
By MySweetNightmare

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-For the first time ever, Kiera wonders if the Chase she knows is the real Chase. The gentle pressure on her... More

Chapter 1: Painting Crimson
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

Chapter 28

36 10 0
By MySweetNightmare

Together, Kiera and Chase had destroyed a whole corridor, vandalized three rooms, smeared blood everywhere and injured a dozen of people. Only 5 people were killed, most of which bleed to death after a being used as a chew toy for a minute or two.

The first incident took a while to get under control. Chase was finally knocked out, but it took another minute to get her down. Raymond had been injured in the first attack.

Unfortunately Chase woke up again as they were trying to move the wolves to the infirmary where they could keep them sedated. He’d killed one of the Revokers than before he could be sedated again and just as he’d dropped Kiera awoke.


The revokers are hopeless. Kiera thinks bitterly.

Later they woke again, this time in the infirmary. The Revokers knew to give them nearly three times the normal dose for humans this time round. No more casualties this time.

Now Kiera watches the compound wall warily, listening for the sounds of life from the other side. Besides the very odd door closing there is not much to be heard.

48 hours, that’s how long they’ve had to prepare. If we’re lucky, they only found out 36 hours ago. They can’t do much in that time. Kiera pulls in a deep breath. The outlook on winning the fight seems small.

Yes, the Alcrests didn’t have long to prepare.

Yes, the Revokers are fighters. They’ve got guns and knives and numbers.

Yes, the wolves are all too sore and weak to fight.

Yes, the Revokers are willing to sacrifice everything.

However, despite all the positive points, reality is they still are sitting at the bottom of a cliff and trying to climb up with only their bare hands and sheer will.

The Revokers were never more than pests; they’re weapons shinny needles and the firsts but a thorn in ones pelt.

The Alcrests still have a whole pack of wolves and regardless of the bone deep pain, they will stand against them like an avalanche of rocks; impossible to move.

Mouse vs Wolf.

Human vs beast.

Creator vs Destroyer.

For all the handy gadgets, the Revokers will still fall. Kiera won’t be able to stop that, regardless how hard she tries. She lifts her head to the sky, watching the blanket of clouds slowly flow over the sky.

Chase touches her arm gently; the only comfort in the grey world of pain, ice and empty life. Soon the wind will smell of blood and death, but for now it is unblemished and clean, fresh with the smell of trees, animals, snow and earth.

His chin rests gently on her head and his hands rub her arms in an attempt to warm her. “I think we can win” he murmurs after a long stretch of silence.

“Funny. I was just thinking the opposite. Don’t you think it’s funny the hole isn’t covered?”

“No. The Alcrests haven’t found it.”

Kiera eyes the wall suspiciously. It hard to believe the Alcrest’s know they’re traitors, but not how they escaped. I’m not buying it.

“Come on. No one will even think about us. We’ll walk in, appear to be just another face in the crowd. Well easily get into the house-it’s always open- and sneak around until we find the bodies, kill and leave. The Acrest won’t even know until they’re dying, and the Revokers won’t even have to go in. It will be easy-just you and me.”

Kiera shakes her head. “Words Chase. Words.” She doesn’t know what she can say that will make him realize it’s not going to be so simple. A headache’s forming around her eyes, a tightness in her temples that’s surly going to hinder her ability to fight.

“Don’t be so negative; it’s not going to help.”

“I’m not being negative,” she says sternly, turning her head to the side so she can glare at him, “I’m being realistic.”

His grin is playful, childish in a way. “Well, can we pretend this is fantasy for a moment, and that the good guys will win, bad guys lose and at the end we get to keep each other and have a very romantic and slightly sexy kiss?”

Kiera turns back to the wall slowly. She can’t find it in her to laugh, to smile. There’s a good chance neither she nor Chase will live through this. If Jordan and the Alcrest have it their way, they will be killed on sight.

Crevan’s approach is quiet, but both werewolves turn to her before she can speak. She’s impassive, seemingly uncaring that they had killed a few of her men last night. She holds up two long pieces of fabric, a dull brown. “Tie these around your necks; we need to know who we are fighting against.”

Kiera takes one, rubbing her thumb along the edge gently. It’s nothing special. She ties it quickly, wincing as her shoulders ache in protest as she raises her arms. The pain killers don’t seem to be working properly; the pain still echo’s in her bone, her muscles, her skin.

“Most of the wolves will be occupied, and I’m guessing the Alcrests too. It should be pretty easy to get in and out without getting seen, as long as you don’t do something stupid. The house might be getting watched, so be careful.”

“Were can we find…the bodies?” Chase asks awkwardly. Bodies. Such a strange way to describe people who may as well be dead for how alive they currently are.

“We have no idea.” Crevan admits bluntly.  “We’ve cheeked the rest of the land and came up empty handed. Last place is the house. I doubt it’s somewhere you’re allowed to go, so probably away from the main doors and windows; attic or basement, I’d guess.

“Get in and out as quickly as you can. When the Alcrests fall, the pack won’t take long to figure out something going on.

“We will be listening from here, but we won’t be able to help unless we know we’re needed. If you’re ready, it’s time to go.”

Chase nods. “Now’s as good as any other-almost,” He offers a grin that doesn’t reach his eyes.

Kiera watches Chase move to the wall where two Revokers have a metal ladder leaning against the sandstone; Chase seems to know one and they punch each other’s fists in a weird gesture.

“What are you going to do with Hunter and Cater if we don’t live?” Kiera questions bluntly.

Crevan’s quiet for a moment, so long that Kiera turns to give her a stare down, which Crevan accepts silently. Looking at Crevan now, Kiera notices the faint line of a scar under her right eye and the strands of grey invading her hair. The corner of her mouth lifts, and Kiera suddenly imagines her pulling out a pistol, levelling it at Kiera head…and bang goes the gun.


Instead, Crevan shakes her head. “You surprise me. Despite your apathetic outlook on everything, you seem to care deeply for your brother. You’re a fighter and a lover; who would have guessed”

Kiera turns away again. What is she supposed to say to that? Is she apathetic to everything? She doesn’t know, and right now, at least, doesn’t care. “You didn’t answer my question.”

“No, I suppose I didn’t. The two boys will be looked after; Eli will take them in if you don’t return.”

At Eli’s name, Kiera frowns. Why hadn’t Crevan taken them there last night? Surly he had ways to keep the wolves secure for the night. Five people wouldn’t be dead if they went there.

At least it was only five though, Kiera tells herself. With nothing left to say, she follows Chase to the ladder, moving carefully. Her muscles protest, but she no long needs to hold onto a wall. How long it will last, she can’t say.

Seeing Kiera the Revoker ends what he’s saying and offers a reassuring smile. “Good luck.”

She feels sick. I can’t do this. “Thanks. You ready?” She glances at Chase, who nods solemnly before she turns to the ladder. It doesn’t look stable. She pulls in a quick breath, stealing herself a moment of utter nothingness by closing her eyes; the ladder isn’t there, nor are the Revokers; everything’s fine, calm; peaceful.

It’s only a moment though, and when she opens her eyes the ladder is still there, and the wall is still tall and ominous.

She doesn’t give herself another break.

Time’s up, it’s now the moment to fight.

Kiera scales the ladder efficiently, ignoring the warning going off in her head that her feet should be on the ground. At the top she swings her legs over the wall, so she’s sitting on the edge. It’s a sandstone wall, unmoving, unyielding, but she can’t help the feeling that it’s about to crumble beneath her.

A short moment later Chase’s finished clambering noisily up the ladder to sit beside her on the wall.

Kiera looks over the compound, for a moment struck by its beauty. The grounds are white, but brown and green litter the ground, contrasting against the world of white and grey. The sun makes the evergreen trees sparkle with a light yellow hue. Houses dot the land, spaces out in rough circles.

She’s just about to jump down when a thought occurs to her. It’s an odd, stray thought, but it’s suddenly pestering her. She turns to Chase, watching his expression closely as she asks, “Why did you say I was like your mum?”

Chase blinks, than frowns. Finally he turns to her looking slightly bemused and slightly guilty. “I don’t know. My mum’s aggressive and very feministic. I guess I was just angry, and you just reminded me of her with how stubborn and argumentative you are. That was ages ago, why’d you bring that up?”

Kiera shrugs. “Don’t know. Stubborn and argumentative, hey?”

Chase grins pensively. “Oh yeah.”

She smacks his shoulder lightly, feeling for a second, light, carefree and happy. She grins at Chase, wishing she can close her eyes and step into his arms and let the world fall away. The thought is sadly sobering and she turns back to the present numbly. No sleeping, no kissing, no warm arms or lazy whispering.

No peace.

“Let’s go.” She pushes off the wall without thinking. The ground comes up fast, and she hits the snow hard, huffing out a groan as all her muscles complain rudely.

“You just ruined the moment” Chase grumbles before joining her. “Ouch. I think I pulled a muscle.”

“Shut up” Kiera mutters, not wanting to play anymore. They’re on enemy territory now. This is serious. Quickly she undresses, until she’s wearing nothing but the fabric around her throat. She makes sure it’s loose before she shifts. Instantly scents assault her. Faintly she can smell old blood.

This is it. We’re really doing this. We’re really traitors…and suddenly I feel sick again. Kiera stands a little straighter, pulling all her strength and determination into herself. She knows she’s going to need it for whatever happens.

This will determine everything.

We might just ruin everything; kill everyone.

Chase wonders up beside her. He doesn’t touch her, bounce around or yap.

He finally looks sober.

Grimly, Kiera lets out a soft sigh. She doesn’t look back at the wall again, for the Revokers won’t help her back over.

This is really it. 

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