+part two

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Friday came a lot faster than Y/n anticipated. She's been mentally freaking out ever since she was invited. That was on Tuesday. "Hello? Earth to sister, you there?" Zachary joked, waving his hand in her face. Y/n snapped out of it, resuming her spoon's course to her mouth. "What's on your mind?" He asked. Y/n sighed.

Why does he have to know her so well.

"I can't bowl," Zachary paused. "Don't you-" "Pftt-ahahaha!" "Some brother you are! I'm serious about this and you're laughing at me! So sorry for assuming you actually cared!" She exclaimed. There was no bone in her being that was even remotely serious though. She grabbed a napkin and tossed it at Zachary.

"Okay, okay! My apologies oh troubled one," he looked at his breakfast meal with a faint smile. "It's just adorable how much you care." He stated. Y/n looked at him. She knew he was thinking about their father. Early mornings and late nights constantly. It's really hard on Zachary to be the man of the house when he's still fresh into adulthood. Y/n made a hurling sound. "Feelingsss gross!" She joked. "I know you aren't talking! Remember that one time your favorite Disney character waved at you at Disneyland? And you bawled you're eyes out?!" Y/n let out a scoff. "I was seven! And what about you big bro? If we want to play that game then all I have to say is junior homecoming and all the memories will speak for themselves! Puke brain!" Y/n bolted from the dining table.

"Oh, you've done it now! Get over here!" Zachary chased after her.

Their relationship really eased their fathers heart. There are times he questions the work he does. Is it worth more than his family? He loved his children so, so much to the point where he criticizes the noble things he does. He can save so many lives, reassure them, but can't keep the tears from leaving his own daughters eyes.

"Cmon," Zachary ruffled Y/n's hair. "Let's get you to school." Y/n let a few more laughs leave her system before nodding her head.

sparky sparky boom man

i have some kinda bad news

what's up kid?

a boy knows about me and it hasn't even been that long yet! i don't know how unless he was eavesdropping on me when i was talking to aizawa sensei...

what's the boys name?

izuku midoriya

I'll talk to the teachers today. don't worry kid, i got you.

thank you sparky !!! love you bye!

Y/n took a shaky breath as she locked her phone, clutching it. Combustion man sounded serious even if it was over text. He was really scary when he got serious, Y/n rarely saw that side of him. She hoped nothing too bad would happen, if anything would happen at all.

"Have a good day, sis." Zachary fist bumped Y/n then drove off. "Y/n!" Kirishima popped up beside her. Y/n yelped, throwing a jab. Kirishima caught it as he laughed. "Easily spooked?" Denki appeared out of no where. Y/n jumped. She whined, turning around, "you guys!" "Don't mind them. They're dorks." Jirou wrapped her arm around Y/n's shoulders, guiding her to the school. "Aw, cmon Jirou! Lighten up!" Denki joked. "Funny, come up with that one yourself spark bolt?" "Ooh, burn." Sero laughed. "I'm so ready to bowl tonight." Momo chimes in. Y/n would be lying if that wasn't the only thing on her mind.

"I'm going to wipe the floor with you guys." Bakugo huffed. Y/n turned her head to look at the spiky haired boy. What was his damage? That was something she had to figure out because that attitude of his will end him in a world of hurt.

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