
By Whatship111

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johnny x renjun (new updates coming soon ~) More



1.1K 25 7
By Whatship111

"Renjun what do you wanna eat for Breakfast"Kun yells.
"I'll buy some on campus"Renjun replied as he ran out the door.
"Chenle your gonna be late for school"Kun then yelled.
"Coming"Chenle yelled as he ran downed the stairs.
"Bye gege"Chenle says as he grabs a piece of bread.
"Sicheng I'm leaving for work"Kun yells.
"Wait"Sicheng yells as he runs down.
"Is there something wrong"Kun asked then Sicheng gave him a kiss before he left.

"Renjun you're late"Mark says as Renjun sat next to him.
"I know but my car stalled and the tow took along time to come and jump start it"Renjun said as he took out his books.
"You need a new car"Mark replied.
"It's just needs a new battery that's all"Renjun said then looked at the professor.
"That's what you said when your muffler fell off"Mark responded.
"I work a crappy job and I'm not asking anyone for help before you suggest"Renjun says.

When it was lunch Jaemin and Donghyuk jumped into the conversation.
"Come on Renjun just get a new job if that one sucks so bad"Jeno suggest as he continued to eat.
"Its not that easy dumbass"Renjun replied.

"Why don't you ask your cousin"Jaemin says as he holds Marks hand.
"Sicheng already offered but I declined since he already is paying for most off my college Im lucky I got a scholarship since I want to become independent"Renjun said as he walks to his car.
"Why would you decline"Donghyuk says.

"Because he doesn't want any help"Chenle says as he stands next Renjun's car.
"What are doing here,did Sicheng tell you to come or did Kun after I called him"Renjun asked as he threw his bag into the back seat.
"No well maybe"Chenle replied.
"Is Jisung with you"Jaemin asked as he looked at Chenle.
"In the car"He replied then looked back at Renjun.

"Gege please get a new car"Chenle say in Chinese so they can talk more comfortable.
"I know you have money for one,I saw your bank account"Chenle added.
"That's so I can get an apartment or a house after I graduate and then I also need it for bills and food"Renjun replied then got into his car so he could leave.
"Where's he going"Donghyuk asked Chenle.

"Work"Chenle replied then went to his car.
"Oh"Donghyuk said then walked away.
"Bitch left us"Donghyuk yelled as he got close to Jeno and Mark since Jaemin was with Jisung and Chenle.
"Come on Jaemin"Mark yelled.
"Coming"Jaemin yelled back as he ran up to Mark.

"I'm looking for a new job if you have any recommendations"Renjun asked Hendery.
"The only job I know is hiring is the strip club"Hendery replied making him groan.
"I don't know"Renjun said as he stacked the papers.
"I know you pole dance,and you're good"Hendery said as he followed Renjun.
"Shut up"Renjun replied as he walked to his cubicle.

When he got off work he went straight home,he was to tired to do anything else or he would hanging out with his friends but he had papers to work on and a stolen beer from the fridge at home.
His bed was practically screaming his name when he arrived.
"Renjun is that you,you missed dinner"Kun says as he walks into the living room.
"Sorry my shift was crazy"Renjun replied as he took off his shoes.

"You shouldn't push yourself"Sicheng says as he came into the living with a throw blanket.
"I know"Renjun replied then headed to his room.
"I worry about that kid"Kun says as he sits next to Sicheng how had started the movie.
"I do to"Sicheng says while putting a hand around Kun.

"Why did you call me so late,its 2 in the morning"Renjun whisper yelled at Hendery.
"While the strip club needs a person to fill in for a girl who got sick and since I bar tend there I kinda suggest you"Hendery says making Renjun's mouth open.
"I'll buy you food and I'll get you that book you been wanting"Hendery says.
"Hold on and it better be good food"Renjun replied as he creeped to get some stuff and his house keys.
"You better cover for me"Renjun said,then he saw Yangyang come out from the car.
"I'll be in your room so don't worry go be a whore"Yangyang says as he walks into the house.

"Whoa"Hendery says from the Bar when he sees Renjun on the pole in practically nothing.
"Who's he"Johnny asks Ten who had brought him his drinks.
"I'll ask"Ten says then walks over to Hendery.
"Who's he a costumer wants to know"Ten asks Hendery who had averted his attention to Ten.
"Who I'll tell them myself"Hendery replied.
"That guy"Ten replied.
"Okay watch over the bar"Hendery says as he puts his rag into his apron.

"Are you the one who wants to know about him"Hendery asks.
"Yes I wanted to know if he does lap dances,sorry if I sound weird this is my first time in Korea since I was 5"Johnny replied.
"Oh no problem let me find out"Hendery responded.
"What is it"Renjun asks after he had gotten off the stage with his money in a little bag.
"Can you give a lap dance and Then I'll have Ten or I'll take you home"Hendery pleaded.
"Fine at least keep this safe I know exactly how much is there"Renjun says then asks who and where he needed to go.

[Lap dance skip because I don't want it to be cringe]

"Here's your money"Johnny says as he hands Renjun money before Renjun left.
"How'd it go"Ten asked as he drove Renjun home.
"It was fine I guess"Renjun Replied.
"While if you every need a job call"Ten says as Renjun gets out.
"Yangyang your rides here"Renjun says as he shakes Yangyang.
"Your back"Yangyang says with a yawn as he got up.
"Nice ass"Yangyang commented when he saw what Renjun was in.
"So I didn't have any other clothes I'm just glad this shirt cover"Renjun replied as Yangyang left.

The next morning Renjun got ready early since he had exams so he put on some sweats and put some snacks and his water bottle into his bag.
"Look who's up early"Sicheng said as he mixed the eggs.
"Yeah I have exams all day so I'm gonna leave now so I can give notes to Mark"Renjun said with a yawn.
"Good luck"Kun yelled.

"Renjun you're a life saver"Mark says as he looks through the notes.
"How is he a life saver"Jaemin asked as he side hugged Mark.
"I gave him notes"Renjun said then walked away.
"Can you tell me when the test starts I'm gonna sleep I barely got any last night"Renjun says as he lays his head on the table.

[What Markmin is wearing]

"Renjun the professor is here"Mark says as he elbowed Renjun.
"Okay"Renjun said while sitting up making a mental note to stab Mark later.
"Ugh my head hurts"Renjun whispered to himself moments later.
"Remember this is 45% of your grade if you're gonna fail a test fail the other's also this test will determine the rest of your year this is not highschool so take your time"The professor said.
"Began"He added then sat at his desk.

"Renjun I don't know how to solve this"Mark said as he turned his laptop.
"You learned this whatever"Renjun said then helped him.
"Thanks"Mark replied then continued.
Soon Renjun stood up after he turned in his exam.
"I wrote this about question 7 and 42 since I was a little confused"Renjun said as he walked up to the professor.
"Let me see"The professor says then looked at the paper.
"Ahh I see"The professor said then helped quickly.
"You're done"Mark said in a hushed tones.
"Yeah but I want some more sleep so wake me when you're done"Renjun replied as he put his head down.

"Renjun I'm done"Mark said as he shook Renjun who looked pale.
"You good"Mark then asked.
"Yeah"Renjun said then went stand but he ended up passing out.
"Dude"Mark said when he saw Renjun.

When he woke up Sicheng was sitting next to him.
"What happened"Renjun asked as he sat up.
"The doctor said you're dehydrated so they gave you saline but the doctor just got off so a different one will come and check on you"Sicheng said.
"Okay"Renjun replied .
"I have to have to get back to work so behave"Sicheng said then left.

"Hwang Renjun"The Doctor said causing Renjun to look up while he continued to look at the chart.
"It seems as though you are dehydrated so let me check everything and if its good you can be released"The Doctor says making Renjun nod.
"Okay everything seems fine if you feel good then I can get the release paper"The Doctor said as he looked at the now empty saline bag.
"Yeah I feel better"Renjun replied.
"Okay let me get the release forms and you'll be good to go"The Doctor replied while Renjun responded with a nod.

"Donghyuk can you come pick me up from ***** hospital"Renjun asked when Donghyuk answered.
"I thought you died the way Mark sounded but sure I'll bring Nono with since he's been up my ass the entire day"Donghyuk replied.
"Okay I'll wait outside so text before you get here"Renjun said then waited for a reply before he hung up.

"Okay you can sign these papers after I get the IV out"The nurse says before taking out the IV then handed a pen to Renjun after she put a bandage on his hand.
"Okay you should be all good"The nurse said with a smile then show him where the exit is.
On his way out he bumped into a guy.
"Im so sorry I didn't see you there-"Renjun said as he leaned over to help pick up the flowers that were scattered out on the floor.

The chapters might end abruptly also warnings will be on chapters that need them!
I hope everyone enjoys this fanfic I don't know how long it's gonna be so yeah let's began.....

P.s Ships will be revealed later on besides the ones in the first chapter and besides the main one.

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