See If I Care

By 0Aratay0

127K 3.5K 794

Everyone thinks they know the prophecy. The one with the power to vanquish the dark lord approaches Born to... More

Before we start


3.4K 112 47
By 0Aratay0



-July 29th, 1992-

{Alex's POV}

They landed out the front of the house and headed inside, eager to see Remus again after being in France for 2 weeks. They pulled their shrunken trunks from their pocket, a flick of their wrist resizing the trunks, another flick sending the trunks up to their room.

Luggage dealt with, they headed into the living room, not surprised to see Sirius in there with Remus. Sirius had basically moved in before they left for France, visiting every day. It had taken Sirius quite a few weeks to finally accept that they weren't normal in any aspect, and for him to stop underestimating them.

Alex was sitting in the living room, meditating as they fixed their mindscape, making sure everything was ordered, neat and tidy, as well as making sure all of their defences were still standing strong. They noticed that Sirius' magical presence had entered the room but didn't bother to pull out of their mindscape. They were still strengthening the mist around their memories to hide them from any intruder that managed to get that far into their mind.

They eventually decided that their mind was as good as it would get and pulled out. They found Sirius still standing in the doorway, staring at them in surprise. They raised an eyebrow in questions, glancing over to Remus who was reading on the couch nearby.

"You were floating cub. And your magic was visibly glowing around you." Remus answered their unasked question without looking up from his book.

"It should not be possible to float or have your magic be that visible, or glowing," Sirius said. They turned back to face the man standing in the doorway.

"Says who?" they challenged.

"The rules of magic," Sirius declared.

"Written by humans, not magic. I can do anything that my magic lets me. I only accept that something isn't possible after multiple attempts and without seeing or hearing about someone else doing it." Sirius just gaped at them.

"I told you to get used to this type of thing Padfoot. It's your fault for underestimating them," Remus added.

"I give up," Sirius decided, dramatically throwing his hands in the air.

"Hey Remus, Sirius," they said, stepping a bit further into the room.

"Hey cub. Have a good time?" Remus asked.

"It was great. Nick and Perry are amazing, and they are both so talented."

"Nick and Perry?" Sirius asked, an eyebrow cocked. Alex nodded, deciding to have some fun with Sirius. They hadn't told him why they had left, after all, and he was so fun to surprise.

"Yeah, that's what they told me to call them. Short for Nicholas and Perrenelle."

"Nicholas and Perrenelle..." he trailed off, clearly looking for a last name.

"Honestly Padfoot, how many couples are there that have both a Nicholas and a Perrenelle?" Remus asked, although his eyes sparkled with mischief.

"I mean, I only know of the Flamels. But Alex said that they had been invited by people they had been in contact with."

"Well, the Flamels are extremely talented, it was very interesting writing with them. Nick promised to keep in touch; our discussions are very informative," Alex said with a small smile.

"And how did you get in contact with them in the first place?" Alex frowned slightly, not sure how Remus would react to the answer. They hadn't actually told him that they had stolen the Philosopher's Stone or that their potion for the Longbottoms had required it. They had simply told him that they had corresponded with the Flamels and had been invited over for two weeks and he had accepted that; he had learnt that sometimes it was best not to question them.

"Well, I had something of theirs and had a few questions about it that I sent when I sent their belonging back," they said, purposefully being vague.

"Should I ask why you had something that belonged to them? Or what it was?" Remus asked.

"Nope, just accept that it happened and is over now. Anyway, Nick took me on as an apprentice in Alchemy and I believe that I should be finished the apprenticeship by the time I leave school, as long as other things don't become hectic," they replied happily.

"Fair enough. Lunch will be at 12:30 like always. And while you were away, I corresponded with Neville's grandmother, as well as Alice and Frank, and they would like you two to have a joint birthday celebration on the 30th, as some of the higher up people that they want to invite will be busy on the 31st, because of Harry," Remus told them. Alex nodded. It made sense that there would be higher up people present for Neville's party, him being an heir to a Most Ancient and Noble house.

Alex sat down, clicking their fingers for a book that was in their room. The book appeared in front of them and they plucked it out of the air. They had used an edited summoning charm that Perry had shown them, having edited it so that her things wouldn't have to fly through the air and hit who knows what. She hadn't published it though, the spell being quite difficult and having disastrous results if gone wrong. They opened the book, simply content to sit and read until lunch time.

Alex walked downstairs the next day, looking forward to seeing their friends again. They had been writing to them but hadn't been able to catch up at all during holidays, for multiple reasons, so this would be the first time they saw them since school ended. They weren't surprised to see Remus and Sirius already in the kitchen; they were pretty sure that Sirius had stayed the night.

"Morning Moony, Padfoot," Alex said, starting to set the table like they always did as Remus bustled around making breakfast.

"Morning cub."

"Morning pup," Sirius said, looking up from his coffee.

"What time is the party?" Alex asked, sitting down. Remus placed breakfast on the table and took a seat.

"Twelve. But I think we should get there early; I know that some of the people invited are always early." Alex nodded.

"Do you know who's invited?"

"No, I left the invites to Augusta. She has the most connections, especially due to Alice and Frank having been indisposed for so long. I do know that all your friends were invited, although Augusta was apprehensive about the two Slytherins." The rest of the meal was eaten in silence, apart from the occasional comment from Sirius or Remus about the paper that had been delivered.

"What are your plans for tomorrow, Siri?" Remus asked as Alex cleared the table.

"Well, Harry's party is set for 10, but they're expecting me for breakfast as well. I was hoping to visit before the party starts though, come up with some excuse," Sirius replied with a shrug. "What about you?"

"Well, with the party today, we won't have many presents or anything. It will probably be just another normal day."

"I was thinking that we could go for a run tomorrow. We haven't had one all holidays; I've missed them," Alex put in.

"Yes, that sounds nice," Remus agreed. "Would you want to come, Pads?"

"I'd say yes, but I have no clue what you're talking about."

"We go for runs in the forest around the cottage. It's a great way to connect with nature and allow us to bond. Plus, it's nice to spend time as animals, everything is so much simpler," Remus explained.

"What?" Sirius asked, looking completely lost.

"We run as animals," Alex hinted. They would have thought that he would pick up on it by now. Obviously not, by the lost look still on his face.

"Honestly Pads, it's not that hard. We can both transform into animals," Remus added.

"Yeah, I'm still lost. I know you can transform into a wolf at will now, but I'm lost with Alex." Instead of answering, Alex crouched down slightly, allowing themselves to morph into their black panther form. They looked up at Sirius, loving the incredulous look on his face. Honestly, they had thought he had stopped underestimating them by now. Clearly not.

They transformed back, standing up and straightening their robes again as they did so.

"Close your mouth Padfoot, you'll catch flies," Remus quipped, causing Sirius to snap his mouth shut.

"I'm sorry, I was not expecting you to be an animagus," Sirius said, finally recomposing himself.

"Multi, actually, but that's besides the point. Are you going to join us tomorrow?" Alex asked. Sirius gapped for a second before pulling himself together.

"I'm going to ignore the first part of that sentence and process that once I've gotten over the fact that you're even an animagus. Anyway, yes, I think I'll come. I'll be able to get away for an hour, I reckon."

"Sounds like a plan. Now, we should probably start getting ready for the party."

At quarter past eleven, Alex, Remus, and Sirius all apparated to the entrance hall of Longbottom Manor, appearing from no where with a simultaneous crack. They waited where they'd landed and not long later a house elf appeared with a small pop.

"How can Nip bes helping?" the house elf asked with a bow.

"Could you take us to where the party is being set up?" Alex asked.

"Nip can bes doing that. Follow Nip." They set off after the elf and were led out to the informal living and dining room. Augusta, Alice, and Frank were all in there, setting up balloons and streamers around the room, as well as organising the food, drink, and present tables around the room.

"Visitors for Master and Mistresses," Nip said, gaining the attention of the three Longbottoms.

"Thank you Nip," Augusta said, and Nip bowed before popping out.

"Remus, Sirius, it's good to see you again," Alice said, hurrying forward with Frank not far behind.

"I'm told that you are the spokesperson for the person who healed us," Frank asked Remus when Alice released him, moving over to hug Sirius.

"I am," Remus agreed.

"Please give them our utmost thanks and tell them that the House of Longbottom will be indebted to them."

"I will pass it along." Alice had turned her attention onto Alex now that she had released Sirius from her embrace and Frank did the same.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Lord and Lady Longbottom. I am Alex Potter, Heir to the Most Ancient and Noble Houses of Potter and Black," Alex greeting, bowing towards Alice before dropping a short curtsey towards Frank.

"The pleasure is ours, Heir Potter-Black. And I insist that you call us Frank and Alice. Neville has spoken of you often," Frank replied, inclining his head as custom required.

"You're Lily and James oldest, right? Harry's older twin?" Alice asked, looking them up and down.

"Yes, Lily and James were my birth parents and Harry is my twin," Alex replied carefully.

"I recall Lily naming you Lexa," Alice mused. "I may be wrong though. But Alex suits you better anyway." Alex smiled.

"Thank you."

"Neville's upstairs, getting ready for the party if you want to join him, Alex," Augusta said.

"I think I will, thank you Madame," Alex replied.

"Nip, take Alex up to the Heir suit," Augusta called. Nip nodded happily, having popped in when his name was call.

"This way Mx Alex," Nip said, leading them out of the hall.

A.N. Sorry about the chapter, it's not the best. I also have to apologise due to the fact that I am putting this story on hiatus for the moment. I am going to focus on my other stories as I am struggling to work out how to put the ideas for this story onto the page. I will not abandon this story, as I am rather attached to it, but it will remain not updated for a while. Sorry.

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