Damaged Love (Forbidden Love...

By BiggFacts

6.8K 289 172


Sum Slight Ish Befoe We Get Started
Chapter 1:
Chapter 2:
Chapter 3:
Chapter 5:
Chapter 6:
Chapter: 7
Chapter 8:
Shes backkk...

Chapter 4:

556 28 3
By BiggFacts



The Next Day....
Kiyah's P.O.V.

I woke up to a pair of arms tightly wrapped around my waist, and a head in the crook of my neck. The first thought that came to my head was this is a dream. I often have dreams like these about Smoov because I miss him and his presence a lot, but something about this felt different...it felt wrong.

I pinched myself to make sure this wasn't a dream and sure enough it wasn't.

I smiled, then cuddled deeper than I previously was into him...was Smoov really here, and if so why didn't I have a good feeling about this?

I decided on opening my eyes, and damn near scram at the sight. I was laying in a bed, cuddled up naked with my ex Davonte....

Did we do what I think we did...?? Please tell me we didn't...

Davonte popped up, and laid back down mumbling something under his breath.

Before I could even say anything the sound of a screaming baby rang throughout wherever we were and I heard a female yelling.

"Da-muthafuckin-vonte! Where the hell are you!?" .

I looked over at him "Vonte...what the hell is going on?".

He groaned and looked over at me "I fucked up K...I fucked up".

Next thing I know the door to the room we were in busted open, and I was met with the face of a beautiful woman, holding a crying baby boy.

The woman's mouth dropped open "You've gotta' be fucking kidding me".

I then recognized the girl to be Destiny, an old high school friend.....

Did I really just sleep with a man who has a girlfriend, and baby??

I threw on my clothes as quick as possible, and tried to tune out everything she was yelling because it just made me feel like complete shit.

"You told me you would never cheat Davonte, and then you pull this shit!?! And with Kiyah, you PROMISED me that you were completely over her, and that you two had nothing going on". She cried out.

"I-I can assure you that this was a one time thing...a mistake. We have nothing going on Des".

Her eyes then landed on me "You just one nasty fake ass bitch. You knew he had a baby, a FUCKING FIANCE, and you do this shit".

I then noticed the ring on her finger, and I felt even shittier. I truly didn't know.

I just slept with a soon to be married man...

"Des listen...it was a moment of weakness...I am so, so sorry, and I don't expect you to forgive me, but just know I truly mean it. I will make sure I stay the hell away from you and your family, and I-I swear it was never my intention to wreck shit. And I-I'm gonna' just go".

Des chuckled "Nah...you straight...I'm gonna just go".

She ran out, and Vonte chased her. I then quickly grabbed all my belongings, and ran out. When I got downstairs Vonte was standing at the door.


He sighed "It just slipped my mind".

My eyes widened before I busted out laughing "You really a no shit nigga. I would've never allowed this while I was sober, let alone if I knew you had children and a soon to be wife. And here you go talking about sum' iT sLiPpEd My MiNd'. I deadass can't believe you right now".

"I tried to stop you K, but you just kept on going".

I chuckled "Oh so that's your story? You gon' tell Des, and eerybody else I raped you?".

"Wait, no-".

I cut him off "Exactly...because you know that in that moment you wanted it just as much as I claimed I did...I'm just gonna' see myself off".

And with that I stormed out realizing I had no car. I used my tracker, and saw that it was still in Buffalo Wild Wings parking lot. Sighing, I called an uber there, and fell into a deep thought. I always told myself I'd never be that female. I'd never be that one bitch that has relations with a taken man....especially not one with an entire family. But here I go. I feel disgusting, and I am totally pissed at myself. I cannot believe what happened just happened.

When the uber arrived, I got in and looked down at my blown up phone...


I had messages from both my dads, both my moms, Tori, and Fiji.

I opened my dad's messages first.

   Daddy💙🔪 (my dad):

Daddy🔪💙: Morning baby girl

Daddy🔪💙: U straight?

Daddy🔪💙: Kiyah answer me

Daddy🔪💙: Listen, tell everyone who is posed to be at that reveal party that the time has been pushed back 2 hours the gang got sum emergency shit that needs to be done

Daddy🔪💙: Yo ass betta text me back in the next hour or so,or ima go ona killing spree to find u

Me: Plz don't dad, I'm okay I just overslept

Me: But what is going on with the gang?

Daddy🔪💙: It's a good thing you called when you did bc we was really finna shoot sum niggas up

Daddy🔪💙: But stay outta' grown people's business hon💀. I'll see you later 2day.

Me: Wtv mane

I opened everyone else's messages, and they basically said the same things. My mothers informed me that they had already told all of the guests of the party that the time had been pushed back 2 hours. So instead of starting at 3:30, the party will start at 5:30 I'm guessing. By the time I had let everyone know I was okay, my uber had arrived at Buffalo Wild Wings. I quickly got in my car, and sped home. As soon as I stepped in my house I stripped out of all my clothes and dived right into the shower.

As I showered Smoov was the only thing I could think of. He laid his life on the line for me and my best friend, and he took up my legal charges. It's sickening to me that the way I repaid him was sleeping with another man, while I know that when he gets out he wants to have something more than just friendship with me....thinking about this made me feel even more disgusted with myself, so I tried my best not to think about it. I just focused on scrubbing my body...I wanted his touch washed off me completely.

When I stepped out of the shower I quickly brushed my teeth. I took down the frontal I had gotten weeks ago in records time and I washed my hair, letting it stay in its natural state. I slicked my edges, and tied a scarf around my hair before running to my closet and putting on my outfit. Since this was a gender reveal party people were gonna wear either pink or blue. You wore pink if you thought that Tori and Fiji were having a girl, and you were blue if you thought Tori and Fiji were having a boy. I was wearing pink because I was team Fiji. She wants a girl baddd, and I wanted to have a little niece too.


After that I ran downstairs and hopped in my car, stopping at Mc Donald's, and ordering a sausage mcgriddle, with two hash browns, and a large caramel frappuccino. I was gone get sum' orange juice, but Mc Donald's shit taste like water and orange peel shavings, and that's a no-no.

*Idgaf what nobody say, McDonald's orange juice, and apple juice nasty as shit. The apple juice used to be bomb, until some muthafucka' thought it was smart to incorporate sum' HeAlThY sHiT. Like BITCH! We at Mc Donald's shit ain't posed to be healthy, the fuck 😂*

As I waited in that line, my phone rang...it was Smoov. I couldn't face talking to him at the moment knowing what I just did, so I declined it, leaning back in my seat waiting for my food.

The day had just started, and I was already ready for shit to be over...

The Same Day.....
Fiji's P.O.V. (Her babyshower/ gender reveal outfit)^^^

I woke up due to Tori continually shaking me.

I groaned "The fuck you want mane??".

"You needa get the hell up Zo...dad wants us".

My eyes shot open, and I said "Exactly. I guess it's an emergency, and sum important because dad een' pushed back your lil' party a few hours because he needs the both of us there...which is weird because ever since you've been pregnant he hasn't allowed you in the trap much, because he doesn't wanna' put his grandchild in harm..." .

I threw the covers off of me, and swung my feet off of the bed. I looked down noticing they were swelling. I placed my hand on my stomach before taking a deep breath, and standing. I really wasn't feeling up to doing anything today. I had been getting sick last night, and gang ish was the last thing I wanted to deal with right now. But this is how we get paid, so I gotta' do what has to be done.

I stood up, and began to walk to the bathroom, with Tori hot on my ass.

"Yo, you good? If you ain't feeling up to it, then I'll tell dad you ain't gon' make dis' meeting.. I'm sure he won't mind".

"Nahh, I'm good".

He wrapped his arms around me, and placed a kiss on my cheek "You sure? I heard you throw up last night, and I see your feet swelling. You over work yourself babe".

I sighed, and rolled my eyes before removing myself out of his hold, and walked to the toilet, pulling my shorts down pissing.

"I'm fine Natorian"

He walked to the sink, and began to brush his teeth "Don't catch no musty ass attitude with me because I'm tryna' look after you and my son Zoey".

"I'm not catching an attitude Natorian".

"Yea, ight".

I smacked my lips as I wiped, and got off of the toilet mumbling "Mean aggravating ass".

"Zoey, the hell are you talking about?? Shut the fuck up, you just talking mane".

I looked at him in disbelief before tears began to fall from my eyes. He spit his toothpaste out and just looked at me.

"Why are you crying Zoey??".

I wiped my face before saying "Just leave me the hell alone", and walking out of our bathroom, and went to our guest restroom, hopping in the shower. Moments later I felt cold air hit my body, and Tori stepped in.

"I'm sorry mammas" he said turning me towards him.

I crossed my arms "For?".

He looked at me, then looked away, and I laughed. He didn't know, and shii, I ain't either. I was on his top for nun' lmaoo.

"You straight love, it's just these damn pregnancy hormones, my emotions be everywhere".

"Yea, I can see" he mumbled, causing me to playfully slap his arm.

He laughed before saying "But let's hurry up and get going lil' mamma cause' ion' feel like hearing my dad's damn voice talmn' bout' we late".

I chuckled "Aight...but can you do sumn for me?".

He raised an eyebrow "Yea...Wassup?".

I stuck my bottom lip out "Can you wash me up bae pleaseeee".

He smacked his lips before grabbing my rag "Ole' spoiled ass, c'mere"......

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