Mer!verse Error (continuation)

By UtAU4life

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After Error gets ambushed by Ink and his followers, he goes to Outertale where he drops into the bottomless v... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Update about what's happening with this book *Important to know*
Check these out please!

Chapter 2

3.6K 133 178
By UtAU4life

While they were going to Paints' home, the two chatted, hoping to learn more about the other. Paint learned very quickly, however, that he'd have to be patient with Misprint as he didn't seem to know any of the basic stuff that everyone grows up learning about. So, they decided that Misprint could ask about anything he didn't know, and Paint would answer them, if Misprint told him how he got hurt and where he came from. So the entire conversation they had was about the balance, Fate, Inky's ignorance, Nightmare and his gang, the battle meant to kill him, and jumping into the void. This was how Misprint learnt the name of those half-fish people.

"Okay Misprint, we're here!"

The area they arrived in after swimming in a direction for a certain amount of time, was absolutely beautiful. There were rock structures that had been carved into so the mer people could live there, and there were also other mer folk swiming around, some looking at them curiously, while others just didn't seem to notice and hurried on their way. Misprint found he didn't like the extra attention, so he hurried to catch up to Paint, who had already gone inside one of the stone-like structures.

"Uhhh Paint? May I ask who you brought home this time?" Misprint stopped dead in his tracks when he saw Dreams' alternate, as he remembered how much his arrows had hurt. However, he wasn't as scared after seeing his tail, seems like that was a good way to distinguish between the two versions of each Sans. Although, he was going to keep his guard up, as he could be in a potential enemy's hideout or something.

"Rayyouhavetohelpmehealhimheseemsreallybadlyhurtbuthesaidhedoesn'tlikebeingtouched butheneedshelpand-"

"Paint! Calm down and explain before you need help breathing and faint again or something." Once Ray(?) had calmed Paint down and got an explanation, he immediately started to try healing Misprint, only for the dark hybrid to move away.

"HoW aBoUt I JuSt WrAp Up mY oWn WoUnDs? It'Ll Be BeTtEr ThAn BeInG tOuChEd..." Paint and Ray were quick to argue, at least until they heard the last part being mumbled out. They both shared a look, knowing what the other was thinking and left some bandages on the table for Misprint to take. Taking the bandages, he thanked the other two, and started to wrap his hands, arms, ribs, then finally, his skull. Paint and Ray, who had stayed with him the entire time - in case he needed something - were in awe at how fast and skilled he was at this. It left them a little somber at the thought of why this was, and promised themselves that Ink was gonna pay in the most brutal way possible.

"Hey, Misprint?"

Turning towards the speaker, which happened to be Ray, he tilted his head in a manner that said "what is it?".

"When was the last time you had something to eat? Or sleep, for that matter."

A couple seconds passed before yelling could be heard from the stone house.

"hAhAhA! YoU'Ll NeVeR tAkE mE aLlIvE!!!"



And thus, the game of getting Misprint to eat has begun.

Meanwhile, in the original multiverse:

Blue didn't know who to kill first. Ever since Error had jumped in the void, Ink thought that creating hundreds upon millions of AUs would be a great way to celebrate his death, and since there wasn't anyone else capable of destroying in his place, the balance was crumbling at a concerning rate. His so called 'brother' had brought all of his alcoholic honey to the party Dream was hosting, and because no one told Blue what this was about, he prepared to have a good time, as well as make everyone there drunk as funk with a lot of hardcore whiskey, because, well, he still hated them, and to make sure everyone there suffered, he put a little something extra in the food and drinks. 

At the moment, Blue was outside, trying to calm down after finding out the reason behind the party. Keyword: "trying". And still was, even after over half an hour. He kept pacing back and forth, away from the building that everyone was currently inside. Honestly, the only thing stopping him from leaving this place to join Nightmare and his gang to grieve, was that it would look too suspicious. So instead, Blue chose to sit on a nearby rock to text them where he was, why he wasn't coming over and that he'd be there as soon as Carrot let him be for the night.

"bro? what're you doing out here all alone? come inside and eat something." Blue didn't have to turn around to know that it was Carrot, one of the reasons he was at this stupid party in the first place.

"Umm, about that... Is it possible for me to go home early? I'm just really tired..." Blue said, pocketing his phone and making seem as if he was actually tired, despite it being further from the truth.

"alright bro. I'm gonna make a portal to our house, okay?"

"Yes, alright. Goodnight brother."

Blue walked through the portal, shuddering as he went inside the house, since he didn't believe carrot to be his brother anymore. After waiting a couple of minutes to make sure Carrot wasn't gonna jump in at any moment, he made a portal to another underswap, to ask for a favour. Not many people knew this but almost all of the underswap copies of himself knew about the balance and were great at acting. So, he went to copy #17, on the roof of the skele-bros house, and sent a quick text to this Sans, asking if he could cover the weekend for him at his AU. The other agreed, and Bue thanked him as he was walking through another portal, this time to Nightmare mansion.

Before he could step up to the door to knock, said door opened, and a certain goopy skeletons' tentacle dragged him inside where he was hugged. This was when his mask inevidably cracked, letting him cry a little bit before he was full on sobbing on Nightmares' shoulder. Nightmare had probably sensed all the negative emotions coming off of him like waves, which was probably why he had brought Blue to this secluded area, giving him the time needed to calm down and stop crying. It had taken over an hour of Nightmare holding Blue and letting him cry his soul out - he had done this with the rest of the gang, each taking just as long as this was - and it had worked, even if Blue was a sniffiling mess, despite having no nose to do it with.

"Hey, Nightmare?"


"Why and how did we end up in a closet?"

"Wha- Oh, yeah, you weren't here when we started using it for- Alright let me explain. This is the biggest closet in this mansion without it being big enough to call a small room, 'cause we do have those. Anyway, I believe it was Cross who had found it first, which is really surprising since it's on the third floor and everyone - especially Cross - always seemed too scared to go past the second floor. Anyway, I think that he wanted to be alone but the others weren't letting him so he went where he knew no one else would go: the third floor. I'm not exactly sure what happened after he left but my guess is that he explored for a bit and after a while he might've gotten lost or something and ended up in that closet. All I know for sure is that he started crying not too long after leaving the first floor, and because I was able to sense it I knew where he was. After about an hour or something I lead him out of the closet and back downstairs, as he probably didn't know where to go, and we told the others about the closet. Ever since then, it was always referred to as the 'therapy closet', and the boys would go there everytime something was wrong, so I guess it's just a habbit now to go there whenever privacy is needed. As for how we got there, I dragged you inside with my tentacle, since you were close to breaking down, and as soon as you started crying, I teleported us in there."

While Nightmare was talking, they headed back to the living room, where everyone was huddled together, seemingly crying while waiting for Nightmare to return, however, when they saw Blue, the group tackle hugged him, and since Nightmare was right next to Blue, everyone ended up on the floor.


"Where were you? You had us worried."

"Guys, give us some space!"

"No, it's ok Nightmare. They should know anyway." Blue turned to Dust, who had asked the last question.

"To answer your question, Dust, I was at a party that was celebrating Errors' death, but I only went there because I had no idea what it was for at first. I guess you guys already know about that though huh..." He trailed off, not really knowing what to say.

"... If you went to that party... Would that mean you did something to them?" Surprisingly, it was Killer who asked next, especially considering the fact that he rarely ever talks.

"Err, yes I did, and before you ask, yes I will tell you what I put in their food and drinks. Obviously, hardcore wiskey is my personal favourite, so I put, like, two whole bottles of that when no one was looking. Then, just because I really hate them, I put a little something extra in their food and drinks that'll make them have a really bad time in the morning."

"... I'm almost scared to ask..." Cross said, everyone agreed with him.

"... What did you put in there?"

"A little something to make them have explosive diarrhea." He replied with an evil smirk.

1659 words. Not that bad actually. I was honestly going for 2000 but this will have to do I guess. Please tell me if I made a mistake somewhere in my grammar, I wasn't really thinking clearly when I wrote a part of this chapter. I don't have anything else to say here except that I probably won't be posting anything for next week because I'm spending time with my sister the whole 7 days, so I hope you don't mind waiting that long. But I will try my best to continue writing and post something before next week. No promises though.

Anyway, have a great day/night everyone!

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