The Four Apprentices

By The_CringeShow

185 22 8

DISCONTINUED Book one of my series Dark Shadows Of War DISCLAIMER; Warriors does not belong to me, it belong... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen

27 1 0
By The_CringeShow

Tawnypaw stalked quietly in the tall grass. Her gaze was focused on the rabbit in front of her. It sniffed at the air softly, settling down. Tawnypaw unsheathed her claws, You're mine….
Within a heartbeat, she pounced onto the rabbit, her jaws biting down on its neck. It went limp in her mouth, her heart filled with pride, I did it!

"Great job Tawnypaw!" Dustnight's mew was heard. He watched her with approval. Tawnypaw felt a purr rumble in her throat. 

Grayclaw had stayed at camp to stay with Morningblaze and their kits, Dustnight had volunteered to take Tawnypaw out hunting. 

Dustnight meowed, snapping Tawnypaw out of her thoughts, "Ready to head back?" She nodded. With that, the two picked up the other fresh-kill they caught and headed back to camp. As soon as they set foot into the clearing, Stormkit and Soulkit's curious squeaks were heard, "Tawnypaw! Tawnypaw! You're back!" They bounced around her paws. Tawnypaw smiled softly. Their eyes burned with curiosity, "What did you see? Did you see BlazeClan? Did you rip them to shreds?" Stormkit asked, his blue-gray fur ruffled and his eyes wide. Tawnypaw chuckled softly, putting down the rest of the prey she caught. The was rabbit still in her jaw. She padded into the nursery, "Dawnstream, I have some fresh-kill if you're hungry." She called to the gray queen. Dawnstream turned to her, "Thank you Tawnypaw!" 
Tawnypaw purred and gently dropped the rabbit at her paws.

A loud shriek was heard, making Tawnypaw's fur bristle with alarm, Liontuft?!?

She ran out of the nursery, her eyes widened when she saw BlazeClan cats. This time, there were way more cats, the smell of kittypet lingered around the unfamiliar. The clearing was filled with battle. Blackclaw's yowl was heard, "BlazeClan, attack! Raid their nursery, destroy their herb supply!" 
Tawnypaw looked in horror, her fur bristling, The kits! 

"Tawnypaw!" Coalpaw rushed to her, "Are you okay?" He asked. Tawnypaw looked at him, "The nursery! They're going to hurt the kits!" 

A growl was heard from the nursery, then a loud wail. Immediately, the two apprentices rushed into the nursery, their hearts beating swiftly.
Foxtail's green gaze was seen in the dark shadows of the den. He formed a smile on his face. Dawnstream was in her nest, her fur bristling and her lips curled in a snarl. The bones of the the fresh-kill still layed beside her nest.

Tawnypaw growled, "Leave mangy crow-eater!" She swiped her claws at Foxtail. Foxtail dodged, knocking her off her paws. He put a paw firmly on her spine, keeping her pinned down. Her heart started pounding in her chest as she felt his claws dig into her skin. She hissed in pain, I have to do something!

She rolled onto her back, knocking the red furred warrior off. She immediately stood up before he had the chance to pin her back down. Foxtail growled, his lips curled into a snarl, "Not bad for an apprentice." He smirked, padding closer to her, his muscles rippling through his sleek reddish fur. His claws unsheathed, he swiped at her, but Coalpaw bumped into him, knocking him down. More warriors filled the den. Within a second, Tawnypaw and Coalpaw were surrounded by warriors. They stood back to back, protecting Dawnstream and Morningblaze. 

Tawnypaw growled, her eyes burning with rage. She swiped her claws at the warriors, blood splattered across the room. 
Foxtail yowled, "Quick, go back to the clearing!" The warriors retreated, rushing out of the den. Tawnypaw panted, she felt her paws heavy with exhaustion, but she shook it off, I can't rest!
"Come on, we have to go help the Clan," Coalpaw huffed out. He turned to the two queens, "Don't worry, We're going to get Grayclaw, he'll keep you all safe.." 

Tawnypaw shared a glance with Coalpaw before following him out of the den and into the clearing. A strong scent of blood filled her nostrils. Cats fought in the clearing, their claws raking into their opponents. 
"No, Please don't!" A sob was heard near them. Tawnypaw looked to see Liontuft surrounded by Silentglare and Lynxmask. 
"Awh, What's the matter Liontuft, scared of dying…" Silentglare taunted, cackling. 

Liontuft's whole shoulder bled. her golden fur stained red from the blood. Tawnypaw looked around in horror. Most of her clanmates were badly injured, their pelts drenched in blood. 
"Tawnypaw! Coalpaw" Grayclaw was heard from behind. Tawnypaw and Coalpaw spun around toward the long furred warrior. Grayclaw looked at them both, "Coalpaw,  go get help from Beestar and Bloodmoon. Tawnypaw, go protect Moonpaw and Featherwish." He ordered. Coalpaw looked at him, "The nursery," he murmured, "They're going to raid the nursery." 
Grayclaw looked concerned, "I'll take care of it. You two do as I say." With that, he turned and ran to the nursery. Tawnypaw spun toward the medicine cat den, coming face to face with Flintpaw, "Well well well, It's Tawnypaw, right?" 
Tawnypaw growled, "Go back to your clan and never come back.." 

Flintpaw chuckled softly, "Sorry, Even if I want to leave, it's Raystar's orders." 
She knocked him off of his paws, pinning him down on the ground. Rain started to pour, drenching the clearing with a heartbeat. Tawnypaw growled, her claws raking into his shoulders, "You won't dare set foot into SkyClan again." 
"Oh really?" He pushed her off of him, pinning her down, "And who's going to stop me? A wimp like you?" Filled with anger, Tawnypaw bit his neck hard, blood filling her mouth. Flintpaw let out a screech of pain, hissing. She threw him, then ran as fast as she could into the medicine den. 

Not a single sound was heard in the medicine den. Tawnypaw looked around. No one was seen, not Moonpaw or Featherwish. Badgerscar was in the den, looking around. She quickly moved into the shadows, hidden from sight. She saw Badgerscar sigh. He turned around and went back out into the clearing.
Now's my chance! 

She stepped out of the shadows, making sure no BlazeClan cat was around. Moonpaw poked her head out of the corner, letting out a sigh of relief. She looked at Tawnypaw, "That was a close one." She shook her gray fur. Featherwish stepped out of her hiding spot, her eyes glimmered with worry, "We don't have much time, Badgerscar's going to come back with more help."
"Well, what can we do?!?" Moonpaw meowed. 

Tawnypaw looked around, Featherwish's right. We have to do something! She turned to Moonpaw, "Moonpaw, take Featherwish out of the den. Find out what to do next." Tawnypaw ordered. Moonpaw looked at her concerned, "What about you?"
"I'll stay here and protect the herbs." Tawnypaw replied. With that, the gray apprentice took Featherwish out of the den quickly, and soon enough, Tawnypaw was surrounded with warriors. She looked at her opponents. On one side of her was Whitestripe, the other three cats looked to be kittypets. Badgerscar was leading them, "Get rid of that apprentice!" He howled. Claws were swiped at her. Quickly, she ducked down and swiped at their underbellies. Some of them let out a hiss of pain, while others dodged her attack. Someone knocked her down, pinning her onto the dusty ground. Her paws thrashed around helplessly. Panic surged inside her. A dark chuckle was heard, "And in the end, BlazeClan rises."

"Flintpaw…." She snarled at the dark gray apprentice. He growled, his grip becoming more stronger as she let out a cry of pain, "It's Flintstorm." 
Flintstorm sunk his teeth into Tawnypaw's scruff, his jaw firmly on her neck. She felt her blood pour out of her body. She closed her eyes, I'm going to die! 
She opened her eyes to come face to face with Skylily. Her mother's tail touched her cheek gently, Tawnypaw, don't give up… 
You're right mother, I won't give up! 

She thrashed helplessly in his grasp. 
"Tawnypaw!" Coalpaw's loud cry was heard. She swiped her claws at Flintstorm's face, making him drop her, hissing with pain. Quickly, Tawnypaw clawed at him. The two broke into fight, clawing at each other. Coalpaw came into the den, followed by Swiftstorm and Bugclaw, "Quickly, get the herbs!" 
Bugclaw and Swiftstorm went into the corner of the den, grabbing all the herbs that weren't destroyed. Coalpaw helped Tawnypaw fight off the BlazeClan warriors. They all ran out the den, leaving them behind. 

Coalpaw turned to Tawnypaw. His gaze full of worry, "Tawnypaw! Are you okay?!?!?"
She nodded, then winced in pain. He looked even more worried, "You're bleeding!" 
"What about the kits?" She asked
Coalpaw looked at her, "Hollycloud and Brooklight is helping Morningblaze and Dawnstream toke the kits and elders out of camp until BlazeClan retreats." He told her. She felt a pinch of relief, but she shook it off. We're not done yet…

The clearing was filled with cats fighting. Tawnypaw looked in horror, Why are they doing this!?? She saw Fishpelt badly injured. Blood poured from his wounds. Dustnight stayed near Liontuft. Her shoulder badly bled. Blackclaw and Silentglare surrounded Bloodmoon, cackling. Her clanmates looked exhausted as they fought off the BlazeClan warriors. Tawnypaw looked in horror, seeing Beestar limp in the clearing. Flintstorm and Falconpaw surrounded him.  No, stop! Beestar get up! 

Eventually Beestar stood up, but Falconpaw pinned him back down. Tawnypaw quickly rushed to her Clan leaders' aid, clawing at Falconpaw's back. He let out a shriek, turning to her and swinging his claws at her. She dodged, making him fall ungracefully onto the muddy ground. She looked to see Coalpaw fighting with Flintstorm. 
She let out a silent cry, Please StarClan! Help us!

"BlazeClan, retreat!" Blackclaw yowled, pushing Beestar out of the way and leaving the camp, his clanmates following behind him. The clearing fell silent as SkyClan cats panted from exhaustion. Beestar looked at his Clan, "Spottedpetal, go fetch the queens. The rest of you, Featherwish will try to tend to all of your wounds. We will discuss this later." He jumped off the high rock. 

A couple of heartbeats passed, Tawnypaw sat beside Bloodmoon, "What happened?" She asked softly. Bloodmoon looked at her, "BlazeClan attacked, they turned to kittypets for allies." She replied, "Yellowstrike died, and Blackclaw is now deputy." 
Tawnypaw shuddered. 
"Let all cats who are able to catch their own prey, come to the high rock for a Clan meeting." 

It was dusk, the sun started to fall onto the horizon. Cats came out of their dens, their faces filled with concern. Beestar was on the high rock, Bloodmoon beside him. 
"SkyClan, Although times are bad, it is time we have more warriors. Coalpaw, Tawnypaw, come up."
Tawnypaw felt her paws start to tremble. Coalpaw stayed near her, his eyes burning with pride. 
"I, Beestar, leader of SkyClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on these apprentices. They have trained to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend them to you as a warrior in their turn." He looked down at the two apprentices, "Coalpaw, Tawnypaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend you Clan, even at the cost of your life?" 
"I do." Tawnypaw and Coalpaw both meowed. 
"Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior names. Coalpaw, from this moment you will be known as Coalheart. StarClan honors your strength, and we welcome you as a full warrior of SkyClan." He leaped down from the rock, and rested his muzzle on the new warrior's head, while Coalheart licked his shoulder. Beestar turned to Tawnypaw, "Tawnypaw, from this moment you will be known as Tawnybreeze. StarClan honors your loyalty and we welcome you as a full warrior of SkyClan." He rested his muzzle on her head, as Tawnybreeze licked his shoulder.

"Coalheart! Tawnybreeze!" The Clan cheered. Tawnybreeze felt a surge of pride go through her, I'm a warrior!

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