Taking Chances

Af scarletsiren_tw

727 34 19

Alice King has never liked taking risks. Her best friends Keegan and Nina are the complete opposite they woul... Mere

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18

Chapter 17

51 1 1
Af scarletsiren_tw

Today is the day of my dads funeral. I drag myself out of bed and take a long shower trying to avoid going as long as possible. Although i cant avoid the inevitable. The only way i could is if i didn't go but, I'm obligated to go considering Leon was my father. Emphasis on the 'was'.

I pull the black dress over my head and fix it making sure there are no wrinkles. I slip on my black flats and then head over to the bathroom to put on some makeup. After about 10 minutes of fighting with my eyelashes and unruly morning hair i hear someone knock on the doorway. They're knocking on the door way since i left the door open. I figured i'd turn to see a pissed off Chloe but, instead i see Keegan. I stand up straight and give him a confused look.

"Hey." He says.

"Hey, whats up?" I ask twisting the cap back on my mascara that's all over my fingers from trying to fix my stubborn eyelashes.

"Nothing. I thought i'd just come say hi." He says.

"You never come to just say hi. Whats the matter?'' I ask crossing my arms.

"Its not important. Where are you going dressed all fancy?" He asks smirking.

"My dad's funeral." I say quietly. Well, that wiped the smirk off his face.

"Alice, i d-" I cut him off.

"It's fine."

"So, you're going to meet you family?" He asks.

"I guess so. I'm just afraid they wont like me. They probably wont even know who i am though." I say which is true considering I've never met any my family members before even my grandparents, if i actually have any.

"They're missing out on a lot." Keegan says running his fingers through his hair.

"What do you mean?" I ask urging him to elaborate. Maybe Keegan's having one of his sweet moments. Although those usually get ruined by either Keegan saying something inappropriate or someone interrupting us.

"Your amazing, Alice. I mean fuck them if they don't want anything to do with you. It just means they never get to be around one of the best people anyone could ever meet." Keegan explains tucking a stray piece of hair behind my ear.

I  catch myself involuntarily leaning into his touch, hopefully he doesn't notice. Since i have no luck what so ever, he notices and smirks at me. I wish i was Irish. Then maybe i could've inherited the 'Luck o' the Irish'. He runs his thumb over my cheekbone and steps closer to me. He slowly begins to lean in, his face inching closer to mine  with every passing second.

"Alice! Someones on the phone for you!" I hear Chloe's annoying voice yell from downstairs. See, i told you I'm not lucky. I groan and Keegan lets his hand drop making my cheek cold from losing his warm touch.

''I'll be right back." I say.

"I'll come down with you. I have somewhere to go anyway."He says following me out of the bathroom. We walk downstairs then into the living room where Chloe is waiting as impatient and pissed off as always. She holds out the phone for me indicating for me to take it tapping her foot like she has some many more productive things she could be doing with her time.

"Hello?" I say bringing the phone up to my ear.

"Hi, is this Alice King?'' An unfamiliar voice asks.


"It's Harriet Morris from the funeral home. I was informed that your going to be a last minute edition to the list of relatives?" She says waiting for my conformation.

"Oh, i didn't know i was last minute." I reply.

"Okay. We would just like to know how you know or are related to Leon. Since we only allow last minute additions to the people attending the ceremony here at the funeral home if you are of close relation. If you aren't of close relation with Leon I'm afraid we cannot have you come to the ceremony because we have capacity limit in the room used for the ceremony." She explains

"I'm his daughter." I say.

"Oh! I'm very sorry Miss King i didn't know. It was very rude of me to even ask you that." She apologizes.

"No, it's alright." I reassure her.

"Once again I'm very sorry. Goodbye. Hope to be seeing you soon at the ceremony." She says apologizing yet again.

"Yup, bye." I say and hang up the phone.

"Who was it?" Keegan asks making me jump. I thought he'd left.

"It's was um, someone from the funereal home who wanted to know how i was related to Leon." I explain to him.

"I'm guessing Leon is your dad?" Keegan asks. He is so dense sometimes.

"No, he's my dog. That's why i told the lady I'm his daughter." I say sarcastically.

"Jeez, sorry i asked." He says putting his hands up in defense.

"Sorry, i guess I'm just nervous about meeting my family." I say.

"I get it. Well i got to go, Al. Are you sure you don't want me to come with you?" He asks as he heads for the front door.

"No i think i'll be alright." I say.

"Okay bye." He flashes me one of his signature smiles that could make any girl go weak in the knees. Especially me since I'm head over heels for him.

"Bye." I giggle stupidly as he walks out closing the door behind him.

"Stupid, stupid, stupid." I repeat over and over softly to myself. I probably look really crazy walking upstairs talking to myself...


"Thanks for the ride." I say before slamming the door to Mia's car.

"No problem. Call me if you need a ride home i wont be busy." She says.

I nod my head and slam the door walking up the drive way of the funeral home. I look behind me to see Mia drive off. Now I'm left all by myself in a sea of unknown faces. Who are most likely thinking 'who the hell is this girl? Is she lost?'. I push those negative thought out of my head and continue towards the front door.

I walk inside to see a lot of people hugging and asking each other how they've been and how much they've changed. The weird thing is that no one's crying .I mean not that, that's a bad thing but isn't that what is supposed to happen at funerals or wakes or whatever this is.

I venture farther into the house and find myself in the main room where everyone is crowed tightly together trying to talk to each other. I nudge my way through just so i can get a drink at the refreshments table. Once i finally get over there i see that nothing has been set out yet. Once again, i am unlucky.

"Are you looking for the food, too?" Asks a woman beside me. I turn to look at her and i notice that she looks familiar and also looks to be around her late thirties early fourties at the most. Also thats she extremely beautiful. God, why cant i be beautiful like that.

"Yeah." I laugh softly giving her a small smile.

"I mean, if they're going to have the funeral at noon time the might as well set out lunch." She laughs. Once again everyone seems so happy today even though they are attending a funeral for someone who got shot.

"Your right." I say agreeing with her. Suddenly a little girl bursts out crying loudly causing everyone to stop talking so it grows quiet.

''Looks like shes hungry, too." The woman whispers to me. I stifle a laugh as a man comes into the room and picks up the little girl bringing her somewhere else which i guess is the cue for everyone to start talking again.

''I'm Charity McNalley." The woman says sticking out her hand.

"I'm Alice King." I reply shaking her hand. I watch as the color drains out of Charity's face. She looks like shes seen a ghost.

"How do you know Leon?" She asks uneasily retracting her hand.

"Oh, um he's my father." I explain. "How do you know him?"

"We were just...old friends. I'm going to go see if they have the food ready .My stomach is going to devour itself if i don't get something to eat." She smiles. She walks off into the crowd and becomes invisible behind all the unfamiliar faces.

"I know! But, i don't know what she looks like Beatrice!" I hear someones nasally irritated voice complain. I follow the sound of the voices to see that its a a blond woman talking to an elderly woman.

"Diana, we have to find her!" Who I'm guessing is Beatrice says. Diana, isn't that the persons house where everyone is going afterwards?

"Fine." Diana huffs and gets on the small stage where there's a casket set up. Is that casket occupied by any chance...I feel my stomach become full of swarming butterflies wanting me to spill my guts out because of the thought that my father is in there.

"Hello everyone." She greets flashing a fake smile. "I am looking for a young lady named Alice King. Has anyone seen her?"

"Is she talking about you?" I jump when someone says that to me. I look over to see a suspicious looking Charity holding a platter of food.

"Probably. Unless there are any other Alice King's here." I say.

"If anyone knows where she is could you please have her come find me? I would really appreciate it. Thank you. And the ceremony will begin shortly." Diana flashes one last fake smile and gets off the stage walking back towards Beatrice.

"Maybe you should go talk to her." Charity suggests, "I could come with you if you'd like. I've never been one for talking to strangers." She offers.

"But, i was a stranger and you talked to me." I say looking over at her as she places the platter of food down and pops one of the h'orderves in her mouth.

"That's different." She says swallowing. I could've sworn i heard her mumble 'your not a stranger' under her breathe but, i cant be to sure. It might've just been someone else talking.

"Alright. Would you mind coming with me?" I ask taking her up on her offer.

"Not at all. Lets go." She smiles. I start walking towards Beatrice and Diana with Charity a few steps behind me because she decided to grab another h'orderve.

"Um, hi." I say to the two woman as i finally get to them.

"Can i help you?" Diana asks rudely placing a hand on her hip.

"This is Alice King." Charity introduces me gently laying an arm around my shoulders hugging me to her side.

"Oh! I'm so sorry, Alice dear." She apologizes.

"No, it's fine." I say brushing off her snobbish behavior.

"Darling its so nice to see you." Beatrice says hugging me as she pushes Charity's arm off my shoulder rather roughly.

"Good to see you too?" Its comes out like more of a question than a statement. She pulls away from the hug and holds me out at an arms length.

"Silly me. I never introduced myself. I'm Beatrice King, your grandmother." She smiles. I have a grandmother. After all these years of hell, my whole life i've had to deal with Sylvia and Chloe when i had a grandmother who could've saved me from them. It obviously isn't good to see her considering i've never seen her in my life. When she had 17 years to come see me and never chose to. I couldn't go see her because i had no clue she existed

"And I'm Diana King." Diana says pushing Beatrice out of the way and extending her hand

"Nice to meet you both." I lie. I wish i hadn't met them. I wish i stayed over by the food with Charity.

"You can come take a seat up front with your family during the ceremony. Come along." Diana says going to take my hand. I move my hand before she grasps it and hook my arm with Charity's.

"I'm sorry but, i've already got a place to sit. Unless Charity could join us in the front." I say. Beatrice shoots Charity a glare as if she knows her.

"I'm afraid there isn't enough room for the both of you. You'll just have to sit in the back." Beatrice says coldly and walks off.

"Well, i'll see you afterwards.'' Diana says and rushes after Beatrice.

"Alice, you didn't have to do that." Charity says patting my hand that's resting on her arm.

 "Yeah i did. Your the friendliest person here so far. Plus i didn't really want to sit with people i didn't know if I'm related to them or not." I reply. Then i realize i don't know Charity that well either.

"Thanks, honey." She smiles.

I lead us over to chairs in the back and sit down with Charity on my right. It seems weird that suddenly i don't want to leave this woman i just met about fifteen minutes ago.B ut, for some reason i feel like i should stay close to her.

After an hour and a half of trying to hold in my tears during the ceremony then the burial at the Elmwood cemetery it's time to go to Diana's house. I walk up to the front door with Charity and knock waiting for someone to open up. A boy that looks about 15 with blond hair opens the door. He looks me up and down then his eyes finally meet my face. Awkward...

"Hi, I'm Alice." I say smiling.

"I'm Lucas. Come in." He says and steps out of the way for Charity and i to step into the big house. We walk inside and the smell of food hits me causing my stomach to growl embarrassingly loudly.

"Someones hungry." Lucas says smiling at me. I feel the blood rushing to my cheeks his comment causing me to blush.

"Yeah." I reply.

"There's food in there." He says pointing towards a room where i can hear every one talking loudly and laughing with each other. Again, why are they so happy at a funeral?

"Thanks." I say and walk in that direction Charity close behind me.

"So who is this Diana lady exactly?" I ask her as we begin to get closer to the room.

"I'm not sure." She says. Well, i guess she knows as much as i do then. We walk into the room and i see that it's the dining room. The huge table covered in plate after plate of food.

"Alice! Alice, is that you?" I hear someone yell. I turn around to see Diana pushing everyone out of her way coming closer to me.

"Oh god." I hear Charity mumble under her breath.

"Alice, I'm glad i found you. I was hoping to talk to you." Diana says.

"Um alright." I reply not really knowing what to say to her since i have absolutely no clue who she is or how I'm related to her.

"Why don't we go somewhere else. A little less loud." Diana smiles putting her hand on my back pushing me forward, "I'll bring her right back." Diana flashes Charity a fake smile who gives her one in return. Diana pulls me out into a different room which I'm guessing is the den or something.

"What did you need to talk to me about?" I ask softly.

"Do you know who i am?" Diana asks.

"Not really." I admit.

"I'm your step-mother." She clarifies. Seriously? How many fucking step-mothers do i have?! I already have Sylvia i don't need this woman as a step-mother too.


"I thought i should let you know." Diana explains.

"Well, thanks for telling me." I say giving her a small smile. I walk out of the room leaving her in the den by herself. I make my way back to the dining room to go find Charity.

I try to squeeze through the people and i spot Charity who looks like shes having quite the heated discussion with Beatrice. They both looks ready to tare each others hair out. I walk closer to try to hear what they're saying to one another.

"You have to stay away from her. That disgusting woman Sylvia didn't even like you.'' Beatrice spits at Charity.

"I deserve to be part of that girls life!" Charity protests.

"She doesn't need you. She's perfectly fine where she is." Beatrice says.

"Living with Sylvia? You just said yourself a second ago that, that woman is disgusting." Charity exclaims throwing her hands in the air. Are they talking about me? I walk closer maybe they'll see me and then have to explain themselves.

"Alice, isn't yours anymore. She never was." Beatrice says crossing her arms. So they are talking about me.

"But, I'm her mother. Her real mother. I deserve to be part of her life. She should have me in her life.'' Charity says.

Okay, I'm officially confused. Did Charity just say that she's my mother? But, my mothers dead.

"You cant be my mother. My mother died." I say stepping closer so they can finally notice me.

"Oh, Alice sweetheart you weren't supposed to hear that." Beatrice says going to wrap me in a hug. I step away from her and turn my attention back to Charity. I hear Beatrice huff and her heels clicking against the floor as she walks away in the other direction.

"That isn't true. It was to keep me safe from Sylvia. That woman is crazy who knows what she capable of. Your father thought it was in our best interest to tell her i died so she wouldn't come looking for me. He was going to take you that night and bring you to me. But, when Sylvia threatened to call the police he didn't know what to do. They were looking for him because he was going to be charged with armed robbery. We were going to start over." Charity explains. It's somewhat ironic that he was being charged with armed robbery at that time considering he go killed trying to rob a bank.

"Why didn't you come for me? Neither of you ever thought about me again obviously because i've been stuck with that woman for seven years!" I say beginning to get pissed off.

"We did! I wanted to come get you! Your father said it was too dangerous. He was afraid Sylvia would call the police." Charity says.I have nothing left to say to her.

I  push my way through the crowd and outside of Diana's house. I run down the sidewalk after slipping off my heels. I don't want to fall on my face and wreck it more because now that I'm crying I'm sure my makeup is a mess. Once i decide that I'm far enough away i pull out my cell phone and dial the first number i can think of.


''Can you come get me? I'm in Redkin on Chester Drive." I say.

"Sure i'll be right there."

"Thanks." I say and hang up before they can say goodbye. I spent my whole day with Charity and come to find out she's myreal mother. Who, for the last seven years, i was told was dead. What else have people lied to me about?


Dun Dun Dun! I hope you liked it and i tried to make this one longer!

Alice's dress on the side ------------------------------------------------->

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