Ninjago Tournament of Element...

By FlamesDJ

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*We do NOT own anything of Ninjago. Cover can be found on Pinterest under the name Joshuad17. SPOILERS for se... More

Chapter 1: The Invitation
Chapter 2: Only One Can Remain
Chapter 3: Let the Matches Begin
Chapter 4: The Matches Continue, Team Roller Blade
Chapter 6: Island Fight & Betrayals
Chapter 7: Defeating Chen
Chapter 8: Saving Flint, Evelyn & Skylar
Chapter 9: Day of the Dragons
Chapter 10: United As One, the Greatest Fear of All
Chapter 11: The Corridors of Elders, Finishing This

Chapter 5: Spy for a Spy

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By FlamesDJ

Previously on Ninjago...

"He cheated! Lloyd loses!" Chen announced

"No way!" Turner argued

"If Lloyd is out, then so am I," Mr. Pale commented

"Me too," Kai joined

"And me three," Jay continued

"We all will," Flint added

We see Flint being distracted during Thunderblade as we see bits of some flashbacks. The same flashbacks of what happened in that poison gas cloud Tox made. We saw how Flint really won.

"No one can know," Flint told himself as it became harder

We switch to where Cole was, underground in the factory, as he passed by Zane's cell, looking in.

"Zane? Is that you?" Cole asks as Zane's head pops out

"You're alive!" Cole exclaimed

"I'm not alone either," Zane replied pointing his eyes to the cell next to his

We then flip to someone else's perspective as we hear a familiar voice giving them orders, Clouse's voice.

"Find him and capture him,"

We switch into third person seeing Evelyn's dark purple glowing eyes as she smirked, laughing with Clouse as the scene turned ablaze.

•Cue the intro•

Flint's POV

    We were currently hanging around in the same room we entered when Chen welcomed us. Kabuki's were all around us, dancing, some fanning us and others handing food as we ate. I guess Chen really doesn't trust any of us, anymore, mainly the Ninjas. He made some jokes here and there, like having Lloyd try the wasp eggs and what not.

I ignored them as I kept eating. I was next to Shade at the very end.

"I tried to enlist Shadow and Flint, but those guys are throwing some serious shade," I overheard Turner say to the ninja

They started talking about their alliance. He's right about one thing, right now, I'm not letting my guard down. I may know the Ninjas and the others but I'm not going to join their alliance. Not yet. Chen made an announcement about complimenting Shade on his defeat over Mr. Pale. It wasn't that exciting but it was very interesting.

"There are some rumors apparently, that I am stealing everyone's powers. I am," Chen admitted

"But it's all for this staff," he clapped his hands as his actually staff members did a dance

He got angry at this mentioning the other staff. Then the staff that I saw along with the ninja was shown in the entrance. Everyone gasped as a Kabuki came over to hand it to Chen.

"This is the Staff of Elements," he announced

"It holds the power of your fallen foes and will soon hold all but one," he explained

He kept going on about how the last person who remains will receive the staff as their prize and become the greatest fighter ever. Everyone but the ninja got excited for this and murmured. Lloyd argued about this as Clouse just questioned him as the others started separating from the ninja again.

Lloyd then revealed that Neuro looked into Clouse's mind to see a spell, he was desperate now. Neuro dodged this saying he doesn't remember and was more interested in the staff now as cover. The guys started arguing as Chen and Clouse had grins on their faces.

I heard Jay say something about 'stop fanning him too much' and listened in. I turned their direction to see a Kabuki talk to him and the ninjas behind a fan.

"Is that?" I started before the Ninjas revealed who that kabuki really was

"Nya?" All the ninjas whispered as she revealed her face

She talked about how she was undercover with Darreth. She also added that there was a spy within their circle. Kai also noted that Nya could get to Clouse's spell book to grab the spell, on page one hundred and forty-nine.

They shouted spy a little too loud as Clouse turned their direction. Nya saw this and backed away to fit in with the other kabuki. Then Skylar came over to Kai and handed him a note, saying it was from Cole and that he's found Zane. She also added they were going to be breaking out. Kai thanked her for this as he told the other ninja what he just heard, showing them the fortune aka note.

"A spy? Who do you think it is?" Jay whispered looking at the ninja

"I have my suspicions," Lloyd replied looking Shade and my way

"Well that isn't good," I sighed

No One's POV

    We hear Nya call Darreth in the vehicle as he's dancing. She informs him their objective is set and that she's going to find some spell for proof Chen is up to no good. While she does that the ninja will find the spy in their alliance.

Darreth agrees with her saying he understands as he hangs up. Then he calls Wu and the others off the island to tell them they've landed and explain what Nya told them.

We switch to where Cole is in the factory as he makes his escape. As he escaped he ate some of the fortune cookies too. He was spotted by four members and then threw a crate at them, knocking them down.

Everyone in the factory cheered as he fought the rest of the guards there. He was close to getting away until the head guard caught him, squeezing him tight until Cole burped in his face.

After that the head guard had him thrown out into a cell so Cole would learn his lesson and not cause havoc. Once the two left Cole pulled out keys, saying it was all worth it as he made his way out of his cell to find Zane.

Zane's POV

    I freed myself from the chains, seeing the big ice dragon sleeping near my exit. I slowly sneak my way around it, trying to escape while it was asleep. Unfortunately for me it woke up as I darted for the opening up above me. After hearing it growl at me I fell from where I was, landing right in front of it as it came my way. It was about to get me before I heard someone call my voice.

I woke up, still chained and saw Cole come towards me to unlock the chains. He managed to get the keys as he helped me up.

"Cole? You've returned," I commented

"Of course I did, I made a promise. Now come here, you shiny new tin can!" He exclaimed as he hugged me

"Can you feel the love?" He asked

"No, but the longer we stand here the shorter time we have to escape," I informed him

Then I looked towards the cell next to mine, but before I said anything Cole beat me to it.

"I looked in there. I didn't see anyone, but it looked as if someone was in there. Their chains were cut off," he informed me

I nodded, hoping they got away safely, as we made our way out and left.

No One's POV

    We turn to where Nya is, still in disguise as a kabuki. She made it into Clouse's corridor as she found his spell book in the middle. It laid on a table with a skull and death above it. She quickly flipped through the pages as she turned to the right one. She saw what the page read and looked up shocked.

"This will change everything," she murmured to herself

Then she heard footsteps come her way, gasping she tore the page out, closing the book and hiding behind a shelf nearby.

She over hears a guard coming to Clouse before he walked in saying there was a breach and that Cole escaped.

"Release my pet. She'll make sure he doesn't escape," Clouse orders as she hears footsteps leave

Clouse then walked in towards his book, looking around, as if he knew someone was there. When he looked back at his book he saw some familiar mark on it. He made it act like it was just dust, cleaning it off and then leaving with it. Nya prayed he didn't see the mark she left from her hands. Once he left Nya made her escape back to Darreth.

Zane's POV

    I was running with Cole as he was about to lead us back to where we started. He mentioned I should be leading them but before I could reply we heard a growl. I wasn't familiar with the sound, but apparently Cole was, running back the way we came.

I questioned about what he meant by that and he replied, "Trust me, you're gonna want keep up!"

Then I turned around to see a purple snake with glowing pink eyes, slithering my way. With that I turned to run, catching up with Cole. We hit an end, which was blocked by the serpent's body, making it a dead end for us.

We ran from that spot to find another way, unfortunately for us the serpent was closing itself in on us. It caught us at a dead end as I asked Pixal to calculate how we could escape. She informed me that she was activating explosive shurikens and I threw them on the ground, between Cole, myself and the snake.

From there we fell into another tunnel beneath the one we were just in. Luckily for us the hole was took small for the serpent to follow us so we kept running.

Flint's POV

    We were currently in Kai's room with the ninja and the other five, plus myself, competitors left. They were trying to find out who the spy was. I hung on one of the pillars behind Jay. Shade argued he wasn't joining their alliance and that he was gunning for that staff. Lloyd argued back, saying it wasn't about the alliance but about the spy. From there he ordered that no one was leaving until they found out, Garmadon blocked the door, standing right behind it as we began.

Everyone stared at each other as Lloyd stared at Shade and then at me.

"Why're you looking at us greenie? I'm not your spy, who knows about him," Shade argued staring at me, angrily

"Really? Do I even look like a spy? Spy's have all black on them, Shadow," I growled back

"It's Shade! Not shadow!" He exclaimed

I did a hard sigh, looking away. Neuro then said he could help. I didn't have to turn back towards his direction to guess he was looking into Shade's head.

"I don't know who, but someone isn't who they say they are," he informed us

"How do we know we can trust you? Maybe I should use my powers to see inside your head," Skylar questioned

"I'd like to see you try! Power hoarder," Neuro argued back getting up from the bed

"Can't believe I'm saying it but don't. It's bad enough we're even in here together. We don't need to attract unwanted attention from Chen or Clouse that we're here with the Ninja in this room," I barked rolling my eyes at them

Kai agreed with me, getting in between the two, saying that this is what Chen wanted. He wanted to separate everyone further, wanted us to fight. He assured us there had to be a different way and Lloyd's father spoke up.

"Everyone who's ever worked for Chen has the Anacondrai tattoo on their back," he informed us showing us his tattoo

"That must've been what he showed the ninja that first day when they stopped for a second before following behind. I'm surprised he trusts them that much," I realized

"Find the tattoo, find the spy," he told us

"Anyone object?" Lloyd questioned, no one spoke

Neuro went first, revealing nothing on his shoulder. He asked if he could go now but Lloyd objected saying not until they checked everyone. Turner went next, and as I suspected, nothing.

No One's POV

    We switch to where Chen is as Clouse comes up to him, book in hand. He informs Chen about the escape from the factory. Chen gets angry saying that they better have caught the prisoner. Unfortunately for Chen's sake they hadn't and Clouse gave him even worse news.

He told Chen that someone stole the spell from his book. Chen questioned to Clouse if he needed the page for the spell and Clouse assured him he didn't need it. He backed it up with saying that if the ninja ended up getting it they would show it to the remaining fighters, revealing that they've lied to them. Also adding they would all rise against them. Chen then told Clouse they must find that page.

Chen then got angry about how there was Kabuki paint, which got everywhere on him. It was only then that Clouse mentioned that they may have a spy in their midst. He was going to wait to say it when the Kabuki were gone, but figured to say it then.

After saying this Nya is taken by the hand by another Kabuki who saw her behind a pillar doing nothing. She grabbed Nya so Nya could join them instead of getting in trouble, having no idea what Nya was doing.

After Clouse told Chen about them having a spy he looked towards the Kabuki.

Chen realized what he was saying, saying aloud, "A kabuki servant? Well, well,"

"The spy may still have the page on them," Clouse figures

With that said, Clouse tells his guards to search every servant in the room. Then the guards started searching the kabuki as Nya got worried with this.

Fortunately for Nya, Darreth was making too much noise, giving away his cover from the mountains. Chen assumes the music is coming from the spy as the guards make their way towards where Darreth is.

Nya tried to leave but Clouse saw this telling her to stay put. While no one was looking, Nya calls Darreth, informing him he's been spotted. Clouse hears someone's voice and turned around but didn't see anything suspicious. Nya was able to act like the rest of the kabuki servants just in time, then he left.

Flint's POV

   "Only three left," Lloyd commented

It was just Skylar, Shade and me who haven't been checked yet. Kai was in front of Skylar as he was about to check her. Skylar made a fuss questioning that Kai didn't truly trust her. With this Skylar shows her back, and nothing was there. Still angry though. Then it was my turn, before someone laid their hands on me I made a comment.

"As if there's anyway I'm actually doing this," I spat even though I knew they don't trust me

It would've been easier to comply, knowing I wasn't the spy, but I did have a mark on my shoulder. Not the mark they're looking for, but a mark. It would've gotten them suspicious and Garmadon may have recognized it, even with his memory loss.

"Me too. I'm out of here," Shade agreed

After that Shade disappeared and I fought everyone. I made Turner levitate so he don't get me as everyone was pretty easy. Skylar was also held in the air, using my powers, plus Garmadon. With that I didn't have to deal with him, and the door was open as I left.

Shade left not long after me, telling the others he isn't their friend and he isn't some spy, also noting the staff will be his. After he left I heard Jay yell, I used my powers to see what happened and a painting fell on his foot. Lloyd tried to stop Shade from leaving, making the painting drop.

"Well there's that," I noted sighing

"I'm not about to let them find out, moreover him,"

Lloyd's POV

After both Shadow and Flint left we helped Jay up, bandaging his foot. He seemed to have sprained it from the painting.

"So then it has to be either Flint or Shade," Jay figured

"No, I think Shade. Flint doesn't seem very likely," Neuro commented

"Maybe but didn't you say there was 'no such thing as an elemental Master of Psychic'?" I asked looking at my father

"I can't be for sure. It has been a very long time since we all met each other," he replied

Skylar still annoyed at Kai for not trusting her as she left. Neuro left too and it was just the ninja and my dad.

Jay commented something about the alliance while I just spat back, "What alliance?"

This whole thing was falling apart. Right when we thought we had everyone, it crumbled within a blink of an eye.

Flint's POV

After heading back to my room, because they gave us our rooms back to hangout in, not sleep in, I got something from a very familiar voice.

"Flint!" It was Evelyn

"Evelyn! Where are you? Are you alright? What happened?" I asked

"I'm in some underground passage way. I can't remember how I got here but I'm alright," she assured me as I did a sigh in relief

"I'll come find you," I told her

"No, it's fine I'll come find you when I can. I'll be fine, see you sooner or later," she informed me as she hung up

Something didn't feel right though, but what? Then it hit me.

"My necklace,"

Evelyn's POV

I laughed to myself after hanging up on Flint.

"Everything is going according to my plan," I told myself

No One's POV

We switch to Cole telling Zane they had to go back to the others in the factory, it's either all of them, or none of them.

After that we go back to where Chen is, talking to his servant, asking if they have found the girl, noting to Nya. They replied with no saying Chen had bigger problems to deal with. Then the servant transforms into a very familiar girl with red hair and an orange ninja suit.

"Cole has the Metal Man, father," Skylar tells Chen who is revealed to us to be her father

"Thank you my child. The Master of Form's power has been useful to you," Chen comments as she makes her way to him

He assured to her that tomorrow they will break the ninja up forever. Then he starts to laugh as she laughs along with them.

Then we switch to where Evelyn is, her eyes glowing their dark purple laughing that she's deceived Fling so far. Then she switched her purple eyes back to their usual light turquoise. With that Flint wouldn't notice a thing when they reunited.
To Be Continued...

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