Keys to the Kingdom

由 yellowlamp89

77.6K 980 1.5K

"Would you kindly undress so that I may relieve myself?" My jaw dropped and Hisoka laughed. He winked at me a... 更多

Just Married
Simp City, Population: Illumi
Going Out
Out for a Walk
nothing to worry about
The plan to catch Kei
The fight
Dinner preparation.
The dinner
A day at the beach
The date?
The date? Part 2
First day of (summer) school
Illumi's here
The sleepover
Bye (for now)
Making up
The signing
What about the Ramen?
Relieving Illumi
Testing our love pt 1
Testing our love part 2
Easier Said than Done
The fated phone call #4
Put a pin in it
Cave- Dwelling Eel
Heart's Content
Flower goddess on the way
My pink monster
Deal with the devil in the dark
Not an update

Homemade Tatoo

1.5K 18 96
由 yellowlamp89

Your POV:
I jolted awake and I immediately knew Hisoka was here, I could sense his aura. I looked up to see Hisoka's outstretched claw- like nails lunging for Kei. I gathered as much strength as I could and launched myself at Hisoka to derail him. I caught him in the nick of time and I sat on him, panting. My body felt like lead and my eyelids longed to close. I forced myself to stay awake and I said, "Tsukishima, get out of here." He quickly and quietly slipped out and I looked down at Hisoka. Through my legs, I could feel his muscles were bunched and taut. I smoothed my hair back absentmindedly and exhausted I scolded him, "Hisoka what's wrong with you? Don't you dare kill him or else I'll be really fucking upset with you." He said nothing too many emotions flit over his face for me to properly process in my current state. I flopped down down on top of him, utterly exhausted. He curled his muscled arms around me, and I exhaled and laughed a little at how I really had saved Tsuki's life with my conjuring powers and (somewhat) talent for healing. (I mean I was the one who endangered it in the first place but I did it, didn't I?!). Hisoka was still dead silent and I wondered what the hell was his deal. I didn't have enough strength to examine his expression and try to figure out what was wrong with him today. Occasional bouts of murderous intent wasn't new for him but he seemed upset besides that. I sighed and stroked his neck as I relaxed my sweaty body against him. I noticed how tense he was as I touched him. Touching him made me feel so at ease and comfortable, my eyelids started to droop again. Half asleep, I said concernedly, "your neck is so tight, baby, why are upset, Hiso?" He exhaled hard through his nose and in a low tone, " I wasn't there for you. You called and I wasn't there. I should've been there to help you. I was on a call with a beautiful toy and I should've..." I laughed and pat him as I drifted off to sleep again. Semi-conscious I said, "don't worry about it baby, Illumi answered his phone, so I'm ok." I dimly felt Hisoka's body shake with pure rage under me but I couldn't stay awake any longer. I was pulled into the blissful darkness of a deep sleep as I heard him roar and I felt him clutch my back and pull me into a bone crushing hug.

When I awoke, my eyes were filled with tears and I didnt recognize where I was. I was laying on my stomach and I frantically looked around. It looked like I was in a nice hotel room. My head throbbed and I saw Hisoka sitting in the corner crying. I tried to sit up but my butt felt like it was on fire. I felt blood drip down and I turned to look at my backside and I cried out in horror. On my left cheek a star hard been deeply and brutally carved into me and and on the right a tear had been carved. I started crying and I screeched, "Hisoka, you did this? You did this to me? Baby, what...?" His head was in his hands and I could barely move. I started crying into the sheets and I said, "why, Hisoka, why? Why did you hurt me? What the hell is going on?" I was still bleary with sleep and I felt discombobulated. I forced myself to try to calm down but I was hyperventilating nonetheless. He rose to his face and I got a good look at his bloodshot eyes and his up and as his tears trailing down his face.

My jaw dropped in horror at his distressed expression. I was feeling a flurry of emotions and the strongest two were pain for myself and pain and empathy for what he was feeling and the desire to help him. he frowned as he looked at me and opened his palms up. Tears trailed out of my eyes and down my face as I waited for him to say something, anything. He said frantically while smiling through his tears, "I did this for us, so you can have the freedom to do what you like, but so I'm carved into your skin, just like you're carved into my heart. I did this for us." He smiled as he cried, and I broke down into sobbing tears, overwhelmed with this whole situation. My body shook with sobs and he sighed as tears slipped down his face and he whispered softly , "it was so hard to see you hurting my love, but this is so you never forget you're mine. I made it deep enough so even when you heal there will be scars. I love you so much, you're mine forever dear, this will remind you-" I cried and looked into his eyes. His beautiful, golden eyes ringed with darkness. Through my sobs I said, "why does it hurt to love you so much Hisoka? Why is it so hard to love you sometimes? Why did you do this to me while I was asleep?" His eyebrows shot up and he grabbed my hand. He said silkily, tears still leaking out of his eyes, "my Love, please, I wanted to show my love for you, see, I have the same." I watched him take off his shirt and I watched in horror as he presented me his bleeding chest proudly. My first and last name was carved into his chest. I looked up from the disturbing sight to his face and crouched down by the bed so he was at my eye level. I looked at him, trying to discern what led him to do this, why he didn't just wake me up. Usually I could calm him down before he got this bad but...He flashed his teeth and whispered, "my dear, even when it heals I'll have your name on me forever. It's like those couple tattoos ordinary people get all the time. When you're strong enough to heal us, we'll match, my dear." I laughed through my tears at what he said. He called this a 'couples tatoo'?! I mean, it was something I had mentioned and thought about before but... I groaned as I remembered a conversation he had had in Atlantais:

I saw a couple with cool matching tattoos of each other's name and I said to Hisoka excitedly, "what if we did that? Wouldn't that be cool, or what?. I could get your symbols tattooed on my asscheeks, maybe my breasts huh?" I elbowed him as we walked down the sidewalk arm in arm that warm evening as the salty Atlantais wind blew through the the buildings and wrapped us up in its warm embrace. He laughed and looked back at me. His golden eyes shone with amusement and love and he hip jumped me and said, "my Love how deliciously perfect! I'll get your name on my chest and you get my tear and star on your yummy little backside." he reached down and pinched my butt as I we walked. I jumped up and giggled. "hey!" I exclaimed. We laughed together and after a moment of pause he said slightly more serious, "when would we get them?" I grinned and hip bumped him back. Smiling form ear to ear I said, "any time, any place, as long as I'm with you, baby... I'm serious, Hisoka." He hugged me and kissed my forehead and said, "agreed, any time and place, as long as we're together." Arm in arm we continued to talk about mediocre everyday things like and enjoy each other's company.

I jolted out of my memory and Hisoka was stroking back lightly. He said while tilting his head, "it was so hard to see you cry and tremble in your sleep, Love, so very difficult. But I reminded myself that you had said you wanted this, that this was ok with you, that you gave your permission to me on that day." He grabbed my hand and squeezed it and looked pleadingly into my eyes as he begged, "I thought it would remind you of that lovely afternoon we had together. I thought that this would be good for us. I thought once you stopped hurting, it would make you happy. I'm happy y/n Creatur-Morrow, so happy and grateful to have you snd I wanted to show you that." He paused and his perfectly arched eyebrows knitted together and he said softly while wiping my tears away without letting go of my hand, "you like it right? I did a good job, right? Right my love?" I closed my eyes and reopened them. I willed myself not to ducking explode or break down because he was clearly not in his right mind and I had to be calm. Usually he was calm and confident but he was impulsive and something must've made him upset. I looked at him and melted before his desperate stare and I said softly while squeezing his hand, "it hurts, baby, it hurts a lot." He frowned and looked down confusedly at the floor. I watched his downcast eyes swimming with tears and stomach tied itself into knots. I was on the verge of crying all over again and I said, "but yes baby, I love it, th-thank you." I wasn't lying, I did like it but there were much more eloquent ways he could've gone about the whole business of it and the fact I had woken up bloody and in pain was traumatizing in and of itself. The tattoos/ carvings were something I wanted but not like this
. Clearly, he was unstable right now so I smiled and conjured a small seawater dolphin to flit about his face. His eyes shone and his mouth parted as he admired the water animal I conjured only for him. I was in immense pain but I had regained some of my strength back, enough to weave an Atlantais breeze through the air and make our room misty so it smelled like the beach. Tears shone in Hisoka's eyes and he climbed onto the bed next to me. His eyes shone brighter as he admired the dolphin and I let it move on its own. My conjured objects seemed to take on a life of their own around him, including the dolphin. I wondered if it was some indication of my subconscious or something psychological like that. I laughed as I watched a blissful expression come to his face as he played with the dolphin. With him distracted I turned around and looked at my backside again an grimaced. There was blood everywhere but knowing what it looked like helped me to heal myself. I saw that he had cleaned it my wound but blood was still running out and I wondered why he hadn't bandaged it. I was close to crying but I tried to acknowledge that since I called Illumi, Hisoka probably felt bad enough for not being there when I needed him. even though it was his fault for not answering he wanted to try to make it up to me by doing whatever this was. In the past he never hurt me like this but ever since we've been in a romantic relationship he's been way more likely to loose his shit over me. I knew he had abandonment issues and I was trying really hard to understand and not break down in front of him. So, I just watched him he utterly enraptured by my conjured water animal and he smiled while playing with it. He whispered something to the dolphin and it smiled and did a backflip through the air. I grinned and whispered, "Hisoka what's the big secret?" He winked and said, "that's between me and..." he frowned and turned his slightly red-rimmed eyes to me and said thoughtfully, "what should I name her?" My eyebrows shot up and I said, "her? How do you know?" He closed his amber eyes and chuckled. He said softly, " you silly girl, all the wonderful little water animals you conjure are female. You haven't noticed, my dear?" I smiled and moved to crawl into his lap. He scowled and used his bungee gum to pull me into his lap. I was facing down and he gently turned me over in his lap. He smiled and I looked up at him and noticed his sharp, almost fang-like canines gleaming. He cocked his head as I observed him and he attached some bungee gum to my lower stomach and held his finger in midair, suspending my lower body in the air so by backside didn't brush against the sheets. My face softened as I took in his bright wavy hair framing his face. . I took his hand and his golden eyes seemed to glow as he stared down at me. He whispered, "do you like my Elastic Love my dear? It has the properties of-" "both rubber and gum" I finished for him. He nodded and nuzzled his forehead into mine. In one smooth motion he laid down and used his Elastic Love to stick my belly button to his abdomen. I smiled and took his hand and placed it on my hair. He wrapped his arm around the small of my back. I winced and wrapped my arms around his muscled, yet narrow waist.My head rested right under my name and I think Hisoka put it right there on purpose. Despite my pain I put my arms son either side of him and sat up enough so I could look at him. He bit his lip and said gleefully, "what is it my sweet? What is it?" Tears pooled in my eyes from the pain but I just sniffed, set my hand on his lower chest and said soothingly, "let me heal you baby, I know you're in pain." He dragged his sharpened nails across my neck and my throat bobbed as he did so. I frowned and said upset, " you know that tickles, Hiso." He ignored me. I frowned snd he whispered, "my dear you know I enjoy the pain. Don't heal me, not yet. Let's enjoy this together."  I know that the line between pain and pleasure for him was severely blurred, if it was there at all. So, I decided I'd do something for him for a change snd let this moment happen. So I offered him a small smile and I nodded. I whispered, "I love you Hiso, my baby." I gently kissed the area near his bleeding chest and he guided my head to lay back down on his chest. He sighed and whispered, " I'm so happy y/n. I'm happy you're happy. I love you so much, words can't begin to describe how much of you is in me every day my Love. No matter who is my toy or my fruit, you will always be my soulmate." He then mumbled "I should've answered your calls." I smiled at his words but began to frown as I processed the last part. I tried to settle on something to say, and as I struggled I decided I just wouldn't say anything at all. He still wasn't totally in his right mind. so, I sat there quietly and intertwined my right hand with his left. I began to process the recent events.

In his moment of desperation he must've remembered our moment together and done this to me as a way to somehow make up for not being there. Well, he thought is was making things better but it just made things worse, right now at least. As I rose and fell steadily with his breathing, I wondered why he didn't answer his phone. but, it wasn't the first time he hadn't answered his phone right away so I didn't really get why he was blaming himself so much. It was probably just on silent or maybe he was out or something. I'm not always by my phone, it was just bad timing. I wanted to tell him not to blame himself but I just shut my mouth. I held his hand tighter and I wondered if Tsuki was alive and I hoped he was. He probably was. Hisoka wasn't usually an indiscriminate killer- most of the time his prey had to be of a certain power level or certain amount of potential to catch his interest. I think that he could've turned out to be a soulless murderer without me, so I was proud of him for usually not just murdering willy-nilly but instead choosing to fight people who actually had a chance of survival against him. I remembered how he ignores defenseless people for the most part and how he only pays attention to those with power. Those with power have the potential to bring him pleasure in a good fight. I remembered how he waiting for Gon to 'ripen'. I was glad that I could count on Hisoka to hold himself back when it came to Gon, I cared for the kid. I laughed a little, remembering Gon's simple yet endearing personality and his cute scent of, cedar, was it? I inhaled Hisoka's musky bubblegum scent and I let it envelop and comfort me, as it always has. I smiled as I exhaled snd inhaled deeply, this time closing my eyes. I felt Hisoka shift under me and I said aloud in an admirable ting , "Hisoka baby you always smell so damn good, I love the way you smell so much, it makes me feel so full, like I just ate a delicious churro. It's sweet, like you." He let go of my hand and pet my head as smooth laugh rolled throughout the room. He said softly, "you're just saying that." I laughed and propped myself up so I could look at him. I extended my neck and got my face close to his, so my forehead was almost touching his upturned and pointed nose. I said loudly, " I am not 'just saying it' it's true Hisoka! You smell like sexy man churros, or bourbon- infused bubble gum!" He smiled a subdued close-lipped smile but his eyes gleamed as he said, " you're so cute y/n. These comparisons you make are beyond me, I've never been told I smell like alcoholic candy before." I grinned and gently pressed my lips to his bottom lip and I whispered while admiring his mouth, " you know you love it, Hisoka."

🍋 lemon ahead/ trigger warning and its kinda painful for y/n just so yall know

He smiled and used his arms to pull me down onto his chest. I had been carefully avoiding his injury but he had just pressed my breasts straight onto it. I gasped and monitored his face for pain. He was only grinning and I could tell he was getting turned on. My ass throbbed and I felt my pussy contracting in a despaate attempt to prepare for dick. I bit my lip and gazed into his golden eyes. I put my hand on his cheek and I felt his warm blood gush onto my cleavage and I felt my breasts tighten at the sensation. I moaned as I felt myself get wet and he said slightly surprised, " you like this y/n?" I bit my lip and stared ito his eyes. I said, " I don't know Daddy, do I?" I guided one of his hands down to my inner thigh. His eyebrows shot up and a smile crept into his face as he inserted his whole hand into my wet pussy. Its walls were being stretched beyond recognition and my legs trembled as I moaned and said while painting, " this is what it's like to have you inside me Hisoka, this is how far you have to stretch me to get me ready for your fat cock Daddy." He grinned and gripped my lower back as he thrusted his whole hand in and out of me and I moaned at the immense pain I felt at being forced to encompass so much. It really was the closest thing having Hisoka inside me as I could get. He was incredibly long and wide and his sizable hand prepared me well for what I knew was coming. His hand made lewd slurping sounds and u closed my eyes and embraced the feeling of Hisoka's sharp nails dragging across my walls wet walls. I feltMy heart flutter and I decided I had enough of just his hand. I practically yelled" Oh Hisoka Daddy stretch me out yourself, put your cock in me Daddy, make me cum, ooooooooooohhhh I want your cum Hisoka, I want it." My face was flushed and I was desperately panting and staring into his unyielding eyes. He groaned I felt his penis harden under me. He pulled his hand out and licked it slowly and seductively while keeping his gaze trained on me. I whimpered and said as tears began to gather in my eyes, "Daddy, please put it in me." He groaned again and leaped up and bent me over the side of the bed. He stood behind me, now naked, his pale, athletic body on full display. My jaw dropped and he grinned and put his nose high in the air and looked down at me and winked. I was totally enraptured, but suddenly, he grabbed onto my hair and used his bungee gum to attach my ass to his stomach and he pulled me toward him as he thrusted his erect dick right into me.

He slammed into me without warning and my whole body shuddered with shock. He was thrusting viciously and almost angrily into me. It was so forceful my knees buckled and I fell to the ground like planking position. His cock slipped out of me as I fell.then, he descended to the floor and put one leg on either side of my hips. He laughed and he rubbed his dripping, engorged cock at my wet entrance. He wrapped his arms around my midsection and leaned his mouth next to my ear. I could feel his chest pressing down on my back and his breath tickled my ear and he said , "my love, may I continue? Or is it too much for you dear?" I moaned as I felt my breasts tighten and my vagina throb and heat up. He continued to chuckled and slap his dick at my soaking entranced. I whimpered and got on my elbows and knees and spread my legs wider. He lightly fondled my breasts and whispered, "that's a good little girl, spreading her tight, soaking wet little vagina wide open for Daddy!" I bit my lip an nodded as I continued to gush more juice, hoping he'd just slide it in instead of teasing me like thisHe pressed his dick halfway into my vagina and I propped myself up to take in the whole thing. He chuckled and said in a singsong voice, "ah, ah, ah,bahhh y/n do you really want Daddy to stretch you out this badly? Do you like being on your knees for Daddy? Would you do it again my Love? Who's daddy's little slut? Who's Daddy's little bad girl? Hm? Moan for me little girl, moan." I cried as I moaned and I felt his hands force me open wider. I sobbed and willed myself to spread my legs and he slapped my ass so hard I jolted. He pulled my hair back and said, "do you love me, dear, hm? Do you?" My eyes watered and I wished for this to be over. But I knew what he wanted to hear so i said softly and submissively " yes Hisoka I love this, I love you, I like being dominated by you Hisoka, dominate me, baby, show me whose in charge, show me what happens to bad girls." He grinned and grabbed my aching backside. He suddenly slammed into me from behind and because of our position, he went deeper in me than ever before. I cried out and my elbows wobbled as his thrusts slammed into me and poked at the base of my stomach. With each jarring hit came a wave of pleasure and pain. The pain at having him pull my hair and thrust so viciously into me that my whole body shook. I could feel his aura strengthening and filling up the whole room. I was smothered in his pink aura and I too let my purple tinted aura free. Our colors intermingled and through my tears I looked at the room with Gyo and I saw our En expanding around the room and our auras danced around each other as we were in the middle. His thrusts felt like he was putting all his strength and power into them and I loved how my body was pushed forward with each thrust, and how Hisoka kept me steady by holding onto my hair. My legs and arms trembled, struggling to keep me upright as his thrusts wracked my body and caused all my bones to rattle. My vagina contracted around him and held him tightly, as if I didn't want to, or didn't have the ability to let go of him. His other hand wrapped around my stomach, holding me in place. I screamed as he pounded into me even harder and I felt like my wet vagina very well might rip. I started panting and moaning and it felt so good to have him so forcefully rearrange my guts, pull on my hair and fuck me so hard I wouldn't be able to move tomorrow. I felt like my hips were being shattered and I had to turn on my aura to protect my body from breaking. He already had his aura on and he was using nen to power his thrusts. I sobbed loudly at the pain my body was experiencing, but between sobs I was moaning and saying, "oh Daddy!!." Or "Hisoka deeper!" But as time went on tears steamed out of my eyes and I was crying out in immense pain, and inwardly pleading for it to stop. Each thrust racked my body and I hated the overwhelming feeling of pain but I knew he liked this, I wanted to do this for him; so I worked to try to enjoy it despite the pain.

He eventually ramped it up to the point where I was close to climaxing and we were both sweating profusely and he said; He whispered in my ear, "do you like this Love, *thrust* this is what it feels like to have me go at full power? *thrust*Do you like that y/n? *thrust* I said nothing as tears came out of my eyes and i panted heavily. I tried to savor the feeling of having my vagina absolutely ravished by him, and having every inch of my wet cavern forced to stretch beyond what I was comfortable with to take him in. He thrusted again and my body shook. I looked back at him to see his smooth alabaster skin gleaming. His chest had my name written on it nearly but the blood was running down his chest and mixing with his sweat. I opened my mouth and I suddenly felt my vagina contract around him and I knew I was close to cumming. I looked into his molten sunshine colored eyes and I said, "I love you, Hisoka, and I'd do anything for you. I'll be strong for you." His face softened and I felt him cum inside me. I loved his warmth filling me up I looked back down again and I said quietly, " just a little longer, Hiso, I love your sweet cream, but I haven't cum yet, this- this isn't what I li-." He laughed and interjected what I was saying and I frowned and wondered if he was even listening to me right now. He grinned and said in his velvety voice, " of course my love i can't have only one of us finish. We're in this together, and I have to do my job." I smiled weakly at his words and he made his thrusts gentler and softer. I immediately sighed in relief at having a break and I knew I much preferred this over being ruthlessly fucked so hard I cried.
"Ooooooh" I said with my eyes closed as his tender thrusts soothed my aching vagina. he gently madsaged my breast, licked my left ear and nibbles on one of my piercings. I smile a small smile I felt my stomach clench and I balled my hands into fists. I arched my back and he pressed his lips at the nose of my neck smiled into my neck. Then, he whispered, "y/n Creatur-Morrow, my wife, I love you so much and care for you deeply." As he said deeply he thrusted tenderly me and I felt his whole throbbing shaft enter me and in that exact moment. I gasped and squeezed my eyes shut and my toes clenched as i, arched my back and orgasmed. I felt my cum mix with his and drip out onto the floor. Hisoka was now hugging me from behind. We sat there for a long moment, him immoving, but still inside me. I sighed with content relief and I wiped my tears away. He kissed my the bones on my spine one by one, and as he pulled out he whispered, "my love you're such a softie, you only cum when I'm gentle with you. But I bet you liked it when I was at full power, didn't you? Didn't it feel so good to be utterly obliterated by your hubby's cock?" I said nothing and collapsed onto the floor. he picked me up and laid me on the bed.

Lemon over 🍋

He got supplies to treat my wound and he cleaned it and sat down on the bed next to me. Through the few tears leaking out of my eyes from the pain I said, "clean yours too so I can heal it, Hisoka, it's pointless to torture yourself like this. It's gushing blood!" He grimaced and said, "what about you, Love? Heal yourself first." I closed my eyes and said, " I refuse to heal myself at all if you won't let me help you." He set his lips in an annoyed pucker and he cleaned his wounds. He didn't balk at the pain, his pain tolerance, (unlike mine) was through the roof. When he was done threading his rinds I crawled to the edge of the bed and sat upright in my knees. I held my hands about a centimeter from his chest and I closed my eyes. I focused on his wound and it really was unsettlingly deep. I knew his body well so it wasn't too challenging to conjure his muscle layer back, then his tissues, then his dermis, epidermis, skin and what have you. Since he wanted it to scar I weaved his tissues back in a way that even the new parts had scar tissue as apart of them. I didn't make it perfect because I wanted to fix myself too but after about 25 minutes I was sweating and tired but I did it. I admired his chest and I looked up at him frowning. His handwriting was beautiful and I wondered how he managed to do neatly and perfectly fit my name diagonally form the top of his abdomen up to his pecks. His wound was healed completely now but there was slight swelling and redness still. He hugged me tightly and laid down with me on top of him again. I laughed a little and closed my eyes in order to work on myself. I did the same thing I did with Hisoka, but I made sure to heal myself fully. I made sure it scarred and the scar tissue only grew back on the outline of the shape, not anywhere else. I had a significant amount of bruising (which is troublesome to clean up) probably because his wound was on his muscles and mine was on a mix of muscle and soft tissue/fat. I held him as i focused on healing myself and conjuring new skin, soothing the redness, etc. after about 40 minutes I was finished with myself. I was good as new and only a bit sore. Hisoka had allowed me to work in silence on myself but when I exhaled and whispered, "done" he excitedly sat up and said gleefully, "let me see Love!" I nodded and turned around and bent over and shoved my face into the sheets and put my ass high in the air for him . He gently caressed my butt and he whispered in awe, " oh y/n, my love, my sweet, my dear this is perfect!" I tiredly got up and held my pounding headache and I trudged over to the bathroom. I sighed and turned around. My shapely round ass did indeed have a star and a tear on each cheek. The symbols were about the size of my palm and were done neatly snd precisely, just like the ones that Hisoka normally wears on his face. I stared at the design and I chuckled at how it looked like i had been branded. It would've made me more upset Hisoka hadn't done the same to himself with my name.  I was tired and still upset with him, but I was content with my new homemade tattoo, even given the circumstances, maybe because of them. Though, It was kind of cute that he thought this would fix things between us and strengthen our bond, (despite me going to Illumi for help, again). I smiled grimly to myself and shook my head. I exited the white fluorescent -lit bathroom and saw Hisoka was still naked, sitting eagerly on the bed with the soles of his feet placed together. his hands were holding his feet and his eyes shone expectantly. "Well, my Love, what do you think? Did I do a good job? Are you happy with it? Are you happy with me?" I planted my hand on my hip and lifted my fist to my chin. I paused dramatically and said as I walked over towards him slowly hips swaying; "yes, I love it, yes you did a good job, and yes I'm happy with it." He smiled so wide it almost looked like he was baring his teeth. I loved his cute canines that were so sharp they looked a bit like fangs. I smiled and seductively climbed into the bed, my hips crying out in protest. My whole body was aching from earlier but i ignored the pain, I didnt want him to think I couldn't handle him at his strongest. So, I crawled over to him, biting my lip and staring into his beautiful golden eyes which were complimented by his long red lashes. he held his arms out to receive me and I sat next to him and leaned my head on his shoulder. I smiled and said "and finally, yes Hisoka, I'm always happy when I'm with you." I said contentedly. He wrapped one arm around me and held my hand tenderly with the other. I absentmindedly held the wedding ring that was on a necklace around my neck. I had been wearing it like that since I was undercover as Peony. We sat there in a comfortable silence and just as I was falling asleep, Hisoka squeezed my arm and said, "would I be a good dad, y/n? if we were go ever had children down the line, do you think I could do it? Id want you to bear our children, if I ever had any. I mean darling, I love you so much, my Love. we've never really talked about what we may want..." I froze and tried very hard not to give into my initial reaction to say, " NO Hisoka, you're emotionally unstable and save for how to treat me, you're basically a murderous sadomasochistic sociopath." But Instead I squeezed his hand and I thought of what I could say without outright lying to him. I also really wanted to spend my life with him and have kids with him. I couldn't help but smile at the thought of me hugging him, me wearing my ring, and gazing at him and my child lovingly as he beamed and held our baby as we sat together. So, I settled on something and  while nuzzling my head against his neck, I said quietly, "Hisoka, I think that if you really dedicated yourself to anything, you'd have the potential to be great at it. So yes, Hisoka I think I'd love to have kids with you one day. I mean i'm eighteen and you're twenty two so that would be probably a ways off. But, if that's what we wanted and we agreed to do it. I think, I-, I really think we could do it together. Still, we'd have to have a long discussion beforehand on how we'd want to raise them." He leaned his head on my head and whispered happily, "them, y/n? As in plural?" I chuckled and said, "yeah maybe. I can't see us having just one kid. Also Hisoka baby, is it ok I bring up a sensitive subject for you?" He nodded and whispered almost inaudibly, "yes my love." I said quietly while clutching his hand, "you'd be a far better dad than your dad, if that's what you're worried about. You would never turn into him, I know it. You'd be so much better, ok? You're such a wonderful man Hisoka, such a wonderful husband to me. I'm telling you the truth here, Hisoka; I believe that you and I could do it. We could do it... if you wanted to, like way later on, yeah, right baby?." He nodded again and pulled me onto his lap. I turned to face him. He looked down and started idly drawing invisible circles on my thighs with his nails. He smiled as he looked down and he murmured a soft "thank you my Love, thank you, you're my only family, y/n, my sweet. You're my savior, Love, you're the only family I'd ever want or need." My heart broke for him and his past that had clearly traumatized him. I willed my aching body into movement and I suppressed a grunt from the immense pain of movement. I smiled and straddled him and wrapped my arms around his neck. I felt my breasts push into his chest and I lightly kissed his cheek. I hugged him to me and he wrapped his arms around me and rested his head on my shoulder. He said softly, " I want to maybe do it in the future. It's a normal thing to do and I wonder if it'll make me even more happy. Considering how you already make me feel so warm and happy, and loved, I wonder if our kids would do the same for me." I frowned and said to him seriously because I knew him, "Having kids is work. Please don't want to do it just for your own happiness or  to be temporarily amused." He pulled his head off my shoulder and looked at me, confused. I sighed and made my tone less strict and I said gently, as I caressed his cheek, "That's just not what kids are for, Hiso baby." He scowled snd said, "that is not what I meant, y/n, you know that." I just shrugged and sighed exhaustedly again. He was inherently selfish and I figured out a long time ago that that played a big role in most of the decisions he made, especially if they didn't concern me. Hisoka scoffed and and poked my chest in an accusatory manner. I laughed and batted his hand away "Stop it Hiso, you know how you are!" He grinned and said, " what? I already know I'm charming, strong, stylish and deliciously strong?" He gripped my waist and I placed my hands on his shoulders. His grin was infectious and I fought to keep a straight face. I grinned and held in a laugh and I said, "hm, you seem to be forgetting the very selfish aspect of your character." His happy expression fell for a moment but he recovered so quickly I wonder d if I had imagined his frown. I looked back at him and he smiled a smug close lipped smile as his hands slowly traveled up from my waist to my breasts. I blushed and looked away as he rested his hands at the base of my breasts. He kept his light eyes trained on me as he cluched and squeeze my left breast and took my right nipple into his mouth. I instantly melted under his touch and I felt my vagina desperately contract, craving Hisoka once more, but I almost threw up at the idea of him violently pounding into me like he just had. His tongue massaged my nipple and his saliva was all over me. I moaned as opened his mouth and took in as much of me as he could, and bit down softly i felt myself get wet all over again and I panted snd ground my wet entrance against his upper thighs. He grinned and bit me harder, this time snd I felt my legs tremble and I reached down to touch him. I palmed his already hard cock until it  was erect. He kissed my neck and switched to my left breast and bit me all over. His sharp teeth sinking into my sensitive flesh felt so good. I moved to slide his cock inside me, and just as I had aligned my vagina with his dick and was about to sit down and slide him into me, he flipped me over and tied my hands together with his bungee gum. He straddled me and stroked himself as I lay pinned under him, my hands above my head. I bit my lip and I said, "put it in again, Hisoka. But be gentle. You really hurt me earlier, but please I need you inside me again, baby. I need you but pleas don't hurt me again my love." He sat up on top of me and examined his nails. Without looking up he casually said, "oh no, Love, we're not having sex." My jaw dropped and I realized he totally ignored the part about me saying he hurt me. I tried to sit up, only to have him grip my head and push it back down. I huffed and said perturbed, "why not?" He traced a line from my throat down to my belly button and I felt my nipples harden at the light sensation of his nail dragging down my naked body. He laughed and lowered his eyelids as he gave me a mischievous smile as he said, "my dear, since I'm so very selfish it doesn't matter if I pleasure you or not, correct? I mean, all I think of is myself, right, so weren't you expecting this, then?" I scowled and said, "well done, if you want to be like that, but you want this too." I gestured to his erect dick dripping with precum with my eyes. He shrugged and said, "oh that? I can take care of myself, Love and cum right on your face. Or maybe I could do what I want with you and not care about if you feel good or if you cum. That's what I would do if I were selfish. You know what I  want do to you y/n and I hold back so I don't destroy you, because I love you with all I have. And you're calling me selfish?"  His tone progressively got more irritated as he spoke and I frowned and furrowed my brow. He was trying to tell me he wasn't selfish because he didn't use me to pleasure him like I was a sex toy? Exuse me?!

In an annoyed voice I said as I looked up at him sitting on top of me, "are you serious right now? I wasn't even I wasn't trying to make you upset you're not even listening to me! I love you but you're being a fucking prick right now." He shook his head and jumped got off me. He released his bungee gum hold on me and I sat up. I watched him as he quickly and quietly got dressed, grabbed his phone and slammed the door shut behind him as he left out leaving me crushed by the heavy silence of the room.


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