shook my resolve a fraction to see his eyes look at me with hope and made my skin crawl to have him kiss my hand, but I smiled sweetly at him as he promised "To begin again." With a warm smile, he stood then he frowned as he leaned towards me. "Do not think to play me false wife..." Panic raced through my veins as I thought he was surely going to kill me now! "...with any other man and never leave me that is all I ask, and I will do my best...." I relaxed and nodded sagely until he said finally. " not be my father."

Of course, this confused me for a second until I remember his father's plan to rape me, then I promised "There will be no other but you, I promise." After the hell I went through, I wanted no other anyway and I hope he didn't notice I never promised not to leave him after all the leaving thing was totally based on well I was able to pull this off.

Apparently, he was content with that because his next words were. "We will leave in the morning, my little Cossack."


Vladimir watched as she floated out of the room pleased with herself. She was up to something but as long as she wanted to make nice, he would too. He left her alone at the winter castle and she made mischief with his staff there. The chauffeur had quit the same day he brought her back, but Vlad had him found and made him stay. He knew better now and keeping him close ensured he always knew who he was dealing with.

She was making another run for it and so innocent she couldn't even lie her way out properly. He was going to let her think she had him wrapped around her finger and use her own plans against her as he had his way with her sweet little cunt. He smiled as he made his own plans for their stay at the winter castle.


I could barely wait till the blades stopped spinning to get off the helicopter. This time he didn't leave me as he did the last time. This time he came to the door, opened it, and escorted me into the castle. We walked in hand in hand and I smiled proudly at the waiting staff. Strangely, this felt more like a home than the summer castle, and in a way, I hadn't lied to him, there really were too many bad memories there.

I broke protocol and hugged Leia and Mila, glad to see Vlad hadn't fired them for my 'prison break' and waved to the others taking note of the presence of the maid that helped me. I wanted to assure her that I hadn't told him about her assistance, but I couldn't while I was under his watchful eyes. I made a mental note to find time to visit with her and the chauffeur in secret.

Mila escorted me to my room while Vladimir met with Gregory, the steward. I was barely in my room when she confronted me. "Your Highness all is well?"

I smiled as I answered as honestly as I could "It will be."

"He was not angry." She asked, dropping etiquette.

"He was very angry!" I assured her.

"He has forgiven you then!"

Forgiven me! I thought angrily but kept my serene smile in place. "We are working on it."

"That is good!" She praised as if being with an abusive husband was all the rage. "Men get angry and do stupid things, but they do for love, makes child strong, you see."

I couldn't hold my tongue anymore. "Getting a beating, appeals to you Mila?"

"No!" She denied, and I felt better until she added "I make bad wife I must learn. I don't learn I will be beaten; it is the way."

"The way?" I asked in shock. "Putting me in the hospital is 'the way'!"

"Hospital! What did you do?"

"What did I do?" I hissed as I elaborated "I wasn't so fond of being raped!"

"You refused the Prince!" She gasped as though I committed the crime of the century.

"Every woman has a right to say no, Mila!"

"Not to their husbands and definitely not to the Prince! No wonder he beat you. What were you thinking?"

"I was thinking I didn't want to be raped!"

"That is not allowed here!" Milia pointed out her voice rising.

"What? Rape? Yeah, I know, he committed a crime..."

"No, you did!" Milia corrected.

"Me? How the hell does the victim commit a crime!" I asked, sick of her defending his shit.

"Maybe it not crime as you say, but it's not done here. Married women can't refuse their husbands especially if she hasn't borne him a strong son."

"What sort of bull....?"

"This is not America, Your Highness," Mila explained as though talking to a child. "This is Russia! In Russia, a strong wife bears a strong son and makes her husband proud, a wife that refuses is no wife, she can lose her husband's protection and be forced to service other men until she can perform her duty. Lucky ones are beaten until she does her duty."

"Let me get this straight, I'm considered a lucky wife to have him beat me?"

"Losing his name without a son will label you weak blood and a prostitute. Any man can have you then with or without your say."

"Can I get a divorce?" I asked her. Legally I knew I could, but given my current circumstance legality rarely had anything to do with it.

"Divorce is only done if there is something unholy about the man, such as him liking other men. Powerful women like yourself can get divorces but they are labelled as whores and unnatural."

"Will I be able to leave the country after a divorce?" In theory, I could but ...

"I do not know, but the law here usually sides with the nobility."

Shit! Talk about being royally screwed!

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