Kabuto's Little Imouto (A Nar...

By Noe-chan

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Nao was raised in an orphanage, without knowing who her parents are she grew close with a young boy a few yea... More

Kabuto's Little Imouto (A Naruto Fan Fiction)
Paying off Debt
The Plan
The Proposition
Meeting the Rookie 9
Unanswerable Questions
Overprotective Brother
Spending a Month
She Never Knew
Momentarily Blind
Off White Bandages
Southern Hideout
Mission Complete
Time of the Week

The Pursue Team

759 42 3
By Noe-chan

Chapter 16: The Pursue Team

In the dark of night a figure crouches down, hidden in between the shrubs and bushes of a heavily dense forest the figure is undetectabe. A few feet away a group of former experiments party, celebrating the fact that they had finally gotten away from the clutches of an evil man, Orochimaru.

The group was awfuly drunk, empty bottles of sake (japanese rice wine (alchohol)) littering across the ground of the clearing that they had demed safe enough for a camp not four hours ago. The figure shifts from their spot from behind the bushes, studying each man carefully.

There was a total of seven of them, it alone was amazing that even one of them had managed to excape from the heavy security hideouts, let alone all seven of them. Though the report did state that the whole hideut had revolted, ending with over half of the experiments dead, around five hundred, the other three hundred or so experiments had given the white flag, surrendering. Nearly ten of those experiments had managed to excape.

Those ten, or now seven had thought they were safe from Orochimaru's clutches and had decided to throw a party, not that smart on their part...The figure nodded, deciding it was finally time to act out.

Shining in the figure's hands was six needles, three clutched in each hand. With a practiced flick of the wrist each of the needles flew to their destinations. Five of the drunk men slump to the ground, in a deathike state, long needle sticking to their necks.

One of the men struggles to his feet, not as drunk as the others and more aware, he had managed to dodge the needle. The other man was simply not targetted, for he was already passed out, laying next to the campfire face first into the dirt.

The figure sends a few more needles in the direction of the last standing experiment, but the man had easily dodged all of the flying projectiles with ease.

"You'll need a bit more than that to get me!" The excaped experiments states feining confidence, but though his voice had given away the true way the man felt, for his voice had wavered slightly.

The figure frowns in slight fustration and leaps from her spot from behind the shrubs into the clearing, landing a few feet from the expirement.

"Nao-san, I shouldn't be suprised that Orochimaru had sent you," the expirement exclaims, easily reconising the black hair and blank milky white eyes of the former spy, one of two of Orochimaru's right hand men.

"Hello, if you come back with no fighting, Orochimaru-sensei just might be kind enough to excuse you of this little... mishap," Nao says not reconising the man before her, but it was not such an odd accurence for many of Orochimaru's subodinance know who exactly Nao is.

"No! No way am I coming back to that hell hole! You have no idea how horrible it is living in a place like that! I'd rather die," the man exclaims, if you could stil call him a man that is.

His skin was an oddish pale green green color, that wasn't the oddest thing abut him, the oddest thing was the fact that on his back was an enormous pink flower, not that Nao coud see any of this anyway. Though through her mind's eye she saw the oddest thing, it seemed as if the flower was quite iterally fgrowing out of the man's back, almost like a tail. His chakra going through the tail-like flower seemed to almost have a mind of it's own, it was the oddest sight that Nao had seen... err saw through her mind's eye.

"Orochimaru-sensei had ordered me to either bring you all back, or to have you--" Nao pauses in what she was saying, no longer paying attetion to the half man half plat before her, her head tilted in the Southwest, reconising the chakra signals, they were at the Chunin exams in Konoha.

Nao frowns, they were coming her way, and fast, there was four of them, one of them being a dog. While she was no longer paying attention to the former experiment he used this time to get away, thankful that he did not have to go against one of Orochimaru's right hand man, even if she seemed to be easier than her brother.

Nao makes the decision to run away, not wanting to be caught by the ninja from Konoha. She leaps into the trees, quickly jumping away, leaving behind all six men.

The group of ninja, however barely hesitates at the site were Nao had shot down the former experiments, instead going straight after the former ninja. Nao gasps, and starts to run afaster, weaving her way through the woods.

Her plan to mislead the ninja behind failed as they easily follow her path, it seemed as if the group of ninja that were sent after was a pursue team. Those teams usually exel in sensory skills, they are usually extremely hard to get rid of.

Nao growls angrily about getting caught in a situation like this, leaping from another branch. Her mind wirling with ideas, she checks on the ninja behind her, but gasps in suprise, noticing the miniscule chakra of the bugs all around her.

Just as the former spy leaps to another branch she is tackled out of the air by a oversized white dog. The two go flying to the ground, Akamaru the oversized dog growls in Nao's face, easily pinning the small girl down with his weight.

Nao struggles to move, her arm bent at an odd angle, for she had fallen on it. The three ninja jump down from the trees, "Good job, Akamaru!" on of the ninja, a brown haired boy with red triangles upo his face congradulates his dog, his name was Kiba. The dog barks happily barks at his owner, his furry tail wagging.

"Can you please let me go?" Nao asks as polite as ever.

"No can do, Yakushi-san! Our mission was to capture you!" Kiba states walking up to the pinned Nao. His two teammates standing on either side of her, one a female with a hesitance to her step, the other a male donning clothes that covers nearly his whole body.

Nao finally manages to get a foot under Akamaru's stomach and kicks the dog off of her. She leaps to her feet, three needles in each hand.

"Why... why was your mission to capture me, Inuzuka-san?" Nao asks, backing away from the group slowly yet surely.

"Because Hokage-sama had ordered us to, we do not question our orders," the other boy states in a matter of fact tone, Shino studying the girl before him, he reconises her from the chunin exams a year or so ago.

Nao nods, understanding what Shino ment, up until awhile ago she too did not question Orochimaru's motives. Nao jumps up, leaping into the trees, trying to get rid of the team, but once again she was tackled to the ground, landing on the same arm that she had landed on earlier.

A sickening crack resounds through the forest, Nao gasps in pain. Hinata, the lone girl of the team covers her mouth, never had she seen such a bad break. Nao's arm was completely broken at the elbow, a bone as clear as day.

Nao painfully gets up and uses medical ninjutsu, on her arm. It heals slowly, and Nao slowly sltands up halfway through, the arm still broken hanging uselessly at her side.

The young girl backs up slowly, going through her options, she was short on chakra, healing broken bones always did take a lot of chakra. The three ninja and ninkin slowly walk forward, encirlcling Nao.

"Orochimaru-sensei won't be too happy if he finds out that I was taken captive," Nao says, slowly pulling out six long needles. With a simple flick of her wrist Nao sends two needles to each of the ninja before her. Yet before they could land on their destination, they were easily evaded.

Her hands erupting in a green glow, much like the medical ninjutsu yet it was used to sever tendons during surgeries, the Chakra Scaple. Leaping forward Nao jumps straight towards Shino, swiping across his chest, the Konoha Ninja falls back, having trouble breathing.

Kiba and Akamaru leaps towards Nao, a growl excaping through their teeth. Nao swiftly hits both of them on pressure points on their necks, easily knocking them out. But not before Kiba had managed to stab Nao on the stomach with a kunai.

Nao quickly hops away, leaving Hinata alone, figuring that the quiet kunoichi would be of no trouble. A Few kilometers away Nao falls fast first into the ground, her breathing labored, blood leaving a trail behind her.

Nao passed out, leaning against a tree. Blood from the unattended wound on Nao's stomach pool around Nao, staining her dark clothes to an even darker color.


A tall middle aged woman stumbles through the forest from the bar, drunk. She leans heavily against a tree, only to catch her breath, it wasn't so odd to see her like this, six out of seven days of the week you would often find the woman drunk off her knocker.

The woman pushes herself off and onto her feet, taking a deep breath, trying to make the world around her spinning. The middle aged woman takes a few steps forwards and promptly trips over something.

The woman lands onto the leaf covered forest floor with a loud "oomph!" and a few curses spill out of her mouth. Yet before the woman manages to make it back to her feet, the woman notices the oddly shaped roots that she had triped over. And upon further inspection the woman realizes that she had not in fact tripped over some roots but instead a passed out teenager.

"Huh!?" the woman wondered, scooting closer to the young girl befoe her, "Must be a prostitute or something..." The woman says, nodding to herself while getting up. Yet before the woman was up on her feet, her hand lands splat into a pudde of some lukewarm liquid and gasps in suprise as she reconises the ruby red color of fresh blood.

"Oh poor girl, her body must have not been good enough for the men... those retched men, never thinking about the girl's feelings, instead they listen to whats between their legs instead of what's between their ears." The woman mutters, managing to get to her feet, the world finally stops spinning.

The drunk middled aged woman bends down and easily lifts the passed out young girl onto her back, and with slow meandering steps the odd woman takes the young girl back to her home out in the woods.


Okay, so sorry that I haven't posted in awhile, I just wasn't so sure what to do with this story, but now I do! I am posting on New Year's Eve, what is everyone's resolutions?

Mine is to post more often for you guys! ^^

Team 8 on the side!

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