The Missing Pieces

By LaurenWhitley1

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Something happens to Pentatonix that leaves the group with numerous injuries, Mitch's being the worst. What h... More

The Accident
Back at It!
Getting It Out
Sorry Not a Chapter
Please Accept Me...
Talk It Out
Turn of Events
The Road to Recovery
Something Special
Hello and Goodbye?
On The Road Again...Again
It's Over
Touring Again
Free Day!
New Cover????
Q and S L A Y
Who I Am.
The Confrontation.
The Last Chapter
Sequel is Up!

Making Changes?

687 39 2
By LaurenWhitley1

*Scott's POV*

Mitch flipped out on me...

We've never fought before.

Is it my fault?

I think it's my fault.

Should I talk to him?


My curtain was pulled open to reveal a teary-eyed Mitch.

I sit up. "I'm...I'm sorry Mitch. I shouldn't have pushed you to tell me what was wrong."

He shakes his head. It's my fault. I shouldn't have flipped on you.

" I understand why you flipped on me. Can we just make up now? I don't like fighting it's stressful."

He smiles. Okay. I'm too lazy to fight anyway.

I laugh. "Thank God. I didn't want to have to tickle you to make you not hate me."

I would've killed you.

"Nah you love me."

"Okay, lovebirds come on we have to rehearse." Kirstie says, getting off the bus.

We walk into our rehearsal room and get all of our stuff for the concert tonight set up.

Mitch taps my shoulder.

We have an interview later, what do I do?

"You'll be fine, just tell me your answers to their questions."

He nods. I'm just scared that they'll ignore me. Maybe I just shouldn't go.

"Mitch. Stop putting yourself down. I'll make sure they don't ignore you."

He nods. Thanks Scott.

"Okay, let's get started. What do we need to practice?" Kevin asks.

"Let's practice Aha!" Says Kirstie.

"Okay. Mitch are you okay with it?" I ask.

Mitch nods.

"Okay. And 5,6,7,8."

I see Mitch really concentrating not to slur or stutter. This is a complicated one since its kind of speaking a little bit.

"Wh-wheat-meat dairy-f-free, tee-total, so happy clappy high on life you should trrry it-"

He stops and looks at me.

"Let's take 5." I say and go over to Mitch.

We have a show in three hours, Scott. I don't know what to do.

"You'll be okay, Mitch. I believe in you. We'll just practice this a lot. We'll put another song in if this doesn't work."

I don't wanna ruin the show.

"I know it's hard because of the speaking, but you're not ruining anything. We have backup songs if this doesn't work. Don't stress. Do you wanna try Valentine?"

He nods.

"Okay. Guys, let's try Valentine! We haven't sang that one in a while. But we need to warm up a little bit."

Everyone agreed and we just started warming up while doing whatever. I pulled Mitch aside.

"Wanna try some warm ups from high school?"

Yeah. Maybe that'll work.

"Let's sing the major scale up and down. Half notes. Do the hand signs and see if it helps."
















"Good job! That was perfect. Wanna try the other one?"

I don't think I can do it.

"I know you can, Mitch."

He nods. Let's do it.

"Do do do

Mi re do

Re re re

Fa mi re

Mi mi mi

Sol fa mi...."

We continue until he gets to ti, where he stutters.

"Keep going, it's okay."

He does the rest almost perfectly.

"That's really good Mitch. I'm proud of you, and don't think anything otherwise. I know it's hard, but you're getting through it."

Thanks Scott. I think I'm ready to sing.

"You sure?"


"Okay. Guys, let's go. Let's do Valentine."

Mitch's voice fills the air. He gets through his solo almost perfectly, only stumbling over a couple of words.

He looks at me and I smile and nod at him. "Great." I mouth.

He smiles an actual, genuine Mitch Grassi smile. I'm glad he's pulling through.

The song doesn't really have any big high notes or anything, so we try to think of another song to bring the mood back up.

"What about we bring Telephone back? I think that's an easy one."

Mitch nods. I can definitely sing that one.

"Hey guys? We have to go to your interview at the radio station." Esther says, popping her head in.

We all file out. Mitch sits with me on the bus.

Scott, I'm scared.

Don't be. I'm sure they'll know...

I know. I just don't want to have to awkwardly sign things to you and you answer for me.

It's okay, Mitch. No one's going to think different of you or ask you different questions just because you can't speak.

I guess you're right. Will you help me if I get stuck?

Of course! That's what best friends are for.


"We're here!" Says Kevin.

"I have faith that you'll do fine." I whisper as we walk into the building.

Esther checks us in with the television company and we get situated in the interview room.

People walk in with our mics and cameras.

I look over at Mitch.

Here we go...

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