Keys to the Kingdom

By yellowlamp89

77.8K 980 1.5K

"Would you kindly undress so that I may relieve myself?" My jaw dropped and Hisoka laughed. He winked at me a... More

Just Married
Simp City, Population: Illumi
Going Out
Out for a Walk
nothing to worry about
The plan to catch Kei
The fight
Dinner preparation.
The dinner
A day at the beach
The date?
The date? Part 2
First day of (summer) school
Homemade Tatoo
Illumi's here
Bye (for now)
Making up
The signing
What about the Ramen?
Relieving Illumi
Testing our love pt 1
Testing our love part 2
Easier Said than Done
The fated phone call #4
Put a pin in it
Cave- Dwelling Eel
Heart's Content
Flower goddess on the way
My pink monster
Deal with the devil in the dark
Not an update

The sleepover

1.6K 19 64
By yellowlamp89

I nodded at his touching words and I kissed his cheek softly, then I laughed a bit. He frowned at me and said, "what?" I rolled out of our embrace and I started to put my clothes on. As I dressed I said cheerfully, "friends don't really sit naked in each other's arms. I mean, I don't know who you're friends with but that's considered a tad bit abnormal." He just stared at me as I put my bra on and he frowned. I faced him as I dressed and I said while smiling, "Illumi that was a joke! Gosh!" He just tilted his head and rested it on his fist as he looked at me. His hair luscious tumbled over his shoulder and his pale lips parted ever so slightly as his dark eyes took in the sight of me. I blushed and smiled sheepishly back at him.  We gazed at each other, but I tore my eyes away to get dressed quickly before anything else happened. I could tell that He was even more at ease now, and casually watched me as I bent over to pick up my underwear. I could feel his eyes on my ass and on Hisoka's symbols. He let out a soft breath and leaned toward me and I quickly pulled my undwear up. I looked at him again and he was leisurely watching me still. Blushed deeply and I felt embarrassed and awkward as he looked at me, I crossed my arms over my chest aresyed one hand on each shoulder and I looked down. He frowned and held his arms out for a hug. He said deadpan, "it seems you're uncomfortable. Come." My anxiety melted away and my face wore a relived expression. I eagerly jumped onto the bed an tackled him in a huge, happy hug. We fell back together and I tried to wrestle him and he let me pin him down. I looked down at his hair sprawled out on the bed. My mouth parted in awe as as I took in illumi's svelte and lean body and face. I gaped at him and compared his appearance to Hisoka's in my mind. He was the total the opposite of Hisoka's rippling abs and heavily muscular form and curvy hips and backside. My jaw dropped as I admired how beautiful and handsome Illumi was. I rested my hands on his narrow hips and I noticed how much his body looked like a panther's lean muscular form. I sat there in stunned awe at his willowy beauty. After a few moments of me staring and gently pressing my hands onto his smooth, cold skin, he sat up wnd tipped his head to the side in silent question. I grimaced and quickly moved off of him. I rubbed the back of my neck sheepish and I whispered, "Im sorry it's just, it's just you're beautiful Illumi, your movements, your everything are so lithe and graceful. You're so strong Illumi, but in a completely different way than I've ever known before. You're- you're just beautiful and amazing."  He dipped his head as a gesture of thanks and some of his thick hair his fell over his shoulder. He whispered softly, "thank you y/n." We sat in silence staring at each other and I decided I'd lighten up the mood. I said loudly while hitting his shoulder, " just then when I tackled you, we were supposed to play fight. You can't just give up like that Illumi! Next time you better fight back, or else!." I elbowed him and a the corners of his lips upturned and he said curiously, "oh? Play fight like children?" I rolled my eyes and and pushed him lightly. "Whatever." I said while smirking and I waved my hand dismissively. I grabbed his underwater and threw it at him. He caught them and put them on silently. I grabbed the remote and snuggled next to him. He wrapped his arm around me and I turned on the TV. " oooooooh what should we watch? The cooking channel? I swear to god I learned how to make soufflé because of them, I'm like a master chef now, Hahahaha! ." My smile melted away as I realized all my soufflés were shit and Hisoka had to help me cook all the time. Illumi closed his eyes and said, "I rarely watch television, y/n. I don't care at all what we watch." I gasped at his comment and I decided I'd buy a movie through the hotel service channel rather than watch a show. The movie I decided on was Ferris Bueller's Day off, an absolute classic. I turned to Illumi and I held his hand and said, "Illumi, you are staying here, and you are watching this movie with me! This is so good and it's like, a must see for anyone our age." I laughed and realized he was a good few years older than me so I elbowed him and said while winking, "well it's a must see for anyone my age, old man." He said nothing  turned away from me and I laughed. I grabbed his arms and forced him to turn back to me. I grinned at him and wrapped my arms around him. He stared at me and his frown morphed into a smile and he flicked my forehead. I cried out in pain and I said "hey what was that for?!" He shrugged said matter-of-factly, "I'm not old. You're just young." I rolled my eyes and said, "whatever Lumi." I rested my head on his chest and I looked to the tv and turned it up. At the beginning of the movie I squealed in excitement. He turned his head toward me and stroked my shoulder with his feather light touch. As the movie went on, I turned my body toward him and whispered in his ear "Ferris, that kid? He's totally faking being sick. And parents are gonna fall for it, it's great, just-just hold on. You'll see! I can't believe you've never seen this movie! You're gonna love it!" We kept watching and Illumi smiled and whispered back, "well it seems as though he is putting on quite a convincing performance." I nodded and throughout the movie we held each other talked. Well, I talked and laughed the most, but he offered small smiles and comments here and there. He had laughed once when Ferris told the audience about his friend something like, "if he had coal stick up his ass he's so tense, in a week you'd have a diamond." It was when paused the movie and I said seriously to Illumi, smiling a little bit, "that's just like you, Illumi." At that, he laughed and pulled me into a hug and he smelled my hair. I held his hand and I happily held onto him as we watched the upbeat movie.

The end of the movie came too soon and I held on to Illumi. He held me in return and I said anxiously am clearly upset, "what do we do now? I don't know if Hiso will be ok with me being with you. Like, we're not going to have sex or anything but still, he won't like it but I don't want to say goodbye to you just yet. When you aren't acting crazy, I like hanging out with you, Illumi. You calm me down, I like having you around sometimes." I grinned at him and dramatically draped my body across Illumi's midsection. I said while pressing the back of my hand to my forehead, "Ugh, whatever shall we do?"Illumi rested his hand on my stomach and he stared out the window for a few seconds and then looked back to me and said, "we go through with the contract, schedule in time for us to be together, set stipulations concerning our relationship to appease Hisoka, and continue with the processes at scheduled. Then, you and I can spend time together." I sat up and he did too. he pulled me onto his lap and I held his hand and said hesitantly, "oh, ok that-that could work, yeah. But won't it be unfair for us to ask for a fee? Like we originally wanted?" Illumi shrugged and said, "y/n money doesn't matter to me, you do. It would appease Hisoka if I paid you all for you to spend time with me after what I did." I scooted off his lap and I said, "yeah but I'd feel bad, we're friends now." He shook his head and said, " I have no use for your guilt y/n. Unlike Hisoka it is not my desire to torture you emotionally." I pressed my lips into a firm line and I said, "illumi, just because I love you doesn't mean I'll tolerate you talking about Hisoka like that. He still is my husband, got it?" Illumi opened his mouth to speak then closed it again. He thought for a bit and said quietly, "yes I understand... but what made you realize you loved me?" I picked at my nails as I tried to remember what it was. I thought for a bit and replied, "It was when my friend was dying in my arms and I called Hisoka like 11 times in a row and he didn't pick up. He left me, as per usual but I called you once and you were there for me, no questions asked. You knew how to help me, your voice helped me to focus, you knew exactly what to say and do. I was a mess, I could barely think straight and you guided me, and i worked almost perfectly because of you. You were the one that cared for me when I truly needed it, and that matters to me. in that tramuazting moment you were there for me, you helped me to unlock a part of myself I had never used and actually conjure human flesh using my healing abilities and my conjuring abilities. That's like unheard of Illumi, and you helped me reach my full potential in that moment. I always felt for you and tried to understand you, and be there for you when I could. But in that moment, your cold intensity is what made me flourish. So I appreciated  you for who you were more and I just loved you after that. I just felt like I could ask you to support me with anything and you would do it without a second thought. Just the fact that you were there for me, that you love me no matter what I say or do- it means the world, to me Illumi." I squeezed his hand and he leaned in to kiss me. I shook my head a bit as I looked up at him and he smiled sadly. He kissed my cheek softly. I smiled back at him and he hugged me tightly and whispered, "I'll always be there for you, y/n. I will always be here to hold you and listen to you. You can count on me always y/n, always." I hugged him back and we slowly fell back on the bed together. I pressed myself into him as I kissed his cheeks lightly. His dark eyes stared up at me as he leaned up and brushed his soft, cold lips against mine and I blushed deeply and I rolled off of him. He sat up and murmured, "I'm sorry, y/n." He reached for my hand and I took it. I sighed.

I was readying my myself to say good bye to him, even though I figured Hisoka would probably be out all night. I didn't want to hold Illumi hostage so I looked down in disappointment and I opened my mouth to say goodbye but he read my expression and said quickly, "so, what are we watching next my y/n?" I shook my head at his quick thinking and I grinned. "Wait, so do you want to have a sleepover with me?" I asked excitedly. He looked at me with his big, dark eyes and said softly, "I've never had one of those." My jaw dropped and I said excitedly, "oh my gosh, well aren't you in for a treat Lumi?" He held my hands and said, "it would seem so, my flower."

I went down to the hotel lobby to go to see if they had any snacks for sale. It looked like I was in a upscale hotel, but it didn't seem apart of a chain. They seemed pretty keen on sustainability and organic stuff. I shrugged and figured I liked their idea and appreciation for the environment. I happily explored the lobby and eventually found the food and drinks. I laughed out loud at the drink choices, no soda, just kombucha, smoothies, chia seed drinks, fair trade coffee and other such things. I looked for the microwave popcorn and I sighed with relief at seeing it. It wasn't a brand I recognized and it wasn't wrapped in plastic but popcorn was popcorn, at this point. I grabbed as many drinks and snacks as i could carry and I figured I'd just buy a bag too, to put it all in. I payed using my phone and I looked into the brown bag, surveying my haul. I nodded in approval and I looked around again hoping to find some nail polish. My prayers were answered and they sold basic makeup and hygienic provisions as well as nail polish. I grabbed some polish and some organic cotton pads with a 'cooling effect' and bought them too. While I was down there I ordered us a pizza and waited for it to come. I waited in the lobby for about fifteen minutes and it came. I grinned and ran up to the room. I burst in the door and I found Illumi sitting cross cross applesauce on the bed, meditating. I slammed the door shut and the painting of a tree in a bright meadow on the wall rattled. Illumi opened his eyes slowly and turned his attention to me. My heart pounded as I looked at his blank expression and I shivered. He asked in a deadpan tone"what's wrong my y/n?" I frowned and told him the truth "even though I love you, I still find you a bit creepy." He frowned and I said quickly, "but it's ok, I forgive you for looking like a ghost sometimes." I smiled as he scoffed and unfolded his legs and got off the bed. He gently took my bag and off my arm and dumped the contents onto the bed.  I set the pizza box down, grabbed the remote and some napkins and climbed up onto the bed. I smiled proudly and he just stared at the stuff.  He furrowed his brow and said confusedly, " what is all this?" I put my hands on my hips and took my hair out of its ponytail. I mocked his neutral expression and I said, "what is all this y/n I've never seen sleepover food before?" I started laughing at my own ridiculous impression. I got up put some of the popcorn in the microwave as I kept laughing at my own joke. The popping started snd, Illumi came over to me and scowled. He put his hands on his hips and said, " what an awful impression of me. Your hair isn't nearly long enough to begin with, you can't mock me properly without being at least a little bit accurate." I smiled and pushed him. He smiled a close lipped smile and pushed me back. I grinned and tackled him. This time he fought back and we rolled around on the floor, wrestling with me for a good few minutes. At this point I was breaking a sweat trying to get a hold on him but he kept slipping out of my grasp. We both were fighting for dominance and but it it was an excuse for him to touch me and I didn't mind. He gripped my thighs and I moaned. He smiled and flipped me over so he was on top of me. He leaned down and moved his hands under my shirt and held my waist. Momentarily frozen I looked up at him in surprise.he smirked and leaned down slowly and wedged himself between my legs and ground his hard cock into me through my pants. I gasped and he kissed my neck and whispered, "I've incapacitated you now flower. Have I won?" I snapped out of it and and he noticed my narrowed yes and tried to pin me to the floor but before he could, i exhaled preparing myself to strike and Iand I wrapped my legs around his abdomen and I pulled him towards me and I propelled us to roll over and I landed on top of him and pinned him dow. I grinned smugly and I yelled, "so do you yield old man, huh, do ya?" He said in a monotone tone,  "no." And he grabbed my thighs again and wrenched me off him and sent me flying at the wall. I conjured a breeze to make me hit the bed instead of the wall. "Lumi you fucking cheater! That hurt!" He got up off the floor and dusted off his pants. When I had come back he had gotten fully dressed again. He smiled an almost imperceptibly small grin and laid down beside me in bed and said, "I think I win, my flower." I grinned and nodded. I winked and said, "yeah, this time." I elbowed him and he looked at his hands, like he didn't know what to do with them. I sighed and put his arm around my shoulder and wrapped his other arm around my waist. He exhaled and he slowly tightening his arms around me, and it reminded me of how a snake tightens its muscled hold on its prey.

I once had a pet snake, and that's how I knew kind of what it felt like to have a snake coiling around you. My snake was a harmless little thing (Elaine never allowed me to get anything longer or wider than my arm) but it was cute and it liked to wrap tightly around my arm. Hisoka wanted to kill it and Elaine hated it but I loved Mr. Snakkle, my snake. I smiled and I turned on "the breakfast club". I got up for  the popcorn and opened the bag. I rocketed up and jumped back in bed, aiming for Illumi. His eyes widened and he had to roll out the way to avoid my body slam. I laughed happily and stood up on the bed and looked down at him condescendingly. He trained his dark eyes on me and my smirk and he grabbed my hand quickly and pulled me down beside him. He narrowed his eyes at me as we lay side by side by side in an accusatory tone he said, "you were going to jump on me. Were you not?" I rolled my eyes and said airily, "maybe, maybe not. Let's just say it's a good thing you've got fast reflexes hm?." I grinned and winked at him and he set his mouth in a firm, slightly annoyed line. I blew sassily him a kiss and eagerly grabbed a bottle of kombucha and a bowl to put the popcorn in. I poured in candy with the popcorn and I set the bowl it between us and I opened a berry flavored kombucha. He just stared at the bottle suspiciously and I sighed and said, "my god, Illumi, it's not poison! It's actually kinda good and it's all they had so..." he smirked and opened his bottle and  I called out happily, "cheers!" and clanked his bottle with mine. He looked confused and said, "cheers to what my flower?" I sat back on my haunches and I said, eyes, shining, "to being happy." He looked down and then looked back at me. His black eyes reminiscent of a bottomless abyss seemed to widen just a bit and a ghost of a smile played on his lips. He echoed "to being happy." We clanked bottles and drank. I contemplated taking off my pants to get comfortable, because I didn't have any pajamas. I sat there thoughtfully and he noticed my look. "What?" He asked. I laughed and said lightly, "can I take off my pants? Or would that be , like, inappropriate for us, like since we're trying to be friends, ya know. Don't want to make it..." I trailed off and he smiled and observed me for a bit too long. I started to squirm a bit under his gaze and he said finally, "my love, considering the fact that I've seen you naked before, I simply don't understand why this is a difficult decision for you. Do what you like, and I will respect your wishes, regardless of how much clothing you wear." I smiled at him and whispered, "thanks Lumi. Plus, wearing underwear is like wearing a swimsuit, so it's not even that bad! Right?" He said nothing just watched me. I scrunched up my nose at him and shimmied out of my pants. He held out his arms for  me once I was done and I crawled over to him. 

I snuggled into his embrace and I looked up at him. He slowly tuned to look at me and his large, dark  eyes were trained on me. I looked at him and took in his dark hair framing his pale face, narrow nose, and accentuating his midnight eyes. that, coupled with the feeling of his arms constricting around me and I whispered, "you're like my pet snake." He said "what." And I laughed and embarrassedly I said, "no, it's like you remind me of my pet snake I used to have, Mr. Snakkle. He was really cool, and super cute and... I mean he's dead now but, yeah...sorry, I didn't mean to make it sound like you were my pet, you're not my pet. you're my friend and part time therapist." I winked at him and the corners of his mouth upturned slightly and he whispered while squeezing me tightly, "I'll be your pet snake, your full-time therapist and your friend, my flower. I'll be whatever you want from me." I grinned and leaned my head on his chest as we watched the movie. As we saw each iconic high school stereotype file into the library I smiled and clutched his arm as I mumbled happily, "pet snake, heh." I grabbed a piece of pizza, dipped it in ranch and ate it as we watched the movie together in each other's arms.

Before we knew it, it was 4:26am. Neither Illumi or I was tired and there was popcorn all over the bed, Illumi had taken his shirt off to reveal his sleek, toned and lissom form. The pizza was half gone and there was a ranch stain on Illumi's pants from when I had accidentally spilled the container on him. I had popcorn in my hair from when he put it there and ate off of my head which was different, but not necessarily harmful, it was kinda cute actually. I also had grease on my legs from when he insisted on resting his slice of pizza on my thigh instead of on a napkin or a plate. His explanation had been , "I would rather have my food taste faintly of you rather than faintly of a napkin." I replied with matter of factly "well your pizza already tastes faintly of the cardboard box it was in, so how are you going to differentiate that taste from the taste of your pizza? Oh wait, you can't, because it doesn't ducking matter Lumi so put it on a napkin! Not me! Im not even that clean right now!" He scowled at me and slapped his slice down on my bare thigh and said, "well if I am to be your pet snake, them you are to be my pet plate." I wanted to tell him that's not how pets worked but I just smiled at his oddness and twirled a strand of his hair between my fingers as we watched the teenagers from the movie smoke weed and sit in a circle and talk and share their stories. I was entrained by it and in that moment I found myself wishing I went to a normal school, so maybe I could've made friends like this. I looked over at Illumi and he was frowning and watching the movie. He looked puzzled and I placed my hand on his chest and asked softly, "what is it?" He said thoughtfully, "having friends seems quite nice. We were always forbidden to make friends. There was only our family and our training, and such thoughts prompt me to wonder why would I be kept from this? It's harmless, and seems like it has the capacity to bring me happiness." I munched on some pizza and I said with my mouth half full, "two things. One, really good friends hold a special place in your heart that distracts you from serving your family and doing your job. Two, it's hard to become a ruthless assassin when you grow attached to your fellow human beings. In my opinion at least. But, I guess the second one is kind of wrong because Elaine has friends and she kills people... Well, wait no... Illumi you were raised especially to be a clear-headed methodical killing machine, but do you have the overwhelming urge to go out and kill people or serve your family right in this moment?" He paused thoughtfully and took a a small bite out of his lap pizza and re-set his piece on my thigh. He absentmindedly ran his hand through my hair and said, "hmm well no, I suppose not. This had never occurred to me, this I'd interesting. This is perplexing, how peculiar, hmmmm." I wrapped my arm around him and I said brightly, "don't read too much into it Illumi, if Hisoka is good for anything, it's reminding me to savor and live in the moment, and not overthink things. Got it, Lumi? Let's take a page out of his book and don't  get upset and over think things! I do that sometimes and it never ends well. So, Keep eating my lap pizza, snuggling with me and watching this movie." He looked down and put his fingers to his chin and went "hmmm." I scowled and head chopped him. He jolted and I screamed, "live in the moment goddamit Lumi! Watch these kids bond, dance, and make a fool of their principle and cuddle meeeeee!" He smiled and nodded. He whispered a thank- you and I shoved popcorn into my face and drank some kombucha as I winked at him and coughed trying to say "sure thing Lumi" with my mouth full. his shoulders shook as he laughed at me. I Coughed and cleared my throat. He rubbed my back and I smiled happily back at him. He he slid his arm around my waist and pulled me into him once again.

Though back to right now, we were both standing  up in front of the bed, glaring at each other. I had kombucha in one hand, and a candy bar (still in its wrapper) tucked in the side of my underwear for later. I held a black bottle of nail polish and I repeated angrily, waving my kombucha bottle, "we're watching King Arthur next and you will let me paint your nails black! It matches your goth aesthetic and your soulless eyes, Lumi!" He growled and pointed at me. He said in an annoyed tone, "no, I told you, I do not want black! And how dare you speak to a Zoldyck like that? Especially with the heinous sight of you storing food in your underwear like an unrefined layperson!" He crossed his arms and said sternly, "we are going to watch Murder on the Orient Express next, and you will not be painting my nails black. Any color but black, I mean it." I groaned in annoyance and I argued, " well, that movie will put us to sleep! It's not riveting, Lumi. And, for your information this candy bar is still in its wrapper. If it wasn't for you eating all the food, I wouldn't feel the need to commandeer my own shit. It's your fault, you-" he rushed forward and suddenly pinned  me against the wall. I laughed and said looking up at him challengingly, "Lumi are you really serious right now? you're the one whose shirtless and has popcorn in your hair. I mean I put it there, but..." He shoved his face in mine and growled, "Orient. Express. Or else I hold you down and paint your nails black, how does that sound y/n?" I scrunched my nose up in disgust and I squeaked, "no! I don't want black on my nails! It doesn't look good on me!" He seethed and crossed his arms and stared at me scarily.  I looked up at his intimidating expression and I quickly spat, "fine! But I get to braid your hair, then." He let me go and nodded. He walked silently over to the bed and sat down and got the remote and turned the movie on. I crossed my arms, pouting as I stayed where I was. He looked over at me and scowled. Annoyed, he said in a commanding tone, "get over here and come braid my hair, and watch this movie with me." I huffed indignantly and he said threateningly "now." I uncrossed my arms and I couldn't help but smile a little bit at getting a rise out of him, since he usually was so collected and calculating. He stared at me intensely and I climbed into bed next to him, and I sat down behind him.mHe turned on the movie and we took alternating sips of water, kombucha, and caffeinated green tea as we watched. I had already seen it before but he made me promise not to spoil it or else he'd 'boil me alive.' I ran my hands through his thick luscious hair and I smelled it happily. I sighed and he said in a judgmental tone, "are you smelling my hair?" I quickly dropped it and I said, "no of course not. Here." I shoved my panty candy bar in his hands to distract him and he scowled and took it. I laughed at his expression and I exclaimed, "what Lumi, you don't like pussy flavored chocolate?" I separated his hair into three even strands and I begin to braid it tightly, but not ridiculously tight. He scowled and looked back at me. I winked at him and he turned back around. While he was looking at the movie, he whispered, "only if it was your flavor, my soft flower." I bit my lip and let his hair go. I tried to resist the urge to pounce on him and I took a deep breath. I steadied my hands on my slightly greased thighs and looked into his deep bottomless eyes. he looked at me hungrily. I felt my nipples get hard and I ached to have his mouth on me. I bit my lip and returned that hungry look. I fought to keep my moan inside me and just as he began to lean toward me I snapped myself out of it and I plopped down behind him again and I started braiding his hair. I tried to suppress the growing heat at the apex of my thighs so I decided I'd distract myself by messing with him a little bit. He stayed silent and I mischievously smiled and I leaned down to whisper into his ear. "Lumi?" He replied with "yes y/n?" As he watched the movie. I breathed lightly into his ear and I said . "Do you want to know something Lumi?" He held his breath and said expectantly, "yes flower?" "The guy Dep Johnny is playing? He dies. Yup, dead as a doornail." Illumi turned around angrily and said evenly , "are you serious y/n? Do not ruin this for me! Especially after I drank that repulsive drink for you! How dare you?!" I laughed and turned his head forward. He liked it just as much as I did. I braided his hair contently as I listened to the movie a bit but my main concentration was on his hair. I took out most of the popcorn in his hair as I found it, but I left some in there as I weaved my hands through his beautiful hair.

A few minutes later, I was done with his braid and it was absolutely beautiful. His long, thick hair lent itself perfectly to a braid.  I had him stand up and reluctantly, he did. I admired my handiwork (it took a few tries) and he looked in the mirror. The braid reached the base of his back. His hair was usually down to about his knees. He smiled in the mirror and turned toward me. He looked happy and he whispered, "this is beautiful, my flower, thank you my goddess. I've never thought to wear it like this. Well, I've never had someone to..." he trialed off and I nodded at him. I linked our arms and I smiled and stood next to him as we looked at ourselves in the I stared at us It gave me deja vu from when Hisoka and I had been standing side by side on the boat during the Hunter Exam. I frowned at the memory of how much fun Hisoka and I had and what had followed the name to morning.I  turned toward Illumi. In an apologetic tone I said, "Lumi, I'm really sorry about that night on the boat during the Hunter Exam. I didn't know anyone else was on our floor. I know hearing us-i know that must've hurt you badly and I'm so so so so sorry, Lumi, so sorry. Hisoka told me we were the only ones on that floor that night." He frowned down at me as he Looked at me. He took my hands and gazed into my eyes and said intently, "it was torture, absolute torture. I wanted to die in that moment. I wanted to rip Hisoka apart and take you, and that's exactly what I tried to do. I too am sorry my flower. I overstepped my boundaries when I inserted my pin into his mind. I'm sorry to have caused you so much pain. My desperation for your understanding, and thoughtful conversations, for your affection, for your soft, sweet body, for your pure love drove me to act impulsively and out of turn. I too apologize, I never want to drive you away from me again." I nodded and held his hand back. "Yeah you did some bad things, some things that really hurt us, Lumi. But As long as you really truly are sorry, and you promise to never put your pin in me or Hisoka or try to pry us apart then I forgive you; for everything; but only if you really promise. for realsies." He nodded and touched his braid. He sat quietly and he eventually whispered, " I promise my flower. I'm so so -sorry to have caused you any pain y/n. I love you so much. I've never felt this kind of human attachment before to this depth, to this extent. The goodness of it is foreign to me, and it baffles me. Never before have I felt so accepted, so at ease, and so safe in someone's presence before. I had trouble adapting to this feeling but I love you regardless." I hugged him and whispered into his bare muscled chest, " ok then, Lumi. I love you too... Let's keep watching the movie. I'm glad you feel safe with me, and at ease. That's how it's supposed to be." I paused and looked up at him and how the moonlight streaming through the indie illuminated his white face and dark features. I got on my tippy toes and kissed his chin. He leaned down and looked at me with his black eyes and I got butterflies as I looked into his otherworldly handsomeness and he looked to me like the embodiment of the night. I held his hands and his dark eyes bore into me. He squeezed my hands and I said quietly said, "well, ill never hear the end of it we don't watch this movie and you don't get your answers to your  mystery." He the corner of his mouth upturned and he nodded, he  picked me up snd threw me on the bed. I laughed as he jumped into the bed and I had to roll out his way. "Hey! Were you trying to hit me?" He threw a bottle of water at me and he shrugged casually, with a small smile playing on his lips. "Maybe" he mumbled. I chuckled and snuggled next to him. He wrapped his arm around me and I whispered, "thank you Illumi, for being there for me before, and now. This, no, you are making me feel better and I'm so happy for it. I feel lighter now that I have someone I can unload all my troubles with. I feel lighter with you, and I love you for always helping me. You mean a quite a lot to me." He kissed the top of my head and said nothing. I sighed and leaned into him. I took alternating sips of kombucha and water between eating the popcorn and m and m mixture. Illumi did something similar with his food but he ate far more politely and a lot less than I did. As we watched, I heard him gasp as the guy I said was going to get murdered did. He whispered to me, " my flower I dislike you so much in this moment, I was expecting it so it was less surprising and I blame you, y/n." I chuckled and said, "just be glad I didn't tell you who the murderer was." He threw some popcorn at my face and returned to intently watching the movie. I laughed as I picked popcorn out of my hair and put some pieces into his braid. He batted my hand away but he was still mostly engrossed by the movie. I looked at Illumi and I was glad to be able to let loose and enjoy his company and his counsel. Plus, it had been a while since I had a good quality sleepover with a real friend besides a Hisoka and Elaine.

As the movie went in, I eventually I decided I'd paint his toe nails a light purple color, somewhat similar to the color of my aura. I figured we could match colors in that way. I methodically painted his nails and it was a bit of a sloppy job but that was why I don't want to do his fingernails. Still I concentrated on his short toenails and my tongue was sticking out my mouth with my efforts. For the most part he was watching the movie and talking with me about what was going on, but he occasionally laughed at me and my "pitiful artistry." i ignored him and when I was finished with his toes I sung the 
"this little light went to market" song and played with his toes.He looked away from the tv and down at me playing with his toes and singing "and this little piggy went to market, this little piggy went home, this little piggy was a hip little piggy and he boogie woogied all the way home! And he said oink oink, and he said oink oink!" I looked up happily to see a confused Illumi. He said puzzled, "did you make that up?" I frowned and pinched his calf. He didn't flinch or wince like I wanted him to and I said, "Nope I didn't make it up! I remember my mom and grandma used to do that stuff with my toes and sing little songs. They were the greatest. My dad too, but in a different way. He was kind of a tough guy. But yeah." I looked down and got a bit sad looking back on fuzzy childhood memories of my dead parents was always heartwarming to remember them but it hurt also to know they were gone forever. At least they lived on within me. I sniffed and Illumi said gently, "they sound wonderful. I'd like to meet them sometime my flower. I grimaced and I said deadpan, "well, they're both dead." Illumi's face fell and he leaned toward me and said, "come here my fragile flower. So beautiful you are, such a beautiful being, such sorrow wasn't meant for a goddess such as yourself." I scowled and I said, "I'm no goddess Lumi." He said nothing and pat his thigh, beckoning me over. I sighed crawled between his legs and curled myself into his lap. He didn't ask what happened, nor did he press the issue. He just looked at me intently and hugged me tightly to his chest. I didn't shed any tears, I simply listened to Illumi's steady breath and I let his small kisses on my head calm me. He murmured, "my flower, how are you feeling?" I looked into his eyes snd I let their darkness swallow me whole and dull my pain. I whispered, "they were killed when I was young, I have many good  memories about them. My dad teaching me how to use a chainsaw, baking with my mom, sitting outside and trying to chase hummingbirds as my grandma laughed and drank lemonade. I remember their faces and their smiles but, I forget what they sounded like. It's hard not knowing but, I've gotten used to their absence. I had this one bitch of an aunt who tried to take care of me for maybe a half a week before she dumped me in Glam Glass Land and I met Elaine and Hisoka when I was nine." Illumi nodded and gently kissed my nose. "I see my flower, I see. I know not knowing hurts you, it's ok to tell me everything... if that is what you desire" He said quietly. I smiled and buried my face in his chest and I wrapped my arms around his neck. He wrapped his arms around me gently and slid his hand under my shirt and rubbed my back with his cold hand. I shifted under his touch and he whispered, "what's wrong, flower?" I wrapped my legs around him gently and I whispered, "nothing, Lumi just your hands are so cold. It makes me shiver a little." He leaned back and set both of his hands on my hips. He said nothing and just stared at me as he held me. I got goosebumps and I laughed a bit at his trademark intense staring. I put my hands over his I looked back at him and I smiled a small smile. "What is it? Do I have popcorn in my hair?" He smiled and looked away from me quickly, a soft pink hue coloring his face. I admired his blush, I had never seen it before. I crawled over to him and I used my index finger to push his chin up toward me. His cheeks were dusted pink and I bit my lip. He looked at me and whispered, "my face is warm". I smiled and whispered back, "that's because you're blushing.," he looked at me blankly, like he didn't know what I was talking about. I grinned and reached over to my phone and took a few pictures of him. "I love you" he whispered with unflinching devotion. I smiled and softly returned the sentiment. He blinked in surprise as I did so but he made no other movement. I sighed as I looked at his pictures and I said, "you're so cute when you're blushing, Illumi, I've never seen you blush before. I like it. It makes you look more hm, I dunno more human." I winked and he scowled and said firmly "this is meaningless y/n." I gasped dramatically and climbed onto his lap. He wrapped his arms around me and I said, "smile!" He frowned and I took pictures of us together. I was beaming and he looked blankly at the camera. After a few selfies i grinned and showed them to him. My hair was messily pulled into a bun, I had some faint dark circles under my eyes. My face was flushed and I had my arm around Illumi's shoulders.illumi, on the other hand was frowning, had his head inclined slightly toward me and he held my waist lightly. It even looked like that his black eyes had absorbed the light of the flash, if that was even possible. I turned toward him and showed him the pictures proudly. "Not meaningless!" I called out. "See, you can still see a bit of your blush in the picture, it's cute Illumi! I like this picture of us." He nodded and inspected it. He sent all the pictures to himself and he looked at me questioningly and said softly, "should I have smiled as well?" I grimaced and I remembered his smiles. The close lipped one were sweet. Though, any time he smiled and showed teeth he looked positively insane. I said softly, "yes, I love your smiles, but don't go overboard. Just a small smile, like the ones you give me." He nodded and lifted his eyebrows in question and smiled softly. My heart melted and I whispered, "Perfect."

A lil Lemon 🍋

He took my phone and pulled me toward him. I straddled him and held onto his hair and softly ground my vagina into his cock. He moaned and I felt him get hard under me and I turned my head toward the camera and smiled happily while clutching his silky long hair. He gave a small, pleased smile and took the picture. He put the phone to the side and gripped my waist and thrusted into me through his pants and I felt my vagina contract, once again wishing he was inside me. He panted lightly and thrust into me as far as he could go with his pants caging his cock, and he whispered, "if this is what it is like to take pictures together as friends, them we must take pictures more often, oooooooh my flower how I wish I didn't have to retrain myself. Do you want my cum in you my flower?." I moaned softly into his neck as i and whispered, "more than anything baby, more than anything, but we can't, I'm married to Hisoka and I love him too much to do that to him." He grunted in displeasure and I felt his erect cock through his pants and I widened my legs and tried to feel him through my soaking wet lace panties. I softly bit his neck and he lightly slapped my ass. He ripped down my underwear and I moaned loudly. He held them in front of his face and he said softly, "these are mine before we leave." I opened my legs and pleasured myself in front of him and I whispered, "yes Illumi you can have them, I want you to smell me whenever you miss me, I want you to know I came just for you three times tonight. You'll Keep them for me, Lumi". he smiled and I leaned and pleasured myself while gazing into his eyes. He reached his hand down in his pants to stroked himself and he violently jerked his cock as he watched me moan and whisper his name while I pumped my fingers in and out of myself desperately. I moaned and rubbed his shoulder as I touched myself. With my fingers still deep within me and tears gathering in my eyes he took out his phone and I ripped off my shirt and pushed my breasts toward him desperately through my bra and he took hundreds of pictures of me as I came. He spread my legs and took pictures of my soaking wet pussy, he took pictures of my fat round breasts, of my trembling knees, of my lewd expression and I let him do all of it. I knew he'd keep them all for himself and he'd cherish them and cum to them every night and I wanted that, I wanted him to cum to thoughts of me. He loved me and he was so obsessed he'd never let anyone else see them. So, I threw my head back and called out his name, I looked directly into the camera and gave a desparate look. He even took a video and I mouthed silently at the camera, "I love you." At that he threw his phone to the side and he groaned deeply and came too. I grabbed my phone and took a picture of his pleased expression. I ripped down his pants and underwear and took pictures of him as clutched his dripping shaft and smiled up at me. I trembled with arousal and I whispered, "You're so hot." He took his hand off his dick and I took his hand and licked his fingers one by one.

He took my hand and licked my juices off my hand and we both desperately tasted what we could from each other. I crawled on top of him and I hugged him tightly. I whispered, "I love you, Illumi." He smelled my hair and nodded back as he clutched me to him.

Lemon over 🍋 *author advises that you never sext anyone or let them have pictures/videos of you like that, I mean, just saying. That's life-ruining blackmail material and Illumi for sure won't betray y/n like dat; but in real life it's big time different. thanks for coming to my ted talk reader, I care about your well being. B careful out here. Ok, Thanks!

I should've felt guilty, but alas, I did not. It was in that moment, on this night that I witnessed growth and a flicker of true, pure love surface in him. Hisoka has cheated on me before and hurt me numerous times, and I deserved a bit of true affection, pure- burgeoning affection from a man who deserved to be loved, and be moved by love.

After a few minutes I rolled off him and I pulled back the covers for the bed. I put my underwear back on and my my shirt back on.i put his underwear back on him too. Illumi was still sitting on the covers with his legs criss-cross apple sauce. He was  looking at me intensely and I and I cleared my throat. "Move Illumi, please." He just smirked and said, " my flower, i refuse to move. I have no desire to get under the covers. It's simply too hot." I narrowed my eyes at him and I tried to shove him but he wasn't budging. I tried to explain to him, " You know, it's not even a big deal, you can just sleep on top of them and I sleep under the covers, ok?" He crossed his arms and repeated, "flower, you'll sleep the same way I do. On top of the covers." I scoffed and conjured an incredibly strong gust of wind, to throw him off the bed. He tumbled off the bed and I laughed triumphantly. I pulled back the covers and snuggled under them. I peered over the edge of the bed, still wrapped in the covers and smiling. I frowned when I didn't see him. Out of nowhere he rolled out from under the bed and grabbed my arm. I shrieked and he pulled me down to the floor with him. Since I had already wrapped myself in the blankets I brought some down with me when I fell. I landed on top of him and he held my wrist commanded, "on. Top. Of. The. Covers. Y/n". I smiled mischievously and I smirked and said, "no." He scowled I kissed his nose happily. He stared at me and eventually let me go. I grinned at having won and I hauled him back on to the bed with me and I snuggled into the covers. He just sat on the edge of the bed and frowned at me while crossing his long toned arms. I looked at his pale skin. Hisoka was pale, but Illumi was white as a sheet. I looked at him I shook my head exhaled. I said, "come here Lumi, you're hands are always so cold. You need to get warm anyway come get under the covers with your sweet flower." I opened my arms for him and he I smiled brightly at him and I closed my eyes. He sighed and crawled next to me and slipped under the covers. He laid down at my side and said, "only for you, my flower." He pressed his slender physique into me and wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me into his chest. His hand was resting on my hip but was dangerously close to my ass. He held onto me and I hugged him back and turned my head to look at the movie. He whispered, "I was unaware that you and Hisoka shared almost 10 years of your lives together. I suppose that explains many things. I wonder if I had met you sooner too..." I scoffed and said, "Illumi, if you had met me sooner you would've been like, fifteen when I was nine, so I doubt you'd be interested in being friends with someone who was half your age so that's gross. Plus, it's not like your family would allow you to go out and about anyway. I know it's really hard for you, and me too sometimes, but don't dwell on what could've been, Lumi, ok? Don't dwell, live in the now, ok. Even though I love Hisoka and he's my husband, and my first love, I love you too. That's got to count for something, right?" He blinked and nodded in understanding. I laid my head onto his chest and As we sat in silence, watching the movie, I felt myself dozing off. I tried to fight sleep, but he noticed my drooping eyelids and he turned his suffocating aura on and enveloped me with it. I sighed as I was enveloped with the feeling of him and he clutched my hip and pressed me further into him. I looked up at him tiredly and he said quietly, "sleep y/n we've had a wonderful night together and there are more to come. You may sleep now my flower." I yawned and whispered to him, "mmmm I like your aura Lumi, it feels like taking an ice bath. You're so cold but I think you feels soothing, stable- like menthol or something. Mmmmm are you trying to make me go to sleep? Cause, it's not going to w-" he slid his hand over my mouth and gazed deeply into my eyes. I stared back at him and I felt myself being overwhelmed with his almost suffocating presence, and being lulled to sleep by his dark hypnotic eyes. I raised my eyebrows and I opened my mouth to protest and he clutched my waist and pressed his hand harder onto my face. He narrowed his eyes and said firmly, "you obey me y/n, please sleep." My heart fluttered and I held tightly onto him as he pressed his body heavily into mine. My eyes widened and he softened his tone and Illumi whispered, "You need rest. Please, my sweet tasting  flower. Your honeyed nectar is the only taste I ever want in my mouth, my flower. I apologize again. You are the only one for me." I let my mouth curve into an unfettered smile. I nodded and he took his hand off my mouth. I sighed and let my allowed my own aura to seep out and blend with his. He activated Gyo and looked around at our intertwined auras. He smiled softly and whispered, "as it should be." I may have imagined that part, i was so sleepy. He smelled my neck and pressed his forehead against mine. I closed my eyes let myself drift into a cool and soothing sleep with Illumi holding me and by my side.

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