new girl. | bnha

By lolziez980

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Being the new girl in a school isn't easy. Especially coming in the top hero class. Born with her extinguishi... More

+part one
+part two
+part three
+part five

+part four

859 49 34
By lolziez980

I wonder what Todoroki could want.. "Something on your mind, sis?" Y/n looked from the car window to Zachary. She smiled at him, "not really." "Ah, cmon sis. Don't sell me that short. I know there's something you're thinking about." Zachary crossed his arms. "A classmate texted and said that they wanted to talk to me. I'm just wondering what it could be about." Y/n stated truthfully. There really wasn't any reason to lie to him, huh.

"Probably some Yuuei class work." Zyvon suggested. "Dad, we don't have class work at Yuuei!" Y/n laughed. "Huh?!" "We discuss and do physical activities. No pen, no paper." She clarified. Zachary laughed a bit. This family was something else.

"Get some sleep kiddos. You deserve it." Zyvon gave both his children tight, long, and heartfelt hugs. "You too, old man." Zachary patted his shoulder. "Good night. I love you." Y/n bid the two males good night as she went to her room. She felt at ease having everyone home.

She opened her contact list and clicked on the name.

Todoroki's phone went off. He took a breath then answered, "Hello." "Hey, Todoroki! What did you need to talk to me about?" Y/n sat up against her headboard. "I've been observing you and noticed that your quirk is more of a rescue quirk than an offensive quirk," he started. Y/n furrowed her brows. Pretty straight to the point. "But I've also noticed that your body language is more aggressive for someone with a rescue quirk." Y/n blinked. "Huh?" She didn't understand a single word he was saying. Todoroki pulled the phone from his face as he grumbled like a little kid. How can he say this?

"What I'm trying to say is you remind me of someone who doesn't have just one quirk. If that makes sense..?" This was the second time Y/n felt as though her world was crashing down. "My body language gives off that vibe?" She asked, careful of her words. "It's like you have a more aggressive quirk somewhere in you.." Todoroki paused. Wait a minute.. "Do you have two quirks?" He didn't think it was possible for someone to have two quirks without having two parents with two completely different powers. Y/n only mentioned having a father, no mother present to his knowledge. Is she like him in some way?

"No, Todoroki, I don't have two quirks. That's actually funny that you'd think I'd have another quirk," good Y/n, keep it up. "You never know what might happen so you need to be prepared and if that means being more aggressive then." The girl shrugged.

Todoroki sighed, "You're right. It was foolish of me to assume something like that." That conversation ended qui- "What made you think that, actually?" Was he suspecting this of her? Were others suspecting this as well?

"You reminded me of me, as dumb as that sounds." Todoroki said, running a hand through his hair. He really messed this up, didn't he? "I'm kind of like the opposite of you though. You're super quiet and laidback most of the time but I'm kind of a crackhead." The two shared a small laugh. "Not like other girls whatsoever." Todoroki spurred on the joke. "Oh, never that. Nuh uh." Y/n smiled a bit.

"I was just thinking that you might have something else to you other than just your one quirk. It kind of excited me to know there might me a person who was like me.. you know what I mean?" Todoroki smiled to himself. "Trust me, I've been feeling alienated a whole lot." Y/n laughed through her nose. It was nice talking to Todoroki. And here she was panicking about it not even twenty minutes before.

"How so? The class loves you." The half and half boy furrowed his eyebrows. "It's probably the same way you feel. There's just no one that's even close to similar. It's pretty lonely having to deal with it by yourself." Y/n knew she was overstepping her bounds and over sharing but she didn't see a problem with it. Todoroki opened up a bit so why couldn't she?

"I mean, I know I'm not alone really. Everyone's great," Y/n smiled a sad smile. "But there's some things that happen that just make you different." Todoroki didn't know how to respond to that. He cleared his throat after a small pause. "There's nothing wrong with different. Look around, do you see anything about our world that's even remotely normal?" He could hear her stifle a laugh making himself chuckle as well. "No, nothing at all." Y/n nodded.

"So," shuffling was heard on Todoroki's end. "I have to go. I'll see you at school." He quickly stated. "Oh, yeah, totally. See you then. It was nice ta-" the call ended just like that. Y/n slumped a bit. "Well then." She placed her phone on the charger then got ready for bed herself.

This is the second time someone has been right about me having another quirk...there's only one person I can go to  about this..

"Hey, Midoriya! Can I steal him real quick?" Y/n smiled as she took ahold of Midoriya's wrist, almost not even waiting for a response. "Why-" "Of course, Y/n. Go ahead." Iida cut off Uraraka. Y/n graciously thanked him, pulling Midoriya off to the side. "Iida-kun, why would you do that?" She asked with a pout. "Why not, Uraraka-san? Is there something you had to ask Midoriya as well?" The glasses wearing class president questioned. Uraraka looked off to the side, holding her left arm, "Not really." Iida blinked.

"Then there shouldn't be a problem. Besides, we have to get to class." He dismissed her weird behavior. "They'll catch up." Todoroki added as he walked by. Uraraka looked at the two with something in her eyes that wasn't usually there. "Ochako-chan, hurry up." Tsuyu patted her shoulder. "O-oh yeah.."

"What did you need me for?" Midoriya asked, straightening up. "How do you keep a secret a secret?" Y/n almost immediately regretted her question. Way to not be obvious. "Is this about your.." Y/n nodded. "O-Oh! Well..if it was me, I would just not talk about it. It's no ones business if you don't want them to know." Midoriya shifted just weight from foot to foot. "Has someone else asked you about it?" He asked cautiously. "Yeah. And I'm just a little on edge about others figuring out the same thing." The melanin infused girl ruffled her side part twist out. This was really stressing her out.

"Don't worry! I'm sure things will calm down on its own. Trust me, you'll be fine." Y/n blinked twice over pleasantly surprised eyes. Midoriya felt his face flare up. I really just said that, huh.. "Hey guys! What are we talking about?" Kirishima asked, wrapping an arm around Y/n. He snickered at the two's shocked reaction. "If I didn't know any better, it looked like a confession took place."

"A what? Oh, no, not at all!" "Kirishima, you cant say things like that-" "We were having a completely normal conversation." "Super normal, totally normal!"

The two slumped, knowing their frantic talking over one another didn't make the situation any better. Kirishima almost doubled over with how hard he was laughing. "I, I was joking guys! Your reaction was priceless! I wish I got that on tape!" He whooped and hollered.

"Darn, did we miss the joke?" Denki smirked as he and the rest of the bakusquad walked up to the three. "No. Kiri was just being dumb." Y/n punched the boy in the arm. Kirishima rubbed said arm, still letting a few laughs escape. "We'll be late, dumb dumbs. Let's get going." Jirou instructed, leading the way. Bakugo shoved his hands further into his pockets.

"Alright class, today you'll have a substitute teacher. I have some business to attend to and I don't want to come back to a bad report." The class groaned in unison. "A sub? This blows!" Kirishima sighed. Y/n half understood why everyone was so bummed out on having a substitute teacher. Aizawa is a super cool teacher who's actually good at his job. "Ah, ah, I don't want to hear it. Be good for the sub or else there will be harsh consequences." He beckoned said substitute and Y/n was going to go into cardiac arrest if she doesn't stop getting surprised like this.

It was Combustion Man in all his melanin glory. Oh shit..oh shit, shit, shit! Why is he here?! This has to be the worst timing ever! She hasn't had time to tell him of her troubles at all! This very well classifies as a panic attack, an anxiety attack even. She has to get out of this classroom as quick as she can. What can she do? Pretend to pass out? Act like she has to use the bathroom? Kiyoshi would totally see through her lies. Think, think, think-

"I!" Y/n stood up abruptly, making everyone turn to look at her. She immediately shrank even though she couldn't turn back now. "Feel very, very, like super light headed, so can I step out for a second?" She was already making her way to the door, without really caring if she got permission or not. "Are you okay? Do you need me to go with you?" Kirishima asked, in between sitting and standing. "Oh, no yeah, I'm good! Just need to take a breather is all...yeah." And with that, Y/n opened the door and ran down the hallway. Her phone buzzed but she ignored it.

"That was horrible! Absolutely terrible and he expects me to just be okay with that? That was like my dad showing up for take your parent to school day or something!" She talked quickly, not really caring if others could hear her or not. All she cared about was getting as far away as possible.

In the midst of her panic, Y/n ran into someone. Great. "I'm sorry, that was my bad." She waved it off. "Yeah, your bad." That made her stop in her tracks. This was not the time to be testing her. "Excuse you?" She turned on her heels to see it was the designer eye bag boy from her first day. His attitude hasn't changed much. He didn't respond to her.

"Aht, aht, don't walk away from me," she walked to stand in front of him. "There was no reason for you to respond like that." The boy's faced screwed into a confused one. "You're the one who ran into me. It is, 'your bad'." Y/n glared at him. He was completely right. "Whatever. I don't have time for this." The boy chuckled, "As expected of class 1A." Y/n looked at him in black people confusion. "What is your damage dude? Do you have a personal vendetta against us or something?" She questioned, crossing her arms. "It seems the other way around to me. You think you're above everyone else in the school. Bumping into me then getting a whole attitude for doing so is pretty uncalled for don't you think?" The boy put a hand on his hip, raising a brow at her.

How did I get out of class just to get ridiculed by someone I don't even know?! "It was, and I'm sorry, but you could've just gave it a 'it's alright' or something. Being condescending wasn't called for either." She pointed out. This isn't how she thought "taking a breather" was going to be like. "What're you in such a rush for anyway?" Oh yeah. "I was just getting some air. Combustion Man is here and I had a fan girl moment..why are you out of class?" Y/n was talking to this boy for the last five minutes and she knew nothing about him. "What's your name, actually? That's more important. I'm Y/n." She introduced herself, stretching out her hand. He looked at it. "Shinsou." He wasn't going to shake her hand. "Aha..," Y/n retracted her hand. "Nice to meet you, Shinsou. Hopefully we can be..cordial, with each other." She flashed him a smile. "Wish I could say the same." He scoffed.

"Y/n, why are you talking to this loser?" What is with Yuuei and the guys being complete assholes?! "Well, well. If it isn't Bakugo Katsuki coming to collect the little class 1A newbie." Why is Bakugo of all people coming to get her? "Shut it up, extra. You'll eat those words. Go back to whatever lower class you came from for all I care. Leave her alone." Bakugo made his way to stand beside Y/n. "Leave her alone? Don't make me laugh. She was the one who blew up after running into me." Shinsou scowled. "Wait, wait, wait. What do you mean, 'wish I could say the same'?!" What he said just caught up to her. "I'm trying to be nice and make amends and you say that? But I'm the rude one. Ugh, you Yuuei boys are the worst." Y/n flailed her arms in exasperation.

"It isn't like you Yuuei girls are any fucking better." Shinsou shrugged. "Oh. OH! And we gonna get smart, huh?! Shinsou, you got me fucked all the way up." Y/n started putting her hair up then stopped, tapping her foot. She started breathing heavily. "Only a side character would say some dumb shit like that! Take it back." Bakugo stepped into Shinsou's space. "Or what?" The tired looking boy straightened up to look Bakugo in the eye.

"This is stupid. You're stupid. Cmon Bakugo. He's a side character. We've given him enough screen time." Y/n grabbed his wrist, pulling him along. "That's what I thought." Shinsou chuckled. Y/n turned on her heel for the last time to walk over to him and sock him in the eye. "And with those bags, no one will be the wiser." Y/n then flipped him off and continued walking. Bakugo looked at her in complete shock then followed suit.

"Why did you come to get me and not Kiri?" Y/n asked while flicking her hand. She hit him a little too hard. "Combustion Man made me." Bakugo stated, putting his hands in his pockets. "Makes sense I guess. Thanks for having my back. That's the last thing I would've expected." She smiled a bit. Bakugo cleared his throat, "Don't think too hard about it. I just don't like that poser." He turned his head away from her. She looked up at him then forward. "You're right. Silly me for assuming that of big, bad Bakugo." She joked. "Hey! Don't call me that. Maybe that extra wasn't wrong about Yuuei girls being the worst." Y/n laughed. "Too soon, dude!"

"Y/n, could you stay back a bit?" Combustion Man asked as everyone filed out the class. Uraraka side eyed her as she left. "Yeah. I'll catch up." Y/n said to the squad. "What was the big deal at the beginning of the class?" The pro hero asked. "I was shocked! A lot has happened with people being suspicious of me and seeing you come the next day totally threw me off." Y/n sighed, leaning against a desk. "Another kid asked about me and I'm a little on edge about if others are suspecting the same. I'm not ready for people to find out yet. They can't find out!"

"I see..I'm sorry for not letting you know sooner. That was my fault. What kid was it?" Kiyoshi asked. "Todoroki but it's okay. He's completely clueless." Y/n waved it off. "That's good. I guess your mind was going a million miles per hour, huh?" Kiyoshi joked a lot. Y/n scoffed, "You have no idea! Wondering if shifting in my seat this way would give it away, or saying something like this or that would. I was skressed man. And I should have let you know sooner instead of overthinking. So, we both have learned from this." She beamed. Kiyoshi smiled at his successor. "Go have fun kid. We'll talk later." He said, walking to the door. He opened the door for her and she waved to him before leaving.

"What were you talking about?" Y/n flinched, resisting the urge to knock Uraraka's lights out. "Girl, you can't be popping up like that." She sighed. "Why do you want to know? It's none of your business." She frowned at the brunette. "I was just curious is all." Uraraka shrugged. Y/n didn't believe her for a second but couldn't bring herself to care. "That's weird but okay." She walked past her to find Kirishima and the crew. "Um, Y/n?" The melanin infused girl turned to look at her. "Do you and Deku..have something going on?" Y/n couldn't help the nasty face that found itself into her face. Is this chick serious right now? It took everything she had to not laugh right in her face. The audacity, the nerve, the gall.

"So this is why you wanted to talk to me." Y/n nodded her head as she ran her tongue across top set of teeth. "Jealousy isn't pretty. Mind your business, and go ask him if y'all are as close as you try so hard to prove." She continued on her way, leaving Uraraka to contemplate. "Just a weirdo like what?" She grumbled to herself.

"SHINSOU DID WHAT?!" Kirishima exclaimed nearly tackling her down as he engulfed Y/n in a hug. "Woah, what are you talking about??!" Y/n nearly kept the two of them upright. "Bakugo told us what happened with Shinsou." Momo explained. Y/n looked at the boy who refused to face her. "Just say the word and we'll rough him up for ya." Sero said seriously. Denki nodded with a stone expression. "'s okay really! I'm cool, he's cool, we're cool. No need to go too crazy." She smiled at the group. "Not too crazy! Implying that we can go crazy just not too-" Jirou knocked Denki upside the head. "We're glad you're good." She sent an apologetic smile the curly, coily haired girls way. "See, if it was one of those girls, it would've been a done deal!" Mina punched her hand, straight fuming. "I'm not scared to fight a boy." She clarified just in case no one got the jist already.

"Thanks guys. I really appreciate it." Y/n said bashfully. "Are you okay? You kinda freaked when Combustion Man came into the room." Momo mentioned. "Oh yeah, that. Just a fan girl moment that's all." Y/n laughed a bit.

"I remember this one time when All Might came to the class, Midoriya straight peed his pants!"

"Kirishima, why would you bring that up?!"


"Are we sure we can trust your sources?" Aizawa questioned All Might as he and other heros stood in the principals office. The number one pro hero sighed, "It's better than not having a lead at all. I think it's the best shot we have of apprehending the hero killer."


Y/n checked her phone at the end of the day.


hey hun..i might not be coming home for a long, long while. make sure you don't give Zachary a hard time for me okay? I love you with all my heart.

She looked at her phone with impossible confusion. What could he mean by that. She jumped when she got a call from an unknown number. She decided to answer.

"Hello?" "Is this Y/n?" "Yes, this is..who is this?" "Three days. You have three days." "What the hell? Three days till what?!" The call went dead. Y/n looked at her phone full of fear. Her heart started stuttering in and out her chest.

What the hell is going on..


Hey guys! This is so overdue and I am SO SORRY! As I said before, I want this to be such a good story and writing a good story isn't easy at all, haha! What did you guys think of this chapter? We got a little conflict going on with a cliffhanger ;) I think it's a pretty dang cool way to move the story forward! Let me know what you guys thought and don't forget to vote, comment, and share! Please excuse all grammar errors + proofread to the best of my ability! I love you all and I will see you in the next update! Bye! Xx

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