save me - mattia polibio

By whitemanswhxre05

46K 1.1K 826

in which a girl, who is in danger, falls for the cute boy from her math class. but, will he be able to save... More



1.3K 38 63
By whitemanswhxre05


2 days later, i woke up to see mattia on his phone. it was his last day with me... my dad is coming back tomorrow.

"good morning," i said. he looked over at me and smiled.

"good morning," he replied.  i smiled back and threw the covers off of me, swinging my legs over to the floor. i stood up and pain immediately started shooting through my legs.

"shit," i mumbled.

"what's wrong?" mattia asked.

"nothing," i replied.  if i was being honest, i was super fucked up from last night, but i didn't want to add to his ego.

"you're sore aren't you?" he asked, stretching and laying his phone on his chest.  a smirk rested on his face.

"not at all," i said, making my way to the bathroom slowly.

"why are you limping then?" he yelled as i turned the corner. i rolled my eyes and smirked, entering the bathroom. i went to the bathroom brushed my teeth, and washed my face, then made my way back to my bedroom. mattia was in the middle of getting dressed.

"what are we doing today?" i asked as i looked over his body while he slipped his shirt on.

"do you want to go see a movie with everyone?"

"yeah, that sounds good."


"guys, guys, what movie do you want to see?" i asked, "we got sonic, doctor doolittle, the new mutants," i gasped.


"MULAN. even though i'm pissed mushu and li shang's fine ass aren't in it."

"he's a fictional cartoon character but ok," mattia said.

"maybe, but his dick game is probably still more powerful than yours."

"ooh-hooo, damn," kairi said, covering his mouth with his fist.

"shut the fuck up," mattia said. robert raised his hand for a fist bump and i pounded it.

"we both know that's not true," mattia said.

"i beg to differ."

"you didn't last night."


"so, are we seeing mulan?" vic asked, cutting the conversation off.

"you already know i'm down," i said. the boys looked iffy. i sucked my teeth.

"fine, we got top gun: maverick, wonder woman, bad boys for life, a quiet place 2, bloodshot and tenet."

"mulan is still my top choice," taylor said.

"same," i said.

"i don't really care," kairi said.

"thank you kairi."

"fine," mattia said, giving in.  i ordered the tickets, then got yelled at by mattia for paying for them.


"what do you guys want?" i asked everyone as we stood in line waiting.

"we should get two large popcorns. and i'm getting a slushee."

"yeah, same."

"okay, everyone order and i'll pay," i said.

"woah woah, slow your roll," mattia said.


"you bought the tickets."

"so?" i asked. mattia rolled his eyes.

"stop being so generous," he whined.  i gave him a 'bitch, what?' look.

"i got it," mattia said.

"i'm down," alex said.

"of course you are, broke ass," vic said. i find it so funny how much she hates him.

"next up!" the cashier called.  we all ordered what we wanted and mattia payed.

"thank you!" i said, hopping on his back.

"yeah, yeah."


"seee? what did i tell you. i told you it was gonna be good. it's mulan!" i said, walking happily out of the theater.

"it was pretty good," kairi said.

"yeah, it was."

"thank you."

"what do you guys wanna do now?"

"let's go get chipotle or something."

"oh, hell yes."


"quit- fucking throwing shit at me," mattia said to vic. then kairi pitched in and began throwing chips at mattia.  he sat next to me glaring into space. i snorted and he looked over at me, still glaring.

"this is hitting right now," robert said.

"i know," alejandro agreed.

"what do you guys want to do after this?" i asked.

"i have a ball in my car. we could go to that field and play kickball or something," mattia said.

"i fuckin love kickball!" i exclaimed.

"shhh!" one of the other customers hushed.

"sorry," i grimaced.


"next kicker!" alex yelled.  i stepped up to the base, stretching jokingly, then stopping because i realized i'm a dumbass.

"ready for this?" robert asked, as he was the one rolling.

"hell yeah, let's go," i said and clapped.  robert rolled the ball and i took a few steps forward as it came toward me. i kicked it as hard as i can, just a little bit to the side. i stood still for a few seconds, watching the ball soar through the air.

"RUN DUMB ASS!" kairi yelled from behind me.

"oh shit!" i said and started running. no one caught the ball, so i kept running. i got to second base before mattia could hit me with the ball.


"i'm surprised your little legs could get you that far after last night," he teased.

"oh shut up."


we played kickball until it was dark out and i started getting tired. 

"hey guys, i think we should go now," mattia said.


"kairi, i'll give you a ride home," mattia said.


"okay, i'll see you all soon," i said, giving everyone a hug. i opened my arms to give robert a hug, but he gave me the stank eye and backed away.

"fuck you then."

"i'm kidding," he laughed and gave me a hug.

"okay, bye guys. love you all. except you robert!" i said, getting in mattia's car. he held up the middle finger as we drove away.


"here you go kairi," i said, handing him the aux cord.

"really?" he asked, holding his chest. i laughed.

"take it," i said.  he took it and plugged his phone in.

"we should go to the fair this august," i said, scrolling on my phone.

"yeah, that would be fun," mattia said.  we got to my house and i looked over at him.

"thanks for driving me, i'll text you later," i said, placing a soft kiss on his lips.


"bye teeny."

"bye tiny," i smiled and opened the car door, getting out and walking to my front door. i got inside and closed the door behind me, smiling at the memories from today. i took my shoes off, leaving them by the front door. i tucked my phone in my back pocket and headed upstairs to my room.  i opened the door and my dad was sitting on the bed, facing away from me. all of my stuff was scattered on the floor. pictures of mattia and i, my necklace, my trash. in that trash can was the condom from last night with mattia. shit.

"who is he?" my dad asked, standing up slowly, still turned away from me.  i didn't say anything.

"i'm gonna ask you, one more fucking time. who is he?"

"he-he's just a friend," i said, my voice small.

"just a friend?" he asked, facing me.

"this says otherwise," he held up a polaroid vic took of us kissing. fuck.

"this says otherwise," he said, holding up the 'mattia' necklace. he was getting closer to me with every word he spoke. i was stepping back with every step he took forward.

"HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN LYING TO ME?" he yelled.  i turned around and headed for the stairs, but before i could get to them, my hair was being pulled harshly.


"you're a slut!" he yelled.  he threw me down on the floor, kicking my side. he kicked my side a few more times before kicking me hard enough to make me tumble down the stairs. i heard my dad's footsteps thundering as i struggled to get up. my face was slammed into the ground, making me a little lightheaded.

"get up, whore!" he yelled.  my side was getting kicked again, and the only thing i could think to do was curl up in a little ball.

"p-please stop."

"i told you if i ever caught you being a slut, i'd kill you. i'm keeping that promise," he spat.  another harsh kick to my side. at this point, my only chance was to try and fight back, but there is no way in hell i could win. i stood up and tried to swing, but my fist was caught. he twisted my arm until it hurt, then he twisted it more.  i heard a crack. i let out the loudest scream i have ever heard in my life.

"shut the fuck up!" he said, throwing me on the floor again.

"please, stop," i sobbed. he responded with a kick to my face.

it's too dark.  are you there? i can't feel you.  sit with me.  please, don't leave me. 

*mattia's p.o.v*

as i was pulling off of y/n's street, i noticed something in my passenger seat.

"hold on, she forgot her necklace," i said, grabbing it and turning again to circle the block.

"can't you just give it to her some other time?" kairi asked, crawling into the front seat.

"nah, it's her mom's."

"aw," he replied.  i can't believe all the shit going on in her life. i wish i could give her the world.  i pulled into her driveway and parked the car.

"i'll be right back, one second," i said and got out of the car, closing the door behind me. that's when i heard it. it was the most piercing scream i've ever heard in my life coming from inside.  shit. i ran back to the car and opened the door.

"kairi, call 911 right now."


"just fucking do it!" i yelled and rushed up to the door, swinging it wide open.

i won't leave you if you don't leave me.

    she was laying lifeless on the floor. her dad was kicking her.

"get the fuck away from her!" i yelled.  he stumbled backwards. i rushed over to her and fell to my knees, checking her pulse. it was faint, but it was still there.  she's still here.

"oh, you're the one that turned my daughter into a slut," he laughed.

"mattia, i called the c-" i looked back to see kairi. he was holding his phone, but it dropped when he saw y/n in the state that she was in.

"kairi, take her to the hospital, kinder pediatric. i'll meet you there," i said, my voice breaking from seeing her like this.

"you're not taking her anywhere," her father said and tried to grab her from my arms. i held her away from him and kairi rushed over, picking her up. her 'dad' tried to reach for her, but i stood in his way.

"you're not ever coming near her again."

"who the hell are you to tell me that? she's my daughter," he said, shoving me.

"no she's not! not if you treat her like that. let me tell you, your daughter is the best fucking thing that has ever happened to me, and you, you treat her like a piece of shit! you don't fucking touch her like that! she doesn't deserve it," i yelled, shoving at him twice as hard. 

"she should have chosen to live with me then."

"are you fucking kidding me? you-" words could not describe how angry i was at this fucking prick. i drew my arm back and punched him in the face with full force. he fell back onto the floor and i gave him a good kick. then another one. i got carried away by the thought of him doing this to y/n.

"you're never gonna be able to fucking touch her again!" i backed away from him when i heard sirens.  i made sure he wouldn't get up before i went outside.  the police pulled up and asked what was happening. 

"he's been beating his daughter, my girlfriend, y/n y/l/n, he's inside.  our best friend is driving her to the hospital," i said.  2 other officers went inside and came back out with her father in handcuffs. 

"we'll need to take a statement from you at the station."

"no, please, i need to go see my girlfriend.  i need to know that she's okay," i said.  the officer sighed.  (ACAB)

"i can take you there.  i'll need her statement as well."

"thank you."


    i pulled out my phone on the way to the hospital and called kairi. 


"kairi! is she okay? please tell me she's okay.  i'm on my way there right now."

"she... she hasn't woken up yet, but she is stable.  her arm is broken, she has 6 bruised ribs and a concussion," he said, his voice breaking. 

"are they letting you see her?"

"yes.  i'm with her right now.  robert and vic are here too.  taylor and alejandro are on the way."

"okay.  okay, i'll be there soon."

"hey, it's all gonna be okay," he said as a tear strolled down my face. 



"we just need a quick statement.  that's all.  then you can go see your girlfriend," the female officer spoke.  my knee bounced up and down as i sat in the waiting room. 

"okay, start from the beginning."

"i was driving y/n home after playing kickball with some of our friends-"

"was there any drinking at this kickball game?"

"no, there wasn't.  not that it matters anyway, that's not the point.  i was driving her home.  she was in the front seat, and our friend kairi was in the back.  i kissed her goodbye when we got to her house.  she got out, went inside, then i pulled out of her driveway.  i was at the end of her street when i saw that she left her necklace in the passenger seat.  i circled the block and made my way back to her house so i could give her the necklace-"

"why couldn't you give it to her another time."

"because i know it's important to her."

"and why is that?"

"it's her mother's.  she passed away 8 months ago."

"i see.  continue."

"when i got to her house, i got out of the car.  that's when i heard her screaming," i said.  i hated thinking about that moment.  to hear her scream like that-

"i told kairi to call the cops.  when i got inside, she was unconscious and he was just-" i had to pause.  she looked so lifeless.  i thought i lost her.  i still might...

"he kept kicking her.  i yelled at him to get away from her.  i rushed in and went to check her pulse.  what he said next was 'you're the one that turned my daughter into a slut.'"

"and what did he mean by that?"

"i don't know.  i didn't ask him.  kairi came in after that.  i told him to take her here.  her dad didn't want us to.  he tried to reach for her, but i didn't let him touch her.  after kairi left, it was just some back and forth.  then he pushed me, so i pushed him back.  he... i punched him.  in the face.  then i got pissed because i didn't understand how he could do that to her and i just started kicking him.  i stopped when i heard the sirens, and that's where you came in."

"what exactly was this back and forth you're talking about?" the officer asked, writing everything down. 

"well, first i told him he's not going to ever come near her again.  then he denied that because she's his 'daughter.' i made the point that he wouldn't have been treating her like that if he saw her as a daughter.  that's where the shoving kicked in," i said.  the officer nodded as she wrote everything else down. 

"okay, thank you for your time.  you're free to go now," she finally said.  i've never run so fast in my life.  i needed to see her more than i needed air. 

i'm coming.

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