Chaennie | One Shots

By BlinkBp2016

12.3K 299 132

Reasons to read : They are hot together. And the oneshots will try to justify the hotness of this power coup... More

I hate my boss!
Can I Love You? (part 2)

Can I Love You?

657 30 8
By BlinkBp2016

Author's note

Heyooo, it's been a while since I published anything 😶 Well I've been busy with life and stuff 😅 But I finally got the time to write and I'm glad to see that the 3 one shots have received this much love 🥺💕
Ahem so here's a looong one shot since I'm back after a long time. Hopefully, you'll enjoy it 🥺💖

Rosé's Pov

Deep breaths, deep breaths

"Jennie.... I'm trying to do my work here"

The petite figure ignored the request and continued to sit sideways in the taller girl's lap.

"Don't tell me what to do I'm older than you, Rosie" She lifted her eyebrow and continued to read from her book.

Rosé griped the pen tightly and continued to write but the feeling of the warm body against her frame wasn't allowing her to concentrate.

Why is she wearing a tank top and short shorts... I can't concentrate at all

The clock ticked on, and the only sounds that could be heard were the turning of pages and scribbling of pen.

A few minutes passed by and Jennie shifted in her place and stradled Rosé's thighs.

"When will you be done?" She asked pouting and griped Rosé's shoulders.

She looks so cute pouting like that... But more importantly this position... I need to stay in my senses and not do something that I'll regret later on.

Rosé took nervous breaths in and gulped unnoticed.

"Jennie I-I still have some work left" She clenched her pen, keeping her gaze down.

Jennie pulled her lower lip in and said in a disappointed voice "But you're always busy these days... You come back from school and lock yourself up, only coming out for lunch and dinner... You won't even look me in the eyes these days" Tears were on the edge of falling "Please tell me if I did something wrong... I can't handle you being d-distant from me" Her voice broke in the end.

No this isn't what I wanted to happen... I just want you to be happy...

Rosé stretched her hand up and cupped the puffed up cheek.

"It's not your fault Jennie" Rosé pressed her lips together "I'm just busy with school stuff nothing else" She gave a weak smile in the end, her eyes avoiding the chocolate brown orbs.

Lie.... I'm just making myself busy by doing extra work

"Is that so?" Jennie asked still not completely satisfied with the reply "You're not hiding anything from me, are you?"

I am... I'm hiding this painful secret since I met you two years ago

Rosé placed her hand on the slim waist and pulled the shorter girl in for a embrace, hiding her face in the crook of her neck "I'm not, everything's fine between us"

I can't look you in the eyes and lie

"Don't overwork yourself" Jennie gently ran her fingers through the platinum locks and kissed her on the head " Your health is more important okay"

Please don't be so kind to me... I don't deserve your kindness

Rosé breathed in the calming scent of Jennie. She missed it. She missed it soo much that she couldn't let go, despite her mind constantly warning her to let go.

Don't get too close. You have to let go -

"It tickles" Jennie giggled

Rosé lifted her face up, still keeping Jennie in her arms.

Jennie continued with a grin "Your breath, it tickled my neck"

It's all too overwhelming... I kept my distance to suppress my urges... But instead they've become even more strong

"This is what happens when you finally look at me after all these days" Jennie chuckled "So you better look me in the eyes daily from now on" Sprinkles of pink were now present on the older girl's cheeks.

Was I staring at her.... Fuck.... I'm letting my guard down

"Uh sorry I was just lost in thoughts" Rosé mumbled under her breath and quickly averted her gaze elsewhere.

"No, don't do that... " Jennie bit her lower lip in disappointment "I was actually happy that you finally looked at me"

Please when you say things like these... It gets my hopes up... I can't let that happen... Please stop being so adorable.

"Jennie, your phone is ringing downstairs!" A voice came breaking the moment.

"Coming mom!" Jennie replied back. She then looked at Rosé with a warm smile, finally being able to feel her warmth "I'll go attend the phone, you can complete your work without any hindrance now"

She then got off, and walked out the door leaving Rosé in a cluster of emotions.

It's no good, my desires are taking over my mind and body.... I can't suppress them long... I need to go somewhere far from this place... For Jennie's sake, I have to leave her.


Third Pov

"So Jen, have you figured out things between your beloved little sister?"

"No.... I still feel like she's hiding something, limario" Jennie sighed and plopped down on the couch "But I did manage to make her look me in the eyes today" Her lips formed a smile, remembering their embrace just a few minutes ago.

"At least some progress" A chuckle came. Lisa then asked remembering something "Don't tell me, you actually did what I told you??"

Jennie pulled her knees up on the couch and curled her toes in "Yeah.... I did"

A burst of chuckle came from the phone, making Jennie push it away and bring it close after it was over "You told me it'll work and it did!"

"I was just teasing you to sit on her lap and actually make her look in your eyes" Lisa replied short of breath from her previous activity "I can't believe you actually went on and did it!"

Jennie bit her lower lip in, her heart for some reason pounding "Don't say that now.... And besides it doesn't matter now since it worked anyway" She twirled the edge of her tank top as she recalled the moment with an embarrassed blush now accompanying her cheeks.

"You really do love Rosé, don't ya?" Lisa asked, bringing Jennie back to reality.

"Of course I do" Jennie replied enthusiastically without delaying a second.

"Ahaan" Lisa smirked at the enthusiastic reply.

Jennie then lowered her voice and replied nervously "I-I mean she's family, of course I'll love her"

"Yeah right " Lisa replied with suppressed chuckle "Okay talk to you later, I've got some work left to do"

"Yeah k bye" Jennie ended the phone but the last statement just remained stuck in her mind.

Yeah I love Rosie.....she's my sister... I love her hazel brown orbs, who look straight into my soul, I love her chubby cheeks which make me want to bite em, her beautiful voice, her kind and caring heart.... Not to mention her hugs which make me melt into bliss... Her toned arms-


Her name being called, pulled her out of her train of thoughts.

"Y-Yeah" She asked, dispersing the mysterious thoughts at the back of her head.

"Are you alright, I had called you three times before?" Rosé asked with a concerned voice.

"Yeah I'm fine" Jennie quickly got up. For some reason she couldn't look Rosé in the eyes.

"Okay....." Rosé replied, confused by the sudden change of behavior "By the way lunch is ready, so everyone was waiting for you"

"Okay, let's go" Jennie swiftly went past Rosé.

Why am I acting so weird?


Third person pov

The door opened with a light creak, and in came a figure with a teddy clutched to her chest.

She closed the door behind and continued to hug the bear.

Rosé rubbed her eyes to concentrate on who came in her room in the middle of night. The light of the lamp providing enough light to discern.

"Jennie, what happened?" Rosé asked, quickly sitting up in her bed.

Jennie didn't reply and just motioned towards her bed.

"Did you perhaps have a nightmare?" Rosé asked in a gentle voice.

Jennie nodded and slipped under the blanket. Her back was against Rosé and she continued to hug the teddy close to her heart.

Although Rosé was worried about Jennie but she couldn't help but smile looking at the teddy so close to Jennie. Its name was pasta. Jennie named it after receiving it as a gift from Rosé.

Rosé scooted closer and placed her hand carefully on Jennie's shoulder "It's alright it was just a nightmare" She gently rubbed the shoulder, hoping to relax the troubled older girl "What has gotten you so tensed? Was the nightmare that bad?"

Jennie parted her lips to speak but closed them again.

"Can I sleep here tonight?" Jennie asked, almost in a plea.

Rosé hesitated for a moment. Her mind constantly warning her it's a bad idea. But her heart couldn't ask Jennie to leave, especially when she needs her.

"Of course you can" She smiled warmly.

Jennie uttered a small thankyou then placed pasta on the bedside table and whispered a small Goodnight.

Rosé also whispered a small Goodnight and lied down facing Jennie's back, worry still present in her heart.

A few minutes passed by when Rosé spoke again.

"Jennie sure you're alright?" She asked, not being able to sleep.

Jennie turned around in her place and was now face to face with Rosé.

"I had the worst nightmare ever" She finally spoke "I couldn't see you anywhere in the house and no matter how many times I called your name or searched for you I couldn't find you..." Jennie then held Rosé's hand and continued "It felt like you were gone somewhere far... Far from my reach and that thought frightened me of never seeing you again"

Rosé took a light gulp, not knowing what to say in such a situation.

Jennie waited for Rosé to say something, some words of assurance that she was going to stay or nothing like this would happen.

"Rosé... You aren't going anywhere, are you?" Jennie scooted closer and cupped Rosé's cheek. She wanted to hear something that would calm her unsettled heart.

"Jennie...." Rosé finally spoke "I'm going to attend my University in Melbourne"

Jennie's eyes widened in surprise and she asked in shock "But won't that be too far from home and besides that with your grades you could easily enter any good University here"

Rosé averted her gaze from Jennie, her heart couldn't handle the hurt look in Jennie's eyes "I got a good scholarship offer from a University there and I've looked into all the details as well and I can't refuse it"

Jennie wanted to speak but pressed her lips shut as though she was shutting her heart from saying the words she desperately wanted to say.

Rosé held Jennie's hand and gave it a light squeeze "Hey I'm not going forever, I'll come visit during my holidays... So please don't get sad"

Jennie just nodded and embraced Rosé tightly without saying anything.

"Jennie..." Rosé uttered suddenly feeling the warmth of the older girl.

"If that's where your happiness lies Rosé then I won't say anything to stop you" Jennie spoke, her heart tightened as she hid her indescribable pain from Rosé " But please can we stay like this for tonight..."

Rosé's mind was telling her to refuse, to not be swayed by emotions or it'll be even hard leaving Jennie but her love for Jennie won over and held the petite girl closer by the waist and embraced her warmly.


Third pov

"You should just confess already!" Jisoo sighed in frustration.

Rosé released a sad sigh and continued to sit with slouched shoulders.

"I can't she's my sister"

Jisoo rolled her eyes and corrected "Step sister whom you have no blood relation with"

Rosé shaked her head again "She considers me her little sister... I don't want her to hate me Jisoo yah"

Jisoo scooted closer and hugged Rosé from the side " You'll regret it forever if you don't say anything now Rosie"

Rosé let her head fall on Jisoo's shoulder and a tear rolled down her cheek "I don't know what to do anymore"

Jisoo gently wiped the tear "Just try"

The door to their room opened and Jennie came in "So what game should we -

Jennie stopped midway, seeing Rosé and Jisoo so close. Her eyes stayed fixed as her heart slowly dropped.

Rosé quickly fixed herself up in her position and gave a bright smile" Let's play Mortal combat today"

Jennie gave a forced smile back as she tried to hold back her tears.



"That was so fun!" Rosé stretched her arms and sat on the sofa.

"Yeah it was" Jennie smiled back while sitting next to her.

"I'll ask Jisoo when if she's free again this weekend" Rosé stated with a smile.

Jennie stayed silent and nodded in response.

Rosé scooted closer "Are you not feeling well, Jen?" She then held her hand gently " You weren't quite lively as well earlier"

"I'm good, don't worry!" Jennie tried her fake smile again but Rosé caught on to it "Don't do this smile with me"

Jennie tried to change the topic "So you two have gotten quite close recently"

"You mean me and Jisoo?" Rosé asked with a raised brow and then shrugged her shoulders " I think we're the usual"

Jennie tried hard to hide her pain but couldn't hold back and remarked with a huff " Sure, you won't even look at me but be all lovey dovey with her"

Rosé blinked her eyes in confusion "When were we lovey dovey??"

Jennie couldn't hold back her jealousy coupled with anger and she motioned herself to get up "Forget it, it's nothing"

Rosé quickly held Jennie by the waist and slid her arms around her "Now tell me what's bothering you?"

Jennie's face blushed hard and she was she struggled to say anything " I d-don't have anything to say"

Rosé then placed her chin on Jennie's shoulder from behind " Tell me"

Jennie felt Rosé's breath on her neck and their bodies pressed together was making her feel weird in many places that she would rather not focus.

"You're so.. distant from me but fine with everyone else " Anger and hurt was visible in her voice. Her voice then trembled "If you hate me then just tell me already!" She then unhooked Rosé's arms and began to run upstairs with tears falling down her cheeks.

Rosé sat bewildered for a moment and then began to go after Jennie" Jen wait!! "

" I don't want to talk to you! " Jennie replied back with anger.

Rosé didn't reply back, her heart squeezed tightly seeing Jennie in pain.

As Jennie reached her room, she tried to close it but Rosé came in time and placed her hand in between the door frame.

" Jennie... let's.. talk " Rosé said out of breath.

"I don't want to!" Jennie replied with tears still falling "Just go!"

Rosé's didn't listen and forced the door open. She then embraced Jennie tightly in her arms.

"Don't cry Jen bear" Rosé consoled softly.

Jennie tried to resist Rosé's embrace but she eventually gave in exhausted with a hurt voice "You're mean, cold and more mean"

Rosé rubbed her back in circular motions "I know, I'm a bad person"

Jennie hid herself in Rosé's neck "Not bad, just mean"

Rosé smiled and settled her hands on Jennie's waist " Alright, just mean"

Jennie then backed in the embrace and looked up to match Rosé's gaze.

They looked at each other in silence for a while, studying each other's features closely.

Rosé then extended her hand and cupped Jennie's cheek gently " I'm sorry for making you cry"

Jennie closed her eyes against Rose's hand " You better be"

Rosé grinned at Jennie's cuteness and couldn't help but genttly press her lips against Jennie's forehead . Jennie's eyes widened upon feeling the sudden soft contact.

A sudden realization hit Rosé and she quickly removed her hands from Jennie's waist "Sorry..."

Jennie stood there confused "Why are you apologizing??" She then held Rose's hand again "Please Rose... Don't close up again"

Rosé couldn't bear to look in Jennie's eyes or she wouldn't be able to control.

" Jennie, you'll hate me" Rosé replied desperately.

"I can never hate you Rosie" Jennie said with sincerity "Please tell me what's in your heart"

Rosé stayed silent, trying to control her bottled up desires.

"Please Rosie... I beg of you" Desperation rose in Jennie's request "Rosie-

Her words were cut short by a pair of soft lips.

Rosie's hands then travelled around Jennie's waist and she parted their lips " This is what I think of you "

Jennie stood at her place in shock. They both stood there for a while as Jennie processed everything that had just happened.

" Now you know why I didn't want you close to me Jen" Rosé uttered with a sad smile "Because I want you.. In this way "

Jennie gulped as her cheeks began to heat up.

"You must think I'm disgusting" Rosé huffed in a sad tone " I won't come near you again"

As she was about to withdraw, Jennie grabbed Rose's shirt "Don't go"

Rosé halted her steps but stayed silent.

Jennie then rested her forehead against Rosé's back "At least give me some time to process everything"

Rosé took a moment and then replied with an understanding sigh "... Alright"

Jennie stayed in the position for a while as she tried to calm her unstable heart. Afterwards, she spoke with a heavy blush spread across her cheeks " The kiss..." She then pulled her lower lip in and continued


"I liked it"


Rosé's eyes widened upon hearing the shy confession.

"Not only the k-kiss" Jennie continued nervously "I like everything about you Rosé... I tried to deny this feeling.. Masking it as love for family...But deep down I knew it was different"

Rosé turned around and was now facing Jennie.

"The kiss today made me realize" Jennie gazed up with tears now lined up " I want you Rosé...I want you so much that it physically hurts to be away from your loving embrace"

"Jen..." Rosé's own eyes welled up.

Out of nowhere Jennie got on her tippy toes and planted a soft kiss on Rosé's lips.

Rosé stood at her place shocked as her cheeks turned pink.

They both then stood at their places for a while as their heart rates continued to increase.

"Say something..." Jennie bit her lower lip, not being able to handle the tension of the room.

Rosé didn't relpy. She quickly placed her hands around Jennie's thighs.

"Wh-what are you doing??" Jennie asked as Rosé lifted her thigh up.

Rosé leaned in and whispered close to Jennie's ear "Get your legs around me"

Jennie's breath hitched and she struggled to breath. She could only nod and obeyed Rose's command by straddling Rosé's waist and placing her arms around her neck as she is lifted up in Rose's arms.

Rosé took a few steps ahead and then gently lowered Jennie to the bed while she stayed ontop.

"I love you so much" Rosé confessed sincerely as she gazed into the glistening chocolate brown orbs.

Jennie gulped and took unsteady breaths in. Before she could gather the courage to reply, Rosé leaned in and kissed her softly. Jennie kissed back and shut her eyes as they continued to kiss intimately.

Rosé's fingers then delicately lifted Jennie's shirt from the side.

The contact send shivers down Jennie spine.

Jennie then gripped Rosé's shoulders and took deeps breaths in between their passionate kiss.

"Can I?" Rosé spoke softly in between their kiss.

Jennie smiled warmly. In a few quick motions, she took off her shirt which revealed a white lacy bra underneath.

Rosé gulped lightly, her face now heated up.

Jennie then took Rose's hand and guided the fingers to her breast, sliding them under the fabric.


"I'm all yours"

Author’s note

So does anyone want an uncensored version of what happens next? 🌝

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