Life Saver

By Twizzle_n

1.5M 50.1K 73.5K

Tony thought he was texting Steve, but Steve, still not really understanding phones, gave him the wrong numbe... More

Chapter 1 - I don't want to be Alone
Chapter 2 - I don't know?!
Chapter 3 - Stark Industries
Chapter 4 - Vincent van Gogh
Chapter 5 - Injuried
Chapter 6 - An Accidental Meeting
Chapter 7 - Ned Is Gonna Flip When He Hears This
Chapter 8 - The Chase
Chapter 9 - Late Night Talk
Chapter 10 - The Call
Chapter 11 - An Intentional Meeting
Chapter 12 - Making sure you're okay
Chapter 13 -Peter Parker's Not So Great Life
Chapter 14 -Bullies And Crime Fighting
Chapter 15 - How's That Spider Bite Treating Ya?
Chapter 16 - Getting Picked Up
Chapter 17 - Tower Tour
Chapter 18 - Avengers Tower
Chapter 19 - Part of a Truth
Chapter 20 - Panic
Chapter 21 - The Arrival
Chapter 22 - The Conference
Chapter 23 - What the Hell is going on
Chapter 24 - Nightmares and Confessions
Chapter 25 - Who are you?
Chapter 26 - A Calm Day
Chapter 27 - Guests all around
Chapter 28 - Goodbyes
Chapter 29 - Everything's Okay
Chapter 30 - Acceptance
Chapter 31 - Relations
Chapter 33 - The Perfect Dream
Thank You!

Chapter 32 - Strange Things Are Happening

15.8K 705 885
By Twizzle_n

Peter's P.O.V

"Kid, you have to wake up!"


"Shit... He's not waking up. What are we going to do?"

"I think I can try and wake him up. But it'll take some time."

"We don't have the time!"

"He is needed. It'll take..."

Their voices started to fade away and I have an out-of-body feeling. Like I wasn't real and that something was wrong.

I didn't recognize the voices, yet I had faces for them. It was weird and I didn't want to dwell on it for too long.

Somehow, I knew I was dreaming. Kind of like a lucid dream. But everything just felt... too real.

Suddenly, there's a bright and everything gets warmer.



I quickly open my eyes, sitting up with a hasty movement. I think it's become a sort of defence mechanism for me to scan my surroundings everytime I wake up. I don't know why, but... I just have to make sure that I wake up here.

I let out a heavy breath and look at the alarm clock next to my bed. 7:30AM. Saturday.

"Why do I never sleep longer on the weekends..." I whine quietly for myself as I stand up and head into the bathroom, taking a quick shower.

Put on a pair of sweatpants, a t-shirt and a hoodie over it, feeling too lazy to wear anything more nice. As my hair starts to dry, it becomes more curly, sticking out from my head in every direction. I try to flatten my wild curls, but I just end up making it worse.

With a sigh, I leave my room and head towards the kitchen to get breakfast. But for some reason I feel a little down. I know I dreamed something weird but I just... I can't seem to remember what. I try to forget about it but it keeps nagging me.

Thankfully, my thoughts are disrupted when I enter the living room and see some of my... my family already awake. Earlier this week we finalized the adoption process and I am now offcially part of the family. I swear, I couldn't stop smiling for days after.

"Good Morning Peter." I hear someone say behind me and I jump, quickly turning around. Stephen smiles back at me and I let out a heavy breath.

Wake up

"Oh, Morning." I smile back. I walk over to the kitchen and take out a bowl, milk and cereal.

After a few minutes, Bucky, Steve and Sam enter the kitchen, all drenched in sweat. My nose is immediately hit with the ghastly stench.

"Have you guys ever heard about showering? Y'all smell nasty." I say, covering my nose and waving the smell away with my other hand.

"Well, these two corpses surely smell worse than me, don't they?" Sam says with a smirk.

"Actually Sam... you have the strongest scent..." I mumble, but he heard it as plain as day.

"Who are you calling a corpse now, huh?" Bucky taunts and Sam glares at him.

"You both are still corpses." Sam retaliates.

"Guys... come on..." Steve groans.

"At least I'm actually a super human and doesn't need fake wings to be a able to fight..." Bucky huffs and Sam's glare intensifies.

"Not this again..." Steve sighs.

"Excuse you. I'm a trained soldier thank you very much and I'm not the one with wolf in their name." Sam says. "I mean, having wolf in ones name is soooo overused, it almost feels like you're trying to be part of a Twilight movie." Bucky gasps loudly.

"Don't you Dare disrepect Jacob like that." Bucky hisses.

"I didn't even mention Jacob???" Sam frowns.

"Guys..." Steve starts but suddenly, Pietro is next to him, covering his mouth. Pietro has a wide toothy smile as he sees Sam and Bucky's argument getting worse.

"Oh I always love these arguments. Free drama and a real reality show." He comments and Steve furrows his eyebrows, removing Pietro's hand from over his mouth.

"I'm done..." Steve mutters and he just leaves the room, leaving the soldier man, who's superhero name comes from a bird and the 100 year old, with wolf in his name, to continue argue.

I quickly finish my breakfast and hurry out of the kitchen and towards the elevator. The last thing I heard was Pietro yelling in excitment, a loud thump and then Sam yelling,

"Don't you dare throw another chair at m-" The elevator doors closed before Sam could finish his sentence.

I have a feeling that if I'd still be there, one of them would pick me up and throw me at the other. I tell Friday to take me to the workshop and a few seconds later, I step out.

I immediately notice how quiet the workshop is. No music is blaring from the speakers and no sound of working is heard. I step further in and see it's completely deserted.

Basically, those are the signs that Tony Stark actually left the workshop and slept in his own bed.

Feeling restless, I walk over to my desk and pick up something I can work with, not really caring of what I'm making. A few minutes go by when I suddenly get a strange feeling.

Wake up

I look around the room, but everything just seems to turn dark. Red splotches appear in my field of vision and I quickly stand up, immediately regretting that decision for a wave of nausea washes over me.

I bring my hand up to my face but I quickly realize it's all dirty and even some blood covering them. I look down on my body and see that I'm in my suit. But it's not my original suit. This one is more... advance looking.

I drag my eyes away from my body and look at my surroundings. I can't quite describe it, but if I had to use one word, I'd say Chaos. Everything felt out of place. Everything seemed to be in ruins and it looked uninhabitable. The air feels contaminated in a way and particles are floating around me.

Suddenly, I realize I'm not alone and I see figures made purely out of shadows. They start to inch closer and I can tell that they're speaking but I can't understand what they're saying.

"N-no! Get away!" I yell and the figures stop. Suddenly, all but one disappear into thin air like a snap of a finger. For a moment, it doesn't move, but then it starts again.

I take a few shaky steps back, my eyes growing wide and my heartbeat getting quicker. I suddenly stumble over something and fall  and hit the ground hard. The figure gets closer and closer and I close my eyes, feeling it grip my wrists. I start thrashing and trying to get out of its grasp.

I can hear it speak but it just sounds like nonsense to my ears. The figure is shaking me and I feel tears prick my eyes.

"Nononononono... Please... no..." I sob quietly, my voice scared and vulnerable. Suddenly, I'm pulled into a hug. My whole body is hurting, but I don't know why.

The dark figure disappears and is instead replace with something familiar. He runs his hand through my messy curls as I lean into his warm embrace.

"Shh... It's okay... It's just me... you're okay..." He mumbles and I somehow realize I'm back in the workshop and in my dad's arms.

After a few minutes, I slowly pull away and look up at Tony with glossy eyes. A few curls fall in my face, but he carefully pushes them away, stroking my cheeks with both his hands, ushering away any new tears emerging.

"You okay buddy?" He asks softly and I just look at him for a moment, my mouth opening a few times to speak, but nothing leaves my mouth. In the end, I press my lips together and look away, slowly shaking my head.

We remain on the floor, Tony keeping his arms around me as support and I just lean on his shoulder.

"You wanna tell me what happened?" He asks, squeezing my arm for a second.

"I don't... I don't even know myself... So I don't think I can...- I can't really explain..." I mumble, slowly closing my eyes.

"Alright." he hums. "Alright... yeah alright, Lets get you to bed, okay? Here, can you stand?"

He starts to stand up and I follow his lead. When I get to my feet, I wobble for a second, before regaining my balance. Tony puts my arm over his shoulder and he holds onto my waist, helping me keep my balance as we make it over to the elevator.

When we arrive at the living room, we get some confused looks from the people in the room. But we ignore them and continue towards my room.

When we get there, Tony tucks me into bed and I feel sick.

"Tony...?" My voice is small.


"Something... Something feels wrong..." I say, my words getting sloppier. "Something... I...-"

"Shh... it's okay..." He says sofftly. "What do you mean by 'wrong'?"

"... I don't..." I feel sleep starting to take over me. "...I don't Know..."



How are everyone today?

I'm sorry you guys had to wait for this update! I've been kind of busy this week and had barely any time to write.

So, thank you for being so patient with me!

Things must seem a little confusing, don't they? Well, I've got some good news!

You're all going to hate me real soon...
yeah... real soon... heheheheh *
Insert evil laughing that suddenly turns into me coughing up a storm*


That's All For Now Folks!

G'night, G'day and G'morning!


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