Loathed Treasure

De FreshRawRot

421K 16.3K 12.6K

Why does Jennette get all the love while Athanasia is overshadowed by her? Claude ignores his own daughter on... Mais

Chapter 1: Face to Face
Chapter 2: Meeting
Chapter 3: Cold-Blooded
Chapter 4: Adventure
Chapter 5: Thoughts
Chapter 6: Destiny
Chapter 7: Lady Angel
Chapter 8: Worries
Chapter 9: Undead
Chapter 10: Surging
Chapter 11: Whole
Chapter 12: Pampered
Chapter 13: Gift
Chapter 14: Emerging
Chapter 15: Rise
Chapter 16: Stalemated
Chapter 17: Deceived
Chapter 18: Issues
Chapter 19: Encounter
Chapter 20: Debut
Side Story: The Maid and The Knight
Chapter 21: New Start
Chapter 22: Gone
Chapter 23: Lies
Chapter 24: Redemption
Chapter 25: Trickster
Chapter 26: Fame
Chapter 27: Charmed
Chapter 28: Grand
Chapter 29: Obsession
Special Extra: Bidding
Chapter 30: Conflict
Chapter 31: Frick
Chapter 32: Bloom
Chapter 33: Peace
Chapter 34: Farewell
Chapter 35: Familiar
Chapter 36: Relations
Chapter 37: Entrance
Chapter 38: Recognition
Chapter 39: Misery
Chapter 40: Despair
Chapter 41: Change
Chapter 42: Retribution
Chapter 44: Cleave
Chapter 45: Fin
Author's Note
New Fanfic

Chapter 43: Journey

3.1K 136 90
De FreshRawRot

~ Anastasia POV ~


Flying around in the endless wonders with nothing but Athanasia in my arms. Absorbing all the magic that I can find in this strange world, I have become more powerful than ever. However, it's still not enough because I cannot save Athanasia alone. No... I need the World Tree to help her. Only then will she be saved.


Before I even knew it, I walked into the strange light and it flashed right in my eyes.

There I saw it. 

Fluttering and rustling with the leaves making beautiful music and glowing brightly. The colors everywhere but mostly just light radiating magnificently. It was a sight to see that took my breath away.

It's the World Tree.

It's no wonder ordinary humans can't come here. This was a dangerous journey and this tree is more than just a branch with magic. I could feel that it's alive.... More alive than I thought.


The tree notices my presence and roars as the branches move ferociously that expressed anger. It's implying that it doesn't like my intrusion and threatening me to leave. But I cannot. Not when her life is at risk.

Negative energy seeps out as black mist and drifting off to nowhere. I walk closer and it becomes more furious that the branches twitch and shake a lot. The leaves rustled and screamed at me to leave. Then when I got close enough, I placed my hand on its wood and relaxed my mind while connecting with the tree.

The bad energy that I feel inside. It's sad and mad. I can feel it and even hear it. I can read its mind.

"Leave! You're not welcome here" It yelled with hate and contempt.

If it could speak, then would it be lonely?

"... I'm sorry but I cannot leave" I take my hand off and frown sadly with my eyes drooping. "Not yet at least."

I put her body down next to the tree gently while trying to make her comfortable at the same time. The tree was baffled and roared at me louder and more fiercely than before. I could even hear thunder in the back which startled me and I pleaded with it.

"I can see your pain" I put my hand over my heart and look at it with pity while pouting my bottom lips. "I'm sorry that you got beaten wrongfully and that you lost your branch as a result. But I have no intention of harming you at all"

"Haha! You dare mock me, human? You think you can win my favor through pity?"

"... No, I don't expect to win your favor at all" I sighed with a gloomy expression but inside I was burning up. This tree is more stubborn and smarter than I thought. Ugh, I can't win against this tree at all but she needs it.

"I come in peace but that does not matter to you," I said and it agreed with me and laughed at me. "However, I only wish for a branch to save my master. In exchange, I will offer myself to you"

"I don't care! Leave! I don't need anything from a human!"

"Sigh" I placed my hand on it and emotionally connected with it again. The tree is still holding a grudge against Lucas for beating it and taking a branch. Like what? It's just a branch and it has plenty too.

I take another deep breath and prepare myself for the better or worst. With the rumbling and mess in the background, I didn't let the surrounding bother me and keep my mind at peace. I opened my mouth while playing a melody inside my head and let my voice out.

(Song: Flower Viewing/Flowers of the Soul by RD-Sounds)

"Far off, somewhere, you can hear something

A mysterious and joyous sound"

I sing my poem in a softer tune and gentle tone. The moment I sang, I could already feel it calming down as I ease it with my singing. Taming the tree made me smile and I continued to sing with passion and pride while the negative energy left.

"Oh great tree, bloom in fantasy

Your time has not yet come"

The tree begins to hum and glow like a flickering lightbulb. Following the tone of the melody as it listens to my voice. My singing had calmed the great tree and I prepared to say the last line.

"As long as you have your short lives

for now, just be with beauty"

Then I sing the high-note at the end and it illuminates with my singing. It gets brighter and brighter the longer I strain my vocal cords and the higher the note. Then when the song finally ends, the light inside dies down and I take my hand off of it.

"... You have calmed down" I smiled. "See? It's not that hard to let go" I let go. "So please just listen to my one request and I'll leave" I backed away and looked at it with sad eyes that begged for its approval. I just lost my pride at this moment but I don't care. This is for her.

"... If it's only one branch, then I will give it to you but no more" The tree gives in and identifies me as a friend. The song has seemed to work on the big tree and gain its favor.


"I don't intend to take it. I just want to save her so please" I begged it while going onto my knees. "Please save her" I bowed with my head down.


I hear the sound of branches screeching out and the wood twitching. I lifted my chin and saw that the tree had reached out with one branch hovering. It was a long branch that extended all the way from above and it managed to reach us as it continues to go down. Then the branch move over to Athanasia's body and-


It stabbed her in the forehead and I was stunned by the scene.

"What?!" I screamed and it released her then retreated the branch. I ran over to her body to see the wound on her forehead but nothing was there. I panicked in confusion and rubbed her forehead, still searching for the wound. But it's just blank as if she didn't get stabbed at all when I literally saw it happened recently. I panted and scanned her body in concern.

"...." When I saw her mana stabilizing and getting greater power. I let out a sigh of relief and pat my heart. "A warning would've been fine. I thought you killed her"

"Fufufufu!" The tree teased me and I pouted my cheeks in frustration. Who would've thought this lonely tree had a sense of humor? A weird one too. "Your turn"

"Hm?" I blinked and gaped at the tree in astonishment. "Me too? Are you sure about that?"

"Why not?" It let out the positive energy of the rainbow expressing its joy. Then the same branch came down and hovered in front of me, over my forehead. I stared at it blankly and closed my eyes.

"Since you offered, I'll accept" I mumbled and the tip of the wood poked my skin immediately. Then it released and I already felt the mana spreading inside my body. It's very overwhelming and more powerful than I thought. It hurts me in a weird way that I can't describe it. But I can take it. I have to.

Then finally, my mana got reorganized and I managed to control it. I wiped the sweats off of my forehead and shot a glare at the tree. "That was horrible"

It laughs and taunts me eagerly, mocking how I'm weak yet so brave.

"Let's see who's laughing when a fireball appeared in my hand"

"Gasp! You wouldn't!"

"... I could but I wouldn't so you're right" I shrugged and grinned at the world tree.

It's more friendly than I thought. I like it here.

*Now* - Weeks Later - ~ 3rd POV ~

After Athanasia had woken up from her sleep and her mana got greater, she's been staying with the World Tree for a couple of days. Practicing her magic and chilling with the strange tree, she had certainly become stronger. When Anastasia told her everything including the death of Claude and how they ran away. Athanasia was shocked by it but what made it worse is the world tree's mana effect.

"You'll also live hundreds of years"

"Huh?" Athanasia gaped at her as she processed the information. "W...what?" She breathed hard as her chest puffed in and out.

"Athanasia, please calm down and relax" Anastasia takes her hands and grins. Athanasia nods and controls her breathing. Then Anastasia begins to hum which makes her feel at ease and nice.

"I'm sorry, master. But it's the only way to save you. Your mana nearly killed you but thanks to the World Tree, you won't die anymore!" Anastasia's expression softens with frown. "Please understand why I did this"

"..." Athanasia lets out a heavy sigh and pulls her into a hug. She pats her back while reassuring her that she understood. "You did it for my sake..." She frowns and gets dejected.

Living hundreds of years means that everyone around her will die as a result. Now that she's at the World Tree with Anastasia. Was there any point in going back?

She killed the emperor of Obelia and left her friends and family. She cared about them but soon she realized something. They'll eventually move on. They have to. Lily is pregnant and the maids are alright on their own. They'll probably move on and focus on raising Lily's baby like it's a reset in life. Where they care for a baby within the same place but this time it will live a much happier life. Yes, it will and that thought was ok. Therefore, Athanasia was fine.

'As long as they completed their lives with no regrets. Then I'm ok' Athanasia accepts her new life.


The World Tree motions the leaves around making a loud yet gentle rustling sound that caught their attention. They faced the tree with different expressions. Anastasia giggles at the cute action while Athanasia puts on a long face while crossing her arms and tilting her head.

"It seems like we're stuck together" She rubbed the back of her head while scanning the area with a long face.

"Yep!~" Anastasia smirked and ran to the tree. She extends her arm out and lays her body while rubbing her cheeks against the wood. Athanasia watches her in disbelief as Anastasia shows her gratitude and love to the tree. "At least we have each other! Isn't that right?" She lifted her chin and looked up at the tree.

The World Tree flashes with rainbow colors and light as the branches dance with joy. Anastasia had found her place.

"... Hmmm, is the tree alright with us living here?" Athanasia rubbed her chin and eye at the tree with a disturbing look.

"Yep!" Anastasia said confidently. "Now I gotta go and search for food" Anastasia excused herself and Athanasia took her hand, preventing her from disappearing.

"Wait! Let me go with you! We can search together" She suggests but Anastasia shakes her head with a frown.

"No, it's best that you stay here with the World Tree. It will protect you and you can also practice your magic. You need to"

"But are you sure you can do it alone?"

She places her hands on her shoulder which caught Athanasia by surprise then begins walking forward while she steps backward. "Of course, I've been doing it ever since I came here. My mana is more powerful than you think so you don't have to worry" Anastasia reassures and makes her sit against the World Tree. "Be sure to keep her safe for me, friend" She winks and finger-gun at the tree and it lights up with positive energy as a response.

"Great. Bye, guys" She flies away and goes out the magical door, vanishing to go on a trip. Athanasia stares at the empty space blankly then swiftly turns around and walks to the tree.

She sits by the World Tree in boredom and fidgets with fingers while playing with magic. After a while, she let out a loud groan while spreading out her arms and legs with a frowny face. All alone at the end of the world with nothing but a tree as a friend. It's insane and even she thinks it too but there's no choice. She has to live here for some time before thinking about going on an adventure around the world. Traveling...

'Maybe this new life might not be so bad' She nods to herself and imagines all the things she can do with Anastasia.

Traveling the whole world is going to be the life that she will live. In her previous life, she couldn't afford to travel or go on a trip and in this one. She was stuck isolated in the Ruby Palace her entire childhood but got freed by her father. Although they didn't travel as much, she was still happy to be out of the cage and was grateful no matter what.

'I've always wanted to go to Arlanta' She keeps a positive mind and smiles to herself. 'Maybe I can check out the academy and disguise myself as a student' She makes plans in her head, staying optimistic about it. 'Yeah, I'll do that'

'That will be my future'

*TIME SKIP* - Days Later -

"Athanasia! Tree!~" Anastasia returns from her trip and skips to them with a gleeful smile.

Athanasia grins at her happy mood as Anastaisa jumps up to her with open arms and gives her a big hug. The tree welcomes her back with a positive aura and Anastasia bares her teeth while chuckling.

"Did something good happen on your trip? Did you find a cake?" Athanasia jokes.

"Well, something similar" Anastasia waves her finger in a circle while pointing up. Then a small basket of chocolate cookies appears in the air and Athanasia gapes at it in surprise. She salivates at the sight and takes a sniff of the sweet aroma as it goes through her nose and into her brain. Anastasia smirks at Athanasia's hungry face and awe at the cute expression. "We didn't get to celebrate your birthday properly so I got some sweets"

"Where?" Athanasia squints her eyes in suspicion but Anastasia remains indifferent at her question. Not worrying about it at all nor breaking a sweat. "I know that magic can't make food so... where?"

"I traveled far to the nearest town and bought some. You'll get the chance to visit once you get the hang of your magic." Anastasia hands her the bag of cookies and pokes her forehead, getting some load of mana from her to replenish hers. "Happy Birthday, Athanasia. You made it past 18 years. Congratulation"

"Oh..." She looks down at the chocolate bits mixed around in the small basket with a white cloth. The cookies reminded her of something as she gets a familiar feeling from it. As if something was missing. Then she blanks out and stares at them intensely in silence.

Anastasia notices her strange behavior and snaps her fingers while calling out to her. Athanasia instantly comes back to her senses and gapes at Anastasia in astonishment. Anastasia sees the distress in her dilating jewel orbs and confusion. Her reddish-pink eyes dull with a bitter frown while getting a bad gut feeling. She dislikes it.

"You looked pale. Are you ok?"

She paused and blinked her eyes once to realize what was going on. She jerks her head to the side and turns around coldly while walking back to the tree. "I'm fine. Thank you for the cookies, Anastasia"

"Of course! Anything for my master!" Anastasia catches up with her and looks up at the tree. "Hey! Can we sit up there please?" She asked the tree and it glimmers.

A long and big branch reaches down to them and extends in front of them, gesturing them to sit on it. They both sit on top of it and let their legs hang out as the branch brings them up to the top slowly. Athanasia got scared by the height as they continued to go up. She gets chills all over her body and shivers while grabbing onto the wood and basket with the other hand. She shut her eyes tight with her heart beating rapidly and sweat formed around her body while they still elevated from the ground. Anastasia sees her getting anxious and huddles next to her while wrapping one arm around her shoulder. She comforts her and pats her softly while humming a song to her. Soon enough it works and Athanasia stops panicking and calms down as her body relaxes.

"Athanasia, open your eyes. The view is magnificent" Anastasia whispered softly into her ears and Athanasia listened.

She opened one eye and peeked around then opened the other. She raised her eyebrows and her eyes widened while looking around inside the treetop. Many leaves and branches of faded rainbow color. It moves around like it has a mind of its own while glowing bright with color. It took her breath away although it just looked like a funny forest with no ground.

"... Amazing" Athanasia comments and smiles in appreciation at the view. "This place is more beautiful than I thought."

"Well, this is the World Tree we're talking about" Anastasia giggles and Athanasia ruffles her hair.

"Yeah, I guess" She sighs and toss one cookie bit into her mouth. The taste was good but not as good as she remembered. It's probably because it's not the same that she usually eats at the palace or in town. Nevertheless, she still enjoyed it and became content with it. "I'll get used to this life very soon"

"... Don't forget." Anastasia lay her head against Athanasia's shoulder who was snacking on the sweets. "You have me" She reassures.

"By the way, you're unusually very bright and happy today," Athanasia mentions. "Did something good happen?"

"..." Anastasia's eyes dim as she stares out into space, keeping a straight face as she recalls her trip. "Something like that," She said in a cheery tone and then closed her eyes. "I'm going to nap now"

"Ok, go to sleep. I'll be here with you" Athanasia leaned her head against hers gently which made Anastasia happy. "And also the World Tree too" They both chuckled softly and the tree flashes in response.

'...What is this feeling?' Anastasia thinks to herself while getting a weird sensation around her body and goosebumps on her neck.


"Ahhhh. After working my ass off and going to that damn twig, I have more work to do" Lucas flies away in the endless world of magic while grumbling.

After months of disappearance, so much chaos had happened that even his brain couldn't keep up with the mess. All he knew was that the parents are dead and Athanasia is the only sole survivor of the royal family other than Jennette.
Jennette managed to clean up the mess but now the empire is in a bigger crisis. There's no proper ruler to take over the country and the heir is missing. Therefore, Lucas has to rescue her which is complicated because he doesn't know where she is.

Anastasia managed to cover her traces while traveling, making sure there are no tracks at all. A genius artificial person that only had one mission. It wasn't hard for her at all but the challenging part is Athanasia's mana that flows. Coming out of her body, Anastasia is forced to absorb the ones that leak out of her body while trying to contain it. She was to hide.

But there's one thing that she missed.



His eyes flicker at the strange thing that caught his attention in the distance. Very far and so small, no ordinary human being can catch it. The thinnest thing in the world floating around and getting away. He acts fast and grabs it swiftly with his bare hand. He inspects the tiny line in his palm while feeling it on his skin. The energy was very faint but still alive in it. The lightest thing ever still laying on his hand as he stares at it. He narrows his eye and holds it up, over his face. A wicked smirk spread across his face as he chuckles grimaced.

"You're not far" He makes the hair disappear with one snap and absorbs the tiny amount of energy that was useless. "... I will find you" He increases his pace and goes through the path confidently.

Athanasia took a tour around the mysterious place alone behind Anastasia's back.


Anastasia wakes up inside the tree and gets up quickly. She flies around the tree while stretching her body and moving her head side to side, searching for someone. Then she realized that she was alone with the World Tree and was unable to sense her presence within the area.

"Huh? Athanasia?" She gets upset and frowns as she goes around the place, searching for her. Up, down, in and out. She was nowhere to be found and Anastasia knits her eyebrows in frustration. She goes in front of the tree and places her hand on it to communicate.

Soon enough she gets the message and Anastasia let out a sigh of relief while patting her heart. As it turned out, Athanasia went on a trip to find breakfast to surprise Anastasia which made her feel a little embarrassed and joyful at the same time. Anastasia sighs and rubs her neck just thinking about it.

"But does she remember the path? What if she gets lost?" Anastasia squirms around and mutters to herself while the tree just chills in one spot. "Should I go? No, it'll ruin her plan. But what if-"


A loud bang startles Anastasia and she jumps up while turning her body to the loud sound. The crackle sparks everywhere and spreads around, making a big thunder noise. The flying figure with her dress and cloak flowing with the wind swirling around and her hair breezing. Electricity crackling around her body as she lands down on her feet without any trouble. Anastasia gaped at the angel with light illuminating her figure and making her stand out. She was stunning and her jaw dropped.

Athanasia pulls her hood back and tilts her head to the side. Bewildered by Anastasia's shocked face and walks closer. "Anything wrong?"

"Uhm. No" She shakes her head and closes her mouth. "I was just worried that you got lost or something" She avoided her gaze and a light blush stained her cheeks.

Athanasia grins at the cute face and pokes her forehead. "Silly girl." She pinches her cheek and giggles. "I've been there a couple of times so don't worry" She reassures and Anastasia nods while rubbing her cheeks.

Athanasia was the weakest one out of the three since she only absorbed Raven and the World Tree. However, that's nothing compared to what Anastasia had in her stash. She had Anastascius's, Claude's, and unknown mana all together inside her body. She was more powerful than Athanasia but still, she liked to keep her position as her servant.

Every time Anastasia leaves, she constantly reminds the tree to protect Athanasia and kick out any trespassers even though nobody comes. Athanasia didn't mind at all and actually liked staying with the tree even though there's barely anything to do. Though it was a place that accepted her since the tree became fond of them, especially Anastasia.

"I guess...." She pouts her cheeks and Athanasia holds her hand.

"Come on. I got something special for breakfast!~" She smirked. "Even though we don't need food since the World Tree is with us"

"Well, I want to see what you got!" Anastasia laughs.

Athanasia stares at her happy expression with a kind and soft smile. Her eyes were sparkling and glittering at the eager person. She felt warm inside but it didn't fill her heart. However, it was enough for her even though it seemed empty. Both of their smiles were empty because something was missing.


"Hmmm. How do you gain knowledge if you're just a tree that's stuck in one spot?" Athanasia slouches on the tall branch while looking up.

Anastasia has gone on another trip to explore the map so they can get prepared for a journey around the world. Athanasia wastes time by laying on the top branch that was high up with the leaves. Chilling and swinging her legs in boredom while the tree is cool with it.

"Hey, can you do a neat magic trick with your sticks?" She asked out of curiosity and put her hand under her head.


The branches hover over her and she smiles in appeasement as she gets ready to see the surprise. It twists around and multiple sticks tie together above her head. She watched in amazement as it forms something with its mana and the dazzling lights were stunning to her. Although it's just plain, Athanasia still appreciated its effort and continued watching it in glee. It made the tree happy to know that Athanasia was very supportive and so naturally. The tree would want to protect willingly and not by force.

"What is that? A crown?" Athanasia looks at the strange shaped-figure. "You know I made crowns back when- Ah!" She gets reminded of her past and stops talking.

The tree gets bewildered by her expression as it darkens in horror. Athanasia begins to dwell on her past and the memories overwhelm her. Especially the first memory.

The memory of the first day she met him.

"..." Her mood goes down as she replays that memory in her head.

Her first gift from him and the first impression.

She was just a little girl that wandered around the place where she shouldn't be. There she saw him and talked with him before she even knew it. She became a real princess overnight with just one magical crown on her head.

"... The crown" She mumbles with one hand over her mouth. "...the flower crowns" Her eyes droop as she reminisces the night again.

A branch pats her shoulder and she looks over. The tree feels concerned for her and droops as it dims. Athanasia puts on a hard smile, reassuring that she was fine and the tree lights back on like a bulb. She snickers at its cute reaction while playing with the branch and her magic.

"Sorry, I just remembered something I shouldn't have" She rubs her neck and looks at the leaves. "Ah! Have I ever told you I'm a master at flower crown making?" She brags but the tree shows no reaction whatsoever.

It motions its sticks, giving the 'eh' response and Athanasia pouts her cheeks in frustration. She smacks the surface of the wood but the tree laughs at her while fluttering the leaves in amusement at her behavior.

"Hmph!" She crossed her arms and glared at it.


The tree vibrates furiously all of a sudden and staggers Athanasia. Athanasia feels the vibration on her back and stands up instantly with a blue face. The tree is shaking with bad energy flowing out of it and the branches are moving abnormally expressing its emotion. She senses the distress in the tree and looks at it in bafflement. The tree flashes light from within on and off like a fire alarm. Athanasia rushed to the center and placed her hands on the surface, trying to calm it. But nothing works as the shake shivers more and the leaves make weird distress whistling sound as wind breezes through. She hugs the tree while trying to stay calm and comforting the tree to the best of her ability.

"It's ok," She said. "It's ok. I'm here" She frowned and took a step back. "Please stop shaking" She pleaded.

Then the tree stops quivering. It stood still with the leaves just sticking out, not making a single sound. Athanasia knits her eyebrows and looks around, observing the strange behavior.



A loud bang suddenly erupts and Athanasia turns her head to the sound. There was a figure that she couldn't see even when squinting her eyes. The view was covered by a bunch of leaves and twigs and she was also at the top. But she assumed it was Anastasia returning from her trip.

"Ah! It's Anastasia!" Athanasia turns her head back at the tree. "I should go to her," She tells the tree and then gets off.

She safely lands on the ground right next to the tree and dust herself. 'Strange, she's unusually early today'


"Huh?" She turns her back at the tree and notices that it had negative energy flowing out of it. The goosebumps on her neck cannot deny the familiar chills she was getting throughout her whole body. However, she was dazed by the strange black mist coming out as the tree got a dangerous aura. It was unsettling. Then she turned her back once again to face forward to the entrance of the world. The figure in front of her was blurry from a distance and she was still dizzy from going down fast from the top. That was her mistake.

She squinted her eyes and a soft smile spread across her face, seeing a cloaked figure getting closer to her. She thought it was Anastasia returning. But that's what she thought at first. Until finally the image set as her eyes adjusted to it. A shock went through her.

She stood still in shock as her body froze with her feet planted to the ground. She broke into a cold sweat and her heart increased as it pounds loudly in her chest. Her sweet smile goes to a bitter frown as her expression darkens and goes blue. She trembles nervously and yet she felt happy at the same time. The mixed emotions inside her heart just by one sight of the person overwhelms her the more she gapes at him.

"Lucas?" She murmurs softly. She had the urge to run to him and cry in his arms but she couldn't because she was too shocked.

"... I'm back" He smirked at her in relief. He finally got to see her face again after a long time.

The sound of the leaves rustling made her snap back to reality and she was able to move again. But she was also able to re-think her emotion and immediately she changed her expression which caught him off guard. She takes a step back and stands close to the tree.

"Why are you here?" She avoids his gaze and turns her head to the side.

He flinched at her question, feeling an ache in his heart. The cold tone of her voice impacted him. "To take you back" He looks at the tree with a nasty frown.

"Back? Out of all time, why now?" She takes another step back with her hand sticking out. Then when she felt the wood pressed against her palm, she leaned her body to it while facing him with a straight face. "So much has changed when you went away" She shakes her head and lets her head down in shame.

"I noticed" He takes one step to her but the tree gestures him not to as the aura gets worse and the sticks quiver. Lucas scowls at the twig.

"No fighting" Athanasia tells the two and the tree's dark aura lessens as it calms down. Lucas becomes baffled by the World Tree listening to her and gapes at her in astonishment. "Let me handle this"

"Are you two....?" He was speechless at the thought of it. He wanted to laugh and taunt at the World Tree if it wasn't for Athanasia's cold behavior. He didn't care about the tree and only needed her. "That's unexpected" He gets envious.

"Lucas, I don't want to go back. I can't" Her eyes droop and he twitches at her statement. Her heart tightens and pricks seeing the hurtful look in his eyes. She didn't want to hurt him anymore. "Now go home" She jerks her head to the side, hiding her bitter feeling through mean words. "I don't want to see you" She pressed her lips together hard. Trying to suppress the pain she was feeling.

"Are you really going to do this to me?" He grits his teeth and takes another step to her.

"Yes," she said and broke both of their hearts. She holds back her tears as much as she can, trying to keep a straight face without shedding. "It's over, Lucas."

"You say that but it's not" He shakes his head and walks up closer to her. The tree gets more hostile and quivers its branches but he didn't care and just went to her.

"What are you talking about?"

"I won't let you" He bluntly tells her and her heart thumps at his statement.

'Ridiculous' She thought to herself. 'Don't hope for it. Please' She tells her heart to stop.

"Why? You're not the boss of me" She clenches her fist while facing away still then her throat gets lumpy but she tries to speak normally as much as she can. "Now get out. You already got your mana"

"But there's one thing that I'm missing"


He takes her wrist and pulls her close to his body. She was surprised and faced him with tears in her eyes. Lucas scoffs and shoves her face into his chest for her to cry on. He wrapped his arms around her body and hugged her tight with no intention of releasing her at all.

"You. You're still mine and I'm not going to leave you" He states directly and sincerely. "Head to toe. You were mine from the beginning and you still are and forever will be. I'm not letting you go either"

Athanasia shakes in frustration at his cheesy line. She wanted to beat him and yelled at him with all her might for saying something cliche. But she couldn't help it because she believed it. The feeling that she long lost in her heart returns even greater. The longer she stayed in his embrace, the harder it got to resist. She loved him too much and her heart finally gave in.

"... You idiot" She hugged him back and cried in his arms. "Don't say that to me!" She sucks in her tears and just rests her head on him. "Why would you say that?"

"Because it's true" He grins gently and embraces her with warmth, feeling full and whole by the hug.

"I missed you" She cried. "I missed you so much!" She muffled through his clothes and he smiled softly at her. "I missed you the entire time" She confessed.

"I missed you too" They both pulled away from the hug and stared at each other in the eyes.

The young couple has returned to each other after a-


They get an alert sent to their brain and immediately separate from each other. Then a line of lightning strikes in between them from the side and they gape at it in disbelief. Athanasia's body hits the trunk of the tree and a swarm of branches from the side surrounds her. She was puzzled by the sudden action as it creates a barrier and cage around her. She was unable to fight back as she stayed locked up in the pod cage that slowly elevated to the top.

"What the?!" She looked around, searching for a window or a hole, but there was nothing. Just a bunch of vines and sticks bundle up together that took up to the top to keep her safe. She knew what was about to happen and there's nothing she can do.

"... Don't hurt him please" She begged and went down on all fours.  "But I also don't want you to be hurt too" She held her head in despair, torn apart by the two sides she had to take. She could only pray for peace in the end.

Lucas tried to use his magic against the tree but another attack inflicted on him, preventing him from saving Athanasia. When the lightning strike came in contact with his barrier. It explodes into smoke and covers him.

"Aish. Just when we were about to leave" She grumbles and flies down in front of the tree.

The black mist disappears and Lucas narrows his eyes at the mysterious person. When he finally had a clear image of her, he staggered and just stared at her in shock. She smirks smugly at him with contempt and touches her chin.

"Oh my. It seems like you're back again" Anastasia speaks in a cheery yet cold voice. "What business do you have here? If I recall correctly, last time you beat up my friend and stole a branch without permission" She taunts and the tree joins her. "Now that's just wrong don't you think? Therefore, you're not welcome here"

"Ugh, an imposter and a twig. What a pair" A smile spread across Lucas's face and he holds up his hand. "Even so, I'm still more powerful"

Anastasia paused for a few seconds, thinking about his response and letting it go through her mind. The smirk on her face gets hard as it darkens villainously. Her eyes dimmed and went empty along with her heart as she held up her hand. Bold and sly, Anastasia lifts her chin up and looks down on him with contempt.

"I doubt that" She bared her teeth.

"We'll see"

Then a ray of powerful magic shot out of their palm and they aimed it at each other. When the two beams came in contact with each other.


It explodes in the middle and stops. Lucas twitched at the incident with a frown while Anastasia kept her happy expression.


World Tree's Stats:

HP: !@#&!@#!)

Attack: !$!*&@)

Evasion: )%*&)&(!@!#

Magic: !)$@!(*!%^*

Special: Izza magic tree.

Anastasia's Stats:



Evasion: ERROR

Magic: ERROR

Special: SECRET


Weakness: Athanasia.


End of Chapter 42

AN: The end is almost here. And I still haven't made enough love scenes.

Here's a hint for the possible special chapter: *Insert that one face* *COUGH COUGH*

|Word Count: 6452|

Continue lendo

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