Our Memories......The Second...

By grannydew

81.6K 4.3K 473

This story is part 2 of " Memories...Some Last a Lifetime". Can had fully recovered from his memory loss, fl... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-one
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three

Chapter Thirteen

3.1K 184 14
By grannydew

The goodbyes were endless as their families started to leave. Mevkibe came back to hug them both at least three times before making it to the taxi. Aziz and Mihriban  were beaming with pride and he embraced his son with love, knowing this feeling would soon be at the center of his heart. How proud he was of his son, and of Sanem, this woman that had saved his son from a life of loneliness and solitude. She had truly saved his heart, although they had their trials that love sometimes brought, they struggled to remain together.  Now they would start a family, and that is where the truest and deepest love lives. The night had been perfect, and the best part of it hadn't even came yet. She wouldn't let him forget her promise, the rest of the weekend was theirs. Hours later she laid in his arms, feeling completely satisfied as only he could make her, ready to learn all there was to know about motherhood. She smiled, she already had a name picked out, and knew Can would love It. She let his steady breathing lull her to sleep and to the dreams of her perfect life.

Sunday was their day of rest and relaxation, first he went for a run, and then made her breakfast. She had been sleeping longer and longer in the mornings, he hated to wake her, but she needed to eat. Setting the tray on the nightstand, he sat down on the edge of the bed, moving her hair from her face. " Sanem, wake up I brought you breakfast." He kissed her cheek, " Come on bebek, little Divit needs to eat."  She smiled opening her eyes to see his loving eyes looking back at her. " Good morning love," she whispered. " What's for breakfast."  She asked. "Tea and cereal to start, do you want some eggs, I'll fix them if you do." He said. She raised up looking at the clock, " My god Can, it's 10:00, why did you let me sleep so late." She screeched.  He grabbed the tray and set it on the bed, " Here, start eating, I fix those eggs, and I let you sleep because you both need it." He yelled as he walked to the kitchen. " Do you want fried or scrambled, and anyway there's nothing else you need to do today." Bebek, fried or scrambled." She sighed, " I'll take scrambled, and some toast too." But I feel bad when you are up doing things and I'm sleeping, i want to be with you." She yelled back to him. He returned to the bedroom with her plate of eggs and toast,   " But sweetheart, you have to rest," He said eating some of the eggs from her plate, " It's the most important thing right now for both of you. He scooped up  some eggs on the fork and started towards her mouth, " Here, open, they're really good." She opened, gobbling up the eggs from the fork. " Hmmm, those are delicious, what did you do them." She asked, licking her lips. He stopped short, " Sanem stop, don't, ....She looked at him puzzled, "What, what did I do, I just said the eggs were good." He closed his eyes, " Nothing my love, you didn't do anything, here take another bite." He swallowed hard and tried to think of something else. "Just the tiniest things like licking her lips can set me off, " He thought, "  I'm hopeless."  She finished off the eggs and toast with no problem and leaned back with the look of contentment on her face. 

Can took the dishes and started to clean up, and Sanem jumped in the shower, ready to join him for the rest of the day. Sanem's phone rang, and ran to answer it, " Good morning Mom Mevkibe, how are you," He asked. " Can, my son I'm fine, how's Sanem, did she get enough rest." He smiled thinking, "and so it begins," Yes, she's fine, she slept until 10:00, and I fixed her breakfast and now she is in the shower. All is well." He explained.  Her mother was the finest woman he had ever known, but also the most controlling, in some situation. But this one might prove to be a challenge, it will definitely test his patience. But he loved her parents and wouldn't have it any other way. Mevkibe, satisfied that Sanem was well and fine said, " My son, I know you will take good care of her, I'm not worried." Tell her that I called and we'll talk later." She said. The rest of the day was lazy, sitting by the pool, reading and napping. The best time they'd had for a while. There didn't seem to be any stress, and he refused to let there be. Calm was the word of the day.

Her sickness didn't seem to have any rhyme or reason to it. all of a sudden it was just...there. Their beautiful day was cut short by the unexpected arrival of the dreaded nausea and vomiting. Of course Can never let her go through it alone, he sat behind her in the floor, stroking her back, holding back her hair, anything that would let her know he was there. As quick as it came, it was over. But the weak and tired feeling lasted longer each time, so he put her back to bed, and climbed in beside her, willing her to be better with all his heart. They both slept straight through till the morning. It was very early when Can slipped out of the bed and went for his run. He really wanted to visit the gym but he didn't want to leave her alone that long, so just a run and some push-ups would have to do. He headed back from his run to fix a good breakfast for them and then time for work. Sanem was up and in the shower when he made it back, he took his water and slipped into the bathroom, standing there watching her shower and sipping his water, he was mesmerized with her beauty. There was no other word for her but splendid, she was perfection indeed. She turned around in the shower to rinse her back when she saw him standing there, she dropped her arms, put one hand on her hip, " Well are you just going to stand there staring or are you going to join me." She ask. The invite had barely left her lips until he had ripped off his shorts and tank top and was standing naked and wet, against her. He was so powerful and dynamic, it literally took her breath. " Good morning, my sweet husband, did you have a good workout." She whispered. They let the water stream over their bodies, as his hands skimmed her body, feeling softness and slickness of her. " Yes, but now I want a different kind of workout," He growled, backing her up against the shower wall. He covered her mouth, tasting her lips, and massaging her body. His hands found her breasts, they seemed fuller and more firm than usual, He thought. He loved it. But the touch sent her body into retreat, " Stop Can, that hurts," She yelled, shrinking away from him. He jumped back, " I'm sorry bebek, what did I do." He asked concerned. " I don't know why, but my breasts are very sore." She said with a frown. He bent down and kissed her gently, " I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you." He whined. She stroked his face, " I  know, it just took me by surprise," she said. I'll have to ask the doctor tomorrow at my appointment."  She muttered as she kissed his chest, all over, trying not to miss a single spot.

" What a wonderful way to start my day," she thought. She could feel his muscles jerking as she slid her hands down his body. " Oh yes," she thought, "he's definitely ready." He lifted her up, she wrapped her legs around him. 

Could she ever get tired of this.....no not in a million years!!

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