By pieterselover

915 65 13

4 girls starts getting threats From someone under the name "A" After their best friends body was found. More



103 8 1
By pieterselover

The morning sun was shining threw Spencer Hastings window,shining at her bed where she was sleeping.
- Spencer It's time to wake up! Spencers mom Veronica yelled
Spencer was so surprised that she fell out of her bed and hit her elbow on the floor.
- I'm up! She yelled back feeling her elbow hurt.

"Minutes later"
Spencer closed the door to her house and put her hand down her bag searching for her car keys. she quickly opened the car and started driving towards her school ( rosewood day ). She was there,stepped out from her car and walked up to the gate leading into the school. She walked to her locker and looked for her history books inside her locker everything was organized in alphabetical order. If even just one book was misplaced Spencer would freak out and start crying inside. She yanked out her history books and started to walk across the hall to get to "room 13" aka the history classroom. On her way she saw someone she hadent seen for weeks, she saw Aria Montgomery.
Their eyes met and Arias lit up,Aria started walking towards Spencer.
- what is she doing! Spencer screamed to herself inside.
- Hey spencer! I havent seen you in a long time, Aria pulled Spencer in for a hug
Spencer was surprised but yet she said :
- yea not since..well you
- the night Ali was found? A girl behind them said
Spencer and Aria turned around and saw their old best friend Emily fields
- EEMILY heey! Aria screamed and hugged Emily too, emily hugged her back and said
- So great to see you.
- yea I'm happy to be back, I havent missed alot have I? Aria said staring at Spencer and Emily
- Umm..not really Emily said , you could tell she had to think.
- exept that Spencer said pointing at two girls that stood by the end of the hall
- is that..? It cant be! Aria said as her jaw dropped, It was..Hanna Marin.
- apperantly after Ali died..Spencer started to say facing the ground, she kept going Hanna lost thoose extra pounds and became best friends with Mona.
- The Mona vanderwaal? Aria said
- Pretty hard to believe huh?.. emily said
- yea! Aria said, Ali made us tease her constantly, I cant even imagine how it must of feelt
- Hey guys I'm late for class see you later?.. Spencer was dying to get away from, she thought they brought up bad memorys.
- yeah! bye they both said

A door to classroom nr 15 opened and inside Spencer Hastings sat on a desk at the front row.
- Spencer? A confused Hanna Marin asked
- Hanna! finally tell me whats going on
- what do you mean? Hanna asked
- I got a text from Emily saying I needed to come here Spencer explaned
- I got a text from you! Hanna chirped with a high pitched voice
- Wwait what? Spencer shouted let me see that text
Hanna handed over her phone showing the text that said Spencer asked her to meet her here. The door flung open again and in came Aria montgomery with her phone in her hand.
- what's the emergency Hanna? Aria said looking straight at Hanna
- I didnt send you that text Hanna said pointing at Arias phone.
- well who did? Aria asked acting confused
- we dont know... Spencer said and started explaining why she was there
The door opened once again and in came Emily fields
Aria, Hanna and Spencer explained to Emily why everyone was there and that it was a big misunderstanding. Suddenly
The lights went off and a the smell of vanilla soap was in the classroom.
- It smells exactly like..Hanna started to say
- Ali's vanilla soap Emily continued to say.
- Yea.. Spencer and Aria said
The lights went on again, *beep
All the girls phones started beeping " a new textmesage from unknown" it said on all the girls screens. They all opened the message and read out load :
"Thats right I'm still here bitches this wont me the last time you hear from me "smell" you later xoxo - A" the text has said. Suddenly once again the smell of Vanilla soap filled the room.
- what just happend? Aria asked the others
- was.. that?.. Spencer started to say
- Dont say it! Hanna screamed at her
- It was Ali..Emily muttured.. It had to be.

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