Well... That's a Wrong Number

By SunDriedVampire

182K 8K 9.7K

Just a cliche... Peter texts the wrong number and finds a friend in a person he doesn't even know. How could... More

Part One... Where the Story begins
Part Two... Where I write more stuff
Part Three...
Part Four
The Fifth One
Number 6
The seventh one
The Eighth Part (I think??)

The 9th Part

19.6K 967 862
By SunDriedVampire

An: Woah I did not realise people would actually want to read this. Plus sorry for most of the plot so far being Peter wanting to Fight cap, just thought he would have that pent up anger over the Psa's they are being forced to watch and thought it'd be funny. Thanks for reading and all the comments :)

Fight Club

Peter: Brian told me I can't eat today so guess I'm going on a temporary hunger strike? What the strikes for, I don't know

Cool Guy Bucky 😎: Who's Brian and why is he telling you to not eat today? That's unhealthy Kiddo

Peter: Brian rules over all. I do as Brian says

Mr. Tony Sir: Do you need help kiddo? We can get you away from this Brian if he's hurting you
Natasha: Is Brian your caregiver? Is he not feeding you?

Peter: I mean technically I guess Brian cares for me in the way of he controls all that I do. But I control what I eat, he just gives me unhelpful suggestions
Peter: Like yes brian I get it, you want Ben and Jerry's but you gotta remember, we don't have the money for that!

Mr. Tony sir: Kiddo if you tell me this Brian's last name I can get you some help, he really shouldn't be controlling all you do

Peter: Brian has no last name.He does not understand what you speak of

Natasha: He has no last name? does that not set off warning bells for you?
Mr. Clint: He's definitely suspicous if he's got no last name, must be a criminal or something. He's definitely hiding something

Peter: What Brian isn't hiding anything >:/ no secrets at all

Mr. Tony Sir: Kiddo, if Brian is stopping you from eating than maybe he's not so good for you to be around
Mr. Tony Sir: We just want you to be safe

Peter: Pff I could never get rid of Brian, if I got rid of them I'd be dead

Natasha: Kid! That's definitely not good

Peter: Brian wants me to commit arson so I'm gonna go think about that for a bit

Mr. Tony Sir: NO KID
Mr. Tony Sir: Arson can get you jail time, and it's wrong

Peter: Fine :/ no arson then

Cool Guy Bucky 😎: Who's Brian kid and where can we find him

Peter: Brian is with all of us, he controls you

Natasha: You speak of Brian like he is a god, he does not hold control over us. He's just a man

Peter: My Brian controls me and your Brian controls you

Mr. Clint: Huh
Mr. Tony Sir: Okay kid what are you talking about

Peter: Brian controls all, he feeds us thoughts of arson.

Natasha: Are you trying to say Brain?
Mr. Tony Sir: Okay that makes more sense

Peter: No I mean Brian :/

Natasha: And who is Brian

Peter: My main man
Peter: He makes all my decisions
Peter: they aren't all good decisions but at least he makes a choice

Mr. Clint: Kid why is your brain making you want to commit arson

Peter: You mean *Brian
Peter: And he just wants what best, and what's best is for me to make fire like the caveman I am

Mr. Tony Sir: You concern me sometimes
Window Licker Grant: Is this what your doing with your time off school?

Peter: My Brian is goo, no thoughts may occur

Mr. Tony Sir: Kid you haven't been away from school that long, why would your brain not be functional after what missing 1 day of school

Peter: It's not the school... it's the caffeine. I don't think my body can handle it? I don't feel so good and I don't know if that's from the not eating or the like 12 energy drinks I've chugged in the past hour

Mr. Clint: Oh god I really do see the similarities between you and Tony

Peter: Mr. Tony Sir also chugs energy drinks?

Window Licker Grant: More like he lives off of coffee, doesn't sleep for days on end and forgets to perform normal human actions such as eating at regular intervals

Peter: Okay Brian's definitely not functioning properly, the only reason I can spell right is I'm using the voice to type thing. Things are a little blurry. Repeat in smaller words

Natasha: What Steve's saying is that both you and Tony fail to care for yourself. You drink too much caffeine, don't eat food and don't get enough sleep
Natasha: It's a wonder either of you have lived this long

Peter: I live off of pure luck, I've nearly died like... too many times to count like at least 7 times this year that I can remember 

Mr. Tony Sir: I live off of spite. I live in spite of those who wish me dead. I'll outlive them as a final "fuck you!"
Window Licker Grant: Language Tony, there's a child here

Peter: A child that knows all the no no words

Mr. Clint: Gasp however did you learn these no no words. Young ears should not be subjected to them

Peter: I did my research. And watched a lot of YouTube. I needed to know what my battle cries meant when I went off to fight captain America
Peter: I will throw him off his groove, people say he does not like swear words so I will distract him

Mr. Tony Sir: Kid I thought you already got your revenge by creating that bonfire which got you suspended

Peter: Eh gave me temporary satisfaction but I still have anger, my life goal since I started high schools and got subjected to the Psa's has been to fight captain America. What else would I do with my life if I didn't have that goal

Natasha: So what? As soon as you get the chance to punch Cap, You'll just die as your bucket list had been completed?

Peter: Hmm I guess I never thought of that
Peter: I guess after I get to punch him I'll put my mind towards something like getting into MIT or getting a job at Stark industries

Mr. Tony Sir: That's... a good plan

Stark ——> Capsicle

Stark: Hey cap, how would you feel about giving a speech to a group of high school students. Talk about truth and and justice and whatnot. Maybe even teach some high schoolers how to fight so they aren't completely defenceless in the world.

Capsicle: I mean I would love to speak to the Younger generation and help them to better defend themselves, but what's the catch

Stark: Whatever do you mean Cap, why would there be a catch

Capsicle: Because usually PR or Miss Potts handles this type of thing. Why are you asking me specifically

Stark: Oh I just thought you could go around and visit schools, give them a rousing speech which can encourage them to do good. Then teach them to defend themselves ya know

Capsicle: Aha and what school would I be visiting

Stark: Uh... all of them?

Capsicle: What do you mean all of them???

Stark: I don't know what school he goes to okay!! And Friday won't give me that information so I don't know all the schools?

Capsicle: Is this for the kid? Are you trying to get him to fight me??

Stark: Yeah! Then he'll focus on his future and come work for me, not that he knows that he'll be working for me

Capsicle: So you want me to what? Go to every school in New York, let kids try to beat me so you can get your kid to focus on his future

Stark: Uh so actually I'm not quite sure if he lives in New York so Uh when I said all the schools, I meant all the schools

Capsicle: For a genius, you sure are a dumbass

Stark: Hey! It's true but you didn't have to say it

Capsicle : Didn't you create Friday, can't you just force her to give up the information

Stark: No :( she's become fond of Pete so she won't go against what he wants which is kind of rude because you know I created her and all. But it's sweet that Pete's got her protecting him

Capsicle: You let you AI put blind faith into a wrong number texter? What if Pete had been hydra and your Friday had become more loyal to him

Stark: It doesn't work that way. Yes she protects and keeps his information away from me but that's just so I don't give into the urge to send him a car and a full paid job for stark industries
Stark: If it really came down to it, She would give us the information but only if it was necessary

Capsicle: Well okay, if you can't get where he's enrolled from Friday, why don't you just ask the kid straight up what school he goes to so I can visit there

Stark: That's pretty stalkerish Cap. He wouldn't give up that type of information to us who are practically strangers. Or at-least I hope he wouldn't
Stark: Plus if we asked what school he went to and his arch nemesis, the one and only Captain America showed up the next day then our covers would be blown and he wouldn't speak to us again

Capsicle: Fine if you won't ask I will

Stark: What NO CAP DONT

Back to Fight Club Chat

Peter: I know it's a good plan, because Brian came up with it


Window Licker Grant: So if your planning on working at Stark Industries, does that mean you live in Manhattan

Peter: Nah Queens
Peter: Shit why did I tell you that

Window Licker Grant: Im Brooklyn born and raised


Stark ——> Capsicle

Capsicle: There, that wasn't so hard now was it
Capsicle: Now it's reduced down to all the schools in Queens, it's still a lot but considerably less then your 'all the schools'

Stark: Yeah yeah well you better shine your shield because it looks like your off to talk to the teenagers of queens


AN (ignore if you want)
I've forgotten how many days of school peter's had so far so uh if there are inconsistencies in the storyline I'm sorry.

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